Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.zhinst.settings

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Settings builder for Zurich Instruments."""

from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import itertools
import json
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, cast

import numpy as np

from quantify_scheduler.backends.types import zhinst as zi_types
from quantify_scheduler.backends.zhinst import helpers as zi_helpers
from quantify_scheduler.helpers.collections import make_hash

    from zhinst.qcodes import base

# same as backends.zhinst_backend.NUM_UHFQA_READOUT_CHANNELS
# copied here to avoid a circular import
[docs] class ZISerializeSettings: """ Serialization data container to decouple filenames from instrument names during the serialization. """
[docs] name: str
[docs] _serial: str
[docs] _type: str
[docs] class ZISetting: """Zurich Instruments Settings record type."""
[docs] node: str
[docs] value: Any
[docs] apply_fn: Callable[[base.ZIBaseInstrument, str, Any], None]
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the key-value pair as a dictionary. Returns ------- : """ return {self.node: self.value}
[docs] def apply(self, instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument) -> None: """ Applies settings to the Instrument. Parameters ---------- instrument : """ self.apply_fn(instrument=instrument, node=self.node, value=self.value)
[docs] class ZISettings: """ A collection of AWG and DAQ settings for a Zurich Instruments device. Parameters ---------- daq_settings : The data acquisition node settings. awg_settings : The AWG(s) node settings. """ def __init__( self, daq_settings: list[ZISetting], awg_settings: dict[int, ZISetting], ) -> None:
[docs] self._daq_settings: list[ZISetting] = daq_settings
[docs] self._awg_settings: dict[int, ZISetting] = awg_settings
[docs] self._awg_indexes = list(self._awg_settings.keys())
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: self_dict = self.as_dict() if not isinstance(other, ZISettings): return False other_dict = other.as_dict() settings_equal = make_hash(self_dict) == make_hash(other_dict) return settings_equal @property
[docs] def awg_indexes(self) -> list[int]: """Returns a list of enabled AWG indexes.""" return self._awg_indexes
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the ZISettings as a dictionary. Returns ------- : """ settings_dict: dict[str, Any] = dict() for setting in self._daq_settings: settings_dict = {**settings_dict, **setting.as_dict()} for awg_index, setting in self._awg_settings.items(): # need to explicitly initialize an empty dict as different awgs can set a # setting related to the same node and we do not want to overwrite the key. if setting.node not in settings_dict: settings_dict[setting.node] = {} settings_dict[setting.node][awg_index] = setting.value return settings_dict
[docs] def apply(self, instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument) -> None: """Apply all settings to the instrument.""" for _, setting in self._awg_settings.items(): setting.apply(instrument) def sort_by_fn( setting: ZISetting, ) -> Callable[[base.ZIBaseInstrument, str, Any], None]: """Returns ZISetting callable apply function as a sorter.""" return setting.apply_fn for apply_fn, group in itertools.groupby(self._daq_settings, sort_by_fn): if apply_fn is zi_helpers.set_value: values: list[tuple[str, Any]] = list() for setting in group: node = f"/{instrument._serial}/{setting.node}" values.append((node, setting.value)) zi_helpers.set_values(instrument, values) else: for setting in group: # Call apply_fn by property to avoid a deepcopy of all settings. node = f"/{instrument._serial}/{setting.node}" setting.apply_fn( instrument=instrument, node=node, value=setting.value, )
[docs] def serialize(self, root: Path, options: ZISerializeSettings) -> Path: """ Serializes the ZISerializeSettings to file storage. The parent '{}_settings.json' file contains references to all child files. While settings are stored in JSON the waveforms are stored in CSV. Parameters ---------- root : The root path to serialized files. options : The serialization options to associate these settings. Returns ------- : The path to the parent JSON file. """ collection = { "name":, "serial": options._serial, "type": options._type, } # Copy the settings to avoid modifying the original values. _tmp_daq_list = list(map(dataclasses.replace, self._daq_settings)) _tmp_awg_list = deepcopy(self._awg_settings) for setting in _tmp_daq_list: if "waveform/waves" in setting.node: nodes = setting.node.split("/") awg_index = int(nodes[1]) wave_index = int(nodes[-1]) name = f"{}_awg{awg_index}_wave{wave_index}.csv" file_path = root / name columns = 2 waveform_data = np.reshape(setting.value, (len(setting.value) // columns, -1)) ############################################################ # WARNING: For saving waveform in csv format, the data # MUST be in floating point type, and NOT int16 (as is required) # when using the Zhinst-toolkit.helpers.Waveform class. # Hotfix applied to rescale. ############################################################ waveform_data = waveform_data / (2**15 - 1) np.savetxt(file_path, waveform_data, delimiter=";") setting.value = str(file_path) elif "commandtable/data" in setting.node: awg_index = setting.node.split("/")[1] name = f"{}_awg{awg_index}.json" file_path = root / name file_path.touch() file_path.write_text(json.dumps(setting.value)) setting.value = str(file_path) elif "integration/weights" in setting.node: setting.value = setting.value.tolist() elif "rotations/" in setting.node: setting.value = str(setting.value).replace(" ", "") collection = {**collection, **setting.as_dict()} for awg_index, setting in _tmp_awg_list.items(): if setting.node == "compiler/sourcestring": if "compiler/sourcestring" not in collection: collection["compiler/sourcestring"] = dict() name = f"{}_awg{awg_index}.seqc" file_path = root / name file_path.touch() file_path.write_text(setting.value) setting.value = str(file_path) collection["compiler/sourcestring"][str(awg_index)] = setting.value file_path = root / f"{}_settings.json" file_path.touch() file_path.write_text(json.dumps(collection)) return file_path
[docs] def deserialize(cls, settings_path: Path) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Deserializes the JSON settings for Zurich Instruments in to the :class:`.ZISettingsBuilder`. Parameters ---------- settings_path : The path to the parent JSON file. Returns ------- : The ZISettingsBuilder containing all the deserialized settings. Raises ------ ValueError If the settings_path does not end with '_settings.json'. """ if not"_settings.json"): raise ValueError( "Invalid value for param 'settings_path' " "provide path to '{instrument}_settings.json'" ) settings_data: dict[str, Any] = json.loads(settings_path.read_text()) settings_data.pop("name") settings_data.pop("serial") device_type_str: str = settings_data.pop("type") device_type = zi_types.DeviceType(device_type_str.upper()) builder = ZISettingsBuilder() for node, value in settings_data.items(): if "waveform/waves" in node: nodes = node.split("/") awg_index = int(nodes[1]) wave_index = int(nodes[-1]) waveform_data = np.loadtxt(value, delimiter=";") if device_type == zi_types.DeviceType.UHFQA: builder.with_csv_wave_vector(awg_index, wave_index, waveform_data) else: builder.with_wave_vector(awg_index, wave_index, waveform_data) elif "commandtable/data" in node: awg_index = int(node.split("/")[1]) json_str = Path(value).read_text() json_data = json.loads(json_str) builder.with_commandtable_data(awg_index, json_data) elif "integration/weights" in node: integration_weights = np.array(value) parts = node.split("/") channel_index = int(parts[4]) if node.endswith("real"): builder.with_qas_integration_weights_real(channel_index, integration_weights) elif node.endswith("imag"): builder.with_qas_integration_weights_imag(channel_index, integration_weights) elif "rotations/" in node: channel_index = int(node.split("/")[-1]) complex_value = complex(value.replace(" ", "")) builder.with_qas_rotations(channel_index, complex_value) elif node == "compiler/sourcestring": seqc_per_awg = cast(Dict[int, str], value) # noqa: UP006 # (Casting to dict[int,str] doesn't work in python 3.8) for awg_index, seqc_file in seqc_per_awg.items(): seqc_path = Path(seqc_file) seqc_content = seqc_path.read_text() builder.with_compiler_sourcestring(int(awg_index), seqc_content) else: builder._daq_settings.append(ZISetting(node, value, zi_helpers.set_value)) return builder
[docs] class ZISettingsBuilder: """ The Zurich Instruments Settings builder class. This class provides an API for settings that are configured in the zhinst backend. The ZISettings class is the resulting set that holds settings. This class exist because configuring these settings requires logic in how the settings are configured using the zurich instruments API. .. tip:: Build the settings using :meth:`` and then view them as a dictionary using :meth:`ZISettings.as_dict` to see what settings will be configured. """
[docs] _daq_settings: list[ZISetting]
[docs] _awg_settings: list[tuple[str, tuple[int, ZISetting]]]
def __init__(self) -> None: self._daq_settings = list() self._awg_settings = list()
[docs] def _set_daq(self, setting: ZISetting) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Sets an daq module setting. Parameters ---------- setting : Returns ------- : """ self._daq_settings.append(setting) return self
[docs] def _set_awg(self, awg_index: int, setting: ZISetting) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Sets an awg module setting. Parameters ---------- awg_index : setting : Returns ------- : """ self._awg_settings.append((setting.node, (awg_index, setting))) return self
[docs] def with_defaults(self, defaults: list[tuple[str, str | int]]) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments default settings. Parameters ---------- defaults : Returns ------- : """ for node, value in defaults: self._set_daq(ZISetting(node, value, zi_helpers.set_value)) return self
[docs] def with_wave_vector( self, awg_index: int, wave_index: int, vector: list | str ) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments waveform vector setting by index for an awg by index. Parameters ---------- awg_index : wave_index : vector : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/waveform/waves/{wave_index:d}", vector, zi_helpers.set_vector, ) )
[docs] def with_csv_wave_vector( self, awg_index: int, wave_index: int, vector: list | str ) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments waveform vector setting by index for an awg by index. This equivalent to ``with_wave_vector`` only it does not upload the setting to the node, because for loading waveforms using a CSV file this is not required. Parameters ---------- awg_index : wave_index : vector : Returns ------- : """ def void(instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, node: str, value: object) -> None: pass return self._set_daq( ZISetting( f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/waveform/waves/{wave_index:d}", vector, void, ) )
[docs] def with_commandtable_data( self, awg_index: int, json_data: dict[str, Any] | str ) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments CommandTable json vector setting to the awg by index. Parameters ---------- awg_index : json_data : Returns ------- : """ if not isinstance(json_data, str): json_data = json.dumps(json_data) return self._set_daq( ZISetting( f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/commandtable/data", str(json_data), zi_helpers.set_vector, ) )
[docs] def with_awg_time(self, awg_index: int, clock_rate_index: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments clock rate frequency setting. See ZI instrument user manual /DEV..../AWGS/n/TIME Parameters ---------- awg_index : clock_rate_index : Returns ------- : """ assert clock_rate_index < 14 return self._set_daq( ZISetting(f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/time", clock_rate_index, zi_helpers.set_value) )
[docs] def with_qas_delay(self, delay: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS delay. Parameters ---------- delay : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/delay", delay, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_result_enable(self, enabled: bool) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor result enable setting. Parameters ---------- enabled : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/result/enable", int(enabled), zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_result_length(self, n_samples: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor result length setting. Parameters ---------- n_samples : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/result/length", n_samples, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_result_averages(self, n_averages: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor result averages setting. Parameters ---------- n_averages : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/result/averages", n_averages, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_result_mode(self, mode: zi_types.QasResultMode) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor result mode setting. Parameters ---------- mode : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/result/mode", mode.value, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_result_source(self, mode: zi_types.QasResultSource) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor result source setting. Parameters ---------- mode : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/result/source", mode.value, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_result_reset(self, value: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Result reset setting. Parameters ---------- value : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/result/reset", value, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_integration_length(self, n_samples: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor integration length setting. Parameters ---------- n_samples : Returns ------- : """ assert n_samples <= 4096 return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/integration/length", n_samples, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_integration_mode( self, mode: zi_types.QasIntegrationMode, ) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor integration mode setting. Parameters ---------- mode : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/integration/mode", mode.value, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_integration_weights_real( self, channels: int | list[int], real: list[int] | np.ndarray, ) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor integration real weights setting. Parameters ---------- channels : real : Returns ------- : Raises ------ ValueError If a channel used is larger than 9. """ assert len(real) <= 4096 node = "qas/0/integration/weights/" channels_list = [channels] if isinstance(channels, int) else channels for channel_index in channels_list: if channel_index >= NUM_UHFQA_READOUT_CHANNELS: raise ValueError( f"channel_index = {channel_index}: the UHFQA supports up to " f"{NUM_UHFQA_READOUT_CHANNELS} integration weigths." ) self._set_daq( ZISetting( f"{node}{channel_index}/real", np.array(real), zi_helpers.set_vector, ) ) return self
