See also
This notebook can be downloaded here
UML class diagram generator#
This notebook generates UML diagrams of class hierarchies
(install these two in a python env), graphviz
from IPython.display import Image, display
from quantify_scheduler.helpers.inspect import make_uml_diagram
General notes#
Yellow labels indicate addition as a submodule
Different colors indicate different packages
Generated figures are saved in png format
Options must be given in
formatFor more information, visit the Wikipedia page on relationships in class diagrams
Plotting all classes in a module#
Be aware that this option will only plot classes that are contained within
, and not related classes defined outside the module.Extra options:
Show ancestors (aka parent classes):
Ignore specific submodules:
--ignore <file[,file...]>
(e.g.["--ignore", ",,zhinst"]
from quantify_scheduler.backends import qblox
module_to_plot = qblox
options = ["-A"]
diagram_name = make_uml_diagram(module_to_plot, options)
if diagram_name:

Plotting ancestors and submodules of a class#
option to show all class attributes
from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.transmon_element import BasicTransmonElement
class_to_plot = BasicTransmonElement
options = ["--only-classnames"]
diagram_name = make_uml_diagram(class_to_plot, options)
if diagram_name: