Source code for quantify_scheduler.json_utils

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Module containing quantify JSON utilities."""
from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import json
import pathlib
import sys
import warnings
from enum import Enum
from types import ModuleType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable

import fastjsonschema
import numpy as np
from qcodes.instrument import Instrument

from quantify_scheduler import enums
from quantify_scheduler.helpers import inspect as inspect_helpers
from quantify_scheduler.helpers.importers import import_python_object_from_string

    from quantify_scheduler.operations import Operation

[docs] current_python_version = sys.version_info
[docs] lru_cache = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=200)
[docs] DEFAULT_TYPES = [ complex, float, int, bool, str, np.ndarray, np.complex128, np.int32, np.uint32, np.int64, ]
[docs] def validate_json(data: dict, schema: str) -> object: """Validate schema using jsonschema-rs.""" return fastjsonschema.validate(schema, data)
[docs] def load_json_schema(relative_to: str | pathlib.Path, filename: str) -> str: """ Load a JSON schema from file. Expects a 'schemas' directory in the same directory as ``relative_to``. .. tip:: Typical usage of the form ``schema = load_json_schema(__file__, 'definition.json')`` Parameters ---------- relative_to the file to begin searching from filename the JSON file to load Returns ------- dict the schema """ path = pathlib.Path(relative_to).resolve().parent.joinpath("schemas", filename) with"r", encoding="utf-8") as file: return json.load(file)
[docs] def load_json_validator(relative_to: str | pathlib.Path, filename: str) -> Callable: """ Load a JSON validator from file. Expects a 'schemas' directory in the same directory as ``relative_to``. Parameters ---------- relative_to the file to begin searching from filename the JSON file to load Returns ------- Callable The validator """ definition = load_json_schema(relative_to, filename) validator = fastjsonschema.compile(definition, handlers={}, formats={}) return validator # type: ignore # (complicated return type)
[docs] class UnknownDeserializationTypeError(Exception): """Raised when an unknown deserialization type is encountered."""
[docs] class JSONSchemaValMixin: """ A mixin that adds validation utilities to classes that have a data attribute like a :class:`UserDict` based on JSONSchema. This requires the class to have a class variable "schema_filename" """
[docs] schema_filename: str
[docs] def is_valid(cls, object_to_be_validated: Operation) -> bool: """ Checks if the object is valid according to its schema. Raises ------ fastjsonschema.JsonSchemaException if the data is invalid Returns ------- : """ validator_method = load_json_validator(__file__, cls.schema_filename) validator_method( return True # if no exception was raised during validation
[docs] class SchedulerJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): """ The Quantify Scheduler JSONDecoder. The SchedulerJSONDecoder is used to convert a string with JSON content into instances of classes in quantify-scheduler. For a few types, :data:`~.DEFAULT_TYPES` contains the mapping from type name to the python object. This dictionary can be expanded with classes from modules specified in the keyword argument ``modules``. Classes not contained in :data:`~.DEFAULT_TYPES` by default must implement ``__getstate__``, such that it returns a dictionary containing at least the keys ``"deserialization_type"`` and ``"data"``, and ``__setstate__``, which should be able to parse the data from ``__getstate__``. The value of ``"deserialization_type"`` must be either the name of the class specified in :data:`~.DEFAULT_TYPES` or the fully qualified name of the class, which can be obtained from :func:`~quantify_scheduler.helpers.importers.export_python_object_to_path_string`. Keyword Arguments ----------------- modules : list[ModuleType], *optional* A list of custom modules containing serializable classes, by default [] """ # noqa: D416
[docs] _classes: dict[str, type[Any]]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
[docs] extended_modules: list[ModuleType] = kwargs.pop("modules", [])
[docs] invalid_modules = list( filter(lambda o: not isinstance(o, ModuleType), extended_modules) )
if invalid_modules: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to create a Schedule decoder class SchedulerJSONDecoder. " f"The following modules provided are not an instance of the ModuleType:" f" {invalid_modules} ." ) super().__init__( object_hook=self.custom_object_hook, *args, **kwargs, ) self._classes = inspect_helpers.get_classes(*[enums, *extended_modules]) self._classes.update({t.__name__: t for t in DEFAULT_TYPES})
