json_utils ========== .. py:module:: quantify_scheduler.json_utils .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Module containing quantify JSON utilities. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.json_utils.JSONSchemaValMixin quantify_scheduler.json_utils.SchedulerJSONDecoder quantify_scheduler.json_utils.SchedulerJSONEncoder Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.json_utils.validate_json quantify_scheduler.json_utils.load_json_schema quantify_scheduler.json_utils.load_json_validator quantify_scheduler.json_utils._get_type_from_string_deprecated Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.json_utils.current_python_version quantify_scheduler.json_utils.lru_cache quantify_scheduler.json_utils.DEFAULT_TYPES .. py:data:: current_python_version .. py:data:: lru_cache .. py:data:: DEFAULT_TYPES .. py:function:: validate_json(data: dict, schema: str) -> object Validate schema using jsonschema-rs. .. py:function:: load_json_schema(relative_to: str | pathlib.Path, filename: str) -> str Load a JSON schema from file. Expects a 'schemas' directory in the same directory as ``relative_to``. .. tip:: Typical usage of the form ``schema = load_json_schema(__file__, 'definition.json')`` :param relative_to: the file to begin searching from :param filename: the JSON file to load :returns: the schema :rtype: dict .. py:function:: load_json_validator(relative_to: str | pathlib.Path, filename: str) -> Callable Load a JSON validator from file. Expects a 'schemas' directory in the same directory as ``relative_to``. :param relative_to: the file to begin searching from :param filename: the JSON file to load :returns: The validator :rtype: Callable .. py:exception:: UnknownDeserializationTypeError Bases: :py:obj:`Exception` Raised when an unknown deserialization type is encountered. .. py:class:: JSONSchemaValMixin A mixin that adds validation utilities to classes that have a data attribute like a :class:`UserDict` based on JSONSchema. This requires the class to have a class variable "schema_filename" .. py:attribute:: schema_filename :type: str .. py:method:: is_valid(object_to_be_validated: quantify_scheduler.operations.Operation) -> bool :classmethod: Checks if the object is valid according to its schema. :raises fastjsonschema.JsonSchemaException: if the data is invalid .. py:class:: SchedulerJSONDecoder(*args, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`json.JSONDecoder` The Quantify Scheduler JSONDecoder. The SchedulerJSONDecoder is used to convert a string with JSON content into instances of classes in quantify-scheduler. For a few types, :data:`~.DEFAULT_TYPES` contains the mapping from type name to the python object. This dictionary can be expanded with classes from modules specified in the keyword argument ``modules``. Classes not contained in :data:`~.DEFAULT_TYPES` by default must implement ``__getstate__``, such that it returns a dictionary containing at least the keys ``"deserialization_type"`` and ``"data"``, and ``__setstate__``, which should be able to parse the data from ``__getstate__``. The value of ``"deserialization_type"`` must be either the name of the class specified in :data:`~.DEFAULT_TYPES` or the fully qualified name of the class, which can be obtained from :func:`~quantify_scheduler.helpers.importers.export_python_object_to_path_string`. :keyword modules: A list of custom modules containing serializable classes, by default [] :kwtype modules: list[ModuleType], *optional* .. py:attribute:: _classes :type: dict[str, type[Any]] .. py:attribute:: extended_modules :type: list[types.ModuleType] .. py:attribute:: invalid_modules .. py:method:: decode_dict(obj: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any] | numpy.ndarray | object | qcodes.instrument.Instrument Returns the deserialized JSON dictionary. :param obj: The dictionary to deserialize. :returns: The deserialized result. .. py:method:: custom_object_hook(obj: object) -> object The ``object_hook`` hook will be called with the result of every JSON object decoded and its return value will be used in place of the given ``dict``. :param obj: A pair of JSON objects. :returns: The deserialized result. .. py:method:: _get_type_from_string(deserialization_type: str) -> type Get the python type based on the description string. The following methods are tried, in order: 1. Try to find the string in :data:`~.DEFAULT_TYPES` or the extended modules passed to this class' initializer. 2. Try to import the type. This works only if ``deserialization_type`` is formatted as a dot-separated path to the type. E.g. ``quantify_scheduler.json_utils.SchedulerJSONDecoder``. 3. (deprecated) Try to find the class by its ``__name__`` in a predefined selection of types present in ``quantify_scheduler``. :param deserialization_type: Description of a type. :raises UnknownDeserializationTypeError: If the type cannot be found by any of the methods described. :returns: The ``Type`` found. :rtype: Type .. py:function:: _get_type_from_string_deprecated(deserialization_type: str) -> type .. py:class:: SchedulerJSONEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None) Bases: :py:obj:`json.JSONEncoder` Custom JSONEncoder which encodes a Quantify Scheduler object into a JSON file format string. .. py:method:: default(o: object) -> object Overloads the json.JSONEncoder default method that returns a serializable object. It will try 3 different serialization methods which are, in order, check if the object is to be serialized to a string using repr. If not, try to use ``__getstate__``. Finally, try to serialize the ``__dict__`` property.