Source code for quantify_core.visualization.mpl_plotting

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Module containing matplotlib and xarray plotting utilities.

Naming convention: plotting functions that require Xarray object(s) as inputs are named
from __future__ import annotations

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.collections import Collection, QuadMesh
from matplotlib.colorbar import Colorbar
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.image import AxesImage
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.text import Text
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

from quantify_core.visualization.SI_utilities import (

    from numpy.typing import NDArray

[docs] def plot_complex_points( points: list | NDArray, colors: list | None = None, labels: list | None = None, markers: list | None = None, legend: bool = True, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Plots complex points with (by default) different colors and markers on the imaginary plane using :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. Intended for a small number of points. .. admonition:: Example from quantify_core.utilities.examples_support import plot_centroids _ = plot_centroids([1 + 1j, -1.5 - 2j]) Parameters ---------- ax A matplotlib axis to plot on. points Array of complex numbers. colors Colors to use for each point. labels Labels to use for each point. Defaults to ``f"|{i}>"`` markers Markers to use for each point. legend Calls :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend` if ``True``. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() if colors is None: colors = [f"C{i%9}" for i in range(len(points))] if labels is None: # expected usage: plot calibration points labels = [f"|{i}>" for i in range(len(points))] if markers is None: markers = Line2D.filled_markers markers = [markers[i % len(Line2D.filled_markers)] for i in range(len(points))] if "linestyle" not in kwargs: kwargs["linestyle"] = "" if "markersize" not in kwargs: kwargs["markersize"] = 10 points = np.asarray(points) for real, imag, label, marker, color in zip( points.real, points.imag, labels, markers, colors ): ax.plot( [real], [imag], label=label, marker=marker, color=color, **kwargs, ) if legend: ax.legend() return ax.get_figure(), ax
[docs] def get_unit_from_attrs(data_array: xr.DataArray, str_format: str = " [{}]") -> str: """Extracts and formats the unit/units from an :class:`xarray.DataArray` attribute. Parameters ---------- data_array Xarray array (coordinate or variable). str_format String that will be formatted if a unit is found. Returns ------- : ``str_format`` string formatted with the ``data_array.unit`` or ``data_array.units``, with that order of precedence. Empty string is returned if none of these arguments are present. """ if data_array.attrs.get("unit"): str_format = str_format.format(data_array.attrs["unit"]) elif data_array.attrs.get("units"): str_format = str_format.format(data_array.attrs["units"]) else: str_format = "" return str_format
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def plot_xr_complex( var: xr.DataArray, marker_scatter: str = "o", label_real: str = "Real", label_imag: str = "Imag", cmap: str = "viridis", c: np.ndarray | None = None, kwargs_line: dict | None = None, kwargs_scatter: dict | None = None, title: str = "{} [{}]; shape = {}", legend: bool = True, ax: object = None, ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Plots the real and imaginary parts of complex data. Points are colored by default according to their order in the array. Parameters ---------- var 1D array of complex data. marker_scatter Marker used for the scatter plot. label_real Label for legend. label_imag Label for legend. cmap The colormap to use for coloring the points. c Color of the points. Defaults to an array of integers. kwargs_line Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. kwargs_scatter Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.scatter`. title Axes title. By default gets formatted with ``var.long_name``, ```` and var.shape``. legend Calls :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend` if ``True``. ax The matplotlib axes. If ``None`` a new axes (and figure) is created. """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() if c is None: c = np.arange(len(var)) if kwargs_line is None: kwargs_line = {} if kwargs_scatter is None: kwargs_scatter = {} if "marker" not in kwargs_line: kwargs_line["marker"] = "" var.real.plot(ax=ax, label=label_real, **kwargs_line) var.imag.plot(ax=ax, label=label_imag, **kwargs_line) for vals in (var.real, var.imag): ax.scatter( next(iter(var.coords.values())).values, vals, marker=marker_scatter, c=c, cmap=cmap, **kwargs_scatter, ) ax.set_title(title.format(var.long_name,, var.shape)) if legend: ax.legend() return ax.get_figure(), ax
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def plot_xr_complex_on_plane( var: xr.DataArray, marker: str = "o", label: str = "Data on imaginary plane", cmap: str = "viridis", c: np.ndarray | None = None, xlabel: str = "Real{}{}{}", ylabel: str = "Imag{}{}{}", legend: bool = True, ax: object = None, **kwargs, ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Plots complex data on the imaginary plane. Points are colored by default according to their order in the array. Parameters ---------- var 1D array of complex data. marker Marker used for the scatter plot. label Data label for the legend. cmap The colormap to use for coloring the points. c Color of the points. Defaults to an array of integers. xlabel Label o x axes. ylabel Label o y axes. legend Calls :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend` if ``True``. ax The matplotlib axes. If ``None`` a new axes (and figure) is created. """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() if c is None: c = np.arange(0, len(var)) ax.scatter(var.real, var.imag, marker=marker, label=label, c=c, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) unit_str = get_unit_from_attrs(var) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel.format(" ",, unit_str)) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel.format(" ",, unit_str)) if legend: ax.legend() return ax.get_figure(), ax
[docs] def set_suptitle_from_dataset( fig: Figure, dataset: xr.Dataset, prefix: str = "" ) -> None: """ Sets the suptitle of a matplotlib figure based on - (optional) ``prefix``; - ````; - ``dataset.tuid``, Intended for tagging figures with unique ID of the original dataset. Parameters ---------- prefix Optional string to pre-pend, e.g., ``x0-y0``. fig The matplotlib figure. dataset A dataset expected to have a ``.name`` and a ``.tuid"`` attributes. """ fig.suptitle(f"{prefix} {}\ntuid: {dataset.tuid}")
[docs] def set_cyclic_colormap( image_or_collection: AxesImage | QuadMesh | Collection, shifted: bool = False, unit: Literal["deg", "rad"] = "deg", clim: tuple | None = None, ) -> None: """ Sets a cyclic colormap on a matplolib 2D color plot if cyclic units are detected. .. seealso:: :ref:`howto-visualization-cyclic-colormaps` Parameters ---------- image_or_collection A matplotlib object returned by either one of :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolor`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`, :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` or :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.matshow`. shifted Chooses between :code:`"twilight_shifted"`/:code:`"twilight"` colormap and the colormap range. unit Used to fix the colormap range. clim The colormap limit. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long shifted = bool(shifted) # in case xarray min() is used if unit in {"deg", "rad"}: clim_d = { True: {"deg": (-180.0, 180.0), "rad": (-np.pi, np.pi)}, False: {"deg": (0.0, 360.0), "rad": (0, 2 * np.pi)}, } cmap = {True: "twilight_shifted", False: "twilight"} image_or_collection.set_clim(clim_d[shifted][unit] if clim is None else clim) image_or_collection.set_cmap(cmap[shifted])
[docs] def plot_textbox(ax: Axes, text: str, **kw) -> Text: """ Plot a textbox with sensible defaults using :obj:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.text`. Parameters ---------- ax The :obj:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` on which to plot. text The text of the textbox. Return ------ : the new text object """ box_props = dict(boxstyle="round", pad=0.4, facecolor="white", alpha=0.5) new_kw_with_defaults = dict( x=1.05, y=0.95, transform=ax.transAxes, bbox=box_props, verticalalignment="top", s=text, ) new_kw_with_defaults.update(kw) t_obj = ax.text(**new_kw_with_defaults) return t_obj
[docs] def plot_fit( ax, fit_res, plot_init: bool = True, plot_numpoints: int = 1000, range_casting: Literal["abs", "angle", "real", "imag"] = "real", fit_kwargs: dict | None = None, init_kwargs: dict | None = None, ) -> list[plt.Line2D]: """ Plot a fit of an lmfit model with a real domain. Parameters ---------- ax axis on which to plot the fit. fit_res an lmfit fit results object. plot_init if True, plot the initial guess of the fit. plot_numpoints the number of points used on which to evaluate the fit. range_casting how to plot fit functions that have a complex range. Casting of values happens using :obj:`~numpy.absolute`, :obj:`~numpy.angle`, :obj:`~numpy.real` and :obj:`~numpy.imag`. Angle is in degrees. fit_kwargs, optional Matplotlib pyplot formatting and label keyword arguments for the fit plot. default value is {"color": "C3", "label": "Fit"} init_kwargs, optional Matplotlib pyplot formatting and label keyword arguments for the init plot. default value is {"color": "grey", "linestyle": "--", "label": "Guess"} Returns ------- : list of matplotlib pyplot Line2D objects """ # Handle default values if fit_kwargs is None: fit_kwargs = {"color": "C3", "label": "Fit"} if init_kwargs is None: init_kwargs = {"color": "grey", "linestyle": "--", "label": "Guess"} model = fit_res.model if len(model.independent_vars) == 1: independent_var = model.independent_vars[0] else: raise ValueError( "Fit can only be plotted if the model function" " has one independent variable." ) x_arr = fit_res.userkws[independent_var] x = np.linspace(np.min(x_arr), np.max(x_arr), plot_numpoints) fit_y = model.eval(fit_res.params, **{independent_var: x}) init_y = model.eval(fit_res.init_params, **{independent_var: x}) if range_casting != "angle": range_cast_func = getattr(np, range_casting) fit_y = range_cast_func(fit_y) else: fit_y = np.angle(fit_y, deg=True) lines = ax.plot(x, fit_y, **fit_kwargs) if plot_init: if range_casting != "angle": range_cast_func = getattr(np, range_casting) init_y = range_cast_func(init_y) else: init_y = np.angle(init_y, deg=True) lines += ax.plot(x, init_y, **init_kwargs) return lines
[docs] def plot_fit_complex_plane( ax, fit_res, plot_init: bool = True, plot_numpoints: int = 1000 ) -> None: """ Plot a fit of an lmfit model with a real domain in the complex plane. """ model = fit_res.model if len(model.independent_vars) == 1: independent_var = model.independent_vars[0] else: raise ValueError( "Fit can only be plotted if the model function" " has one independent variable." ) x_arr = fit_res.userkws[independent_var] x = np.linspace(np.min(x_arr), np.max(x_arr), plot_numpoints) y = model.eval(fit_res.params, **{independent_var: x}) ax.plot(y.real, y.imag, label="Fit", c="C3") if plot_init: x = np.linspace(np.min(x_arr), np.max(x_arr), plot_numpoints) y = model.eval(fit_res.init_params, **{independent_var: x}) ax.plot(y.real, y.imag, ls="--", c="grey", label="Guess")
[docs] def flex_colormesh_plot_vs_xy( xvals: np.ndarray, yvals: np.ndarray, zvals: np.ndarray, ax: Axes | None = None, normalize: bool = False, log: bool = False, cmap: str = "viridis", vlim: tuple = (None, None), transpose: bool = False, ) -> QuadMesh: """ Add a rectangular block to a color plot using :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`. Parameters ---------- xvals Length N array corresponding to settable x0. yvals Length M array corresponding to settable x1. zvals M*N array corresponding to gettable yi. ax Axis to which to add the colormesh. normalize If ``True``, normalizes each row of data. log if ``True``, uses a logarithmic colorscale. cmap Colormap to use. See `matplotlib docs <>`_ for choosing an appropriate colormap. vlim Limits of the z-axis. transpose If ``True`` transposes the figure. Returns ------------ : The created matplotlib QuadMesh. .. warning:: The **grid orientation** for the zvals is the same as is used in :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.pcolormesh`. Note that the column index corresponds to the x-coordinate, and the row index corresponds