
Module Contents



Submodule containing the ports.


Submodule containing the clock frequencies specifying the transitions to address.


Submodule containing parameters for doing a reset by idling.


Submodule containing parameters for performing an Rxy operation


Submodule containing parameters to perform a measurement using


A device element representing a single fixed-frequency transmon qubit coupled to a


A device element representing a single transmon coupled to a

class Ports(parent: qcodes.instrument.base.InstrumentBase, name: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: qcodes.instrument.InstrumentChannel

Submodule containing the ports.


Name of the element’s microwave port.


Name of the element’s flux port.


Name of the element’s readout port.

class ClocksFrequencies(parent: qcodes.instrument.base.InstrumentBase, name: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: qcodes.instrument.InstrumentChannel

Submodule containing the clock frequencies specifying the transitions to address.


Frequency of the 01 clock


Frequency of the 12 clock


Frequency of the ro clock.

class IdlingReset(parent: qcodes.instrument.base.InstrumentBase, name: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: qcodes.instrument.InstrumentChannel

Submodule containing parameters for doing a reset by idling.


Duration of the passive qubit reset (initialization by relaxation).

class RxyDRAG(parent: qcodes.instrument.base.InstrumentBase, name: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: qcodes.instrument.InstrumentChannel

Submodule containing parameters for performing an Rxy operation using a DRAG pulse.


Amplitude required to perform a $pi$ pulse.


Ratio between the Gaussian Derivative (D) and Gaussian (G) components of the DRAG pulse.


Duration of the control pulse.

class DispersiveMeasurement(parent: qcodes.instrument.base.InstrumentBase, name: str, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: qcodes.instrument.InstrumentChannel

Submodule containing parameters to perform a measurement using dispersive_measurement()


Envelope function that defines the shape of the readout pulse prior to modulation.


Amplitude of the readout pulse.


Duration of the readout pulse.


Acquisition channel of to this device element.


Delay between the start of the readout pulse and the start of the acquisition. Note that some hardware backends do not support starting a pulse and the acquisition in the same clock cycle making 0 delay an invalid value.


Integration time for the readout acquisition.


The phase of the measurement clock will be reset by the control hardware at the start of each measurement if reset_clock_phase=True.

class BasicTransmonElement(name: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.device_element.DeviceElement

A device element representing a single fixed-frequency transmon qubit coupled to a readout resonator.

  • name – The name of the transmon element.

  • kwargs – Can be used to pass submodule initialization data by using submodule name as keyword and as argument a dictionary containing the submodule parameter names and their value.

reset: IdlingReset[source]

Submodule IdlingReset.

rxy: RxyDRAG[source]

Submodule RxyDRAG.

measure: DispersiveMeasurement[source]

Submodule DispersiveMeasurement.

ports: Ports[source]

Submodule Ports.

clock_freqs: ClocksFrequencies[source]

Submodule ClocksFrequencies.

_generate_config() Dict[str, Dict[str, quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device.OperationCompilationConfig]][source]

Generates part of the device configuration specific to a single qubit.

This method is intended to be used when this object is part of a device object containing multiple elements.

generate_device_config() quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device.DeviceCompilationConfig[source]

Generates a valid device config for the quantify-scheduler making use of the compile_circuit_to_device() function.

This enables the settings of this qubit to be used in isolation.

class TransmonElement(name: str, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.device_element.DeviceElement

A device element representing a single transmon coupled to a readout resonator.

This object can be used to generate configuration files compatible with the add_pulse_information_transmon() function.

Initializes the parent class and adds Parameter s / ManualParameter s / InstrumentRefParameter s to it.

The list of all parameters and their latest (cached) value can be listed as follows:

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning)

from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test import transmon_element
q0 = transmon_element.TransmonElement("q0")

	parameter              value
IDN                     :	None 
acquisition             :	SSBIntegrationComplex 
fl_port                 :	q0:fl 
freq_01                 :	nan (Hz)
freq_12                 :	nan (Hz)
init_duration           :	0.0002 (s)
instrument_coordinator  :	None 
mw_01_clock             :	q0.01 
mw_12_clock             :	q0.12 
mw_amp180               :	nan (V)
mw_ef_amp180            :	nan (V)
mw_motzoi               :	0 
mw_port                 :	q0:mw 
mw_pulse_duration       :	2e-08 (s)
ro_acq_channel          :	0 (#)
ro_acq_delay            :	0 (s)
ro_acq_integration_time :	1e-06 (s)
ro_acq_weight_type      :	SSB 
ro_clock                :	q0.ro 
ro_freq                 :	nan (Hz)
ro_port                 :	q0:res 
ro_pulse_amp            :	0.5 (V)
ro_pulse_delay          :	3e-07 (s)
ro_pulse_duration       :	3e-07 (s)
ro_pulse_type           :	SquarePulse 
spec_pulse_amp          :	0.5 (V)
spec_pulse_clock        :	q0.01 
spec_pulse_duration     :	8e-06 (s)
spec_pulse_frequency    :	nan (Hz)

name – The name of the transmon element.

generate_config() Dict[str, Dict[str, quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device.OperationCompilationConfig]][source]

Generates part of the device configuration specific to a single qubit.

This method is intended to be used when this object is part of a device object containing multiple elements.

generate_device_config() quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device.DeviceCompilationConfig[source]

Generates a valid device config for the quantify-scheduler making use of the compile_circuit_to_device() function.

This enables the settings of this qubit to be used in isolation.