Source code for quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.components.qblox

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Module containing Qblox InstrumentCoordinator Components."""
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union, List

import numpy as np
from qblox_instruments import (
from qcodes.instrument import Instrument, InstrumentModule

from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox import constants
from quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox import (
from quantify_scheduler.enums import BinMode
from quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.components import base
from quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.utility import (
from quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule import AcquisitionMetadata

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) @dataclass(frozen=True)
[docs]class _SequencerStateInfo:
[docs] message: str
"""The text to pass as the logging message."""
[docs] logging_level: int
"""The logging level to use.""" @staticmethod
[docs] def get_logging_level(flag: SequencerStatusFlags) -> int: """Define the logging level per SequencerStatusFlags flag.""" if ( flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_SCOPE_DONE_PATH_0 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_SCOPE_DONE_PATH_0 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_BINNING_DONE ): return logging.DEBUG if ( flag is SequencerStatusFlags.DISARMED or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.FORCED_STOP or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_SCOPE_OVERWRITTEN_PATH_0 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_SCOPE_OVERWRITTEN_PATH_1 ): return logging.INFO if ( flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_SCOPE_OUT_OF_RANGE_PATH_0 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_SCOPE_OUT_OF_RANGE_PATH_1 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_BINNING_OUT_OF_RANGE ): return logging.WARNING if ( flag is SequencerStatusFlags.SEQUENCE_PROCESSOR_Q1_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.SEQUENCE_PROCESSOR_RT_EXEC_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.SEQUENCE_PROCESSOR_RT_EXEC_COMMAND_UNDERFLOW or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.AWG_WAVE_PLAYBACK_INDEX_INVALID_PATH_0 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.AWG_WAVE_PLAYBACK_INDEX_INVALID_PATH_1 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_WEIGHT_PLAYBACK_INDEX_INVALID_PATH_0 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_WEIGHT_PLAYBACK_INDEX_INVALID_PATH_1 or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_BINNING_FIFO_ERROR or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_BINNING_COMM_ERROR or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_INDEX_INVALID or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.ACQ_BIN_INDEX_INVALID or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.CLOCK_INSTABILITY or flag is SequencerStatusFlags.OUTPUT_OVERFLOW ): return logging.ERROR return logging.DEBUG
[docs]_SEQUENCER_STATE_FLAG_INFO: Dict[SequencerStatusFlags, _SequencerStateInfo] = { flag: _SequencerStateInfo( message=flag.value, logging_level=_SequencerStateInfo.get_logging_level(flag) ) for flag in SequencerStatusFlags }
"""Used to link all flags returned by the hardware to logging message and logging level.""" @dataclass(frozen=True)
[docs]class _StaticHardwareProperties: """Dataclass that holds all the static differences between the different Qblox devices that are relevant for configuring them correctly."""
[docs] settings_type: Type[BaseModuleSettings]
"""The settings dataclass to use that the hardware needs to configure to."""
[docs] has_internal_lo: bool
"""Specifies if an internal lo source is available."""
[docs] number_of_sequencers: int
"""The number of sequencers the hardware has available."""
[docs] number_of_output_paths: int
"""The number of output paths that can be used."""
[docs] number_of_input_paths: int
""""The number of input paths that can be used."""
