pulse_diagram ============= .. py:module:: quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Functions for drawing pulse diagrams. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.SampledPulse quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.SampledAcquisition quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.ScheduledInfo Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.get_sampled_pulses_from_voltage_offsets quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.get_sampled_pulses quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.get_sampled_acquisitions quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.merge_pulses_and_offsets quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram._extract_schedule_infos quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.sample_schedule quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.pulse_diagram_plotly quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.deduplicate_legend_handles_labels quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.plot_single_subplot_mpl quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.plot_multiple_subplots_mpl quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.pulse_diagram_matplotlib quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.get_window_operations quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.plot_window_operations quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.plot_acquisition_operations Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.logger .. py:data:: logger .. py:class:: SampledPulse Class containing the necessary information to display pulses in a plot. .. py:attribute:: time :type: numpy.ndarray .. py:attribute:: signal :type: numpy.ndarray .. py:attribute:: label :type: str .. py:class:: SampledAcquisition Class containing the necessary information to display acquisitions in a plot. .. py:attribute:: t0 :type: float .. py:attribute:: duration :type: float .. py:attribute:: label :type: str .. py:class:: ScheduledInfo Class containing pulse or acquisition info, with some additional information. This class is used in the schedule sampling process to temporarily hold pulse info or acquisition info dictionaries, together with some useful information from the operation and schedulable that they are a part of. .. py:attribute:: op_info :type: dict[str, Any] Pulse info or acquisition info. .. py:attribute:: time :type: float The sum of the ``Schedulable["abs_time"]`` and the ``info["t0"]``. .. py:attribute:: op_name :type: str The name of the operation containing the pulse or acquisition info. .. py:function:: get_sampled_pulses_from_voltage_offsets(schedule: quantify_scheduler.Schedule | quantify_scheduler.CompiledSchedule, offset_infos: dict[str, dict[str, list[ScheduledInfo]]], x_min: float, x_max: float, modulation: Literal['off', 'if', 'clock'] = 'off', modulation_if: float = 0.0, sampling_rate: float = 1000000000.0, sampled_pulses: dict[str, list[SampledPulse]] | None = None) -> dict[str, list[SampledPulse]] Generate :class:`.SampledPulse` objects from :class:`.VoltageOffset` pulse_info dicts. This function groups all VoltageOffset operations by port-clock combination and turns each of those groups of operations into a single SampledPulse. The returned dictionary contains these SampledPulse objects grouped by port. :param schedule: The schedule to render. :param offset_infos: A nested dictionary containing lists of pulse_info dictionaries. The outer dictionary's keys are ports, and the inner dictionary's keys are clocks. :param x_min: The left limit of the x-axis of the intended plot. :param x_max: The right limit of the x-axis of the intended plot. :param modulation: Determines if modulation is included in the visualization. :param modulation_if: Modulation frequency used when modulation is set to "if". :param sampling_rate: Number of samples per second to draw when drawing modulated pulses. :param sampled_pulses: An already existing dictionary (same type as the return value). If provided, this dictionary will be extended with the SampledPulse objects created in this function. :returns: SampledPulse objects grouped by port. :rtype: dict[str, list[SampledPulse]] .. py:function:: get_sampled_pulses(schedule: quantify_scheduler.Schedule | quantify_scheduler.CompiledSchedule, pulse_infos: dict[str, list[ScheduledInfo]], x_min: float, x_max: float, modulation: Literal['off', 'if', 'clock'] = 'off', modulation_if: float = 0.0, sampling_rate: float = 1000000000.0, sampled_pulses: dict[str, list[SampledPulse]] | None = None) -> dict[str, list[SampledPulse]] Generate :class:`.SampledPulse` objects from pulse_info dicts. This function creates a SampledPulse for each pulse_info dict. The pulse_info must contain a valid ``"wf_func"``. :param schedule: The schedule to render. :param pulse_infos: A dictionary from ports to lists of pulse_info dictionaries. :param x_min: The left limit of the x-axis of the intended plot. :param x_max: The right limit of the x-axis of the intended plot. :param modulation: Determines if modulation is included in the visualization. :param modulation_if: Modulation frequency used when modulation is set to "if". :param sampling_rate: The time resolution used to sample the schedule in Hz. :param sampled_pulses: An already existing dictionary (same type as the return value). If provided, this dictionary will be extended with the SampledPulse objects created in this function. :returns: SampledPulse objects grouped by port. :rtype: dict[str, list[SampledPulse]] .. py:function:: get_sampled_acquisitions(acq_infos: dict[str, list[ScheduledInfo]]) -> dict[str, list[SampledAcquisition]] Generate :class:`.SampledAcquisition` objects from acquisition_info dicts. :param acq_infos: A dictionary from ports to lists of acquisition_info dictionaries. :returns: SampledAcquisition objects grouped by port. :rtype: dict[str, list[SampledAcquisition]] .. py:function:: merge_pulses_and_offsets(operations: list[SampledPulse]) -> SampledPulse Combine multiple ``SampledPulse`` objects by interpolating the ``signal`` at the ``time`` points used by all pulses together, and then summing the result. Interpolation outside of a ``SampledPulse.time`` array results in 0 for that pulse. .. py:function:: _extract_schedule_infos(operation: quantify_scheduler.