Source code for quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.spin_element

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""The module contains definitions related to spin qubit elements."""

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from qcodes.instrument import InstrumentChannel
from qcodes.instrument.parameter import (
from qcodes.utils import validators

from quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation import (
from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.device_element import DeviceElement
from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.transmon_element import (
from quantify_scheduler.helpers.validators import Numbers
from quantify_scheduler.operations import (

    from qcodes.instrument.base import InstrumentBase

[docs] class PortsChargeSensor(InstrumentChannel): """Submodule containing the ports.""" def __init__( self, parent: InstrumentBase, name: str, *, gate: str | None = None, readout: str | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent, name=name)
[docs] self.gate = Parameter( name="gate", instrument=self, initial_cache_value=gate or f"{}:gt", set_cmd=False, )
"""Name of the element's ohmic gate port."""
[docs] self.readout = Parameter( name="readout", instrument=self, initial_cache_value=readout or f"{}:res", set_cmd=False, )
"""Name of the element's readout port."""
[docs] class PortsSpin(PortsChargeSensor): """Submodule containing the ports.""" def __init__( self, parent: InstrumentBase, name: str, *, microwave: str | None = None, gate: str | None = None, readout: str | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent, name=name, gate=gate, readout=readout)
[docs] self.microwave = Parameter( name="microwave", instrument=self, initial_cache_value=microwave or f"{}:mw", set_cmd=False, )
"""Name of the element's microwave port."""
[docs] class ClocksFrequenciesSensor(InstrumentChannel): """Submodule containing the clock frequencies specifying the transitions to address.""" def __init__( self, parent: InstrumentBase, name: str, *, readout: float = math.nan, ) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent, name=name)
[docs] self.readout = ManualParameter( name="readout", instrument=self, label="Readout frequency", unit="Hz", initial_value=readout, vals=Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=1e12, allow_nan=True), )
"""Frequency of the ro clock. """
[docs] class ClocksFrequenciesSpin(ClocksFrequenciesSensor): """Submodule containing the clock frequencies specifying the transitions to address.""" def __init__( self, parent: InstrumentBase, name: str, *, f_larmor: float = math.nan, readout: float = math.nan, ) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent, name=name, readout=readout)
[docs] self.f_larmor = ManualParameter( name="f_larmor", instrument=self, label="Larmor frequency", unit="Hz", initial_value=f_larmor, vals=Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=1e12, allow_nan=True), )
"""Larmor frequency for the spin device element"""
[docs] class RxyGaussian(InstrumentChannel): """ Submodule containing parameters for performing an Rxy operation. The Rxy operation uses a Gaussian pulse. """ def __init__( self, parent: InstrumentBase, name: str, *, amp180: float = math.nan, duration: float = 20e-9, reference_magnitude_dBm: float = math.nan, reference_magnitude_V: float = math.nan, reference_magnitude_A: float = math.nan, ) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent, name=name)
[docs] self.amp180 = ManualParameter( name="amp180", instrument=self, label=r"$\pi-pulse amplitude$", initial_value=amp180, unit="", vals=Numbers(min_value=-10, max_value=10, allow_nan=True), )
r"""Amplitude required to perform a $\pi$ pulse."""
[docs] self.duration = ManualParameter( name="duration", instrument=self, initial_value=duration, unit="s", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=0, max_value=1), )
"""Duration of the control pulse.""" self.add_submodule( name="reference_magnitude", submodule=ReferenceMagnitude( parent=self, name="reference_magnitude", dBm=reference_magnitude_dBm, V=reference_magnitude_V, A=reference_magnitude_A, ), ) """Reference magnitude."""
[docs] class DispersiveMeasurementSpin(DispersiveMeasurement): """ Submodule containing parameters to perform a measurement. The measurement that is performed is using :func:`~quantify_scheduler.operations.measurement_factories.dispersive_measurement_spin`. """ def __init__( self, parent: InstrumentBase, name: str, *, gate_pulse_amp: float = 0, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__(parent=parent, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] self.gate_pulse_amp = ManualParameter( name="gate_pulse_amp", instrument=self, initial_value=gate_pulse_amp, unit="", vals=validators.Numbers(min_value=-1, max_value=1), )
"""Amplitude of the gate pulse."""
[docs] class BasicSpinElement(DeviceElement): """ A device element representing a Loss–DiVincenzo Spin qubit. The element refers to the intrinsic spin-1/2 degree of freedom of individual electrons/holes trapped in quantum dots. The charge of the particle is coupled to a resonator. .. admonition:: Examples Qubit parameters can be set through submodule attributes .. jupyter-execute:: from quantify_scheduler import BasicSpinElement device_element = BasicSpinElement("q1") device_element.rxy.amp180(0.1) device_element.measure.pulse_amp(0.25) device_element.measure.pulse_duration(300e-9) device_element.measure.acq_delay(430e-9) device_element.measure.integration_time(1e-6) ... Parameters ---------- name The name of the spin element. kwargs Can be used to pass submodule initialization data by using submodule name as keyword and as argument a dictionary containing the submodule parameter names and their value. """ # TODO replace those submodules with proper parameters, # and set the kwargs parameter type to `Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]` def __init__(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: ANN401 submodules_to_add = { "reset": IdlingReset, "rxy": RxyGaussian, "measure": DispersiveMeasurementSpin, "pulse_compensation": PulseCompensationModule, "ports": PortsSpin, "clock_freqs": ClocksFrequenciesSpin, } # the logic below is to support passing a dictionary to the constructor # e.g. `DeviceElement("q0", rxy={"amp180": 0.1})`. But we're planning to # remove this feature (SE-551). submodule_data = {sub_name: kwargs.pop(sub_name, {}) for sub_name in submodules_to_add} super().__init__(name, **kwargs) for sub_name, sub_class in submodules_to_add.items(): self.add_submodule( sub_name, sub_class(parent=self, name=sub_name, **submodule_data.get(sub_name, {})), )
[docs] self.reset: IdlingReset
"""Submodule :class:`~.IdlingReset`."""
[docs] self.rxy: RxyGaussian
"""Submodule :class:`~.RxyGaussian`."""
[docs] self.measure: DispersiveMeasurementSpin
"""Submodule :class:`~.DispersiveMeasurementSpin`."""
[docs] self.pulse_compensation: PulseCompensationModule
"""Submodule :class:`~.PulseCompensationModule`."""
[docs] self.ports: PortsSpin
"""Submodule :class:`~.PortsSpin`."""
[docs] self.clock_freqs: ClocksFrequenciesSpin
"""Submodule :class:`~.ClocksFrequenciesSpin`."""
[docs] def _generate_config(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, OperationCompilationConfig]]: """ Generate part of the device configuration specific to a single qubit trapped in a quantum dot. A resonator to perform dispersive readout is attached to the gate to perform charge sensing. This method is intended to be used when this object is part of a device object containing multiple elements. """ device_element_config = { f"{}": { "reset": OperationCompilationConfig( factory_func=pulse_library.IdlePulse, factory_kwargs={ "duration": self.reset.duration(), }, ), # example of a pulse with a parametrized mapping, using a factory "Rxy": OperationCompilationConfig( factory_func=pulse_factories.rxy_gauss_pulse, factory_kwargs={ "amp180": self.rxy.amp180(), "port": self.ports.microwave(), "clock": f"{}.f_larmor", "duration": self.rxy.duration(), "reference_magnitude": pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude.from_parameter( self.rxy.reference_magnitude ), }, gate_info_factory_kwargs=[ "theta", "phi", ], # the keys from the gate info to pass to the factory function ), "Rz": OperationCompilationConfig( factory_func=pulse_factories.phase_shift, factory_kwargs={ "clock": f"{}.f_larmor", }, gate_info_factory_kwargs=[ "theta", ], # the keys from the gate info to pass to the factory function ), "H": OperationCompilationConfig( factory_func=composite_factories.hadamard_as_y90z, factory_kwargs={ "qubit": f"{}", }, ), # the measurement also has a parametrized mapping, and uses a # factory function. "measure": OperationCompilationConfig( factory_func=measurement_factories.dispersive_measurement_spin, factory_kwargs={ "port": self.ports.readout(), "clock": f"{}.ro", "gate_port": self.ports.gate(), "pulse_type": self.measure.pulse_type(), "pulse_amp": self.measure.pulse_amp(), "gate_pulse_amp": self.measure.gate_pulse_amp(), "pulse_duration": self.measure.pulse_duration(), "acq_delay": self.measure.acq_delay(), "acq_duration": self.measure.integration_time(), "acq_channel": self.measure.acq_channel(), "acq_protocol_default": "SSBIntegrationComplex", "reset_clock_phase": self.measure.reset_clock_phase(), "reference_magnitude": pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude.from_parameter( self.measure.reference_magnitude ), "acq_weights_a": self.measure.acq_weights_a(), "acq_weights_b": self.measure.acq_weights_b(), "acq_weights_sampling_rate": self.measure.acq_weights_sampling_rate(), "acq_rotation": self.measure.acq_rotation(), "acq_threshold": self.measure.acq_threshold(), "num_points": self.measure.num_points(), "freq": None, }, gate_info_factory_kwargs=[ "acq_channel_override", "acq_index", "bin_mode", "acq_protocol", "feedback_trigger_label", ], ), "pulse_compensation": OperationCompilationConfig( factory_func=None, factory_kwargs={ "port": self.ports.microwave(), "clock": f"{}.f_larmor", "max_compensation_amp": self.pulse_compensation.max_compensation_amp(), "time_grid": self.pulse_compensation.time_grid(), "sampling_rate": self.pulse_compensation.sampling_rate(), }, ), } } return device_element_config
[docs] def generate_device_config(self) -> DeviceCompilationConfig: """ Generate a valid device config. The config will be used for the quantify-scheduler making use of the :func:`~.circuit_to_device.compile_circuit_to_device_with_config_validation` function. This enables the settings of this qubit to be used in isolation. .. note: This config is only valid for single qubit experiments. """ cfg_dict = { "elements": self._generate_config(), "clocks": { f"{}.f_larmor": self.clock_freqs.f_larmor(), f"{}.ro": self.clock_freqs.readout(), }, "edges": {}, } dev_cfg = DeviceCompilationConfig.model_validate(cfg_dict) return dev_cfg
[docs] class ChargeSensor(DeviceElement): """ A device element representing a Charge Senseor connected to a tank circuit to perform dispersive readoud. .. admonition:: Examples Sensor parameters can be set through submodule attributes .. jupyter-execute:: from quantify_scheduler import ChargeSensor sensor = ChargeSensor("s1") sensor.measure.pulse_amp(0.25) sensor.measure.pulse_duration(300e-9) sensor.measure.acq_delay(430e-9) sensor.measure.integration_time(1e-6) ... Parameters ---------- name The name of the spin element. kwargs Can be used to pass submodule initialization data by using submodule name as keyword and as argument a dictionary containing the submodule parameter names and their value. """ def __init__(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # noqa: ANN401 submodules_to_add = { "measure": DispersiveMeasurementSpin, "pulse_compensation": PulseCompensationModule, "ports": PortsChargeSensor, "clock_freqs": ClocksFrequenciesSensor, } # the logic below is to support passing a dictionary to the constructor # e.g. `DeviceElement("q0", rxy={"amp180": 0.1})`. But we're planning to # remove this feature (SE-551). submodule_data = {sub_name: kwargs.pop(sub_name, {}) for sub_name in submodules_to_add} super().__init__(name, **kwargs) for sub_name, sub_class in submodules_to_add.items(): self.add_submodule( sub_name, sub_class(parent=self, name=sub_name, **submodule_data.get(sub_name, {})), ) """Submodule :class:`~.RxyGaussian`."""
[docs] self.measure: DispersiveMeasurementSpin
"""Submodule :class:`~.DispersiveMeasurementSpin`."""
[docs] self.pulse_compensation: PulseCompensationModule
"""Submodule :class:`~.PulseCompensationModule`."""
[docs] self.ports: PortsChargeSensor
"""Submodule :class:`~.PortsSpin`."""
[docs] self.clock_freqs: ClocksFrequenciesSensor
"""Submodule :class:`~.ClocksFrequenciesSpin`."""
[docs] def _generate_config(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, OperationCompilationConfig]]: """ Generate part of the device configuration specific to a single qubit. This method is intended to be used when this object is part of a device object containing multiple elements. """ qubit_config = { f"{}": { # the measurement also has a parametrized mapping, and uses a # factory function. "measure": OperationCompilationConfig( factory_func=measurement_factories.dispersive_measurement_spin, factory_kwargs={ "port": self.ports.readout(), "clock": f"{}.ro", "gate_port": self.ports.gate(), "pulse_type": self.measure.pulse_type(), "pulse_amp": self.measure.pulse_amp(), "gate_pulse_amp": self.measure.gate_pulse_amp(), "pulse_duration": self.measure.pulse_duration(), "acq_delay": self.measure.acq_delay(), "acq_duration": self.measure.integration_time(), "acq_channel": self.measure.acq_channel(), "acq_protocol_default": "SSBIntegrationComplex", "reset_clock_phase": self.measure.reset_clock_phase(), "reference_magnitude": pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude.from_parameter( self.measure.reference_magnitude ), "acq_weights_a": self.measure.acq_weights_a(), "acq_weights_b": self.measure.acq_weights_b(), "acq_weights_sampling_rate": self.measure.acq_weights_sampling_rate(), "acq_rotation": self.measure.acq_rotation(), "acq_threshold": self.measure.acq_threshold(), "num_points": self.measure.num_points(), "freq": None, }, gate_info_factory_kwargs=[ "acq_channel_override", "acq_index", "bin_mode", "acq_protocol", "feedback_trigger_label", ], ), "pulse_compensation": OperationCompilationConfig( factory_func=None, factory_kwargs={ "port": self.ports.gate(), "clock": "cl0.baseband", "max_compensation_amp": self.pulse_compensation.max_compensation_amp(), "time_grid": self.pulse_compensation.time_grid(), "sampling_rate": self.pulse_compensation.sampling_rate(), }, ), } } return qubit_config
[docs] def generate_device_config(self) -> DeviceCompilationConfig: """ Generate a valid device config. The config will be used for the quantify-scheduler making use of the :func:`~.circuit_to_device.compile_circuit_to_device_with_config_validation` function. This enables the settings of this qubit to be used in isolation. .. note: This config is only valid for single qubit experiments. """ cfg_dict = { "elements": self._generate_config(), "clocks": { f"{}.ro": self.clock_freqs.readout(), }, "edges": {}, } dev_cfg = DeviceCompilationConfig.model_validate(cfg_dict) return dev_cfg