timedomain_schedules ==================== .. py:module:: quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Module containing schedules for common time domain experiments such as a Rabi and T1 measurement. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules.rabi_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules.t1_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules.ramsey_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules.echo_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules.cpmg_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules.allxy_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules.readout_calibration_sched quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules.rabi_pulse_sched .. py:function:: rabi_sched(pulse_amp: numpy.ndarray | float, pulse_duration: numpy.ndarray | float, frequency: float, qubit: str, port: str = None, clock: str = None, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a Rabi using a Gaussian pulse. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- DRAG -- Measure :param pulse_amp: amplitude of the Rabi pulse in V. :param pulse_duration: duration of the Gaussian shaped Rabi pulse. Corresponds to 4 sigma. :param frequency: frequency of the qubit 01 transition. :param qubit: the qubit on which to perform a Rabi experiment. :param port: location on the chip where the Rabi pulse should be applied. if set to :code:`None`, will use the naming convention :code:`":mw"` to infer the port. :param clock: name of the location in frequency space where to apply the Rabi pulse. if set to :code:`None`, will use the naming convention :code:`".01"` to infer the clock. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. .. py:function:: t1_sched(times: numpy.ndarray | float, qubit: str, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a :math:`T_1` experiment to measure the qubit relaxation time. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi -- Idle(tau) -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the :math:`T_1` experiment. :param times: an array of wait times tau between the start of pi-pulse and the measurement. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the T1 experiment on. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: ramsey_sched(times: numpy.ndarray | float, qubit: str, artificial_detuning: float = 0, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a Ramsey experiment to measure the dephasing time :math:`T_2^{\star}`. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi/2 -- Idle(tau) -- pi/2 -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the Ramsey experiment. :param times: an array of wait times tau between the start of the first pi/2 pulse and the start of the second pi/2 pulse. :param artificial_detuning: frequency in Hz of the software emulated, or ``artificial`` qubit detuning, which is implemented by changing the phase of the second pi/2 (recovery) pulse. The artificial detuning changes the observed frequency of the Ramsey oscillation, which can be useful to distinguish a slow oscillation due to a small physical detuning from the decay of the dephasing noise. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the Ramsey experiment on. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: echo_sched(times: numpy.ndarray | float, qubit: str, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing an Echo experiment to measure the qubit echo-dephasing time :math:`T_2^{E}`. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi/2 -- Idle(tau/2) -- pi -- Idle(tau/2) -- pi/2 -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the echo experiment. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., "q0" to perform the echo experiment on. :param times: an array of wait times. Used as tau/2 wait time between the start of the first pi/2 pulse and pi pulse, tau/2 wait time between the start of the pi pulse and the final pi/2 pulse. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: cpmg_sched(n_gates: int, times: numpy.ndarray | float, qubit: str, variant: Literal['X', 'Y', 'XY'] = 'X', artificial_detuning: float = 0, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a CPMG (n gates) experiment to measure the qubit dephasing time :math:`T_2^{CPMG}` with dynamical decoupling. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi/2 -- [Idle(tau/(2n)) -- pi -- Idle(tau/2n)]*n -- pi/2 -- Measure .. Idle time includes the pi pulse duration! :param n_gates: Number of CPMG Gates. Note that `n_gates=1` corresponds to an Echo experiment (:func:`~.echo_sched`). :param qubit: The name of the qubit, e.g., "q0", to perform the echo experiment on. :param times: An array of wait times between the pi/2 pulses. The wait times are subdivided into multiple IdlePulse(time/(2n)) operations. Be aware that time/(2n) must be an integer multiple of your hardware backend grid time. :param variant: CPMG using either pi_x ("X"), pi_y ("Y") or interleaved pi_x/pi_y ("XY") gates, default is "X". :param artificial_detuning: The frequency in Hz of the software emulated, or ``artificial`` qubit detuning, which is implemented by changing the phase of the second pi/2 (recovery) pulse. The artificial detuning changes the observed frequency of the Ramsey oscillation, which can be useful to distinguish a slow oscillation due to a small physical detuning from the decay of the dephasing noise. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated, default is 1. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: allxy_sched(qubit: str, element_select_idx: numpy.ndarray | int = np.arange(21), repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing an AllXY experiment. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- Rxy[0] -- Rxy[1] -- Measure for a specific set of combinations of x90, x180, y90, y180 and idle rotations. See section 2.3.2 of :cite:t:`reed_entanglement_2013` for an explanation of the AllXY experiment and it's applications in diagnosing errors in single-qubit control pulses. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the experiment on. :param element_select_idx: the index of the particular element of the AllXY experiment to exectute. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. :returns: An experiment schedule. .. py:function:: readout_calibration_sched(qubit: str, prepared_states: list[int], repetitions: int = 1, acq_protocol: Literal['SSBIntegrationComplex', 'ThresholdedAcquisition'] = 'SSBIntegrationComplex') -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule A schedule for readout calibration. Prepares a state and immediately performs a measurement. :param qubit: the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the experiment on. :param prepared_states: the states to prepare the qubit in before measuring as in integer corresponding to the ground (0), first-excited (1) or second-excited (2) state. :param repetitions: The number of shots to acquire, sets the number of times the schedule will be repeated. :param acq_protocol: The acquisition protocol used for the readout calibration. By default "SSBIntegrationComplex", but "ThresholdedAcquisition" can be used for verifying thresholded acquisition parameters with this function (see :doc:`/tutorials/Conditional Reset`). :returns: An experiment schedule. :raises ValueError: If the prepared state is not either 0, 1, or 2. :raises NotImplementedError: If the prepared state is 2. .. py:function:: rabi_pulse_sched(mw_G_amp: float, mw_D_amp: float, mw_frequency: float, mw_clock: str, mw_port: str, mw_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_amp: float, ro_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_delay: float, ro_pulse_port: str, ro_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_frequency: float, ro_acquisition_delay: float, ro_integration_time: float, init_duration: float, repetitions: int = 1) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Generate a schedule for performing a Rabi experiment using a :func:`quantify_scheduler.waveforms.drag` pulse. .. note:: This function allows specifying a Rabi experiment directly using the pulse-level abstraction. For most applications we recommend using :func:`rabi_sched` instead. :param mw_G_amp: amplitude of the gaussian component of a DRAG pulse. :param mw_D_amp: amplitude of the derivative-of-gaussian component of a DRAG pulse. :param mw_frequency: frequency of the DRAG pulse. :param mw_clock: reference clock used to track the qubit 01 transition. :param mw_port: location on the device where the pulse should be applied. :param mw_pulse_duration: duration of the DRAG pulse. Corresponds to 4 sigma. :param ro_pulse_amp: amplitude of the readout pulse in Volt. :param ro_pulse_duration: duration of the readout pulse in seconds. :param ro_pulse_delay: time between the end of the spectroscopy pulse and the start of the readout pulse. :param ro_pulse_port: location on the device where the readout pulse should be applied. :param ro_pulse_clock: reference clock used to track the readout frequency. :param ro_pulse_frequency: frequency of the spectroscopy pulse and of the data acquisition in Hertz. :param ro_acquisition_delay: start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the readout pulse in seconds. :param ro_integration_time: integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. :param init_duration: The relaxation time or dead time. :param repetitions: The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated.