Source code for quantify_core.visualization.SI_utilities

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
# pylint: disable=all
"""Utilities for managing SI units with plotting systems."""

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import re
import string
import warnings

import lmfit
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import uncertainties

golden_mean = (np.sqrt(5) - 1.0) / 2.0  # Aesthetic ratio
single_col_figsize = (3.39, golden_mean * 3.39)
double_col_figsize = (6.9, golden_mean * 6.9)
thesis_col_figsize = (12.2 / 2.54, golden_mean * 12.2 / 2.54)

[docs] def _get_scale_factor_and_offset_and_prefix( ticks: list[float], unit: str | None = None, precision: int = 4 ) -> tuple[float, float, str]: """Return a convenient scale factor, offset and SI prefix based on the tick values. This function uses the :func:`~.SI_prefix_and_scale_factor` function to determine a scale factor such that the distance between ticks is in the range [0.1, 100.0), plus the corresponding scaled SI unit (e.g. 'mT', 'kV'), deduced from the input unit, to represent the tick values in those scaled units. In addition, an offset is calculated such that the maximum absolute tick value is less than 10^precision. Parameters ---------- ticks A list of axis tick values. unit The unit of the tick values. precision The maximum amount of digits to display as tick labels. Returns ------- scale_factor The scale factor to multiply the tick values with. offset The offset to subtract from the tick values. unit The unit including the SI prefix. Examples -------- >>> _get_scale_factor_and_offset_and_prefix( ... ticks=[2100000, 2100100, 2100200], ... unit="Hz", ... precision=4, ... ) (1.0, 2100000, 'Hz') """ max_v, min_v = max(ticks), min(ticks) resolution = (max_v - min_v) / len(ticks) scale_factor, unit = SI_prefix_and_scale_factor(val=resolution * 10, unit=unit) signed_max = max_v if abs(max_v) > abs(min_v) else min_v factor = pow(10, precision - 1) offset = int(signed_max * scale_factor / factor) * factor return scale_factor, offset, unit
[docs] def _set_offset_string( formatter: matplotlib.ticker.Formatter, offset: float, unit: str ) -> None: """Set the offset string of the Formatter to a conveniently scaled offset. This function scales the given offset and unit using :func:`~.SI_prefix_and_scale_factor`, and sets the offset string of the Formatter to the scaled offset value. Parameters ---------- formatter The matplotlib Formatter. offset The value to scale and display. unit The unit of the value. """ offset_scale, offset_unit = SI_prefix_and_scale_factor(offset, unit) disp_offset = offset * offset_scale formatter.set_offset_string(f"{disp_offset:+g} {offset_unit}")
[docs] def set_xlabel( label: str | plt.Axes, unit: str | None = None, axis: plt.Axes | None = None, auto_scale: bool = True, **kw, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Add a unit aware x-label to an axis object. Parameters ---------- label the desired label unit the unit auto_scale If True, then automatically scale the units axis matplotlib axis object to set label on **kw keyword argument to be passed to matplotlib.set_xlabel """ if isinstance(label, plt.Axes): warnings.warn( "Passing axis as a first argument is deprecated and will be removed " "in quantify-core >= 0.10.0. Please use the new syntax " "set_xlabel(label, unit = None, axis = None)", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) axis, label, unit = label, unit, axis if axis is None: axis = plt.gca() if unit and auto_scale: xticks = axis.get_xticks() precision = 4 scale_factor, offset, unit = _get_scale_factor_and_offset_and_prefix( xticks, unit, precision ) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, _pos: f"{x * scale_factor - offset:.{precision}g}" ) if offset != 0: _set_offset_string(formatter, offset, unit) axis.xaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) axis.set_xlabel(label + f" [{unit}]", **kw) elif unit: axis.set_xlabel(label + f" [{unit}]", **kw) else: axis.set_xlabel(label, **kw) return axis
[docs] def set_ylabel( label: str | plt.Axes, unit: str | None = None, axis: plt.Axes | None = None, auto_scale: bool = True, **kw, ) -> plt.Axes | None: """ Add a unit aware y-label to an axis object. Parameters ---------- label the desired label unit the unit axis matplotlib axis object to set label on auto_scale If True, then automatically scale the units **kw keyword argument to be passed to matplotlib.set_ylabel """ if isinstance(label, plt.Axes): warnings.warn( "Passing axis as a first argument is deprecated and will be removed" " in quantify-core >= 0.10.0. Please use the new syntax" " set_ylabel(label, unit = None, axis = None)", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) axis, label, unit = label, unit, axis # type: ignore if axis is None: axis = plt.gca() if unit and auto_scale: yticks = axis.get_yticks() precision = 6 scale_factor, offset, unit = _get_scale_factor_and_offset_and_prefix( yticks, unit, precision=precision ) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, _pos: f"{x * scale_factor - offset:.{precision}g}" ) if offset != 0: _set_offset_string(formatter, offset, unit) axis.yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter) axis.set_ylabel(label + f" [{unit}]", **kw) elif unit: axis.set_ylabel(label + f" [{unit}]", **kw) else: axis.set_ylabel(label, **kw) return axis
