Source code for quantify_scheduler.helpers.collections

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Helpers for various collections."""

import copy
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import xxhash

[docs]def make_hash(obj: Any) -> int: """ Makes a hash from a dictionary, list, tuple or set to any level, that contains only other hashable types (including any lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries). From: Parameters ---------- obj Input collection. Returns ------- : Hash. """ new_hash = xxhash.xxh64() if isinstance(obj, (set, tuple, list)): return hash(tuple(make_hash(e) for e in obj)) if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): # numpy arrays behave funny for hashing new_hash.update(obj) val = new_hash.intdigest() new_hash.reset() return val if not isinstance(obj, dict): return hash(obj) new_o = copy.deepcopy(obj) for key, val in new_o.items(): new_o[key] = make_hash(val) return hash(tuple(frozenset(sorted(new_o.items()))))
[docs]def without(dict_in: dict, keys: list) -> dict: """ Utility that copies a dictionary excluding a specific list of keys. Parameters ---------- dict_in Input dictionary. keys List of keys to exclude. Returns ------- : Filtered dictionary. """ if not isinstance(keys, list): keys = [keys] new_d = dict_in.copy() for key in keys: new_d.pop(key) return new_d