Source code for quantify_core.analysis.conditional_oscillation_analysis

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Module containing an analysis class for the conditional oscillation experiment."""

import lmfit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from numpy.typing import NDArray

import as dh
from quantify_core.analysis import base_analysis as ba
from quantify_core.analysis import fitting_models as fm
from quantify_core.visualization import mpl_plotting as qpl
from quantify_core.visualization.SI_utilities import format_value_string

def _add_center(
    param_name: str, data: NDArray, params: lmfit.parameter.Parameters
) -> None:
    params.add(param_name, value=data.mean(), vary=False)
    params[param_name].stderr = data.std() / np.sqrt(data.shape[0])

def _center_and_fit_sinus(y: NDArray, x: NDArray) -> lmfit.model.ModelResult:
    # Center the data
    y_center = y.mean()
    y_centered = y - y_center

    # Fit a sinusoidal model to centered data (ON)
    sine_model = lmfit.models.SineModel()
    guess = sine_model.guess(y_centered, x=x)
    result =, x=x, params=guess)

    # Also add the offset with estimate standard error
    _add_center("center", data=y, params=result.params)

    return result

[docs] class ConditionalOscillationAnalysis(ba.BaseAnalysis): """ Analysis class for the conditional oscillation experiment. For a reference to the conditional oscillation experiment, please see section D in the supplemental material of this paper: .. admonition:: Example .. jupyter-execute:: from quantify_core.analysis.conditional_oscillation_analysis import ( ConditionalOscillationAnalysis ) import as dh # load example data test_data_dir = "../tests/test_data" dh.set_datadir(test_data_dir) # run analysis and plot results analysis = ( ConditionalOscillationAnalysis(tuid="20230509-165523-132-dcfea7") .run() .display_figs_mpl() ) """ # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint: disable=invalid-name # pylint: disable=broad-exception-caught # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs] def process_data(self) -> None: """Process the data so that the analysis can make assumptions on the format.""" ds = dh.to_gridded_dataset(self.dataset) # y0 : Magnitude (OFF) low-frequency qubit # y1 : Phase (OFF) low-frequency qubit # y2 : Magnitude (OFF) high-frequency qubit # y3 : Phase (OFF) high-frequency qubit # y4 : Magnitude (ON) low-frequency qubit # y5 : Phase (ON) low-frequency qubit # y6 : Magnitude (ON) high-frequency qubit # y7 : Phase (ON) high-frequency qubit # In general this measurement can be 2D or 3D, but this analysis # class strictly deals with the 1D case. self.dataset_processed = xr.Dataset( { "mag_lf_off": (("phi",),, "mag_hf_off": (("phi",),, "mag_lf_on": (("phi",),, "mag_hf_on": (("phi",),, }, coords={"phi":}, ) # Copy units self.dataset_processed.phi.attrs["units"] = self.dataset.x0.units for data_var, y in zip( ["mag_lf_off", "mag_hf_off", "mag_lf_on", "mag_hf_on"], ["y0", "y2", "y4", "y6"], ): self.dataset_processed.data_vars[data_var].attrs["units"] = ( self.dataset.data_vars[y].units )
[docs] def run_fitting(self) -> None: """Fit two sinusoidal model to the off/on experiments.""" self.fit_results = {} try: result_off = _center_and_fit_sinus(,, ) result_on = _center_and_fit_sinus(,, ) self.fit_results.update({"sin_off": result_off}) self.fit_results.update({"sin_on": result_on}) self._fit_success = bool(result_off.success) and bool(result_on.success) except Exception as fit_error: # we use these private members to avoid errors during fit failure self._fit_error = "Error during fit:\n" + str(fit_error) self._fit_success = False
[docs] def analyze_fit_results(self) -> None: """Check fit success and populates :code:`.quantities_of_interest`.""" self.quantities_of_interest: dict = {"fit_success": self._fit_success} if not self._fit_success: self.quantities_of_interest["fit_msg"] = self._fit_error return def _store_params(data: NDArray, mode: str) -> None: result = self.fit_results["sin_" + str(mode)] _add_center("offset", data, result.params) # Store all parameters as quantities of interest for p, value in result.params.items(): self.quantities_of_interest[str(mode) + "_" + str(p)] = ( ba.lmfit_par_to_ufloat(value) ) # Extract leakage estimator # and store in parameters struct of model _add_center( "hf_level",, self.fit_results["sin_on"].params, ) _add_center( "hf_level",, self.fit_results["sin_off"].params, ) _store_params(, mode="off") _store_params(, mode="on") # Extract conditional phase in degrees self.quantities_of_interest["phi_2q_deg"] = ( self.quantities_of_interest["on_shift"] - self.quantities_of_interest["off_shift"] ) self.quantities_of_interest["phi_2q_deg"] *= 180.0 / np.pi # convert to degrees self.quantities_of_interest["phi_2q_deg"] = np.mod( self.quantities_of_interest["phi_2q_deg"], 360.0 ) self.quantities_of_interest["leak"] = ba.lmfit_par_to_ufloat( self.fit_results["sin_on"].params["hf_level"] ) - ba.lmfit_par_to_ufloat( self.fit_results["sin_off"].params["hf_level"] ) # type: ignore # Make fit message text_msg = "Summary:\n\n" text_msg += format_value_string( r"$\phi_{2q}$", self.quantities_of_interest["phi_2q_deg"], unit=self.dataset_processed.phi.units, end_char="\n", ) text_msg += format_value_string( "Leakage", self.quantities_of_interest["leak"], unit=self.dataset_processed.mag_lf_off.units, end_char="\n", ) self.quantities_of_interest["fit_msg"] = text_msg
[docs] def create_figures(self) -> None: """ Generate figures of interest. matplolib figures and axes objects are added to the .figs_mpl and .axs_mpl dictionaries., respectively. """ if not self.quantities_of_interest["fit_success"]: print(self.quantities_of_interest["fit_msg"]) return fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 6), sharey=True) # plot lf measurement for conditional phase self.dataset_processed.mag_lf_off.plot( ax=axs[0], marker=".", label="low freq. qb off", color="C0" ) self.dataset_processed.mag_lf_on.plot( ax=axs[0], marker=".", label="low freq. qb on", color="C1" ) # plot hf measurement for leakage estimator self.dataset_processed.mag_hf_off.plot( ax=axs[1], marker=".", label="high freq. qb off", color="C0" ) self.dataset_processed.mag_hf_on.plot( ax=axs[1], marker=".", label="high freq. qb on", color="C1" ) # Interpolate with the model for nice curve interp_x = np.arange(,, step=np.diff([0] / 2.0, ) for var in ("on", "off"): axs[0].plot( interp_x, fm.cos_func( x=interp_x, frequency=self.quantities_of_interest[ var + "_frequency" ].nominal_value / (2 * np.pi), amplitude=self.quantities_of_interest[ var + "_amplitude" ].nominal_value, offset=self.quantities_of_interest[var + "_offset"].nominal_value, phase=self.quantities_of_interest[var + "_shift"].nominal_value - np.pi / 2, ), color="red", ls="-", ) axs[1].axhline(, color="red", ls="--" ) axs[1].axhline(, color="red", ls="--" ) for ax in axs: ax.grid(alpha=1 / 25, color="black") ax.legend(loc="upper left") qpl.set_suptitle_from_dataset(fig, self.dataset) # type: ignore fig.tight_layout() # type: ignore # Put a text box summarizing the QOI in the middle of the figure qpl.plot_textbox( ax=axs[1], text=self.quantities_of_interest["fit_msg"], # x=1.34, # make some space for colorbar ) self.figs_mpl["figure"] = fig # type: ignore self.axs_mpl["axis"] = axs # type: ignore