
Compiler backend for Qblox hardware.

Module Contents


hardware_compile(→ quantify_scheduler.CompiledSchedule)

Main function driving the compilation. The principle behind the overall compilation

hardware_compile(schedule: quantify_scheduler.Schedule, hardware_cfg: Dict[str, Any]) quantify_scheduler.CompiledSchedule[source]

Main function driving the compilation. The principle behind the overall compilation works as follows:

For every instrument in the hardware configuration, we instantiate a compiler object. Then we assign all the pulses/acquisitions that need to be played by that instrument to the compiler, which then compiles for each instrument individually.

This function then returns all the compiled programs bundled together in a dictionary with the QCoDeS name of the instrument as key.

  • schedule – The schedule to compile. It is assumed the pulse and acquisition info is already added to the operation. Otherwise an exception is raised.

  • hardware_cfg – The hardware configuration of the setup.


The compiled schedule.