# Repository: https://gitlab.com/quantify-os/quantify-scheduler
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Module containing the core concepts of the scheduler."""
from __future__ import annotations
from itertools import chain
import dataclasses
import json
import warnings
import weakref
from abc import ABC
from collections import UserDict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from uuid import uuid4
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from quantify_scheduler import enums, json_utils, resources
from quantify_scheduler.json_utils import JSONSchemaValMixin
from quantify_scheduler.operations.operation import Operation
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from quantify_scheduler.resources import Resource
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
[docs]class ScheduleBase(JSONSchemaValMixin, UserDict, ABC):
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
The :class:`~.ScheduleBase` is a data structure that is at
the core of the Quantify-scheduler and describes when what operations are applied
The :class:`~.ScheduleBase` is a collection of
:class:`quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation` objects and timing
constraints that define relations between the operations.
The schedule data structure is based on a dictionary.
This dictionary contains:
- operation_dict - a hash table containing the unique
:class:`quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation` s added to the
- schedulables - a dictionary of all timing constraints added
between operations.
The :class:`~.Schedule` provides an API to create schedules.
The :class:`~.CompiledSchedule` represents a schedule after
it has been compiled for execution on a backend.
The :class:`~.Schedule` contains information on the
:attr:`~.ScheduleBase.operations` and
The :attr:`~.ScheduleBase.operations` is a dictionary of all
unique operations used in the schedule and contain the information on *what*
operation to apply *where*.
The :attr:`~.ScheduleBase.schedulables` is a dictionary of
Schedulables describing timing constraints between operations, i.e. when to apply
an operation.
**JSON schema of a valid Schedule**
.. jsonschema:: https://gitlab.com/quantify-os/quantify-scheduler/-/raw/v0.14.0/quantify_scheduler/schemas/schedule.json
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
[docs] def name(self) -> str:
"""Returns the name of the schedule."""
return self.data["name"]
[docs] def repetitions(self) -> int:
Returns the amount of times this Schedule will be repeated.
The repetitions count.
return self.data["repetitions"]
def repetitions(self, value: int):
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Attempting to set repetitions for the schedule. "
f"Must be a positive number. Got {value}."
self.data["repetitions"] = int(value)
[docs] def operations(self) -> Dict[str, Operation]:
A dictionary of all unique operations used in the schedule.
This specifies information on *what* operation to apply *where*.
The keys correspond to the :attr:`~.Operation.hash` and values are instances
of :class:`quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation`.
return self.data["operation_dict"]
[docs] def schedulables(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
A list of schedulables describing the timing of operations.
A schedulable uses timing constraints to constrain the operation in time by
specifying the time (:code:`"rel_time"`) between a reference operation and the
added operation. The time can be specified with respect to a reference point
(:code:`"ref_pt"') on the reference operation (:code:`"ref_op"`) and a reference
point on the next added operation (:code:`"ref_pt_new"').
A reference point can be either the "start", "center", or "end" of an
operation. The reference operation (:code:`"ref_op"`) is specified using its
label property.
Each item in the list represents a timing constraint and is a dictionary with
the following keys:
.. code-block::
['label', 'rel_time', 'ref_op', 'ref_pt_new', 'ref_pt', 'operation_repr']
The label is used as a unique identifier that can be used as a reference for
other operations, the operation_repr refers to the string representation of a
operation in :attr:`~.ScheduleBase.operations`.
.. note::
timing constraints are not intended to be modified directly.
Instead use the :meth:`~.Schedule.add`
return self.data["schedulables"]
[docs] def resources(self) -> Dict[str, Resource]:
A dictionary containing resources. Keys are names (str),
values are instances of :class:`~quantify_scheduler.resources.Resource`.
return self.data["resource_dict"]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f'{self.__class__.__name__} "{self.data["name"]}" containing '
f'({len(self.data["operation_dict"])}) '
f'{len(self.data["schedulables"])} (unique) operations.'
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str:
Converts the Schedule data structure to a JSON string.
The json string result.
return json.dumps(self.data, cls=json_utils.ScheduleJSONEncoder)
[docs] def from_json(cls, data: str) -> Schedule:
Converts the JSON data to a Schedule.
The JSON data.