[docs]_QCM_BASEBAND_PROPERTIES = _StaticHardwareProperties( settings_type=BaseModuleSettings, has_internal_lo=False, number_of_sequencers=constants.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENCERS_QCM, number_of_output_paths=4, number_of_input_paths=0, )
[docs]_QRM_BASEBAND_PROPERTIES = _StaticHardwareProperties( settings_type=BaseModuleSettings, has_internal_lo=False, number_of_sequencers=constants.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENCERS_QRM, number_of_output_paths=2, number_of_input_paths=2, )
[docs]_QCM_RF_PROPERTIES = _StaticHardwareProperties( settings_type=RFModuleSettings, has_internal_lo=True, number_of_sequencers=constants.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENCERS_QCM, number_of_output_paths=4, number_of_input_paths=0, )
[docs]_QRM_RF_PROPERTIES = _StaticHardwareProperties( settings_type=RFModuleSettings, has_internal_lo=True, number_of_sequencers=constants.NUMBER_OF_SEQUENCERS_QRM, number_of_output_paths=2, number_of_input_paths=2, )
[docs]class QbloxInstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase(base.InstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase): """Qblox InstrumentCoordinator component base class.""" def __init__( self, instrument: Union[Instrument, InstrumentModule], **kwargs ) -> None: """ Create a new instance of QbloxInstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase base class. """ super().__init__(instrument, **kwargs) self._instrument_module = ( instrument if isinstance(instrument, InstrumentModule) else None ) if instrument.is_rf_type is not self._hardware_properties.has_internal_lo: raise RuntimeError( "QbloxInstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase not compatible with the " "provided instrument. Please confirm whether your device " "is an RF module or a baseband module (having or not having an " "internal LO)." ) self._seq_name_to_idx_map = { f"seq{idx}": idx for idx in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers) } @property
[docs] def instrument(self) -> Union[Instrument, InstrumentModule]: """ If the instrument behind this instance of `QbloxInstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase` is an `InstrumentModule` (e.g. the module within the `qblox_instrument.Cluster`), it is returned. Otherwise, the reference to the `instrument` is returned (e.g. for a stand-alone `qblox_instruments.Pulsar`). """ if self._instrument_module is not None: return self._instrument_module return super().instrument
[docs] def _set_parameter( self, instrument: Union[Instrument, InstrumentModule], parameter_name: str, val: Any, ) -> None: """ Sets the parameter directly or using the lazy set, depending on the value of `force_set_parameters`. Parameters ---------- instrument The instrument or instrument channel that holds the parameter to set, e.g. `self.instrument` or `self.instrument[f"sequencer{idx}"]`. parameter_name The name of the parameter to set. val The new value of the parameter. """ if self.force_set_parameters(): instrument.set(parameter_name, val) else: lazy_set(instrument, parameter_name, val)
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: """ Finds if any of the sequencers is currently running. Returns ------- : True if any of the sequencers reports the `SequencerStatus.RUNNING` status. """ for seq_idx in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers): seq_state = self.instrument.get_sequencer_state(seq_idx) if seq_state.status is SequencerStatus.RUNNING: return True return False
[docs] def wait_done(self, timeout_sec: int = 10) -> None: """ Blocks the instrument until all the sequencers are done running. Parameters ---------- timeout_sec The timeout in seconds. N.B. the instrument takes the timeout in minutes (int), therefore it is rounded down to whole minutes with a minimum of 1. """ timeout_min = timeout_sec // 60 if timeout_min == 0: timeout_min = 1 for idx in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers): state: SequencerState = self.instrument.get_sequencer_state( sequencer=idx, timeout=timeout_min ) if state.flags: for flag in state.flags: if flag not in _SEQUENCER_STATE_FLAG_INFO: logger.error( f"[{}|seq{idx}] Encountered flag {flag} in " f"returned value by `get_sequencer_state` which is not " f"defined in {self.__module__}. Please refer to the Qblox " f"instruments documentation for more info." ) else: flag_info = _SEQUENCER_STATE_FLAG_INFO[flag] msg = f"[{}|seq{idx}] {flag} - {flag_info.message}" logger.log(level=flag_info.logging_level, msg=msg)
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Starts execution of the schedule. """ for idx in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers): state = self.instrument.get_sequencer_state(idx) if state.status is SequencerStatus.ARMED: self.instrument.start_sequencer(idx)
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stops all execution. """ for idx in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers): # disable sync to prevent hanging on next run if instrument is not used. self._set_parameter(self.instrument[f"sequencer{idx}"], "sync_en", False) self.instrument.stop_sequencer()
[docs] def _configure_global_settings(self, settings: BaseModuleSettings) -> None: """ Configures all settings that are set globally for the whole instrument. Parameters ---------- settings The settings to configure it to. """
