schedules ========= .. py:module:: quantify_scheduler.schedules .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Module containing a standard library of schedules for common experiments as well as the :class:`.ScheduleBase`, :class:`.Schedule`, and :class:`.CompiledSchedule` classes. .. tip:: The source code of the schedule generating functions in this module can serve as examples when creating schedules for custom experiments. Subpackages ----------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 3 _visualization/index.rst Submodules ---------- .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 schedule/index.rst spectroscopy_schedules/index.rst timedomain_schedules/index.rst trace_schedules/index.rst two_qubit_transmon_schedules/index.rst verification/index.rst Package Contents ---------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.schedules.CompiledSchedule quantify_scheduler.schedules.Schedulable quantify_scheduler.schedules.Schedule Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.schedules.heterodyne_spec_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.heterodyne_spec_sched_nco quantify_scheduler.schedules.nv_dark_esr_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.two_tone_spec_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.two_tone_spec_sched_nco quantify_scheduler.schedules.allxy_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.echo_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.rabi_pulse_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.rabi_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.ramsey_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.readout_calibration_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.t1_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.trace_schedule quantify_scheduler.schedules.trace_schedule_circuit_layer quantify_scheduler.schedules.two_tone_trace_schedule .. py:class:: CompiledSchedule(schedule: Schedule) Bases: :py:obj:`ScheduleBase` A schedule that contains compiled instructions ready for execution using the :class:`~.InstrumentCoordinator`. The :class:`CompiledSchedule` differs from a :class:`.Schedule` in that it is considered immutable (no new operations or resources can be added), and that it contains :attr:`~.compiled_instructions`. .. tip:: A :class:`~.CompiledSchedule` can be obtained by compiling a :class:`~.Schedule` using :meth:`~quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.QuantifyCompiler.compile`. .. py:attribute:: schema_filename :value: 'schedule.json' .. py:attribute:: _hardware_timing_table :type: pandas.DataFrame .. py:attribute:: _hardware_waveform_dict :type: dict[str, numpy.ndarray] .. py:property:: compiled_instructions :type: dict[str, quantify_scheduler.resources.Resource] A dictionary containing compiled instructions. The contents of this dictionary depend on the backend it was compiled for. However, we assume that the general format consists of a dictionary in which the keys are instrument names corresponding to components added to a :class:`~.InstrumentCoordinator`, and the values are the instructions for that component. These values typically contain a combination of sequence files, waveform definitions, and parameters to configure on the instrument. .. py:method:: is_valid(object_to_be_validated: Any) -> bool :classmethod: Check if the contents of the object_to_be_validated are valid. Additionally checks if the object_to_be_validated is an instance of :class:`~.CompiledSchedule`. .. py:property:: hardware_timing_table :type: Return a timing table representing all operations at the Control-hardware layer. Note that this timing table is typically different from the `.timing_table` in that it contains more hardware specific information such as channels, clock cycles and samples and corrections for things such as gain. This hardware timing table is intended to provide a more This table is constructed based on the timing_table and modified during compilation in one of the hardware back ends and optionally added to the schedule. Not all back ends support this feature. .. py:property:: hardware_waveform_dict :type: dict[str, numpy.ndarray] Return a waveform dictionary representing all waveforms at the Control-hardware layer. Where the waveforms are represented as abstract waveforms in the Operations, this dictionary contains the numerical arrays that are uploaded to the hardware. This dictionary is constructed during compilation in the hardware back ends and optionally added to the schedule. Not all back ends support this feature. .. py:class:: Schedulable(name: str, operation_id: str, control_flow: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | None = None) Bases: :py:obj:`quantify_scheduler.json_utils.JSONSchemaValMixin`, :py:obj:`collections.UserDict` A representation of an element on a schedule. All elements on a schedule are schedulables. A schedulable contains all information regarding the timing of this element as well as the operation being executed by this element. This operation is currently represented by an operation ID. Schedulables can contain an arbitrary number of timing constraints to determine the timing. Multiple different constraints are currently resolved by delaying the element until after all timing constraints have been met, to aid compatibility. To specify an exact timing between two schedulables, please ensure to only specify exactly one timing constraint. :param name: The name of this schedulable, by which it can be referenced by other schedulables. Separate schedulables cannot share the same name. :param operation_id: Reference to the operation which is to be executed by this schedulable. .. py:attribute:: schema_filename :value: 'schedulable.json' .. py:method:: add_timing_constraint(rel_time: float = 0, ref_schedulable: Schedulable | str | None = None, ref_pt: Literal['start', 'center', 'end'] | None = None, ref_pt_new: Literal['start', 'center', 'end'] | None = None) -> None Add timing constraint. A timing constraint constrains the operation in time by specifying the time (:code:`"rel_time"`) between a reference schedulable and the added schedulable. The time can be specified with respect to the "start", "center", or "end" of the operations. The reference schedulable (:code:`"ref_schedulable"`) is specified using its name property. See also :attr:`~.ScheduleBase.schedulables`. :param rel_time: relative time between the reference schedulable and the added schedulable. the time is the time between the "ref_pt" in the reference operation and "ref_pt_new" of the operation that is added. :param ref_schedulable: name of the reference schedulable. If set to :code:`None`, will default to the last added operation. :param ref_pt: reference point in reference operation must be one of :code:`"start"`, :code:`"center"`, :code:`"end"`, or :code:`None`; in case of :code:`None`, :meth:`~quantify_scheduler.compilation.determine_absolute_timing` assumes :code:`"end"`. :param ref_pt_new: reference point in added operation must be one of :code:`"start"`, :code:`"center"`, :code:`"end"`, or :code:`None`; in case of :code:`None`, :meth:`~quantify_scheduler.compilation.determine_absolute_timing` assumes :code:`"start"`. .. py:property:: hash :type: str A hash based on the contents of the Operation. .. py:class:: Schedule(name: str, repetitions: int = 1, data: dict = None) Bases: :py:obj:`ScheduleBase` A modifiable schedule. Operations :class:`quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation` can be added using the :meth:`~.Schedule.add` method, allowing precise specification *when* to perform an operation using timing constraints. When adding an operation, it is not required to specify how to represent this :class:`quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation` on all layers. Instead, this information can be added later during :ref:`compilation `. This allows the user to effortlessly mix the gate- and pulse-level descriptions as required for many (calibration) experiments. :param name: The name of the schedule :param repetitions: The amount of times the schedule will be repeated, by default 1 :param data: A dictionary containing a pre-existing schedule, by default None .. py:attribute:: schema_filename :value: 'schedule.json' .. py:method:: add_resources(resources_list: list) -> None Add wrapper for adding multiple resources. .. py:method:: add_resource(resource: quantify_scheduler.resources.Resource) -> None Add a resource such as a channel or qubit to the schedule. .. py:method:: add(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | Schedule, rel_time: float = 0, ref_op: Schedulable | str | None = None, ref_pt: Literal['start', 'center', 'end'] | None = None, ref_pt_new: Literal['start', 'center', 'end'] | None = None, label: str | None = None, control_flow: quantify_scheduler.operations.control_flow_library.ControlFlowSpec | None = None) -> Schedulable Add an operation or a subschedule to the schedule. :param operation: The operation to add to the schedule, or another schedule to add as a subschedule. :param rel_time: relative time between the reference operation and the added operation. the time is the time between the "ref_pt" in the reference operation and "ref_pt_new" of the operation that is added. :param ref_op: reference schedulable. If set to :code:`None`, will default to the last added operation. :param ref_pt: reference point in reference operation must be one of :code:`"start"`, :code:`"center"`, :code:`"end"`, or :code:`None`; in case of :code:`None`, :func:`~quantify_scheduler.compilation.determine_absolute_timing` assumes :code:`"end"`. :param ref_pt_new: reference point in added operation must be one of :code:`"start"`, :code:`"center"`, :code:`"end"`, or :code:`None`; in case of :code:`None`, :func:`~quantify_scheduler.compilation.determine_absolute_timing` assumes :code:`"start"`. :param label: a unique string that can be used as an identifier when adding operations. if set to `None`, a random hash will be generated instead. :param control_flow: Virtual operation describing if the operation should be subject to control flow (loop, conditional, ...). See :ref:`control flow reference documentation ` for a detailed explanation. :returns: Returns the schedulable created in the schedule. .. py:method:: _add(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | Schedule, rel_time: float = 0, ref_op: Schedulable | str | None = None, ref_pt: Literal['start', 'center', 'end'] | None = None, ref_pt_new: Literal['start', 'center', 'end'] | None = None, label: str | None = None) -> Schedulable .. py:method:: _validate_add_arguments(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | Schedule, label: str, control_flow: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | None) -> None .. py:function:: heterodyne_spec_sched(pulse_amp: float, pulse_duration: float, frequency: float, acquisition_delay: float, integration_time: float, port: str, clock: str, init_duration: float = 1e-05, repetitions: int = 1, port_out: str | None = None) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing heterodyne spectroscopy. :param pulse_amp: Amplitude of the spectroscopy pulse in Volt. :param pulse_duration: Duration of the spectroscopy pulse in seconds. :param frequency: Frequency of the spectroscopy pulse in Hertz. :param acquisition_delay: Start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the spectroscopy pulse in seconds. :param integration_time: Integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. :param port: Location on the device where the acquisition is performed. :param clock: Reference clock used to track the spectroscopy frequency. :param init_duration: The relaxation time or dead time. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :param port_out: Output port on the device where the pulse should be applied. If `None`, then use the same as `port`. .. py:function:: heterodyne_spec_sched_nco(pulse_amp: float, pulse_duration: float, frequencies: numpy.ndarray, acquisition_delay: float, integration_time: float, port: str, clock: str, init_duration: float = 1e-05, repetitions: int = 1, port_out: str | None = None) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a batched schedule for performing fast heterodyne spectroscopy using the :class:`~quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.SetClockFrequency` operation for doing an NCO sweep. .. admonition:: Example use of the ``heterodyne_spec_sched_nco`` schedule :class: tip .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np from qcodes.instrument.parameter import ManualParameter from quantify_scheduler.gettables import ScheduleGettable from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.quantum_device import QuantumDevice from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.transmon_element import BasicTransmonElement from quantify_scheduler.schedules.spectroscopy_schedules import heterodyne_spec_sched_nco quantum_device = QuantumDevice(name="quantum_device") q0 = BasicTransmonElement("q0") quantum_device.add_element(q0) ... # Manual parameter for batched schedule ro_freq = ManualParameter("ro_freq", unit="Hz") ro_freq.batched = True ro_freqs = np.linspace(start=4.5e9, stop=5.5e9, num=11) quantum_device.cfg_sched_repetitions(5) # Configure the gettable qubit = quantum_device.get_element("q0") schedule_kwargs = { "pulse_amp": qubit.measure.pulse_amp(), "pulse_duration": qubit.measure.pulse_duration(), "frequencies": ro_freqs, "acquisition_delay": qubit.measure.acq_delay(), "integration_time": qubit.measure.integration_time(), "port": qubit.ports.readout(), "clock": + ".ro", "init_duration": qubit.reset.duration(), } spec_gettable = ScheduleGettable( quantum_device=quantum_device, schedule_function=heterodyne_spec_sched_nco, schedule_kwargs=schedule_kwargs, real_imag=False, batched=True, ) ... quantum_device.close() q0.close() :param pulse_amp: Amplitude of the spectroscopy pulse in Volt. :param pulse_duration: Duration of the spectroscopy pulse in seconds. :param frequencies: Sample frequencies for the spectroscopy pulse in Hertz. :param acquisition_delay: Start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the spectroscopy pulse in seconds. :param integration_time: Integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. :param port: Location on the device where the acquisition is performed. :param clock: Reference clock used to track the spectroscopy frequency. :param init_duration: The relaxation time or dead time. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :param port_out: Output port on the device where the pulse should be applied. If `None`, then use the same as `port`. .. py:function:: nv_dark_esr_sched(qubit: str, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generates a schedule for a dark ESR experiment on an NV-center. The spectroscopy frequency is taken from the device element. Please use the clock specified in the `spectroscopy_operation` entry of the device config. This schedule can currently not be compiled with the Zurich Instruments backend. :param qubit: Name of the `DeviceElement` representing the NV-center. :param repetitions: Number of schedule repetitions. :returns: Schedule with a single frequency .. py:function:: two_tone_spec_sched(spec_pulse_amp: float, spec_pulse_duration: float, spec_pulse_port: str, spec_pulse_clock: str, spec_pulse_frequency: float, ro_pulse_amp: float, ro_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_delay: float, ro_pulse_port: str, ro_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_frequency: float, ro_acquisition_delay: float, ro_integration_time: float, init_duration: float = 1e-05, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing two-tone spectroscopy. :param spec_pulse_amp: Amplitude of the spectroscopy pulse in Volt. :param spec_pulse_duration: Duration of the spectroscopy pulse in seconds. :param spec_pulse_port: Location on the device where the spectroscopy pulse should be applied. :param spec_pulse_clock: Reference clock used to track the spectroscopy frequency. :param spec_pulse_frequency: Frequency of the spectroscopy pulse in Hertz. :param ro_pulse_amp: Amplitude of the readout (spectroscopy) pulse in Volt. :param ro_pulse_duration: Duration of the readout (spectroscopy) pulse in seconds. :param ro_pulse_delay: Time between the end of the spectroscopy pulse and the start of the readout (spectroscopy) pulse. :param ro_pulse_port: Location on the device where the readout (spectroscopy) pulse should be applied. :param ro_pulse_clock: Reference clock used to track the readout (spectroscopy) frequency. :param ro_pulse_frequency: Frequency of the readout (spectroscopy) pulse in Hertz. :param ro_acquisition_delay: Start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the readout pulse in seconds. :param ro_integration_time: Integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. :param init_duration: The relaxation time or dead time. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. .. py:function:: two_tone_spec_sched_nco(spec_pulse_amp: float, spec_pulse_duration: float, spec_pulse_port: str, spec_pulse_clock: str, spec_pulse_frequencies: numpy.ndarray, ro_pulse_amp: float, ro_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_delay: float, ro_pulse_port: str, ro_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_frequency: float, ro_acquisition_delay: float, ro_integration_time: float, init_duration: float, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a batched schedule for performing fast two-tone spectroscopy using the :class:`~quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.SetClockFrequency` operation for doing an NCO sweep. For long-lived qubits, it is advisable to use a small number of repetitions and compensate by doing continuous spectroscopy (low amplitude, long duration pulse with simultaneous long readout). The "dead-time" between two data points needs to be sufficient to properly reset the qubit. That means that `init_duration` should be >> T1 (so typically >200us). .. admonition:: Example use of the ``two_tone_spec_sched_nco`` schedule :class: tip .. jupyter-execute:: import numpy as np from qcodes.instrument.parameter import ManualParameter from quantify_scheduler.gettables import ScheduleGettable from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.quantum_device import QuantumDevice from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.transmon_element import BasicTransmonElement from quantify_scheduler.schedules.spectroscopy_schedules import two_tone_spec_sched_nco quantum_device = QuantumDevice(name="quantum_device") q0 = BasicTransmonElement("q0") quantum_device.add_element(q0) ... # Manual parameter for batched schedule spec_freq = ManualParameter("spec_freq", unit="Hz") spec_freq.batched = True spec_freqs = np.linspace(start=4.5e9, stop=5.5e9, num=11) quantum_device.cfg_sched_repetitions(5) # Configure the gettable qubit = quantum_device.get_element("q0") schedule_kwargs = { "spec_pulse_amp": 0.5, "spec_pulse_duration": 8e-6, "spec_pulse_port": qubit.ports.microwave(), "spec_pulse_clock": + ".01", "spec_pulse_frequencies": spec_freqs, "ro_pulse_amp": qubit.measure.pulse_amp(), "ro_pulse_duration": qubit.measure.pulse_duration(), "ro_pulse_delay": 300e-9, "ro_pulse_port": qubit.ports.readout(), "ro_pulse_clock": + ".ro", "ro_pulse_frequency": 7.04e9, "ro_acquisition_delay": qubit.measure.acq_delay(), "ro_integration_time": qubit.measure.integration_time(), "init_duration": 300e-6, } spec_gettable = ScheduleGettable( quantum_device=quantum_device, schedule_function=two_tone_spec_sched_nco, schedule_kwargs=schedule_kwargs, real_imag=False, batched=True, ) ... quantum_device.close() q0.close() :param spec_pulse_amp: Amplitude of the spectroscopy pulse in Volt. :param spec_pulse_duration: Duration of the spectroscopy pulse in seconds. :param spec_pulse_port: Location on the device where the spectroscopy pulse should be applied. :param spec_pulse_clock: Reference clock used to track the spectroscopy frequency. :param spec_pulse_frequencies: Sample frequencies for the spectroscopy pulse in Hertz. :param ro_pulse_amp: Amplitude of the readout (spectroscopy) pulse in Volt. :param ro_pulse_duration: Duration of the readout (spectroscopy) pulse in seconds. :param ro_pulse_delay: Time between the end of the spectroscopy pulse and the start of the readout (spectroscopy) pulse. :param ro_pulse_port: Location on the device where the readout (spectroscopy) pulse should be applied. :param ro_pulse_clock: Reference clock used to track the readout (spectroscopy) frequency. :param ro_pulse_frequency: Frequency of the readout (spectroscopy) pulse in Hertz. :param ro_acquisition_delay: Start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the readout pulse in seconds. :param ro_integration_time: Integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. :param init_duration: The relaxation time or dead time. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. .. py:function:: allxy_sched(qubit: str, element_select_idx: numpy.ndarray | int = np.arange(21), repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing an AllXY experiment. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- Rxy[0] -- Rxy[1] -- Measure for a specific set of combinations of x90, x180, y90, y180 and idle rotations. See section 2.3.2 of :cite:t:`reed_entanglement_2013` for an explanation of the AllXY experiment and it's applications in diagnosing errors in single-qubit control pulses. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the experiment on. :param element_select_idx: the index of the particular element of the AllXY experiment to exectute. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: echo_sched(times: numpy.ndarray | float, qubit: str, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing an Echo experiment to measure the qubit echo-dephasing time :math:`T_2^{E}`. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi/2 -- Idle(tau/2) -- pi -- Idle(tau/2) -- pi/2 -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the echo experiment. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., "q0" to perform the echo experiment on. :param times: an array of wait times. Used as tau/2 wait time between the start of the first pi/2 pulse and pi pulse, tau/2 wait time between the start of the pi pulse and the final pi/2 pulse. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: rabi_pulse_sched(mw_G_amp: float, mw_D_amp: float, mw_frequency: float, mw_clock: str, mw_port: str, mw_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_amp: float, ro_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_delay: float, ro_pulse_port: str, ro_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_frequency: float, ro_acquisition_delay: float, ro_integration_time: float, init_duration: float, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a Rabi experiment using a :func:`quantify_scheduler.waveforms.drag` pulse. .. note:: This function allows specifying a Rabi experiment directly using the pulse-level abstraction. For most applications we recommend using :func:`rabi_sched` instead. :param mw_G_amp: amplitude of the gaussian component of a DRAG pulse. :param mw_D_amp: amplitude of the derivative-of-gaussian component of a DRAG pulse. :param mw_frequency: frequency of the DRAG pulse. :param mw_clock: reference clock used to track the qubit 01 transition. :param mw_port: location on the device where the pulse should be applied. :param mw_pulse_duration: duration of the DRAG pulse. Corresponds to 4 sigma. :param ro_pulse_amp: amplitude of the readout pulse in Volt. :param ro_pulse_duration: duration of the readout pulse in seconds. :param ro_pulse_delay: time between the end of the spectroscopy pulse and the start of the readout pulse. :param ro_pulse_port: location on the device where the readout pulse should be applied. :param ro_pulse_clock: reference clock used to track the readout frequency. :param ro_pulse_frequency: frequency of the spectroscopy pulse and of the data acquisition in Hertz. :param ro_acquisition_delay: start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the readout pulse in seconds. :param ro_integration_time: integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. :param init_duration: The relaxation time or dead time. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. .. py:function:: rabi_sched(pulse_amp: numpy.ndarray | float, pulse_duration: numpy.ndarray | float, frequency: float, qubit: str, port: str = None, clock: str = None, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a Rabi using a Gaussian pulse. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- DRAG -- Measure :param pulse_amp: amplitude of the Rabi pulse in V. :param pulse_duration: duration of the Gaussian shaped Rabi pulse. Corresponds to 4 sigma. :param frequency: frequency of the qubit 01 transition. :param qubit: the qubit on which to perform a Rabi experiment. :param port: location on the chip where the Rabi pulse should be applied. if set to :code:`None`, will use the naming convention :code:`":mw"` to infer the port. :param clock: name of the location in frequency space where to apply the Rabi pulse. if set to :code:`None`, will use the naming convention :code:`".01"` to infer the clock. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. .. py:function:: ramsey_sched(times: numpy.ndarray | float, qubit: str, artificial_detuning: float = 0, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a Ramsey experiment to measure the dephasing time :math:`T_2^{\star}`. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi/2 -- Idle(tau) -- pi/2 -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the Ramsey experiment. :param times: an array of wait times tau between the start of the first pi/2 pulse and the start of the second pi/2 pulse. :param artificial_detuning: frequency in Hz of the software emulated, or ``artificial`` qubit detuning, which is implemented by changing the phase of the second pi/2 (recovery) pulse. The artificial detuning changes the observed frequency of the Ramsey oscillation, which can be useful to distinguish a slow oscillation due to a small physical detuning from the decay of the dephasing noise. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the Ramsey experiment on. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: readout_calibration_sched(qubit: str, prepared_states: list[int], repetitions: int = 1, acq_protocol: Literal['SSBIntegrationComplex', 'ThresholdedAcquisition'] = 'SSBIntegrationComplex') -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule A schedule for readout calibration. Prepares a state and immediately performs a measurement. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the experiment on. :param prepared_states: the states to prepare the qubit in before measuring as in integer corresponding to the ground (0), first-excited (1) or second-excited (2) state. :param repetitions: The number of shots to acquire, sets the number of times the schedule will be repeated. :param acq_protocol: The acquisition protocol used for the readout calibration. By default "SSBIntegrationComplex", but "ThresholdedAcquisition" can be used for verifying thresholded acquisition parameters with this function (see :doc:`/tutorials/Conditional Reset`). :returns: An experiment schedule. :raises ValueError: If the prepared state is not either 0, 1, or 2. :raises NotImplementedError: If the prepared state is 2. .. py:function:: t1_sched(times: numpy.ndarray | float, qubit: str, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a :math:`T_1` experiment to measure the qubit relaxation time. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi -- Idle(tau) -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the :math:`T_1` experiment. :param times: an array of wait times tau between the start of pi-pulse and the measurement. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the T1 experiment on. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: trace_schedule(pulse_amp: float, pulse_duration: float, pulse_delay: float, frequency: float, acquisition_delay: float, integration_time: float, port: str, clock: str, init_duration: float = 0.0002, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule to perform raw trace acquisition. :param pulse_amp: The amplitude of the pulse in Volt. :param pulse_duration: The duration of the pulse in seconds. :param pulse_delay: The pulse delay in seconds. :param frequency: The frequency of the pulse and of the data acquisition in Hertz. :param acquisition_delay: The start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the pulse in seconds. :param integration_time: The time in seconds to integrate. :param port: The location on the device where the pulse should be applied. :param clock: The reference clock used to track the pulse frequency. :param init_duration: The relaxation time or dead time. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: The Raw Trace acquisition Schedule. .. py:function:: trace_schedule_circuit_layer(qubit_name: str, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a simple schedule at circuit layer to perform raw trace acquisition. :param qubit_name: Name of a device element. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: The Raw Trace acquisition Schedule. .. py:function:: two_tone_trace_schedule(qubit_pulse_amp: float, qubit_pulse_duration: float, qubit_pulse_frequency: float, qubit_pulse_port: str, qubit_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_amp: float, ro_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_delay: float, ro_pulse_port: str, ro_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_frequency: float, ro_acquisition_delay: float, ro_integration_time: float, init_duration: float = 0.0002, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a two-tone raw trace acquisition. :param qubit_pulse_amp: The amplitude of the pulse in Volt. :param qubit_pulse_duration: The duration of the pulse in seconds. :param qubit_pulse_frequency: The pulse frequency in Hertz. :param qubit_pulse_port: The location on the device where the qubit pulse should be applied. :param qubit_pulse_clock: The reference clock used to track the pulse frequency. :param ro_pulse_amp: The amplitude of the readout pulse in Volt. :param ro_pulse_duration: The duration of the readout pulse in seconds. :param ro_pulse_delay: The time between the end of the pulse and the start of the readout pulse. :param ro_pulse_port: The location on the device where the readout pulse should be applied. :param ro_pulse_clock: The reference clock used to track the readout pulse frequency. :param ro_pulse_frequency: The readout pulse frequency in Hertz. :param ro_acquisition_delay: The start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the pulse in seconds. :param ro_integration_time: The integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. :param init_duration: The relaxation time or dead time. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: The Two-tone Trace acquisition Schedule.