The Schedule object.
schedule_data = json_utils.ScheduleJSONDecoder().decode(data)
sched = Schedule.__new__(Schedule)
return sched
[docs] def plot_circuit_diagram(
figsize: Tuple[int, int] = None,
ax: Optional[Axes] = None,
plot_backend: Literal["mpl"] = "mpl",
) -> Tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, List[Axes]]]:
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Creates a circuit diagram visualization of the schedule using the specified
plotting backend.
The circuit diagram visualization depicts the schedule at the quantum circuit
layer. Because quantify-scheduler uses a hybrid gate-pulse paradigm, operations
for which no information is specified at the gate level are visualized using an
icon (e.g., a stylized wavy pulse) depending on the information specified at
the quantum device layer.
Alias of :func:`quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.circuit_diagram.circuit_diagram_matplotlib`.
the schedule to render.
matplotlib figsize.
Axis handle to use for plotting.
Plotting backend to use, currently only 'mpl' is supported
matplotlib figure object.
matplotlib axis object.
Each gate, pulse, measurement, and any other operation are plotted in the order
of execution, but no timing information is provided.
.. admonition:: Example
:class: tip
.. jupyter-execute::
from quantify_scheduler import Schedule
from quantify_scheduler.operations.gate_library import Reset, X90, CZ, Rxy, Measure
sched = Schedule(f"Bell experiment on q0-q1")
sched.add(Reset("q0", "q1"))
sched.add(X90("q1"), ref_pt="start", rel_time=0)
sched.add(CZ(qC="q0", qT="q1"))
sched.add(Rxy(theta=45, phi=0, qubit="q0") )
sched.add(Measure("q0", acq_index=0))
sched.add(Measure("q1", acq_index=0), ref_pt="start")
.. note::
Gates that are started simultaneously on the same qubit will overlap.
.. jupyter-execute::
from quantify_scheduler import Schedule
from quantify_scheduler.operations.gate_library import X90, Measure
sched = Schedule(f"overlapping gates")
sched.add(Measure("q0"), ref_pt="start", rel_time=0)
.. note::
If the pulse's port address was not found then the pulse will be plotted on the
'other' timeline.
# NB imported here to avoid circular import
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
if plot_backend == "mpl":
import quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.circuit_diagram as cd
return cd.circuit_diagram_matplotlib(schedule=self, figsize=figsize, ax=ax)
raise ValueError(
f"plot_backend must be equal to 'mpl', value given: {repr(plot_backend)}"
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def plot_pulse_diagram(
port_list: Optional[List[str]] = None,
sampling_rate: float = 1e9,
modulation: Literal["off", "if", "clock"] = "off",
modulation_if: float = 0.0,
plot_backend: Literal["mpl", "plotly"] = "mpl",
plot_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
**backend_kwargs: Any,
) -> Union[Tuple[Figure, Axes], go.Figure]:
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Creates a visualization of all the pulses in a schedule using the specified
plotting backend.
The pulse diagram visualizes the schedule at the quantum device layer.
For this visualization to work, all operations need to have the information
present (e.g., pulse info) to represent these on the quantum-circuit level and
requires the absolute timing to have been determined.
This information is typically added when the quantum-device level compilation is
Alias of :func:`quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram.pulse_diagram_matplotlib` and
port_list :
A list of ports to show. If `None` (default) the first 8 ports encountered in the sequence are used.
modulation :
Determines if modulation is included in the visualization.
modulation_if :
Modulation frequency used when modulation is set to "if".
sampling_rate :
The time resolution used to sample the schedule in Hz.
Plotting library to use, can either be 'mpl' or 'plotly'.
Keyword arguments to be passed on to the plotting backend. The arguments
that can be used for either backend can be found in the documentation of
Union[Tuple[Figure, Axes], :class:`!plotly.graph_objects.Figure`]
the plot
.. admonition:: Example
:class: tip
A simple plot with matplotlib can be created as follows:
.. jupyter-execute::
from quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library import DRAGPulse, SquarePulse, RampPulse
from quantify_scheduler.compilation import determine_absolute_timing
schedule = Schedule("Multiple waveforms")
schedule.add(DRAGPulse(G_amp=0.2, D_amp=0.2, phase=0, duration=4e-6, port="P", clock="C"))
schedule.add(RampPulse(amp=0.2, offset=0.0, duration=6e-6, port="P"))
schedule.add(SquarePulse(amp=0.1, duration=4e-6, port="Q"), ref_pt='start')
_ = schedule.plot_pulse_diagram(sampling_rate=20e6)
The backend can be changed to the plotly backend by specifying the
``plot_backend=plotly`` argument. With the plotly backend, pulse
diagrams include a separate plot for each port/clock
.. jupyter-execute::
schedule.plot_pulse_diagram(sampling_rate=20e6, plot_backend='plotly')
The same can be achieved in the default ``plot_backend`` (``matplotlib``)
by passing the keyword argument ``multiple_subplots=True``:
.. jupyter-execute::
_ = schedule.plot_pulse_diagram(sampling_rate=20e6, multiple_subplots=True)
if plot_kwargs is None:
plot_kwargs = {}
"Support for the 'plot_kwargs' argument will be dropped in "
"quantify-scheduler >= 0.18.0.\nPlease use regular keyword arguments "
kwargs = {**plot_kwargs, **backend_kwargs}
if plot_backend == "mpl":
# NB imported here to avoid circular import
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram import (
return pulse_diagram_matplotlib(
if plot_backend == "plotly":
# NB imported here to avoid circular import
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from quantify_scheduler.schedules._visualization.pulse_diagram import (
return pulse_diagram_plotly(
raise ValueError(
f"plot_backend must be equal to either 'mpl' or 'plotly', "
f"value given: {repr(plot_backend)}"
[docs] def timing_table(self) -> pd.io.formats.style.Styler:
A styled pandas dataframe containing the absolute timing of pulses and
acquisitions in a schedule.
This table is constructed based on the abs_time key in the
This requires the timing to have been determined.
a schedule for which the absolute timing has been determined.
styled_timing_table, a pandas Styler containing a dataframe with
an overview of the timing of the pulses and acquisitions present in the
schedule. The data frame can be accessed through the .data attribute of
the Styler.
When the absolute timing has not been determined during compilation.
timing_table = pd.DataFrame(
"waveform_op_id", # a readable id based on the operation
"is_acquisition", # a bool which helps determine if an operation is
# an acquisition or not. (True is it is an acquisition operation)
"abs_time", # start of the operation in absolute time (s)
"duration", # duration of the operation in absolute time (s)
timing_table_list = [timing_table]
for schedulable in self.schedulables.values():
if "abs_time" not in schedulable:
# when this exception is encountered
raise ValueError("Absolute time has not been determined yet.")
operation = self.operations[schedulable["operation_repr"]]
for i, op_info in chain(
abs_time = op_info["t0"] + schedulable["abs_time"]
df_row = {
"waveform_op_id": schedulable["operation_repr"] + f"_acq_{i}",
"port": op_info["port"],
"clock": op_info["clock"],
"abs_time": abs_time,
"duration": op_info["duration"],
"is_acquisition": "acq_index" in op_info,
"operation": schedulable["operation_repr"],
"wf_idx": i,
timing_table_list.append(pd.DataFrame(df_row, index=range(1)))
timing_table = pd.concat(timing_table_list, ignore_index=True)
# apply a style so that time is easy to read.
# this works under the assumption that we are using timings on the order of
# nanoseconds.
styled_timing_table = timing_table.style.format(
"abs_time": lambda val: f"{val*1e9:,.1f} ns",
"duration": lambda val: f"{val*1e9:,.1f} ns",
return styled_timing_table
[docs] def get_schedule_duration(self):
Method to find the duration of the schedule.
schedule_duration : float
Duration of current schedule
schedule_duration = 0
# find last timestamp
for schedulable in self.schedulables.values():
timestamp = schedulable["abs_time"]
operation_repr = schedulable["operation_repr"]
# find duration of last operation
operation = self.data["operation_dict"][operation_repr]
pulses_end_times = [
pulse.get("duration") + pulse.get("t0")
for pulse in operation.data["pulse_info"]
acquisitions_end_times = [
acquisition.get("duration") + acquisition.get("t0")
for acquisition in operation.data["acquisition_info"]
final_op_len = max(pulses_end_times + acquisitions_end_times, default=0)
tmp_time = timestamp + final_op_len
# keep track of longest found schedule
if tmp_time > schedule_duration:
schedule_duration = tmp_time
schedule_duration *= self.repetitions
return schedule_duration
[docs]class Schedule(ScheduleBase): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
A modifiable schedule.
Operations :class:`quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation` can be added
using the :meth:`~.Schedule.add` method, allowing precise
specification *when* to perform an operation using timing constraints.
When adding an operation, it is not required to specify how to represent this
:class:`quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation` on all layers.