[docs] def _configure_sequencer_settings( self, seq_idx: int, settings: SequencerSettings ) -> None: """ Configures all sequencer-specific settings. Parameters ---------- seq_idx Index of the sequencer to configure. settings The settings to configure it to. """ self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "sync_en", settings.sync_en ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "mod_en_awg", settings.nco_en ) if settings.nco_en: self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "nco_freq", settings.modulation_freq, ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "offset_awg_path0", settings.init_offset_awg_path_0, ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "offset_awg_path1", settings.init_offset_awg_path_1, ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "gain_awg_path0", settings.init_gain_awg_path_0, ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "gain_awg_path1", settings.init_gain_awg_path_1, ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree", settings.mixer_corr_phase_offset_degree, ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "mixer_corr_gain_ratio", settings.mixer_corr_gain_ratio, ) if settings.connected_outputs is not None: for output_idx in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_output_paths): connected: bool = output_idx in settings.connected_outputs self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], self._get_channel_map_parameter_name(output_index=output_idx), connected, ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "sequence", settings.sequence )
[docs] def _get_channel_map_parameter_name(output_index: int) -> str: path_idx = output_index % 2 # even or odd output return f"channel_map_path{path_idx}_out{output_index}_en"
[docs] def _arm_all_sequencers_in_program(self, program: Dict[str, Any]): """Arms all the sequencers that are part of the program.""" for seq_name in program: if seq_name in self._seq_name_to_idx_map: seq_idx = self._seq_name_to_idx_map[seq_name] self.instrument.arm_sequencer(sequencer=seq_idx)
@property @abstractmethod
[docs] def _hardware_properties(self) -> _StaticHardwareProperties: """ Holds all the differences between the different modules. Returns ------- : A dataclass with all the hardware properties for this specific module. """
[docs]class QCMComponent(QbloxInstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase): """ QCM specific InstrumentCoordinator component. """
[docs] _hardware_properties = _QCM_BASEBAND_PROPERTIES
def __init__(self, instrument: Instrument, **kwargs) -> None: """Create a new instance of QCMComponent.""" if not instrument.is_qcm_type: raise TypeError( f"Trying to create QCMComponent from non-QCM instrument " f'of type "{type(instrument)}".' ) super().__init__(instrument, **kwargs)
[docs] def retrieve_acquisition(self) -> None: """ Retrieves the previous acquisition. Returns ------- : QCM returns None since the QCM has no acquisition. """ return None
[docs] def prepare(self, options: Dict[str, dict]) -> None: """ Uploads the waveforms and programs to the sequencers and configures all the settings required. Keep in mind that values set directly through the driver may be overridden (e.g. the offsets will be set according to the specified mixer calibration parameters). Parameters ---------- options Program to upload to the sequencers. The key is a sequencer, e.g., :code:`"seq0"`, or :code:`"settings"`, the value is the global settings dict or a sequencer-specific configuration. """ program = copy.deepcopy(options) if "settings" in program: settings_entry = program.pop("settings") module_settings = self._hardware_properties.settings_type.from_dict( settings_entry ) self._configure_global_settings(module_settings) for seq_idx in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers): self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "sync_en", False ) for seq_name, seq_cfg in program.items(): if seq_name in self._seq_name_to_idx_map: seq_idx = self._seq_name_to_idx_map[seq_name] elif seq_name == "acq_metadata": raise KeyError( "Invalid program. Attempting to use QCM for readout. " "Check your hardware config." ) else: raise KeyError( f"Invalid program. Attempting to access non-existing sequencer " f'with name "{seq_name}".' ) self._configure_sequencer_settings( seq_idx=seq_idx, settings=SequencerSettings.from_dict(seq_cfg) ) self._arm_all_sequencers_in_program(program)
[docs] def _configure_global_settings(self, settings: BaseModuleSettings): """ Configures all settings that are set globally for the whole instrument. Parameters ---------- settings The settings to configure it to. """ # configure mixer correction offsets if settings.offset_ch0_path0 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out0_offset", settings.offset_ch0_path0 ) if settings.offset_ch0_path1 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out1_offset", settings.offset_ch0_path1 ) if settings.offset_ch1_path0 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out2_offset", settings.offset_ch1_path0 ) if settings.offset_ch1_path1 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out3_offset", settings.offset_ch1_path1 )
[docs]class QRMComponent(QbloxInstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase): """ QRM specific InstrumentCoordinator component. """
[docs] _hardware_properties = _QRM_BASEBAND_PROPERTIES
def __init__(self, instrument: Instrument, **kwargs) -> None: """Create a new instance of QRMComponent.""" if not instrument.is_qrm_type: raise TypeError( f"Trying to create QRMComponent from non-QRM instrument " f'of type "{type(instrument)}".' ) super().__init__(instrument, **kwargs)
[docs] self._acquisition_manager: Optional[_QRMAcquisitionManager] = None
"""Holds all the acquisition related logic."""
