# --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: percent # format_version: '1.3' # jupytext_version: 1.14.5 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) # language: python # name: python3 # --- # %% [markdown] # # Resonator spectroscopy # # https://qblox-qblox-instruments.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/main/applications/quantify/tuning_transmon_qubit.html # %% [markdown] # ## Setup # In this section we configure the hardware configuration which specifies the connectivity of our system. # %% [markdown] # ### Configuration file # # This is a template hardware configuration file for a 1-qubit system with a flux-control line which can be used to tune the qubit frequency. # # The hardware setup is as follows, by cluster slot: # 1. **QCM-RF** # - Drive line for `qubit` using fixed 80 MHz IF. # 2. **QCM** # - Flux line for `qubit`. # 6. **QRM-RF** # - Readout line for `qubit` using a fixed LO set at 7.5 GHz. # `sequence_to_file` is a boolean flag which dumps waveforms and program dict to JSON file if `True`. # `"ref": "internal"` specifies the use of the shared clock reference of the cluster # # Note that in the hardware configuration below the mixers are uncorrected, but for high fidelity experiments this should also be done for all the modules. # %% hardware_cfg = { "config_type": "quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend.QbloxHardwareCompilationConfig", "hardware_description": { "cluster0": { "instrument_type": "Cluster", "modules": { "1": {"instrument_type": "QCM_RF"}, "2": {"instrument_type": "QCM"}, "3": {"instrument_type": "QRM_RF"}, }, "sequence_to_file": False, "ref": "internal", } }, "hardware_options": { "output_att": {"qubit:mw-qubit.01": 0, "qubit:res-qubit.ro": 0}, "mixer_corrections": { "qubit:mw-qubit.01": { "dc_offset_i": 0.0, "dc_offset_q": 0.0, "amp_ratio": 1.0, "phase_error": 0.0, }, "qubit:res-qubit.ro": { "dc_offset_i": 0.0, "dc_offset_q": 0.0, "amp_ratio": 1.0, "phase_error": 0.0, }, }, "modulation_frequencies": { "qubit:mw-qubit.01": {"interm_freq": 80000000.0}, "qubit:res-qubit.ro": {"lo_freq": 7500000000.0}, }, "input_att": {"qubit:res-qubit.ro": 0}, }, "connectivity": { "graph": [ ["cluster0.module1.complex_output_0", "qubit:mw"], ["cluster0.module2.real_output_0", "qubit:fl"], ["cluster0.module3.complex_output_0", "qubit:res"], ] }, } # %% from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import quantify_core.data.handling as dh from qblox_instruments import Cluster, ClusterType from qcodes import Instrument from qcodes.parameters import ManualParameter from quantify_core.measurement.control import MeasurementControl from quantify_core.visualization.pyqt_plotmon import PlotMonitor_pyqt as PlotMonitor from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.quantum_device import QuantumDevice from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.transmon_element import BasicTransmonElement from quantify_scheduler.gettables import ScheduleGettable from quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator import InstrumentCoordinator from quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.components.qblox import ClusterComponent from quantify_scheduler.schedules import heterodyne_spec_sched_nco # %% [markdown] # ### Connect to Cluster # # We now make a connection with the Cluster selected in the dropdown widget. We also define a function to find the modules we're interested in. We select the readout and control module we want to use. # %% # Close all existing QCoDeS Instrument instances Instrument.close_all() # Here we have the option to use a dummy device so that you can run your tests without a physical cluster dummy_cfg = { 1: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM_RF, 2: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM, 3: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QRM_RF, } cluster = Cluster(name="cluster0", identifier="", dummy_cfg=dummy_cfg) # print(f"{connect.label} connected") # %% [markdown] # ### Reset the Cluster # # We reset the Cluster to enter a well-defined state. Note that resetting will clear all stored parameters and repeats startup calibration, so resetting between experiments is usually not desirable. # %% cluster.reset() # print(cluster.get_system_state()) # %% [markdown] # Note that a dummy cluster will raise error flags, this is expected behavior and can be ignored. # %% [markdown] # ### Quantum device settings # Here we initialize our `QuantumDevice` and our qubit parameters, checkout this [tutorial](https://quantify-quantify-scheduler.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/tutorials/Operations%20and%20Qubits.html) for further details. # # In short, a `QuantumDevice` contains device elements where we save our found parameters. # %% qubit = BasicTransmonElement("qubit") qubit.measure.acq_channel(0) quantum_device = QuantumDevice("device_1q") quantum_device.hardware_config(hardware_cfg) quantum_device.add_element(qubit) # %% [markdown] # ### Configure measurement control loop # We will use a `MeasurementControl` object for data acquisition as well as an `InstrumentCoordinator` for controlling the instruments in our setup. # # The `PlotMonitor` is used for live plotting. # # All of these are then associated with the `QuantumDevice`. # %% def configure_measurement_control_loop( device: QuantumDevice, cluster: Cluster, live_plotting: bool = False ) -> None: # Close QCoDeS instruments with conflicting names for name in [ "PlotMonitor", "meas_ctrl", "ic", "ic_generic", f"ic_{cluster.name}", ] + [f"ic_{module.name}" for module in cluster.modules]: try: Instrument.find_instrument(name).close() except KeyError: pass meas_ctrl = MeasurementControl("meas_ctrl") ic = InstrumentCoordinator("ic") # Add cluster to instrument coordinator ic_cluster = ClusterComponent(cluster) ic.add_component(ic_cluster) if live_plotting: # Associate plot monitor with measurement controller plotmon = PlotMonitor("PlotMonitor") meas_ctrl.instr_plotmon(plotmon.name) # Associate measurement controller and instrument coordinator with the quantum device device.instr_measurement_control(meas_ctrl.name) device.instr_instrument_coordinator(ic.name) return (meas_ctrl, ic) meas_ctrl, instrument_coordinator = configure_measurement_control_loop( quantum_device, cluster ) # %% [markdown] # ### Set data directory # This directory is where all of the experimental data as well as all of the post processing will go. # %% # Enter your own dataset directory here! dh.set_datadir(Path("example_data").resolve()) # %% [markdown] # ### Configure external flux control # In the case of flux-tunable transmon qubits, we need to have some way of controlling the external flux. # # This can be done by setting an output bias on a module of the cluster which is then connected to the flux line. # # ```python # # e.g. nullify external flux by setting current to 0 A # cluster.module2.out0_current(0.0) # ``` # # If your system is not using flux-tunable transmons, then you can skip to the next section. # %% flux_settable: callable = cluster.module2.out0_offset flux_settable(0.0) # %% [markdown] # ### Activate NCO delay compensation # Compensate for the digital propagation delay for each qubit (i.e each sequencer) # # # To avoid mismatches between modulation and demodulation, the delay between any readout frequency or phase changes and the next acquisition should be equal or greater than the total propagation delay (146ns + user defined value). # %% for i in range(6): getattr(cluster.module3, f"sequencer{i}").nco_prop_delay_comp_en(True) getattr(cluster.module3, f"sequencer{i}").nco_prop_delay_comp(50) # %% [markdown] # ## Characterization experiments # The sweep setpoints for all experiments (e.g. `frequency_setpoints` in the spectroscopy experiments) are only examples. The sweep setpoints should be changed to match your own system. # # We show two sets of experiments: The first contains generic characterization experiments for transmon qubits. The second contains 2D experiments for finding the flux sweetspot, applicable for flux-tunable qubits. # # # Here we consider five standard characterization experiments for single qubit tuneup. The experiments are: # 1. Resonator spectroscopy # - Used to find the frequency response of the readout resonator when the qubit is in $|0\rangle$. # 2. Qubit spectroscopy (a.k.a two-tone) # - Used to find the $|0\rangle \rightarrow |1\rangle$ drive frequency. # 3. Rabi oscillations # - Used to find precise excitation pulse required to excite the qubit to $|1\rangle$. # 4. Ramsey oscillations # - Used to tune the $|0\rangle \rightarrow |1\rangle$ drive frequency more precisely. # - Used to measure $T_2^*$. # 5. T1 # - Used to find the time it takes for the qubit to decay from $|1\rangle$ to $|0\rangle$, the $T_1$ time. # %% [markdown] # ## Resonator spectroscopy # %% def create_schedule(*args, **kwargs): return heterodyne_spec_sched_nco(*args, **kwargs) # %% freq = ManualParameter(name="freq", unit="Hz", label="Frequency") freq.batched = True freq.batch_size = 100 spec_sched_kwargs = dict( pulse_amp=1 / 6, pulse_duration=2e-6, frequencies=freq, acquisition_delay=196e-9, integration_time=2e-6, init_duration=10e-6, port=qubit.ports.readout(), clock=qubit.name + ".ro", ) gettable = ScheduleGettable( quantum_device, schedule_function=create_schedule, schedule_kwargs=spec_sched_kwargs, real_imag=False, batched=True, ) meas_ctrl.gettables(gettable) meas_ctrl.verbose(False) # show_args(spec_sched_kwargs, title="spec_sched_kwargs") # %% # set_readout_attenuation(quantum_device, qubit, out_att=50, in_att=0) quantum_device.cfg_sched_repetitions(400) center = 7.7e9 frequency_setpoints = np.linspace(center - 20e6, center + 20e6, 200) meas_ctrl.settables(freq) meas_ctrl.setpoints(frequency_setpoints) def run_experiment(): meas_ctrl.run( "resonator spectroscopy", )