[docs] def set_cbarlabel( cbar: matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar, label: str, unit: str | None = None, **kw ): """ Add a unit aware z-label to a colorbar object. Parameters ---------- cbar colorbar object to set label on label the desired label unit the unit **kw keyword argument to be passed to cbar.set_label """ if unit: zticks = cbar.get_ticks() precision = 6 scale_factor, offset, unit = _get_scale_factor_and_offset_and_prefix( zticks, unit, precision=precision ) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter( lambda x, _pos: f"{x * scale_factor - offset:.{precision}g}" ) if offset != 0: _set_offset_string(formatter, offset, unit) cbar.set_label(label + f" [{unit}]") else: cbar.set_label(label, **kw) return cbar
[docs] def adjust_axeslabels_SI(ax) -> None: """Auto adjust the labels of a plot generated by xarray to SI-unit aware labels.""" xlabel = ax.get_xlabel() idxl = xlabel.find("[") idxr = xlabel.find("]") # only update the label if brackets are present if idxl != -1 and idxr != -1: # extract unit xunit = xlabel[idxl + 1 : idxr] xlabel = xlabel[: -(len(xunit) + 3)] # replace by a unit aware label formatter set_xlabel(xlabel, xunit, ax) ylabel = ax.get_ylabel() idxl = ylabel.find("[") idxr = ylabel.find("]") # only update the label if brackets are present if idxl != -1 and idxr != -1: yunit = ylabel[idxl + 1 : idxr] ylabel = ylabel[: -(len(yunit) + 3)] # replace by a unit aware label formatter set_ylabel(ylabel, yunit, ax)
SI_PREFIXES = dict(zip(range(-24, 25, 3), "yzafpnμm kMGTPEZY")) SI_PREFIXES[0] = "" # N.B. not all of these are SI units, however, all of these support SI prefixes SI_UNITS = [ "SI_PREFIX_ONLY", "m", "s", "g", "W", "J", "V", "A", "F", "T", "Hz", "Ohm", "S", "N", "C", "px", "b", "B", "K", "Bar", r"Vpeak", r"Vpp", r"Vp", r"Vrms", r"A/s", r"$\Phi_0$", ] # noqa: W605 _SI_PREFIX_TO_FACTOR_MAPPING = {v: 10**key for key, v in SI_PREFIXES.items()} _SI_PREFIX_TO_FACTOR_MAPPING["u"] = 10**-6 _prefix_regexp = "(" + "|".join(list("yzafpnμmkMGTPEZY")) + ")" _si_regex = "(" + "|".join(map(re.escape, SI_UNITS)) + ")" _prefixed_si_regex = re.compile(f"{_prefix_regexp}{_si_regex}$")
[docs] def SI_prefix_and_scale_factor( val: float, unit: str | None = None ) -> tuple[float, str]: """ Takes in a value and unit, returns a scale factor and scaled unit. It returns a scale factor to convert the input value to a value in the range [1.0, 1000.0), plus the corresponding scaled SI unit (e.g. 'mT', 'kV'), deduced from the input unit, to represent the input value in those scaled units. The scaling is only applied if the unit is an unscaled or scaled unit present in the variable :data::`SI_UNITS`. If the unit is None, no scaling is done. If the unit is "SI_PREFIX_ONLY", the value is scaled and an SI prefix is applied without a base unit. Parameters ---------- val the value unit the unit of the value Returns ------- scale_factor scale_factor needed to convert value scaled_unit unit including the prefix """ if unit and val is not None and (match := _prefixed_si_regex.match(unit)): scale_part = unit_part = plus_scale = _SI_PREFIX_TO_FACTOR_MAPPING[scale_part] scale_factor, scaled_unit = SI_prefix_and_scale_factor( plus_scale * val, unit_part ) return plus_scale * scale_factor, scaled_unit if unit in SI_UNITS: try: with np.errstate(all="ignore"): prefix_power = np.log10(abs(val)) // 3 * 3 prefix = SI_PREFIXES[prefix_power] # Greek symbols not supported in tex if plt.rcParams["text.usetex"] and prefix == "μ": prefix = r"$\mu$" if unit == "SI_PREFIX_ONLY": scale_factor, scaled_unit = 10**-prefix_power, prefix elif unit == "s" and val > 2 * 60: if val > 2 * 3600: # Convert to hours if larger than 2 hours scale_factor, scaled_unit = 1 / 3600, "hrs" else: # Convert to minutes if between 2 minutes and 2 hours scale_factor, scaled_unit = 1 / 60, "min" else: scale_factor, scaled_unit = 10**-prefix_power, prefix + unit # this exception can be triggered in the pyqtgraph multi processing except (KeyError, TypeError): scale_factor, scaled_unit = 1, unit elif unit is None: scale_factor, scaled_unit = 1, "" else: scale_factor, scaled_unit = 1, unit return scale_factor, scaled_unit
[docs] def SI_val_to_msg_str(val: float | int, unit: str = None, return_type=str): """ Takes in a value with optional unit and returns a string tuple consisting of (value_str, unit) where the value and unit are rescaled according to SI prefixes, IF the unit is an SI unit (according to the comprehensive list of SI units in this file ;). the value_str is of the type specified in return_type (str) by default. """ sc, new_unit = SI_prefix_and_scale_factor(val, unit) try: new_val = sc * val except TypeError: return return_type(val), unit # Convert floats to int if possible and if inital value was int if isinstance(val, int) and isinstance(new_val, float) and new_val.is_integer(): new_val = int(new_val) return return_type(new_val), new_unit