to y. This can be counter.intuitive: zvals(y_idx, x_idx) and can be inconsistent with some arrays of zvals (such as a 2D histogram from numpy). """ xvals = np.array(xvals) yvals = np.array(yvals) # First, we need to sort the data as otherwise we get odd plotting # artifacts. An example is e.g., plotting a Fourier transform sorted_x_arguments = xvals.argsort() xvals = xvals[sorted_x_arguments] sorted_y_arguments = yvals.argsort() yvals = yvals[sorted_y_arguments] zvals = zvals[:, sorted_x_arguments] zvals = zvals[sorted_y_arguments, :] # convert xvals and yvals to single dimension arrays xvals = np.squeeze(np.array(xvals)) yvals = np.squeeze(np.array(yvals)) # calculate coordinates for corners of color blocks # x coordinates xvertices = np.zeros(np.array(xvals.shape) + 1) xvertices[1:-1] = (xvals[:-1] + xvals[1:]) / 2.0 xvertices[0] = xvals[0] - (xvals[1] - xvals[0]) / 2 xvertices[-1] = xvals[-1] + (xvals[-1] - xvals[-2]) / 2 # y coordinates yvertices = np.zeros(np.array(yvals.shape) + 1) yvertices[1:-1] = (yvals[:-1] + yvals[1:]) / 2.0 yvertices[0] = yvals[0] - (yvals[1] - yvals[0]) / 2 yvertices[-1] = yvals[-1] + (yvals[-1] - yvals[-2]) / 2 xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(xvertices, yvertices) # normalized plot if normalize: zvals /= np.mean(zvals, axis=0) # logarithmic plot if log: for xx in range(len(xvals)): zvals[xx] = np.log(zvals[xx]) / np.log(10) # add blocks to plot if transpose: colormap = ax.pcolormesh( ygrid.transpose(), xgrid.transpose(), zvals.transpose(), cmap=cmap, vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1], ) else: colormap = ax.pcolormesh( xgrid, ygrid, zvals, cmap=cmap, vmin=vlim[0], vmax=vlim[1] ) return colormap
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs] def plot_2d_grid( x, y, z, xlabel: str, xunit: str, ylabel: str, yunit: str, zlabel: str, zunit: str, ax: Axes, cax: Axes | None = None, add_cbar: bool = True, title: str | None = None, normalize: bool = False, log: bool = False, cmap: str = "viridis", vlim: tuple = (None, None), transpose: bool = False, ) -> tuple[QuadMesh, Colorbar | None]: """ Creates a heatmap of x,y,z data that was acquired on a grid expects three "columns" of data of equal length. Parameters ---------- x Length N array corresponding to x values. y Length N array corresponding to y values. z: Length N array corresponding to gettable z values. xlabel x label to add to the heatmap. ylabel y label to add to the heatmap. xunit x unit used in unit aware axis labels. yunit y unit used in unit aware axis labels. zlabel Label used for the colorbar. ax Axis to which to add the colormesh. cax Axis on which to add the colorbar, if set to ``None``, will create a new axis. add_cbar if ``True``, adds a colorbar. title Text to add as title to the axis. normalize if ``True``, normalizes each row of data. log if ``True``, uses a logarithmic colorscale cmap The colormap to use. See `matplotlib docs <>`_ for choosing an appropriate colormap. vlim limits of the z-axis. transpose if ``True`` transposes the figure. Returns ------- : The new matplotlib QuadMesh and Colorbar. """ if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() # Reshape the length N columns of data into unique xvals (n), yvals (m) and an (m*n) # grid of zvals. Ensure that these unique values are sorted in the same order that # the values first appear in the original arrays. _, indices_x = np.unique(x, return_index=True) xi = x[sorted(indices_x)] _, indices_y = np.unique(y, return_index=True) yi = y[sorted(indices_y)] zarr = np.array(z) # to make this work natively with an xarray # to account for matlab style column ordering of pcolormesh zi = np.reshape(zarr, newshape=(len(yi), len(xi))) quadmesh = flex_colormesh_plot_vs_xy( xi, yi, zi, ax=ax, normalize=normalize, log=log, cmap=cmap, vlim=vlim, transpose=transpose, ) if title is not None: ax.set_title(title) set_xlabel(xlabel, xunit, ax) set_ylabel(ylabel, yunit, ax) cbar = None if add_cbar: if cax is None: ax_divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = ax_divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad="2%") cbar = plt.colorbar(quadmesh, cax=cax, orientation="vertical") set_cbarlabel(cbar, zlabel, zunit) return quadmesh, cbar