[docs] def retrieve_acquisition(self) -> Optional[Dict[AcquisitionIndexing, Any]]: """ Retrieves the latest acquisition results. Returns ------- : The acquired data. """ if self._acquisition_manager: return self._acquisition_manager.retrieve_acquisition() else: return None
[docs] def prepare(self, options: Dict[str, dict]) -> None: """ Uploads the waveforms and programs to the sequencers and configures all the settings required. Keep in mind that values set directly through the driver may be overridden (e.g. the offsets will be set according to the specified mixer calibration parameters). Parameters ---------- options Program to upload to the sequencers. The key is a sequencer, e.g., :code:`"seq0"`, or :code:`"settings"`, the value is the global settings dict or a sequencer-specific configuration. """ program = copy.deepcopy(options) trace_acq_channel = None if "trace_acq_channel" in program: trace_acq_channel = program.pop("trace_acq_channel") if "acq_metadata" in program: acq_metadata = program.pop("acq_metadata") if len(acq_metadata) != 0: self._acquisition_manager = _QRMAcquisitionManager( parent=self, number_of_sequencers=self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers, trace_acq_channel=trace_acq_channel, acquisition_metadata=acq_metadata, ) for seq_idx in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers): self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "sync_en", False ) if "settings" in program: settings_entry = program.pop("settings") module_settings = self._hardware_properties.settings_type.from_dict( settings_entry ) if self._acquisition_manager is not None: self._acquisition_manager.scope_mode_sequencer = ( module_settings.scope_mode_sequencer ) self._configure_global_settings(module_settings) for path in [ 0, 1, ]: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, f"scope_acq_trigger_mode_path{path}", "sequencer" ) self._set_parameter( self.instrument, f"scope_acq_avg_mode_en_path{path}", True ) for seq_name, seq_cfg in program.items(): if seq_name in self._seq_name_to_idx_map: seq_idx = self._seq_name_to_idx_map[seq_name] else: raise KeyError( f"Invalid program. Attempting to access non-existing sequencer " f'with name "{seq_name}".' ) self._configure_sequencer_settings( seq_idx=seq_idx, settings=SequencerSettings.from_dict(seq_cfg) ) self._clear_sequencer_acquisition_data() self._arm_all_sequencers_in_program(program)
[docs] def _clear_sequencer_acquisition_data(self): """Clear all acquisition data.""" for sequencer_id in range(self._hardware_properties.number_of_sequencers): self.instrument.delete_acquisition_data(sequencer=sequencer_id, all=True)
[docs] def _configure_global_settings(self, settings: BaseModuleSettings): """ Configures all settings that are set globally for the whole instrument. Parameters ---------- settings The settings to configure it to. """ if settings.scope_mode_sequencer is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "scope_acq_sequencer_select", settings.scope_mode_sequencer, ) # configure mixer correction offsets if settings.offset_ch0_path0 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out0_offset", settings.offset_ch0_path0 ) if settings.offset_ch0_path1 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out1_offset", settings.offset_ch0_path1 ) # configure gain if settings.in0_gain is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "in0_gain", settings.in0_gain) if settings.in1_gain is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "in1_gain", settings.in1_gain)
[docs] def _configure_sequencer_settings( self, seq_idx: int, settings: SequencerSettings ) -> None: super()._configure_sequencer_settings(seq_idx, settings) if settings.integration_length_acq is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "integration_length_acq", settings.integration_length_acq, ) self._acquisition_manager.acq_duration[ seq_idx ] = settings.integration_length_acq self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "demod_en_acq", settings.nco_en ) if settings.ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en", settings.ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en, ) if settings.ttl_acq_threshold is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "ttl_acq_threshold", settings.ttl_acq_threshold, ) if settings.ttl_acq_input_select is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument[f"sequencer{seq_idx}"], "ttl_acq_input_select", settings.ttl_acq_input_select, )
[docs]class QCMRFComponent(QCMComponent): """ QCM-RF specific InstrumentCoordinator component. """
