Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.hardware_config_nv_center_old_style

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Example old-style Qblox hardware config dictionary of a nv-center setup for legacy support."""

from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.enums import LoCalEnum, SidebandCalEnum

[docs] hardware_config = { "backend": "quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend.hardware_compile", "cluster0": { "ref": "internal", "sequence_to_file": False, "instrument_type": "Cluster", "cluster0_module1": { "instrument_type": "QCM_RF", "sequence_to_file": False, "complex_output_0": { "lo_freq": None, "auto_lo_cal": LoCalEnum.OFF, "dc_mixer_offset_I": 0.0, "dc_mixer_offset_Q": 0.0, "portclock_configs": [ { "port": "qe0:mw", "clock": "qe0.spec", "interm_freq": 200000000.0, "auto_sideband_cal": SidebandCalEnum.OFF, "mixer_amp_ratio": 0.9999, "mixer_phase_error_deg": -4.2, } ], }, }, "cluster0_module2": { "instrument_type": "QCM", "sequence_to_file": False, "real_output_0": { "lo_name": "spinpump_laser", "portclock_configs": [ { "port": "qe0:optical_control", "clock": "qe0.ge1", "interm_freq": 200e6, } ], }, "real_output_1": { "lo_name": "green_laser", "portclock_configs": [ { "port": "qe0:optical_control", "clock": "qe0.ionization", "interm_freq": 200e6, } ], }, "real_output_2": { "lo_name": "red_laser", "portclock_configs": [ { "port": "qe0:optical_control", "clock": "qe0.ge0", "interm_freq": 200e6, } ], }, }, "cluster0_module4": { "instrument_type": "QRM", "sequence_to_file": False, "real_output_0": { "portclock_configs": [ { "port": "qe0:optical_readout", "clock": "qe0.ge0", "interm_freq": 0.0, "ttl_acq_threshold": 0.5, "init_offset_awg_path_I": 0.0, "init_offset_awg_path_Q": 0.0, "init_gain_awg_path_I": 1.0, "init_gain_awg_path_Q": 1.0, "qasm_hook_func": None, } ] }, }, "cluster0_module5": { "instrument_type": "QTM", "sequence_to_file": False, "digital_output_0": { "portclock_configs": [{"port": "qe1:switch", "clock": "digital"}], }, "digital_input_4": { "portclock_configs": [ { "port": "qe1:optical_readout", "clock": "qe1.ge0", "in_threshold_primary": 0.5, } ], }, }, "cluster0_module7": { "instrument_type": "QCM", "sequence_to_file": False, "real_output_2": { "lo_name": "red_laser2", "portclock_configs": [ { "port": "qe1:optical_control", "clock": "qe1.ge0", "interm_freq": 200e6, } ], }, }, }, "red_laser": {"instrument_type": "LocalOscillator", "frequency": None, "power": 1}, "red_laser2": {"instrument_type": "LocalOscillator", "frequency": None, "power": 1}, "spinpump_laser": { "instrument_type": "LocalOscillator", "frequency": None, "power": 1, }, "green_laser": { "instrument_type": "LocalOscillator", "frequency": None, "power": 1, }, }