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"""Utilities for dataset (python object) handling."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
from __future__ import annotations

import json
from abc import abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Callable

import xarray as xr

[docs] class DatasetAdapterBase: """ A generic interface for a dataset adapter. .. note:: It might be difficult to grasp the generic purpose of this class. See :class:`~.AdapterH5NetCDF` for a specialized use case. A dataset adapter is intended to "adapt"/"convert" a dataset to a format compatible with some other piece of software such as a function, interface, read/write back end, etc.. The main use case is to define the interface of the :class:`~.AdapterH5NetCDF` that converts the Quantify dataset for loading and writing to/from disk. Subclasses implementing this interface are intended to be a two-way bridge to some other object/interface/backend to which we refer to as the "Target" of the adapter. The function ``.adapt()`` should return a dataset to be consumed by the Target. The function ``.recover()`` should receive a dataset generated by the Target. """
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def adapt(cls, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Converts the ``dataset`` to a format consumed by the Target."""
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def recover(cls, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Inverts the action of the ``.adapt()`` method."""
[docs] class DatasetAdapterIdentity: """ A dataset adapter that does not modify the datasets in any way. Intended to be used just as an object that respects the adapter interface defined by :class:`~.DatasetAdapterBase`. A particular use case is the backwards compatibility for loading and writing older versions of the Quantify dataset. """
[docs] @classmethod def adapt(cls, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """ Returns ------- : Same dataset with no modifications. """ return dataset
[docs] @classmethod def recover(cls, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """ Returns ------- : Same dataset with no modifications. """ return dataset
[docs] class AdapterH5NetCDF(DatasetAdapterBase): """ Quantify dataset adapter for the ``h5netcdf`` engine. It has the functionality of adapting the Quantify dataset to a format compatible with the ``h5netcdf`` xarray backend engine that is used to write and load the dataset to/from disk. .. warning:: The ``h5netcdf`` engine has minor issues when performing a two-way trip of the dataset. The ``type`` of some attributes are not preserved. E.g., list- and tuple-like objects are loaded as numpy arrays of ``dtype=object``. """
[docs] @classmethod def adapt(cls, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """ Serializes to JSON the dataset and variables attributes. To prevent the JSON serialization for specific items, their names should be listed under the attribute named ``json_serialize_exclude`` (for each ``attrs`` dictionary). Parameters ---------- dataset Dataset that needs to be adapted. Returns ------- : Dataset in which the attributes have been replaced with their JSON strings version. """ return cls._transform(dataset, vals_converter=json.dumps)
[docs] @classmethod def recover(cls, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """ Reverts the action of ``.adapt()``. To prevent the JSON de-serialization for specific items, their names should be listed under the attribute named ``json_serialize_exclude`` (for each ``attrs`` dictionary). Parameters ---------- dataset Dataset from which to recover the original format. Returns ------- : Dataset in which the attributes have been replaced with their python objects version. """ return cls._transform(dataset, vals_converter=json.loads)
[docs] @staticmethod def attrs_convert( attrs: dict, inplace: bool = False, vals_converter: Callable[Any, Any] = json.dumps, ) -> dict: """ Converts to/from JSON string the values of the keys which are not listed in the ``json_serialize_exclude`` list. Parameters ---------- attrs The input dictionary. inplace If ``True`` the values are replaced in place, otherwise a deepcopy of ``attrs`` is performed first. """ json_serialize_exclude = attrs.get("json_serialize_exclude", []) attrs = attrs if inplace else deepcopy(attrs) for attr_name, attr_val in attrs.items(): if attr_name not in json_serialize_exclude: attrs[attr_name] = vals_converter(attr_val) return attrs
@classmethod def _transform( cls, dataset: xr.Dataset, vals_converter: Callable[Any, Any] = json.dumps ) -> xr.Dataset: dataset = xr.Dataset( dataset, attrs=cls.attrs_convert( dataset.attrs, inplace=False, vals_converter=vals_converter ), ) for var_name in dataset.variables.keys(): # The new dataset generated above has already a deepcopy of the attributes. _ = cls.attrs_convert( dataset[var_name].attrs, inplace=True, vals_converter=vals_converter ) return dataset