[docs] def with_qas_integration_weights_imag( self, channels: int | list[int], imag: list[int] | np.ndarray, ) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor integration imaginary weights setting. Parameters ---------- channels : imag : Returns ------- : Raises ------ ValueError If a channel used is larger than 9. """ assert len(imag) <= 4096 node = "qas/0/integration/weights/" channels_list = [channels] if isinstance(channels, int) else channels for channel_index in channels_list: if channel_index >= NUM_UHFQA_READOUT_CHANNELS: raise ValueError( f"channel_index = {channel_index}: the UHFQA supports up to " f"{NUM_UHFQA_READOUT_CHANNELS} integration weigths." ) self._set_daq( ZISetting( f"{node}{channel_index}/imag", np.array(imag), zi_helpers.set_vector, ) ) return self
[docs] def with_qas_monitor_enable(self, enabled: bool) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor enable setting. Parameters ---------- enabled : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/monitor/enable", int(enabled), zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_monitor_length(self, n_samples: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor length setting. Parameters ---------- n_samples : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/monitor/length", n_samples, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_monitor_averages(self, n_averages: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor averages setting. Parameters ---------- n_averages : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/monitor/averages", n_averages, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_monitor_reset(self, value: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS Monitor reset setting. Parameters ---------- value : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "qas/0/monitor/reset", value, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_qas_rotations( self, channels: int | list[int], value: int | complex ) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments QAS rotation setting. Parameters ---------- channels : value : Number of degrees or a complex value. Returns ------- : """ if isinstance(value, int): value = np.exp(1j * np.deg2rad(value)) channels_list = [channels] if isinstance(channels, int) else channels for channel_index in channels_list: self._set_daq( ZISetting( f"qas/0/rotations/{channel_index}", value, zi_helpers.set_value, ) ) return self
[docs] def with_system_channelgrouping(self, channelgrouping: int) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the Instruments channelgrouping setting. Parameters ---------- channelgrouping : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( "system/awg/channelgrouping", channelgrouping, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_sigouts(self, awg_index: int, outputs: tuple[int, int]) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the channel sigouts setting for the Instruments awg by index. Parameters ---------- awg_index : outputs : Returns ------- : """ onoff_0, onoff_1 = outputs channel_0 = awg_index * 2 channel_1 = (awg_index * 2) + 1 self._set_daq(ZISetting(f"sigouts/{channel_0:d}/on", onoff_0, zi_helpers.set_value)) return self._set_daq(ZISetting(f"sigouts/{channel_1:d}/on", onoff_1, zi_helpers.set_value))
[docs] def with_sigout_offset( self, channel_index: int, offset_in_millivolts: float ) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the channel sigout offset setting in volts. Parameters ---------- channel_index : offset_in_millivolts : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_daq( ZISetting( f"sigouts/{channel_index:d}/offset", offset_in_millivolts, zi_helpers.set_value, ) )
[docs] def with_gain(self, awg_index: int, gain: tuple[float, float]) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the gain settings for the Instruments awg by index. Parameters ---------- awg_index : gain : The gain values for output 1 and 2. Returns ------- : """ gain1, gain2 = gain assert gain1 >= -1 <= 1 assert gain2 >= -1 <= 1 self._set_daq( ZISetting(f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/outputs/0/gains/0", gain1, zi_helpers.set_value) ) return self._set_daq( ZISetting(f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/outputs/1/gains/1", gain2, zi_helpers.set_value) )
[docs] def with_compiler_sourcestring(self, awg_index: int, seqc: str) -> ZISettingsBuilder: """ Adds the sequencer compiler sourcestring setting for the Instruments awg by index. Parameters ---------- awg_index : seqc : waveforms_dict : Returns ------- : """ return self._set_awg( awg_index, ZISetting( "compiler/sourcestring", seqc, partial( zi_helpers.set_and_compile_awg_seqc, awg_index=awg_index, ), ), )
[docs] def build(self) -> ZISettings: """ Builds the ZISettings class. Returns ------- : """ # return ZISettings(self._daq_settings, dict(self._awg_settings).values()) # extract the awg_index from the settings tuples. awg_settings_dict = {} for awg_setting in self._awg_settings: # this particular indexing is very specific to the data format of the # awg settings and could be improved/refactored, N.B. hard to debug! awg_index = awg_setting[1][0] setting = awg_setting[1][1] awg_settings_dict[awg_index] = setting return ZISettings( daq_settings=self._daq_settings, awg_settings=awg_settings_dict, )