[docs] def decode_dict( self, obj: dict[str, Any] ) -> dict[str, Any] | np.ndarray | object | Instrument: """ Returns the deserialized JSON dictionary. Parameters ---------- obj The dictionary to deserialize. Returns ------- : The deserialized result. """ # If "deserialization_type" is present in `obj` it means the object was # serialized using `__getstate__` and should be deserialized using # `__setstate__`. if "deserialization_type" in obj: try: class_type = self._get_type_from_string(obj["deserialization_type"]) except UnknownDeserializationTypeError as exc: raise UnknownDeserializationTypeError( f"Object '{obj}' cannot be deserialized to type '{obj['deserialization_type']}'" ) from exc if "mode" in obj and obj["mode"] == "__init__": if class_type == np.ndarray: return np.array(obj["data"]) elif issubclass(class_type, Instrument): return class_type(**obj["data"]) else: return class_type(obj["data"]) # type: ignore if "mode" in obj and obj["mode"] == "type": return class_type new_obj = class_type.__new__(class_type) # type: ignore new_obj.__setstate__(obj) return new_obj return obj
[docs] def custom_object_hook(self, obj: object) -> object: """ The ``object_hook`` hook will be called with the result of every JSON object decoded and its return value will be used in place of the given ``dict``. Parameters ---------- obj A pair of JSON objects. Returns ------- : The deserialized result. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): return self.decode_dict(obj) return obj
[docs] def _get_type_from_string(self, deserialization_type: str) -> type: """ Get the python type based on the description string. The following methods are tried, in order: 1. Try to find the string in :data:`~.DEFAULT_TYPES` or the extended modules passed to this class' initializer. 2. Try to import the type. This works only if ``deserialization_type`` is formatted as a dot-separated path to the type. E.g. ``quantify_scheduler.json_utils.SchedulerJSONDecoder``. 3. (deprecated) Try to find the class by its ``__name__`` in a predefined selection of types present in ``quantify_scheduler``. Parameters ---------- deserialization_type Description of a type. Raises ------ UnknownDeserializationTypeError If the type cannot be found by any of the methods described. Returns ------- Type The ``Type`` found. """ try: return self._classes[deserialization_type] except KeyError: pass try: return import_python_object_from_string(deserialization_type) except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError, ValueError): pass try: return _get_type_from_string_deprecated(deserialization_type) except KeyError: raise UnknownDeserializationTypeError( f"Type '{deserialization_type}' is not a known deserialization type." )
[docs] def _get_type_from_string_deprecated(deserialization_type: str) -> type: # Use local import to void Error('Operation' from partially initialized module # 'quantify_scheduler') from quantify_scheduler import resources from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operations.stitched_pulse import ( StitchedPulse as QbloxStitchedPulse, ) from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test import transmon_element from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.composite_square_edge import ( CompositeSquareEdge, ) from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.quantum_device import QuantumDevice from quantify_scheduler.operations import ( acquisition_library, gate_library, nv_native_library, operation, pulse_library, shared_native_library, ) from quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule import AcquisitionMetadata, Schedulable classes = inspect_helpers.get_classes( operation, transmon_element, acquisition_library, gate_library, pulse_library, nv_native_library, shared_native_library, resources, ) classes.update( { c.__name__: c for c in [ AcquisitionMetadata, Schedulable, QuantumDevice, CompositeSquareEdge, ] } ) classes.update({"StitchedPulse": QbloxStitchedPulse}) class_type = classes[deserialization_type] # Only warn if we succeed warnings.warn( "Having only the class name as the deserialization type is deprecated " "and this feature will be removed in quantify-scheduler >= 0.20.0. " "Please re-serialize the object to use the fully qualified class name.", FutureWarning, ) return class_type
[docs] class SchedulerJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Custom JSONEncoder which encodes a Quantify Scheduler object into a JSON file format string. """
[docs] def default(self, o: object) -> object: """ Overloads the json.JSONEncoder default method that returns a serializable object. It will try 3 different serialization methods which are, in order, check if the object is to be serialized to a string using repr. If not, try to use ``__getstate__``. Finally, try to serialize the ``__dict__`` property. """ if isinstance( o, ( # type: ignore # (type checker cannot deal with numpy types) complex, np.int32, np.complex128, np.int64, enums.StrEnum, Enum, ), ): return { "deserialization_type": type(o).__name__, "mode": "__init__", "data": str(o), } if isinstance(o, (np.ndarray,)): return { "deserialization_type": type(o).__name__, "mode": "__init__", "data": list(o), } if o in DEFAULT_TYPES: return {"deserialization_type": o.__name__, "mode": "type"} if hasattr(o, "__getstate__"): return o.__getstate__() if hasattr(o, "__dict__"): return o.__dict__ # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)