Instead, this information can be added later during
:ref:`compilation <sec-compilation>`.
This allows the user to effortlessly mix the gate- and pulse-level descriptions as
required for many (calibration) experiments.
""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long
[docs] schema_filename = "schedule.json"
def __init__(self, name: str, repetitions: int = 1, data: dict = None) -> None:
Initialize a new instance of Schedule.
The name of the schedule
The amount of times the schedule will be repeated, by default 1
A dictionary containing a pre-existing schedule, by default None
# validate the input data to ensure it is valid schedule data
# ensure keys exist
self.data["operation_dict"] = {}
self.data["schedulables"] = {}
self.data["resource_dict"] = {}
self.data["name"] = "nameless"
self.data["repetitions"] = repetitions
# This is used to define baseband pulses and is expected to always be present
# in any schedule.
if name is not None:
self.data["name"] = name
if data is not None:
[docs] def add_resources(self, resources_list: list) -> None:
"""Add wrapper for adding multiple resources"""
for resource in resources_list:
[docs] def add_resource(self, resource) -> None:
Add a resource such as a channel or qubit to the schedule.
if not resources.Resource.is_valid(resource):
raise ValueError(
f"Attempting to add resource to schedule. "
f"Resource '{resource}' is not valid."
if resource.name in self.data["resource_dict"]:
raise ValueError(f"Key {resource.name} is already present")
self.data["resource_dict"][resource.name] = resource
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def add(
operation: Operation,
rel_time: float = 0,
ref_op: Schedulable | str | None = None,
ref_pt: Literal["start", "center", "end"] = "end",
ref_pt_new: Literal["start", "center", "end"] = "start",
label: str = None,
) -> Schedulable:
Add an :class:`quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation` to the
The operation to add to the schedule
relative time between the reference operation and the added operation.
the time is the time between the "ref_pt" in the reference operation and
"ref_pt_new" of the operation that is added.
reference schedulable. If set to :code:`None`, will default
to the last added operation.
reference point in reference operation must be one of
('start', 'center', 'end').
reference point in added operation must be one of
('start', 'center', 'end').
a unique string that can be used as an identifier when adding operations.
if set to None, a random hash will be generated instead.
returns the schedulable created on the schedule
if not isinstance(operation, Operation):
raise ValueError(
f"Attempting to add operation to schedule. "
f"The provided object '{operation}' is not an instance of Operation"
if label is None:
label = str(uuid4())
operation_id = str(operation)
self.data["operation_dict"][operation_id] = operation
element = Schedulable(name=label, operation_repr=operation_id, schedule=self)
element.add_timing_constraint(rel_time, ref_op, ref_pt, ref_pt_new)
self.data["schedulables"].update({label: element})
return element
def __getstate__(self):
return self.data
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.data = state
for schedulable in self.schedulables.values():
schedulable.schedule = weakref.proxy(self)
[docs]class Schedulable(JSONSchemaValMixin, UserDict):
This class represents an element on a schedule. All elements on a schedule are
schedulables. A schedulable contains all information regarding the timing of this
element as well as the operation being executed by this element.
This operation is currently represented by an operation ID.
Schedulables can contain an arbitrary number of timing constraints to determine the
timing. Multiple different constraints are currently resolved by delaying the element
until after all timing constraints have been met, to aid compatibility.
To specify an exact timing between two schedulables, please ensure to only specify
exactly one timing constraint.
[docs] schema_filename = "schedulable.json"
def __init__(self, name, operation_repr, schedule):
The name of this schedulable, by which it can be referenced by other
schedulables. Separate schedulables cannot share the same name
The operation which is to be executed by this schedulable
The schedule to which the schedulable is added. This allows schedulable
to find other elements on the schedule
# assert the name is unique
if name in schedule["schedulables"]:
raise ValueError(f"Schedulable name '{name}' must be unique.")
self.data["name"] = name
self.data["operation_repr"] = operation_repr
self.data["timing_constraints"] = []
# the next lines are to prevent breaking the existing API
self.data["label"] = name
self.schedule = weakref.proxy(schedule)
[docs] def add_timing_constraint(
rel_time: float = 0,
ref_schedulable: Schedulable | str | None = None,
ref_pt: Literal["start", "center", "end"] = "end",
ref_pt_new: Literal["start", "center", "end"] = "start",
A timing constraint constrains the operation in time by specifying the time
(:code:`"rel_time"`) between a reference schedulable and the added schedulable.