[docs] _hardware_properties = _QCM_RF_PROPERTIES
[docs] def _configure_global_settings(self, settings: RFModuleSettings): """ Configures all settings that are set globally for the whole instrument. Parameters ---------- settings The settings to configure it to. """ if settings.lo0_freq is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "out0_lo_freq", settings.lo0_freq) if settings.lo1_freq is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "out1_lo_freq", settings.lo1_freq) # configure mixer correction offsets if settings.offset_ch0_path0 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out0_offset_path0", settings.offset_ch0_path0 ) if settings.offset_ch0_path1 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out0_offset_path1", settings.offset_ch0_path1 ) if settings.offset_ch1_path0 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out1_offset_path0", settings.offset_ch1_path0 ) if settings.offset_ch1_path1 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out1_offset_path1", settings.offset_ch1_path1 ) # configure attenuation if settings.out0_att is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "out0_att", settings.out0_att) if settings.out1_att is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "out1_att", settings.out1_att)
[docs]class QRMRFComponent(QRMComponent): """ QRM-RF specific InstrumentCoordinator component. """
[docs] _hardware_properties = _QRM_RF_PROPERTIES
[docs] def _configure_global_settings(self, settings: RFModuleSettings): """ Configures all settings that are set globally for the whole instrument. Parameters ---------- settings The settings to configure it to. """ if settings.scope_mode_sequencer is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "scope_acq_sequencer_select", settings.scope_mode_sequencer, ) if settings.lo0_freq is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "out0_in0_lo_freq", settings.lo0_freq) # configure mixer correction offsets if settings.offset_ch0_path0 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out0_offset_path0", settings.offset_ch0_path0 ) if settings.offset_ch0_path1 is not None: self._set_parameter( self.instrument, "out0_offset_path1", settings.offset_ch0_path1 ) # configure attenuation if settings.out0_att is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "out0_att", settings.out0_att) if settings.in0_att is not None: self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "in0_att", settings.in0_att)
[docs]class PulsarQCMComponent(QCMComponent): """A component for a baseband Pulsar QCM."""
[docs] def prepare(self, options: Dict[str, dict]) -> None: super().prepare(options) reference_source: str = options["settings"]["ref"] self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "reference_source", reference_source)
[docs]class PulsarQRMComponent(QRMComponent): """A component for a baseband Pulsar QRM."""
[docs] def prepare(self, options: Dict[str, dict]) -> None: super().prepare(options) reference_source: str = options["settings"]["ref"] self._set_parameter(self.instrument, "reference_source", reference_source)
[docs]AcquisitionIndexing = namedtuple("AcquisitionIndexing", "acq_channel acq_index")
""" Named tuple to clarify how the indexing of acquisitions works inside the `_QRMAcquisitionManager`. """
[docs]class _QRMAcquisitionManager: """ Utility class that handles the acquisitions performed with the QRM. An instance of this class is meant to exist only for a single prepare-start- retrieve_acquisition cycle to prevent stateful behavior. """ def __init__( self, parent: QRMComponent, number_of_sequencers: int, trace_acq_channel: Optional[int], acquisition_metadata: AcquisitionMetadata, ): """ Constructor for `_QRMAcquisitionManager`. Parameters ---------- parent Reference to the parent QRM IC component. number_of_sequencers The number of sequencers capable of acquisitions. trace_acq_channel The channel of the trace acquisition. If there is no trace acquisition, it is `None`. acquisition_metadata Provides a summary of the used channels bins and acquisition protocols. """ self.parent: QRMComponent = parent self.number_of_sequencers: int = number_of_sequencers self.trace_acq_channel: Optional[int] = trace_acq_channel self.acquisition_metadata: AcquisitionMetadata = acquisition_metadata self.scope_mode_sequencer: Optional[str] = None self.acq_duration: List[Optional[int]] = [None] * number_of_sequencers self.seq_name_to_idx_map = { f"seq{idx}": idx for idx in range(number_of_sequencers) } @property
[docs] def instrument(self): """Returns the QRM driver from the parent IC component.""" return self.parent.instrument
[docs] def retrieve_acquisition(self) -> Optional[Dict[AcquisitionIndexing, Any]]: """ Retrieves all the acquisition data in the correct format. Returns ------- : The acquisitions in a `dict` with keys `(acq_channel, acq_index)`, as specified for each operation by the user. """ protocol_to_function_mapping = { "weighted_integrated_complex": self._get_integration_data, "ssb_integration_complex": self._get_integration_amplitude_data, "trace": self._get_scope_data, "trigger_count": self._get_trigger_count_data, # NB thresholded protocol is still missing since there is nothing in # the acquisition library for it yet. } self._store_scope_acquisition() formatted_acquisitions: Dict[AcquisitionIndexing, Any] = {} for seq_idx in range(self.number_of_sequencers): if f"seq{seq_idx}" not in self.acquisition_metadata: continue acq_metadata = self.acquisition_metadata[f"seq{seq_idx}"] acquisition_function: Callable = protocol_to_function_mapping[ acq_metadata.acq_protocol ] # retrieve the raw data from the qrm sequencer module acquisitions = self.instrument.get_acquisitions(seq_idx) for acq_channel, acq_indices in acq_metadata.acq_indices.items(): # the acquisition_function retrieves the right part of the acquisitions # data structure returned by the qrm i_vals, q_vals = acquisition_function( acquisitions=acquisitions, acq_channel=acq_channel, acq_duration=self.acq_duration[seq_idx], acq_metadata=acq_metadata, ) # the Qblox compilation backend verifies that the # acquisition indices start at 0 and increment in steps of 1. # this enables us to simply stride over the bin_idx as if they # correspond to acq_indices. for acq_idx in acq_indices: acq_stride = len(acq_indices) # N.B. the stride idx ensures that in append mode all data # corresponding to the same acq_index appears in the # same acq_ch, acq_idx part of the returned formatted acquisitions. index = AcquisitionIndexing( acq_channel=acq_channel, acq_index=acq_idx ) check_already_existing_acq_index(index, formatted_acquisitions) formatted_acquisitions[index] = ( i_vals[acq_idx::acq_stride], q_vals[acq_idx::acq_stride], ) if len(formatted_acquisitions) != 0: return formatted_acquisitions else: return None
[docs] def _store_scope_acquisition(self): sequencer_index = self.scope_mode_sequencer if sequencer_index is None: return if sequencer_index > self.number_of_sequencers: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to retrieve scope mode data from sequencer " f"{sequencer_index}. A QRM has only " f"{self.number_of_sequencers} sequencers." ) if self.trace_acq_channel is not None: acq_name = self._channel_index_to_channel_name(self.trace_acq_channel) self.instrument.store_scope_acquisition(sequencer_index, acq_name)
[docs] def _get_scope_data( self, acquisitions: dict, acq_metadata: AcquisitionMetadata, # pylint: disable=unused-argument acq_duration: int, acq_channel: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Retrieves the scope mode acquisition associated with an `acq_channel`. Parameters ---------- acquisitions The acquisitions dict as returned by the sequencer. acq_duration The duration of the acquisition, used to truncate the data. acq_channel The acq_channel to get the scope mode acquisition for. Returns ------- scope_data_i The scope mode data for `path0`. scope_data_q The scope mode data for `path1`. """ if acq_duration < 0 or acq_duration > constants.MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE_ACQUISITIONS: raise ValueError( "Attempting to retrieve sample of size " f"{acq_duration} " f"(maximum allowed sample size: " f"{constants.MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE_ACQUISITIONS})" ) acq_name = self._channel_index_to_channel_name(acq_channel) scope_data = acquisitions[acq_name]["acquisition"]["scope"] for path_label in ("path0", "path1"): if scope_data[path_label]["out-of-range"]: logger.warning( f"The scope mode data of {path_label} of {} with " f"acq_channel={acq_channel} was out-of-range." ) # NB hardware already divides by avg_count for scope mode scope_data_i = np.array(scope_data["path0"]["data"][:acq_duration]) scope_data_q = np.array(scope_data["path1"]["data"][:acq_duration]) return scope_data_i, scope_data_q
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def _get_integration_data( self, acquisitions: dict, acq_metadata: AcquisitionMetadata, acq_duration: int = constants.MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE_ACQUISITIONS, acq_channel: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Retrieves the integrated acquisition data associated with an `acq_channel`. Parameters ---------- acquisitions The acquisitions dict as returned by the sequencer. acq_duration Not used in this function. acq_channel The `acq_channel` from which to get the data. Returns ------- i_data The integrated data for path0. q_data The integrated data for path1. """ bin_data = self._get_bin_data(acquisitions, acq_channel) i_data, q_data = ( np.array(bin_data["integration"]["path0"]), np.array(bin_data["integration"]["path1"]), ) return i_data, q_data
[docs] def _get_integration_amplitude_data( self, acquisitions: dict, acq_metadata: AcquisitionMetadata, acq_duration: int, acq_channel: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Gets the integration data but normalized to the integration time (number of samples summed). The return value is thus the amplitude of the demodulated signal directly and has volt units (i.e. same units as a single sample of the integrated signal). Parameters ---------- acquisitions The acquisitions dict as returned by the sequencer. acq_duration The duration of the acquisition, used to truncate the data. acq_channel The `acq_channel` from which to get the data. Returns ------- data_i Array containing I-quadrature data. data_q Array containing Q-quadrature data. """ if acq_duration is None: raise RuntimeError( "Retrieving data failed. Expected the integration length to be defined," " but it is `None`." ) compensated_data_i, compensated_data_q = self._get_integration_data( acquisitions=acquisitions, acq_channel=acq_channel, acq_metadata=acq_metadata, ) compensated_data_i, compensated_data_q = ( compensated_data_i / acq_duration, compensated_data_q / acq_duration, ) return compensated_data_i, compensated_data_q
[docs] def _get_threshold_data( self, acquisitions: dict, acq_metadata: AcquisitionMetadata, acq_duration: int, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, ) -> float: """ Retrieves the thresholded acquisition data associated with `acq_channel` and `acq_index`. Parameters ---------- acquisitions The acquisitions dict as returned by the sequencer. acq_channel The acq_channel to get the thresholded acquisition data for. acq_index The acq_index to get the thresholded acquisition data for. Returns ------- : The value of the thresholded acquisition for `acq_channel` and `acq_index`. Should always be 0.0 <= val <= 1.0. """ bin_data = self._get_bin_data(acquisitions, acq_channel) data = bin_data["threshold"] if acq_index > len(data): raise ValueError( f"Attempting to access acq_index {acq_index} on " f"{} but only {len(data)} values found " f"in acquisition data." ) return data[acq_index]
[docs] def _get_trigger_count_data( self, acquisitions: dict, acq_metadata: AcquisitionMetadata, acq_duration: int, acq_channel: int = 0, ) -> tuple[list[int], list[int]] | list[int]: """ Retrieves the trigger count acquisition data associated with `acq_channel`. Parameters ---------- acquisitions The acquisitions dict as returned by the sequencer. acq_channel The acq_channel to get the thresholded acquisition data for. Returns ------- : For BinMode.AVERAGE count A list of integers indicating the amount of triggers counted occurence A list of integers with the occurence of each trigger count. for BinMode.APPEND count A list of integers indicating the amount of triggers counted occurence A list of 1's. """ bin_data = self._get_bin_data(acquisitions, acq_channel) if acq_metadata.bin_mode == BinMode.AVERAGE: bin_count_diff = np.diff(bin_data["avg_cnt"]) res = { count + 1: -v for (count, v) in enumerate(bin_count_diff) if not (np.isnan(v) or np.isclose(v, 0)) } return list(res.keys()), list(res.values()) elif acq_metadata.bin_mode == BinMode.APPEND: counts = list(bin_data["avg_cnt"]) counts = [0 if np.isnan(x) else x for x in counts] return counts, [1] * len(counts)
[docs] def _channel_index_to_channel_name(acq_channel: int) -> str: """Returns the name of the acquisition from the acq_channel.""" return str(acq_channel)
[docs] def _get_bin_data(cls, acquisitions: dict, acq_channel: int = 0) -> dict: """Returns the bin entry of the acquisition data dict.""" acq_name = cls._channel_index_to_channel_name(acq_channel) channel_data = acquisitions[acq_name] if channel_data["index"] != acq_channel: raise RuntimeError( f"Name does not correspond to a valid acquisition for name {acq_name}, " f'which has index {channel_data["index"]}.' ) return channel_data["acquisition"]["bins"]
[docs]ClusterModule = Union[QCMComponent, QRMComponent, QCMRFComponent, QRMRFComponent]
"""Type that combines all the possible modules for a cluster."""
