circuit_to_device ================= .. py:module:: quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Compilation backend for quantum-circuit to quantum-device layer. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device.compile_circuit_to_device quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device.set_pulse_and_acquisition_clock quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._update_acquisition_info_from_device_config quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._valid_clock_in_schedule quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._clocks_compatible quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._assert_operation_valid_device_level quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._compile_multiplexed quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._compile_single_qubit quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._compile_two_qubits quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._add_device_repr_from_cfg quantify_scheduler.backends.circuit_to_device._add_device_repr_from_cfg_multiplexed .. py:function:: compile_circuit_to_device(schedule: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule, config: quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.CompilationConfig | quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.DeviceCompilationConfig | Dict | None = None, *, device_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.DeviceCompilationConfig | Dict | None = None) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Add pulse information to all gates in the schedule. Before calling this function, the schedule can contain abstract operations (gates or measurements). This function adds pulse and acquisition information with respect to `config` as they are expected to arrive to device (latency or distortion corrections are not taken into account). From a point of view of :ref:`sec-compilation`, this function converts a schedule defined on a quantum-circuit layer to a schedule defined on a quantum-device layer. :param schedule: The schedule to be compiled. :param config: Compilation config for :class:`~quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.QuantifyCompiler`, of which only the :attr:`.CompilationConfig.device_compilation_config` is used in this compilation step. :param device_cfg: (deprecated) Device compilation config. Pass a full compilation config instead using `config` argument. Note, if a dictionary is passed, it will be parsed to a :class:`~.DeviceCompilationConfig`. :returns: A copy of `schedule` with pulse information added to all gates. :raises ValueError: When both `config` and `device_cfg` are supplied. .. py:function:: set_pulse_and_acquisition_clock(schedule: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule, config: quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.CompilationConfig | quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.DeviceCompilationConfig | Dict | None = None, *, device_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.DeviceCompilationConfig | Dict | None = None) -> quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule Ensures that each pulse/acquisition-level clock resource is added to the schedule. If a pulse/acquisition-level clock resource has not been added to the schedule and is present in device_cfg, it is added to the schedule. A warning is given when a clock resource has conflicting frequency definitions, and an error is raised if the clock resource is unknown. :param schedule: The schedule to be compiled. :param config: Compilation config for :class:`~quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.QuantifyCompiler`, of which only the :attr:`.CompilationConfig.device_compilation_config` is used in this compilation step. :param device_cfg: (deprecated) Device compilation config. Pass a full compilation config instead using `config` argument. Note, if a dictionary is passed, it will be parsed to a :class:`~.DeviceCompilationConfig`. :returns: A copy of `schedule` with all clock resources added. :Warns: **RuntimeWarning** -- When clock has conflicting frequency definitions. :raises RuntimeError: When operation is not at pulse/acquisition-level. :raises ValueError: When both `config` and `device_cfg` are supplied. :raises ValueError: When clock frequency is unknown. :raises ValueError: When clock frequency is NaN. .. py:function:: _update_acquisition_info_from_device_config(operation: dict[Any, Any], device_compilation_config: quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.DeviceCompilationConfig) -> None Update an operation's `acquisition_info` from the device configuration. :param operation: The operation containing acquisition info. :type operation: dict :param device_compilation_config: The device compilation configuration. :type device_compilation_config: DeviceCompilationConfig :rtype: None .. py:function:: _valid_clock_in_schedule(clock, device_cfg, schedule, operation) -> bool Asserts that valid clock is present. Returns whether clock is already in schedule. :param clock: Name of the clock :param device_cfg: Device config that potentially contains the clock. :param schedule: Schedule that potentially has the clock in its resources :param operation: Quantify operation, to which the clock belongs. Only used for error message. :raises ValueError: Returns ValueError if (i) the device config is the only defined clock and contains nan values or (ii) no clock is defined. .. py:function:: _clocks_compatible(clock, device_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.DeviceCompilationConfig, schedule) -> bool Compare device config and schedule resources for compatibility of their clocks. Clocks can be defined in the device_cfg and in the schedule. They are consistent if - they have the same value - if the clock in the device config is nan (not the other way around) These conditions are also generalized to numpy arrays. