Source code for quantify_scheduler.resources

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Common resources for use with the quantify_scheduler."""

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import UserDict

from quantify_scheduler.json_utils import load_json_schema, validate_json

[docs]class Resource(UserDict): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """ A resource corresponds to a physical resource such as a port or a clock. .. jsonschema:: """ # pylint: enable=line-too-long def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: """ Create a new instance of Resource. A resource corresponds to a physical resource such as a port or a clock. Parameters ---------- name : The resource name. """ super().__init__()["name"] = name @classmethod
[docs] def is_valid(cls, operation: Resource) -> bool: """ Validates the Resource against the schemas/resource.json fastjsonschema. Parameters ---------- operation : Raises ------ fastjsonschema.JsonSchemaException if the instance is invalid fastjsonschema.JsonSchemaDefinitionException if the schema itself is invalid Returns ------- bool If the validation was successful. """ scheme = load_json_schema(__file__, "resource.json") validate_json(, scheme) return True # if not exception was raised during validation
[docs] def name(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the Resource. Returns ------- : """ return["name"]
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Returns the equality of two instances based on its content :code:``. Parameters ---------- other : Returns ------- : """ return repr(self) == repr(other) def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns a concise string representation which can be evaluated into a new instance using :code:`eval(str(operation))` only when the data dictionary has not been modified. This representation is guaranteed to be unique. """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(name='{}')" def __getstate__(self): return {"deserialization_type": self.__class__.__name__, "data":} def __setstate__(self, state): = state["data"]
[docs]class ClockResource(Resource): """ The ClockResource corresponds to a physical clock used to modulate pulses. """ def __init__( self, name: str, freq: float, phase: float = 0, ) -> None: """ A clock resource used to modulate pulses. Parameters ---------- name : the name of this clock freq : the frequency of the clock in Hz phase : the starting phase of the clock in deg """ super().__init__(name) = { "name": name, "type": str(self.__class__.__name__), "freq": freq, "phase": phase, } def __str__(self) -> str: freq =["freq"] phase =["phase"] return f"{super().__str__()[:-1]}, freq={freq}, phase={phase})"
[docs]class BasebandClockResource(Resource): """ Global identity for a virtual baseband clock """
[docs] IDENTITY = "cl0.baseband"
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: """ A clock resource for pulses that operate at baseband. Baseband signals are assumed to be real-valued and will not be modulated. Parameters ---------- name : the name of this clock """ super().__init__(name) = { "name": name, "type": str(self.__class__.__name__), "freq": 0, "phase": 0, }