The time can be specified with respect to the "start", "center", or "end" of
the operations.
The reference schedulable (:code:`"ref_schedulable"`) is specified using its
name property.
See also :attr:`~.ScheduleBase.schedulables`.
relative time between the reference schedulable and the added schedulable.
the time is the time between the "ref_pt" in the reference operation and
"ref_pt_new" of the operation that is added.
name of the reference schedulable. If set to :code:`None`, will default
to the last added operation.
reference point in reference schedulable must be one of
('start', 'center', 'end').
reference point in added schedulable must be one of
('start', 'center', 'end').
# assert that the reference operation exists
if (
ref_schedulable is not None
and str(ref_schedulable) not in self.schedule.data["schedulables"].keys()
op_repr_str = f"{ref_schedulable.data['operation_repr']}"
except AttributeError:
op_repr_str = ""
raise ValueError(
f"Reference Schedulable '{ref_schedulable}' referring to\n{op_repr_str}\ndoes not exist in schedule."
timing_constr = {
"rel_time": rel_time,
"ref_schedulable": ref_schedulable,
"ref_pt_new": ref_pt_new,
"ref_pt": ref_pt,
def __str__(self):
return str(self.data["name"])
def __getstate__(self):
return {"deserialization_type": self.__class__.__name__, "data": self.data}
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.data = state["data"]
# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
[docs]class CompiledSchedule(ScheduleBase):
A schedule that contains compiled instructions ready for execution using
the :class:`~.InstrumentCoordinator`.
The :class:`CompiledSchedule` differs from a :class:`.Schedule` in
that it is considered immutable (no new operations or resources can be added), and
that it contains :attr:`~.compiled_instructions`.
.. tip::
A :class:`~.CompiledSchedule` can be obtained by compiling a
:class:`~.Schedule` using :meth:`~quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.QuantifyCompiler.compile`.
""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long
[docs] schema_filename = "schedule.json"
def __init__(self, schedule: Schedule) -> None:
# validate the input data to ensure it is valid schedule data
self._hardware_timing_table: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame()
# N.B. this relies on a bit of a dirty monkey patch way of adding these
# properties. Not so nice.
if hasattr(schedule, "_hardware_timing_table"):
self._hardware_timing_table = schedule._hardware_timing_table
self._hardware_waveform_dict: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {}
if hasattr(schedule, "_hardware_waveform_dict"):
self._hardware_waveform_dict = schedule._hardware_waveform_dict
# ensure keys exist
self.data["compiled_instructions"] = {}
# deepcopy is used to prevent side effects when the
# original (mutable) schedule is modified
[docs] def compiled_instructions(self) -> Dict[str, Resource]:
A dictionary containing compiled instructions.
The contents of this dictionary depend on the backend it was compiled for.
However, we assume that the general format consists of a dictionary in which
the keys are instrument names corresponding to components added to a
:class:`~.InstrumentCoordinator`, and the
values are the instructions for that component.
These values typically contain a combination of sequence files, waveform
definitions, and parameters to configure on the instrument.
""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long
return self.data["compiled_instructions"]
[docs] def is_valid(cls, object_to_be_validated) -> bool:
Checks if the contents of the object_to_be_validated are valid
according to the schema. Additionally checks if the object_to_be_validated is
an instance of :class:`~.CompiledSchedule`
valid_schedule = super().is_valid(object_to_be_validated)
if valid_schedule:
return isinstance(object_to_be_validated, CompiledSchedule)
return False
[docs] def hardware_timing_table(self) -> pd.io.formats.style.Styler:
Returns a timing table representing all operations at the Control-hardware
Note that this timing table is typically different from the `.timing_table` in
that it contains more hardware specific information such as channels, clock
cycles and samples and corrections for things such as gain.
This hardware timing table is intended to provide a more
This table is constructed based on the timing_table and modified during
compilation in one of the hardware back ends and optionally added to the
schedule. Not all back ends support this feature.
styled_hardware_timing_table = self._hardware_timing_table.style.format(
"abs_time": lambda val: f"{val*1e9:,.1f} ns",
"duration": lambda val: f"{val*1e9:,.1f} ns",
"clock_cycle_start": lambda val: f"{val:,.1f}",
"sample_start": lambda val: f"{val:,.1f}",
return styled_hardware_timing_table