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.ScheduleBase, port_list: list[str], time_offset: float, offset_infos: dict[str, dict[str, list[ScheduledInfo]]], pulse_infos: dict[str, list[ScheduledInfo]], acq_infos: dict[str, list[ScheduledInfo]]) -> None .. py:function:: sample_schedule(schedule: quantify_scheduler.Schedule | quantify_scheduler.CompiledSchedule, port_list: list[str] | None = None, modulation: Literal['off', 'if', 'clock'] = 'off', modulation_if: float = 0.0, sampling_rate: float = 1000000000.0, x_range: tuple[float, float] = (-np.inf, np.inf), combine_waveforms_on_same_port: bool = False) -> dict[str, tuple[list[SampledPulse], list[SampledAcquisition]]] Generate :class:`.SampledPulse` and :class:`.SampledAcquisition` objects grouped by port. This function generates SampledPulse objects for all pulses and voltage offsets defined in the Schedule, and SampledAcquisition for all acquisitions defined in the Schedule. :param schedule: The schedule to render. :param port_list: A list of ports to show. if set to ``None`` (default), it will use all ports in the Schedule. :param modulation: Determines if modulation is included in the visualization. :param modulation_if: Modulation frequency used when modulation is set to "if". :param sampling_rate: The time resolution used to sample the schedule in Hz. :param x_range: The range of the x-axis that is plotted, given as a tuple (left limit, right limit). This can be used to reduce memory usage when plotting a small section of a long pulse sequence. By default (-np.inf, np.inf). :param combine_waveforms_on_same_port: By default False. If True, combines all waveforms on the same port into one single waveform. The resulting waveform is the sum of all waveforms on that port (small inaccuracies may occur due to floating point approximation). If False, the waveforms are shown individually. :returns: SampledPulse and SampledAcquisition objects grouped by port. :rtype: dict[str, tuple[list[SampledPulse], list[SampledAcquisition]]] .. py:function:: pulse_diagram_plotly(sampled_pulses_and_acqs: dict[str, tuple[list[SampledPulse], list[SampledAcquisition]]], title: str = 'Pulse diagram', fig_ch_height: float = 300, fig_width: float = 1000) -> plotly.graph_objects.Figure Produce a plotly visualization of the pulses used in the schedule. :param sampled_pulses_and_acqs: SampledPulse and SampledAcquisition objects grouped by port. :param title: Plot title. :param fig_ch_height: Height for each channel subplot in px. :param fig_width: Width for the figure in px. :returns: the plot :rtype: :class:`plotly.graph_objects.Figure` .. py:function:: deduplicate_legend_handles_labels(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes) -> None Remove duplicate legend entries. See also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13589144 .. py:function:: plot_single_subplot_mpl(sampled_schedule: dict[str, list[SampledPulse]], ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | None = None, title: str = 'Pulse diagram') -> tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes] Plot all pulses for all ports in the schedule in the same subplot. Pulses in the same port have the same color and legend entry, and each port has its own legend entry. :param sampled_schedule: Dictionary that maps each used port to the sampled pulses played on that port. :param ax: A pre-existing Axes object to plot the pulses in. If ``None`` (default), this object is created within the function. :param title: Plot title. :returns: * *fig* -- A matplotlib :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` containing the subplot. * *ax* -- The Axes of the subplot belonging to the Figure. .. py:function:: plot_multiple_subplots_mpl(sampled_schedule: dict[str, list[SampledPulse]], title: str = 'Pulse diagram') -> tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, list[matplotlib.axes.Axes]] Plot pulses in a different subplot for each port in the sampled schedule. For each subplot, each different type of pulse gets its own color and legend entry. :param sampled_schedule: Dictionary that maps each used port to the sampled pulses played on that port. :param title: Plot title. :returns: * *fig* -- A matplotlib :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` containing the subplots. * *axs* -- An array of Axes objects belonging to the Figure. .. py:function:: pulse_diagram_matplotlib(sampled_pulses_and_acqs: dict[str, tuple[list[SampledPulse], list[SampledAcquisition]]], multiple_subplots: bool = False, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | None = None, title: str = 'Pulse diagram') -> tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes | list[matplotlib.axes.Axes]] Plots a schedule using matplotlib. :param sampled_pulses_and_acqs: SampledPulse and SampledAcquisition objects grouped by port. :param multiple_subplots: Plot the pulses for each port on a different subplot if True, else plot everything in one subplot. By default False. When using just one subplot, the pulses are colored according to the port on which they play. For multiple subplots, each pulse has its own color and legend entry. :param ax: Axis onto which to plot. If ``None`` (default), this is created within the function. By default None. :param title: Plot title. :returns: * *fig* -- A matplotlib :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` containing the subplot(s). * *ax* -- The Axes object belonging to the Figure, or an array of Axes if ``multiple_subplots=True``. .. py:function:: get_window_operations(schedule: quantify_scheduler.Schedule) -> list[tuple[float, float, quantify_scheduler.Operation]] Return a list of all :class:`.WindowOperation`\s with start and end time. :param schedule: Schedule to use. :returns: List of all window operations in the schedule. .. py:function:: plot_window_operations(schedule: quantify_scheduler.Schedule, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | None = None, time_scale_factor: float = 1) -> tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes] Plot the window operations in a schedule. :param schedule: Schedule from which to plot window operations. :param ax: Axis handle to use for plotting. :param time_scale_factor: Used to scale the independent data before using as data for the x-axis of the plot. :returns: * *fig* -- The matplotlib figure. * *ax* -- The matplotlib ax. .. py:function:: plot_acquisition_operations(schedule: quantify_scheduler.Schedule, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | None = None, **kwargs) -> list[Any] Plot the acquisition operations in a schedule. :param schedule: Schedule from which to plot window operations. :param ax: Axis handle to use for plotting. :param kwargs: Passed to matplotlib plotting routine :returns: List of handles