Source code for quantify_scheduler.helpers.schedule

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Schedule helper functions."""
from __future__ import annotations

from itertools import count
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Hashable

from quantify_scheduler.helpers.collections import make_hash, without
from quantify_scheduler.operations.control_flow_library import ControlFlowOperation
from quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule import (

    from quantify_scheduler.operations.operation import Operation

[docs] def get_pulse_uuid( pulse_info: dict[str, Any], excludes: list[str] | None = None ) -> int: """ Return an unique identifier for a pulse. Parameters ---------- pulse_info The pulse information dictionary. excludes A list of keys to exclude. Returns ------- : The uuid hash. """ if excludes is None: excludes = ["t0"] return make_hash(without(pulse_info, excludes))
[docs] def get_acq_uuid(acq_info: dict[str, Any]) -> int: """ Return an unique identifier for a acquisition protocol. Parameters ---------- acq_info The acquisition information dictionary. Returns ------- : The uuid hash. """ return make_hash(without(acq_info, ["t0", "waveforms"]))
[docs] def _generate_acq_info_by_uuid( operation: Operation | ScheduleBase, acqid_acqinfo_dict: dict ) -> None: if isinstance(operation, ScheduleBase): for schedulable in operation.schedulables.values(): inner_operation = operation.operations[schedulable["operation_id"]] _generate_acq_info_by_uuid(inner_operation, acqid_acqinfo_dict) elif isinstance(operation, ControlFlowOperation): _generate_acq_info_by_uuid(operation.body, acqid_acqinfo_dict) else: for acq_info in operation["acquisition_info"]: acq_id = get_acq_uuid(acq_info) if acq_id in acqid_acqinfo_dict: # Unique acquisition info already populated in the dictionary. continue acqid_acqinfo_dict[acq_id] = acq_info
[docs] def get_acq_info_by_uuid(schedule: Schedule) -> dict[int, dict[str, Any]]: """ Return a lookup dictionary of unique identifiers of acquisition information. Parameters ---------- schedule The schedule. """ acqid_acqinfo_dict: dict[int, dict[str, Any]] = {} _generate_acq_info_by_uuid(schedule, acqid_acqinfo_dict) return acqid_acqinfo_dict
[docs] def extract_acquisition_metadata_from_schedule( schedule: Schedule, ) -> AcquisitionMetadata: """ Extract acquisition metadata from a schedule. This function operates under certain assumptions with respect to the schedule. - The acquisition_metadata should be sufficient to initialize the xarray dataset (described in quantify-core !212) that executing the schedule will result in. - All measurements in the schedule use the same acquisition protocol. - The used acquisition index channel combinations for each measurement are unique. - The used acquisition indices for each channel are the same. - When :class:`~quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode` is :code:`APPEND` The number of data points per acquisition index assumed to be given by the schedule's repetition property. This implies no support for feedback (conditional measurements). Parameters ---------- schedule schedule containing measurements from which acquisition metadata can be extracted. Returns ------- : The acquisition metadata provides a summary of the acquisition protocol, bin-mode, return-type and acquisition indices of the acquisitions in the schedule. Raises ------ AssertionError If not all acquisition protocols in a schedule are the same. If not all acquisitions use the same bin_mode. If the return type of the acquisitions is different. """ # FIXME update when quantify-core!212 spec is ready # a dictionary containing the acquisition indices used for each channel acqid_acqinfo_dict = get_acq_info_by_uuid(schedule) return extract_acquisition_metadata_from_acquisition_protocols( acquisition_protocols=list(acqid_acqinfo_dict.values()), repetitions=schedule.repetitions, )
[docs] def extract_acquisition_metadata_from_acquisition_protocols( acquisition_protocols: list[dict[str, Any]], repetitions: int ) -> AcquisitionMetadata: """ Private function containing the logic of extract_acquisition_metadata_from_schedule. The logic is factored out as to work around limitations of the different interfaces required. Parameters ---------- acquisition_protocols A list of acquisition protocols. repetitions How many times the acquisition was repeated. """ acq_channels_metadata: dict[int, AcquisitionChannelMetadata] = {} # Generating hardware indices this way is intended as a temporary solution. # Proper solution: SE-298. acq_channel_to_numeric_key: dict[Hashable, int] = {} numeric_key_counter = count() def _to_numeric_key(acq_channel: Hashable) -> int: nonlocal numeric_key_counter if acq_channel not in acq_channel_to_numeric_key: acq_channel_to_numeric_key[acq_channel] = next(numeric_key_counter) return acq_channel_to_numeric_key[acq_channel] # Extract information from first protocol protocol = acquisition_protocols[0]["protocol"] bin_mode = acquisition_protocols[0]["bin_mode"] acq_return_type = acquisition_protocols[0]["acq_return_type"] for acq_protocol in acquisition_protocols: # test limitation: all acquisition protocols in a schedule must be of # the same kind conflicts = [] if acq_protocol["protocol"] != protocol: conflicts.append( f'acquisition protocol: found {protocol} and {acq_protocol["protocol"]}' ) if acq_protocol["bin_mode"] != bin_mode: conflicts.append( f"bin mode: found {bin_mode.__class__.__name__}.{} and " f'{acq_protocol["bin_mode"].__class__.__name__}.{acq_protocol["bin_mode"].name}' ) if conflicts: raise RuntimeError( "All acquisitions in a Schedule must be of the same kind:\n" + "\n".join(conflicts) ) # add the individual channel acq_channel = acq_protocol["acq_channel"] numeric_key = _to_numeric_key(acq_channel) if numeric_key not in acq_channels_metadata: acq_channels_metadata[numeric_key] = AcquisitionChannelMetadata( acq_channel=acq_channel, acq_indices=[] ) acq_indices = acq_protocol["acq_index"] acq_channels_metadata[numeric_key].acq_indices.append(acq_indices) # combine the information in the acq metadata dataclass. acq_metadata = AcquisitionMetadata( acq_protocol=protocol, bin_mode=bin_mode, acq_channels_metadata=acq_channels_metadata, acq_return_type=acq_return_type, repetitions=repetitions, ) return acq_metadata
[docs] def _extract_port_clocks_used(operation: Operation | Schedule) -> set[tuple]: """Extracts which port-clock combinations are used in an operation or schedule.""" if isinstance(operation, ScheduleBase): port_clocks_used = set() for op_data in operation.operations.values(): port_clocks_used |= _extract_port_clocks_used(op_data) return port_clocks_used elif isinstance(operation, ControlFlowOperation): port_clocks_used = _extract_port_clocks_used(operation.body) return port_clocks_used elif operation.valid_pulse or operation.valid_acquisition: port_clocks_used = set() for op_info in operation["pulse_info"] + operation["acquisition_info"]: if (port := op_info["port"]) is None or (clock := op_info["clock"]) is None: continue port_clocks_used.add((port, clock)) return port_clocks_used else: raise RuntimeError( f"Operation {} is not a valid pulse or acquisition." f" Please check whether the device compilation has been performed successfully." f" Operation data: {repr(operation)}" )