compiler_abc ============ .. py:module:: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Compiler base and utility classes for Qblox backend. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc.InstrumentCompiler quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc.SequencerCompiler quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc._ModuleSettingsType quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc.ClusterModuleCompiler Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc.logger quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc._SequencerT_co .. py:data:: logger .. py:class:: InstrumentCompiler(name: str, total_play_time: float, instrument_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend._ClusterModuleCompilationConfig | quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend._ClusterCompilationConfig | quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend._LocalOscillatorCompilationConfig) Bases: :py:obj:`abc.ABC` Abstract base class that defines a generic instrument compiler. The subclasses that inherit from this are meant to implement the compilation steps needed to compile the lists of :class:`~quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.OpInfo` representing the pulse and acquisition information to device-specific instructions. Each device that needs to be part of the compilation process requires an associated ``InstrumentCompiler``. :param name: Name of the `QCoDeS` instrument this compiler object corresponds to. :param total_play_time: Total time execution of the schedule should go on for. This parameter is used to ensure that the different devices, potentially with different clock rates, can work in a synchronized way when performing multiple executions of the schedule. :param instrument_cfg: The compilation config referring to this device. .. py:attribute:: name .. py:attribute:: total_play_time .. py:attribute:: instrument_cfg .. py:method:: prepare(**kwargs) -> None Method that can be overridden to implement logic before the main compilation starts. This step is to extract all settings for the devices that are dependent on settings of other devices. This step happens after instantiation of the compiler object but before the start of the main compilation. .. py:method:: compile(debug_mode: bool, repetitions: int) -> object :abstractmethod: An abstract method that should be overridden in a subclass to implement the actual compilation. It should turn the pulses and acquisitions added to the device into device-specific instructions. :param debug_mode: Debug mode can modify the compilation process, so that debugging of the compilation process is easier. :param repetitions: Number of times execution of the schedule is repeated. :returns: A data structure representing the compiled program. The type is dependent on implementation. .. py:class:: SequencerCompiler(parent: ClusterModuleCompiler, index: int, static_hw_properties: quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.StaticHardwareProperties, sequencer_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend._SequencerCompilationConfig) Bases: :py:obj:`abc.ABC` Class that performs the compilation steps on the sequencer level. Abstract base class for different sequencer types. :param parent: A reference to the module compiler this sequencer belongs to. :param index: Index of the sequencer. :param static_hw_properties: The static properties of the hardware. This effectively gathers all the differences between the different modules. :param sequencer_cfg: The instrument compiler config associated to this instrument. .. py:attribute:: _settings :type: quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.SequencerSettings .. py:attribute:: parent .. py:attribute:: index .. py:attribute:: port .. py:attribute:: clock .. py:attribute:: op_strategies :type: list[quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy] :value: [] .. py:attribute:: _num_acquisitions :value: 0 .. py:attribute:: static_hw_properties .. py:attribute:: register_manager .. py:attribute:: qasm_hook_func .. py:attribute:: latency_correction .. py:attribute:: distortion_correction .. py:property:: connected_output_indices :type: tuple[int, Ellipsis] Return the connected output indices associated with the output name specified in the hardware config. For the baseband modules, output index 'n' corresponds to physical module output 'n+1'. For RF modules, output indices '0' and '1' (or: '2' and '3') correspond to 'path_I' and 'path_Q' of some sequencer, and both these paths are routed to the **same** physical module output '1' (or: '2'). .. py:property:: connected_input_indices :type: tuple[int, Ellipsis] Return the connected input indices associated with the input name specified in the hardware config. For the baseband modules, input index 'n' corresponds to physical module input 'n+1'. For RF modules, input indices '0' and '1' correspond to 'path_I' and 'path_Q' of some sequencer, and both paths are connected to physical module input '1'. .. py:property:: portclock :type: tuple[str, str] A tuple containing the unique port and clock combination for this sequencer. :returns: The portclock. .. py:property:: settings :type: quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.SequencerSettings Gives the current settings. :returns: The settings set to this sequencer. .. py:property:: name :type: str The name assigned to this specific sequencer. :returns: The name. .. py:property:: has_data :type: bool Whether or not the sequencer has any data (meaning pulses or acquisitions) assigned to it or not. :returns: Has data been assigned to this sequencer? .. py:method:: get_operation_strategy(operation_info: quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.OpInfo) -> quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy :abstractmethod: Determines and instantiates the correct strategy object. :param operation_info: The operation we are building the strategy for. :returns: The instantiated strategy object. .. py:method:: add_operation_strategy(op_strategy: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy) -> None Adds the operation strategy to the sequencer compiler. :param op_strategy: The operation strategy. .. py:method:: _generate_awg_dict() -> dict[str, Any] Generates the dictionary that contains the awg waveforms in the format accepted by the driver. .. rubric:: Notes The final dictionary to be included in the json that is uploaded to the module is of the form: .. code-block:: program awg waveform_name data index acq waveform_name data index This function generates the awg dictionary. :returns: The awg dictionary. :raises ValueError: I or Q amplitude is being set outside of maximum range. :raises RuntimeError: When the total waveform size specified for a port-clock combination exceeds the waveform sample limit of the hardware. .. py:method:: _generate_weights_dict() -> dict[str, Any] Generates the dictionary that corresponds that contains the acq weights waveforms in the format accepted by the driver. .. rubric:: Notes The final dictionary to be included in the json that is uploaded to the module is of the form: .. code-block:: program awg waveform_name data index acq waveform_name data index This function generates the acq dictionary. :returns: The acq dictionary. :raises NotImplementedError: Currently, only two one dimensional waveforms can be used as acquisition weights. This exception is raised when either or both waveforms contain both a real and imaginary part. .. py:method:: _validate_awg_dict(wf_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> None .. py:method:: _prepare_acq_settings(acquisitions: list[quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy], acq_metadata: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.AcquisitionMetadata) -> None :abstractmethod: Sets sequencer settings that are specific to certain acquisitions. For example for a TTL acquisition strategy. :param acquisitions: List of the acquisitions assigned to this sequencer. :param acq_metadata: Acquisition metadata. .. py:method:: _generate_acq_declaration_dict(repetitions: int, acq_metadata: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.AcquisitionMetadata) -> dict[str, Any] Generates the "acquisitions" entry of the program json. It contains declaration of the acquisitions along with the number of bins and the corresponding index. For the name of the acquisition (in the hardware), the acquisition channel (cast to str) is used, and is thus identical to the index. Number of bins is taken to be the highest acq_index specified for that channel. :param repetitions: The number of times to repeat execution of the schedule. :param acq_metadata: Acquisition metadata. :returns: The "acquisitions" entry of the program json as a dict. The keys correspond to the names of the acquisitions (i.e. the acq_channel in the scheduler). .. py:method:: generate_qasm_program(ordered_op_strategies: list[quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy], total_sequence_time: float, align_qasm_fields: bool, acq_metadata: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.AcquisitionMetadata | None, repetitions: int) -> str Generates a QASM program for a sequencer. Requires the awg and acq dicts to already have been generated. Example of a program generated by this function: .. code-block:: wait_sync 4 set_mrk 1 move 10,R0 # iterator for loop with label start start: wait 4 set_awg_gain 22663,10206 # setting gain for 9056793381316377208 play 0,1,4 wait 176 loop R0,@start set_mrk 0 upd_param 4 stop :param ordered_op_strategies: A sorted list of operations, in order of execution. :param total_sequence_time: Total time the program needs to play for. If the sequencer would be done before this time, a wait is added at the end to ensure synchronization. :param align_qasm_fields: If True, make QASM program more human-readable by aligning its fields. :param acq_metadata: Acquisition metadata. :param repetitions: Number of times to repeat execution of the schedule. :returns: The generated QASM program. :Warns: **RuntimeWarning** -- When number of instructions in the generated QASM program exceeds the maximum supported number of instructions for sequencers in the type of module. :raises RuntimeError: Upon ``total_sequence_time`` exceeding :attr:`.QASMProgram.elapsed_time`. .. py:method:: _assert_total_play_time_on_nco_grid() -> None Raises an error if the total play time does not align with the NCO grid time. Method is implemented on the base class instead of the `AnalogSequencerCompiler` subclass because it is called by `generate_qasm_program`. .. py:class:: ParseOperationStatus Bases: :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Return status of the stack. .. py:attribute:: COMPLETED_ITERATION The iterator containing operations is exhausted. .. py:attribute:: EXITED_CONTROL_FLOW The end of a control flow scope is reached. .. py:method:: _parse_operations(operations_iter: Iterator[quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy], qasm: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.qasm_program.QASMProgram, acquisition_multiplier: int) -> ParseOperationStatus Handle control flow and insert Q1ASM. .. py:method:: _insert_qasm(op_strategy: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy, qasm_program: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.qasm_program.QASMProgram) -> None :abstractmethod: Get Q1ASM instruction(s) from ``op_strategy`` and insert them into ``qasm_program``. .. py:method:: _write_pre_wait_sync_instructions(qasm: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.qasm_program.QASMProgram) -> None :abstractmethod: Write instructions to the QASM program that must come before the first wait_sync. The duration must be equal for all module types. .. py:method:: _write_repetition_loop_header(qasm: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.qasm_program.QASMProgram) -> None :abstractmethod: Write the Q1ASM that should appear at the start of the repetition loop. The duration must be equal for all module types. .. py:method:: _get_ordered_operations() -> list[quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy] Get the class' operation strategies in order of scheduled execution. .. py:method:: _initialize_append_mode_registers(qasm: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.qasm_program.QASMProgram, op_strategies: list[quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy]) -> None Adds the instructions to initialize the registers needed to use the append bin mode to the program. This should be added in the header. :param qasm: The program to add the instructions to. :param op_strategies: An operations list including all the acquisitions to consider. .. py:method:: _get_latency_correction_ns(latency_correction: float) -> int .. py:method:: _remove_redundant_update_parameters() -> None Removing redundant update parameter instructions. If multiple update parameter instructions happen at the same time, directly after each other in order, then it's safe to only keep one of them. Also, real time io operations act as update parameter instructions too. If a real time io operation happen ((just after or just before) and at the same time) as an update parameter instruction, then the update parameter instruction is redundant. .. py:method:: _validate_update_parameters_alignment() -> None .. py:method:: _replace_digital_pulses(op_strategies: list[quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy]) -> list[quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base.IOperationStrategy] :staticmethod: Replaces MarkerPulse operations by explicit high and low operations. .. py:method:: _generate_waveforms_and_program_dict(program: str, waveforms_dict: dict[str, Any], weights_dict: dict[str, Any] | None = None, acq_decl_dict: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> dict[str, Any] :staticmethod: Generates the full waveforms and program dict that is to be uploaded to the sequencer from the program string and the awg and acq dicts, by combining them and assigning the appropriate keys. :param program: The compiled QASM program as a string. :param waveforms_dict: The dictionary containing all the awg data and indices. This is expected to be of the form generated by the ``generate_awg_dict`` method. :param weights_dict: The dictionary containing all the acq data and indices. This is expected to be of the form generated by the ``generate_acq_dict`` method. :param acq_decl_dict: The dictionary containing all the acq declarations. This is expected to be of the form generated by the ``generate_acq_decl_dict`` method. :returns: The combined program. .. py:method:: _dump_waveforms_and_program_json(wf_and_pr_dict: dict[str, Any], label: str | None = None) -> str :staticmethod: Takes a combined waveforms and program dict and dumps it as a json file. :param wf_and_pr_dict: The dict to dump as a json file. :param label: A label that is appended to the filename. :returns: The full absolute path where the json file is stored. .. py:method:: prepare() -> None Perform necessary operations on this sequencer's data before :meth:`~SequencerCompiler.compile` is called. .. py:method:: compile(sequence_to_file: bool, align_qasm_fields: bool, repetitions: int = 1) -> tuple[dict[str, Any] | None, quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.AcquisitionMetadata | None] Performs the full sequencer level compilation based on the assigned data and settings. If no data is assigned to this sequencer, the compilation is skipped and None is returned instead. :param sequence_to_file: Dump waveforms and program dict to JSON file, filename stored in `SequencerCompiler.settings.seq_fn`. :param align_qasm_fields: If True, make QASM program more human-readable by aligning its fields. :param repetitions: Number of times execution the schedule is repeated. :returns: The compiled program and the acquisition metadata. If no data is assigned to this sequencer, the compilation is skipped and None is returned instead. .. py:data:: _SequencerT_co A generic SequencerCompiler type for typehints in :class:`ClusterModuleCompiler`. Covariant so that subclasses of ClusterModuleCompiler can use subclassses of :class:`SequencerCompiler` in their typehints. .. py:class:: _ModuleSettingsType Bases: :py:obj:`Protocol` A typehint for the various module settings (e.g. :class:`~quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.BasebandModuleSettings`) classes. .. py:method:: to_dict() -> dict[str, Any] Convert the settings to a dictionary. .. py:class:: ClusterModuleCompiler(name: str, total_play_time: float, instrument_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend._ClusterModuleCompilationConfig) Bases: :py:obj:`InstrumentCompiler`, :py:obj:`Generic`\ [\ :py:obj:`_SequencerT_co`\ ], :py:obj:`abc.ABC` Base class for all cluster modules, and an interface for those modules to the :class:`~quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.instrument_compilers.ClusterCompiler`. This class is defined as an abstract base class since the distinctions between the different devices are defined in subclasses. Effectively, this base class contains the functionality shared by all Qblox devices and serves to avoid repeated code between them. :param name: Name of the `QCoDeS` instrument this compiler object corresponds to. :param total_play_time: Total time execution of the schedule should go on for. This parameter is used to ensure that the different devices, potentially with different clock rates, can work in a synchronized way when performing multiple executions of the schedule. :param instrument_cfg: The instrument compiler config referring to this device. .. py:attribute:: _settings :type: _ModuleSettingsType .. py:attribute:: instrument_cfg :type: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend._ClusterModuleCompilationConfig .. py:attribute:: _op_infos :type: dict[tuple[str, str], list[quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.OpInfo]] .. py:attribute:: portclock_to_path .. py:attribute:: sequencers :type: dict[str, _SequencerT_co] .. py:property:: portclocks :type: list[str] Returns all the port-clock combinations that this device can target. .. py:property:: supports_acquisition :type: bool :abstractmethod: Specifies whether the device can perform acquisitions. .. py:property:: max_number_of_instructions :type: int :abstractmethod: The maximum number of Q1ASM instructions supported by this module type. .. py:method:: add_op_info(port: str, clock: str, op_info: quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.OpInfo) -> None Assigns a certain pulse or acquisition to this device. :param port: The port this waveform is sent to (or acquired from). :param clock: The clock for modulation of the pulse or acquisition. Can be a BasebandClock. :param op_info: Data structure containing all the information regarding this specific pulse or acquisition operation. .. py:property:: _portclocks_with_data :type: set[tuple[str, str]] All the port-clock combinations associated with at least one pulse and/or acquisition. :returns: A set containing all the port-clock combinations that are used by this InstrumentCompiler. .. py:property:: static_hw_properties :type: quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox.StaticHardwareProperties :abstractmethod: The static properties of the hardware. This effectively gathers all the differences between the different modules. .. py:method:: _construct_all_sequencer_compilers() -> None Constructs :class:`~SequencerCompiler` objects for each port and clock combination belonging to this device. :raises ValueError: Attempting to use more sequencers than available. .. py:method:: _construct_sequencer_compiler(index: int, sequencer_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend._SequencerCompilationConfig) -> _SequencerT_co :abstractmethod: Create the sequencer object of the correct sequencer type belonging to the module. .. py:method:: distribute_data() -> None Distributes the pulses and acquisitions assigned to this module over the different sequencers based on their portclocks. Raises an exception in case the device does not support acquisitions. .. py:method:: compile(debug_mode: bool, repetitions: int = 1, sequence_to_file: bool | None = None) -> dict[str, Any] Performs the actual compilation steps for this module, by calling the sequencer level compilation functions and combining them into a single dictionary. :param debug_mode: Debug mode can modify the compilation process, so that debugging of the compilation process is easier. :param repetitions: Number of times execution the schedule is repeated. :param sequence_to_file: Dump waveforms and program dict to JSON file, filename stored in `SequencerCompiler.settings.seq_fn`. :returns: The compiled program corresponding to this module. It contains an entry for every sequencer under the key `"sequencers"`, and acquisition metadata under the key `"acq_metadata"`, and the `"repetitions"` is an integer with the number of times the defined schedule is repeated. All the other generic settings are under the key `"settings"`. If the device is not actually used, and an empty program is compiled, None is returned instead.