Source code for quantify_scheduler.visualization.pulse_diagram

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Functions for drawing pulse diagrams"""
from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import logging
from typing import (

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from quantify_core.visualization.SI_utilities import set_xlabel, set_ylabel

import quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library as pl
from quantify_scheduler.helpers.importers import import_python_object_from_string
from quantify_scheduler.operations.acquisition_library import AcquisitionOperation
from quantify_scheduler.waveforms import modulate_wave

    from quantify_scheduler import CompiledSchedule, Operation, Schedule

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def _populate_port_mapping(schedule, portmap: Dict[str, int], ports_length) -> None: """ Dynamically add up to 8 ports to the port_map dictionary. """ offset_idx: int = 0 for schedulable in schedule.schedulables.values(): operation = schedule.operations[schedulable["operation_repr"]] for operation_info in operation["pulse_info"] + operation["acquisition_info"]: if offset_idx == ports_length: return port = operation_info["port"] if port is None: continue if port not in portmap: portmap[port] = offset_idx offset_idx += 1
[docs]def validate_operation_data(operation_data, port_map, schedulable, operation): """Validates if the pulse/acquisition information is valid for visualization.""" if operation_data["port"] not in port_map: # Do not draw pulses for this port return False if operation_data["port"] is None: logger.warning( "Unable to sample waveform for operation_data due to missing 'port' for " f"operation name={operation['name']} " f"id={schedulable['operation_repr']} operation_data={operation_data}" ) return False if "acq_index" not in operation_data: # This will be skipped for acquisitions if operation_data["wf_func"] is None: logger.warning( "Unable to sample pulse for pulse_info due to missing 'wf_func' for " f"operation name={operation['name']} " f"id={schedulable['operation_repr']} operation_data={operation_data}" ) return False return True
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
[docs]def pulse_diagram_plotly( schedule: Union[Schedule, CompiledSchedule], port_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, fig_ch_height: float = 300, fig_width: float = 1000, modulation: Literal["off", "if", "clock"] = "off", modulation_if: float = 0.0, sampling_rate: float = 1e9, ) -> go.Figure: """ Produce a plotly visualization of the pulses used in the schedule. Parameters ------------ schedule : The schedule to render. port_list : A list of ports to show. if set to `None` will use the first 8 ports it encounters in the sequence. fig_ch_height : Height for each channel subplot in px. fig_width : Width for the figure in px. modulation : Determines if modulation is included in the visualization. modulation_if : Modulation frequency used when modulation is set to "if". sampling_rate : The time resolution used to sample the schedule in Hz. Returns ------- :class:`!plotly.graph_objects.Figure` : the plot """ port_map: Dict[str, int] = {} ports_length: int = 8 auto_map: bool = port_list is None if auto_map is False: ports_length = len(port_list) port_map = dict(zip(port_list, range(len(port_list)))) else: _populate_port_mapping(schedule, port_map, ports_length) ports_length = len(port_map) nrows = ports_length fig = make_subplots(rows=nrows, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, vertical_spacing=0.02) fig.update_layout( height=fig_ch_height * nrows, width=fig_width,["name"], showlegend=False, ) colors = px.colors.qualitative.Plotly col_idx: int = 0 for pulse_idx, schedulable in enumerate(schedule.schedulables.values()): operation = schedule.operations[schedulable["operation_repr"]] for pulse_info in operation["pulse_info"]: if not validate_operation_data( pulse_info, port_map, schedulable, operation ): continue # port to map the waveform to port: str = pulse_info["port"] # function to generate waveform wf_func: Callable = import_python_object_from_string(pulse_info["wf_func"]) # iterate through the colors in the color map col_idx = (col_idx + 1) % len(colors) # times at which to evaluate waveform t0 = schedulable["abs_time"] + pulse_info["t0"] t = np.arange(t0, t0 + pulse_info["duration"], 1 / sampling_rate) # select the arguments for the waveform function # that are present in pulse info par_map = inspect.signature(wf_func).parameters wf_kwargs = {} for kwargs in par_map.keys(): if kwargs in pulse_info.keys(): wf_kwargs[kwargs] = pulse_info[kwargs] # Calculate the numerical waveform using the wf_func waveform = wf_func(t=t, **wf_kwargs) # optionally adds some modulation if modulation == "clock": # apply modulation to the waveforms waveform = modulate_wave( t, waveform, schedule.resources[pulse_info["clock"]]["freq"] ) if modulation == "if": # apply modulation to the waveforms waveform = modulate_wave(t, waveform, modulation_if) row: int = port_map[port] + 1 label = operation["name"] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=t, y=waveform.real, mode="lines", name=f"{label}, clock: {pulse_info['clock']}", legendgroup=pulse_idx, showlegend=True, line_color=colors[col_idx], hoverinfo="x+y+name", hoverlabel={"namelength": -1}, ), row=row, col=1, ) if waveform.dtype.kind == "c": # Only plot if the array is a complex numpy dtype fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=t, y=waveform.imag, mode="lines", name=f"Im[{label}], clock: {pulse_info['clock']}", legendgroup=pulse_idx, showlegend=True, line_color="darkgrey", hoverinfo="x+y+name", hoverlabel={"namelength": -1}, ), row=row, col=1, ) fig.update_xaxes( row=row, col=1, tickformat=".2s", hoverformat=".3s", ticksuffix="s", showgrid=True, ) fig.update_yaxes( row=row, col=1, tickformat=".2s", hoverformat=".3s", ticksuffix="V", title=port, range=[-1.1, 1.1], ) for acq_info in operation["acquisition_info"]: if not validate_operation_data(acq_info, port_map, schedulable, operation): continue acq_port: str = acq_info["port"] label = operation["name"] row = port_map[acq_port] + 1 t = schedulable["abs_time"] + acq_info["t0"] yref: str = f"y{row} domain" if row != 1 else "y domain" fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=[t, t + acq_info["duration"]], y=[0, 0], name=label, mode="markers", marker=dict( size=15, color="rgba(0,0,0,.25)", symbol=["arrow-bar-left", "arrow-bar-right"], ), ), row=row, col=1, ) fig.add_shape( type="rect", xref="x", yref=yref, x0=t, y0=0, x1=t + acq_info["duration"], y1=1, name=label, line=dict( color="rgba(0,0,0,0)", width=3, ), fillcolor="rgba(255,0,0,0.1)", layer="below", ) fig.update_xaxes( row=row, col=1, tickformat=".2s", hoverformat=".3s", ticksuffix="s", showgrid=True, ) fig.update_yaxes( row=row, col=1, tickformat=".2s", hoverformat=".3s", ticksuffix="V", title=acq_port, range=[-1.1, 1.1], ) fig.update_xaxes( row=ports_length, col=1, title="Time", tickformatstops=[ dict(dtickrange=[None, 1e-9], value=".10s"), dict(dtickrange=[1e-9, 1e-6], value=".7s"), dict(dtickrange=[1e-6, 1e-3], value=".4s"), ], ticksuffix="s", rangeslider_visible=True, ) return fig
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
[docs]def sample_schedule( schedule: Schedule, port_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, modulation: Literal["off", "if", "clock"] = "off", modulation_if: float = 0.0, sampling_rate: float = 1e9, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Dict[str, np.ndarray]]: """ Sample a schedule at discrete points in time. Parameters ---------- schedule : The schedule to render. port_list : A list of ports to show. if set to `None` will use the first 8 ports it encounters in the sequence. modulation : Determines if modulation is included in the visualization. modulation_if : Modulation frequency used when modulation is set to "if". sampling_rate : The time resolution used to sample the schedule in Hz. Returns ------- timestamps Sample times. waveforms Dictionary with the data samples for each port. """ port_map: Dict[str, int] = {} ports_length: int = 8 auto_map: bool = port_list is None if auto_map is False: ports_length = len(port_list) port_map = dict(zip(port_list, range(len(port_list)))) else: _populate_port_mapping(schedule, port_map, ports_length) ports_length = len(port_map) time_window: list = None for pls_idx, schedulable in enumerate(schedule.schedulables.values()): operation = schedule.operations[schedulable["operation_repr"]] for pulse_info in operation["pulse_info"]: if not validate_operation_data( pulse_info, port_map, schedulable, operation ):"Operation {operation} is not valid for plotting.") # times at which to evaluate waveform t0 = schedulable["abs_time"] + pulse_info["t0"] if time_window is None: time_window = [t0, t0 + pulse_info["duration"]] else: time_window = [ min(t0, time_window[0]), max(t0 + pulse_info["duration"], time_window[1]), ] logger.debug(f"time_window {time_window}, port_map {port_map}") if time_window is None: raise RuntimeError( f"Attempting to sample schedule {}, " "but the schedule does not contain any `pulse_info`. " "Please verify that the schedule has been populated and " "device compilation has been performed." ) timestamps = np.arange(time_window[0], time_window[1], 1 / sampling_rate) waveforms = {key: np.zeros_like(timestamps) for key in port_map} for pls_idx, schedulable in enumerate(schedule.schedulables.values()): operation = schedule.operations[schedulable["operation_repr"]] logger.debug(f"{pls_idx}: {operation}") for pulse_info in operation["pulse_info"]: if not validate_operation_data( pulse_info, port_map, schedulable, operation ): continue # port to map the waveform too port: str = pulse_info["port"] # function to generate waveform wf_func: Callable = import_python_object_from_string(pulse_info["wf_func"]) # times at which to evaluate waveform t0 = schedulable["abs_time"] + pulse_info["t0"] t1 = t0 + pulse_info["duration"] time_indices = np.where(np.logical_and(timestamps >= t0, timestamps < t1)) t = timestamps[time_indices] logging.debug(f"t0 {t0} t1 {t1} indices {time_indices} t {t}") if len(t) == 0: continue par_map = inspect.signature(wf_func).parameters wf_kwargs = {} for kwargs in par_map.keys(): if kwargs in pulse_info.keys(): wf_kwargs[kwargs] = pulse_info[kwargs] # Calculate the numerical waveform using the wf_func waveform = wf_func(t=t, **wf_kwargs) # optionally adds some modulation if modulation == "clock": # apply modulation to the waveforms waveform = modulate_wave( t, waveform, schedule.resources[pulse_info["clock"]]["freq"] ) waveform = np.real_if_close(waveform) if modulation == "if": # apply modulation to the waveforms waveform = modulate_wave(t, waveform, modulation_if) if np.iscomplexobj(waveform): waveforms[port] = waveforms[port].astype(complex) waveforms[port][time_indices] += waveform return timestamps, waveforms
[docs]def pulse_diagram_matplotlib( schedule: Union[Schedule, CompiledSchedule], port_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, sampling_rate: float = 1e9, modulation: Literal["off", "if", "clock"] = "off", modulation_if: float = 0.0, ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, ) -> Tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes]: """ Plots a schedule using matplotlib. Parameters ---------- schedule: The schedule to plot. port_list : A list of ports to show. if set to `None` will use the first 8 ports it encounters in the sequence. modulation : Determines if modulation is included in the visualization. modulation_if : Modulation frequency used when modulation is set to "if". sampling_rate : The time resolution used to sample the schedule in Hz. ax: Axis onto which to plot. Returns ------- fig The matplotlib figure. ax The matplotlib ax. """ times, pulses = sample_schedule( schedule, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, port_list=port_list, modulation=modulation, modulation_if=modulation_if, ) if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots() for gate, data in pulses.items(): ax.plot(times, data.real, label=gate) set_xlabel(label="Time", unit="s", axis=ax) # N.B. we currently use unity gain in the hardware backends so strictly # speaking this is not the amplitude on the device, but the amplitude on the output. set_ylabel(label="Amplitude", unit="V", axis=ax) ax.legend() return ax.get_figure(), ax
[docs]def get_window_operations( schedule: Schedule, ) -> List[Tuple[float, float, Operation]]: r""" Return a list of all :class:`.WindowOperation`\s with start and end time. Parameters ---------- schedule: Schedule to use. Returns ------- : List of all window operations in the schedule. """ window_operations = [] for _, schedulable in enumerate(schedule.schedulables.values()): operation = schedule.operations[schedulable["operation_repr"]] if isinstance(operation, pl.WindowOperation): for pulse_info in operation["pulse_info"]: t0 = schedulable["abs_time"] + pulse_info["t0"] t1 = t0 + pulse_info["duration"] window_operations.append((t0, t1, operation)) return window_operations
[docs]def plot_window_operations( schedule: Schedule, ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, time_scale_factor: float = 1, ) -> Tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes]: """ Plot the window operations in a schedule. Parameters ---------- schedule: Schedule from which to plot window operations. ax: Axis handle to use for plotting. time_scale_factor: Used to scale the independent data before using as data for the x-axis of the plot. Returns ------- fig The matplotlib figure. ax The matplotlib ax. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() window_operations = get_window_operations(schedule) cmap ="jet") for idx, (t0, t1, operation) in enumerate(window_operations): window_name = operation.window_name logging.debug(f"plot_window_operations: window {window_name}: {t0}, {t1}") colormap = cmap(idx / (1 + len(window_operations))) label = window_name ax.axvspan( time_scale_factor * t0, time_scale_factor * (t1), alpha=0.2, color=colormap, label=label, ) return ax.get_figure(), ax
[docs]def plot_acquisition_operations( schedule: Schedule, ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, **kwargs ) -> List[Any]: """ Plot the acquisition operations in a schedule. Parameters ---------- schedule: Schedule from which to plot window operations. ax: Axis handle to use for plotting. kwargs: Passed to matplotlib plotting routine Returns ------- : List of handles """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() handles_list = [] for idx, schedulable in enumerate(schedule.schedulables.values()): _ = idx # unused variable operation = schedule.operations[schedulable["operation_repr"]] if isinstance(operation, AcquisitionOperation): t0 = schedulable["abs_time"] +["acquisition_info"][0]["t0"] t1 = t0 + operation.duration handle = ax.axvspan(t0, t1, **kwargs) handles_list.append(handle) return handles_list