[docs] class SafeFormatter(string.Formatter): """ A formatter that replaces "missing" values and "bad_fmt" to prevent unexpected Exceptions being raised. Parameters ---------- missing Replaces missing values with specified string. bad_fmt Replaces values that cannot be formatted with specified string. Notes ----- Based on """ def __init__(self, missing: str = "~~", bad_fmt: str = "!!"): self.missing, self.bad_fmt = missing, bad_fmt def get_field(self, field_name, args, kwargs): # noqa: D102 # Handle a key not found try: val = super().get_field(field_name, args, kwargs) # Python 3, 'super().get_field(field_name, args, kwargs)' works except (KeyError, AttributeError): val = None, field_name return val def format_field(self, value, format_spec): # noqa: D102 # handle an invalid format if value is None: return self.missing try: return super().format_field(value, format_spec) except ValueError as e: if self.bad_fmt is not None: return self.bad_fmt raise e
[docs] def format_value_string( par_name: str, parameter: ( lmfit.Parameter | uncertainties.core.Variable | uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc | float ), end_char="", unit=None, ) -> str: """ Format an lmfit parameter or uncertainties ufloat to a string of value with uncertainty. If there is no stderr, use 5 significant figures. If there is a standard error use a precision one order of magnitude more precise than the size of the error and display the stderr itself to two significant figures in standard index notation in the same units as the value. Parameters ---------- par_name: A name of the parameter to use in the string parameter : :class:`lmfit.parameter.Parameter`, :class:`!uncertainties.core.Variable` or float. A :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameter` object or an object e.g., returned by :func:`!uncertainties.ufloat`. The value and stderr of this parameter will be used. If a float is given, the stderr is taken to be None. end_char: A character that will be put at the end of the line. unit: A unit. If this is an SI unit it will be used in automatically determining a prefix for the unit and rescaling accordingly. Returns ------- : The parameter and its error formatted as a string """ if isinstance( parameter, (uncertainties.core.Variable, uncertainties.core.AffineScalarFunc) ): value = parameter.nominal_value stderr = parameter.std_dev if np.isnan(stderr): stderr = None elif isinstance(parameter, lmfit.Parameter): value = parameter.value stderr = parameter.stderr else: value = parameter stderr = None scale_factor, unit = SI_prefix_and_scale_factor(value, unit) val = value * scale_factor stderr = stderr * scale_factor if stderr is not None else None (val_format_specifier, err_format_specifier) = value_precision(val, stderr) fmt = SafeFormatter(missing="NaN") if stderr is not None: val_string = rf": {val_format_specifier}$\pm${err_format_specifier} {{}}{{}}" # par name is excluded from the format command to allow latex {} characters. val_string = par_name + fmt.format(val_string, val, stderr, unit, end_char) else: val_string = f": {val_format_specifier} {{}}{{}}" # par name is excluded from the format command to allow latex {} characters. val_string = par_name + fmt.format(val_string, val, unit, end_char) return val_string
[docs] def value_precision(val: float, stderr=None) -> tuple[str, str]: """ Calculate the precision to which a parameter is to be specified, according to its standard error. Returns the appropriate format specifier string. If there is no stderr, use 5 significant figures. If there is a standard error use a precision one order of magnitude more precise than the size of the error and display the stderr itself to two significant figures in standard index notation in the same units as the value. Parameters ---------- val the nominal value of the parameter stderr the standard error on the parameter Returns ------- val_format_specifier python format specifier which sets the precision of the parameter value err_format_specifier python format specifier which set the precision of the error """ if stderr is None or stderr == 0 or math.isnan(stderr): return "{:.5g}", "{:.1f}" # if statement to catch edge case of log10(0) being undefined. value_mag = 1 if val == 0 else np.floor(np.log10(abs(val))) + 1 err_mag = 1 if stderr == 0 else np.floor(np.log10(abs(stderr))) + 1 if err_mag == 2: return "{:.0f}", "{:.0f}" elif err_mag == 1: return "{:.1f}", "{:.1f}" else: sig_figs = int( max(value_mag - err_mag + 2, 2) ) # If the error is the same size as the value or larger, use 2 sig figs return "{:#." + f"{sig_figs:d}" + "g}", "{:#.2g}"