[docs]class ClusterComponent(base.InstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase): """ Class that represents an instrument coordinator component for a Qblox cluster. """ def __init__(self, instrument: Cluster, **kwargs) -> None: """ Create a new instance of the ClusterComponent. Automatically adds installed modules using name `"<cluster_name>_module<slot>"`. Parameters ---------- instrument Reference to the cluster driver object. **kwargs Keyword arguments passed to the parent class. """ super().__init__(instrument, **kwargs) self._cluster_modules: Dict[str, ClusterModule] = {} self._program = {} for instrument_module in instrument.modules: try: icc_class: type = { (True, False): QCMComponent, (True, True): QCMRFComponent, (False, False): QRMComponent, (False, True): QRMRFComponent, }[(instrument_module.is_qcm_type, instrument_module.is_rf_type)] except KeyError: continue self._cluster_modules[] = icc_class(instrument_module) @property
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: """Returns true if any of the modules are currently running.""" return any(comp.is_running for comp in self._cluster_modules.values())
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """Starts all the modules in the cluster.""" for comp in self._cluster_modules.values(): comp.start()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stops all the modules in the cluster.""" for comp in self._cluster_modules.values(): comp.stop()
[docs] def _configure_cmm_settings(self, settings: Dict[str, Any]): """ Sets all the settings of the CMM (Cluster Management Module) that have been provided by the backend. Parameters ---------- settings A dictionary containing all the settings to set. """ if "reference_source" in settings: if self.force_set_parameters(): self.instrument.set("reference_source", settings["reference_source"]) else: lazy_set( self.instrument, "reference_source", settings["reference_source"] )
[docs] def prepare(self, options: Dict[str, dict]) -> None: """ Prepares the cluster component for execution of a schedule. Parameters ---------- options The compiled instructions to configure the cluster to. """ self._program = copy.deepcopy(options) for name, comp_options in self._program.items(): if name == "settings": self._configure_cmm_settings(settings=comp_options) elif name in self._cluster_modules: self._cluster_modules[name].prepare(comp_options) else: raise KeyError( f"Attempting to prepare module {name} of cluster {}, while" f" module has not been added to the cluster component." )
[docs] def retrieve_acquisition(self) -> Optional[Dict[Tuple[int, int], Any]]: """ Retrieves all the data from the instruments. Returns ------- : The acquired data or ``None`` if no acquisitions have been performed. """ acquisitions: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Any] = {} for comp_name, comp in self._cluster_modules.items(): if comp_name not in self._program: continue comp_acq = comp.retrieve_acquisition() if comp_acq is not None: for index, _value in comp_acq.items(): check_already_existing_acq_index(index, acquisitions) acquisitions.update(comp_acq) return acquisitions if len(acquisitions) > 0 else None
[docs] def wait_done(self, timeout_sec: int = 10) -> None: """ Blocks until all the components are done executing their programs. Parameters ---------- timeout_sec The time in seconds until the instrument is considered to have timed out. """ for comp in self._cluster_modules.values(): comp.wait_done(timeout_sec=timeout_sec)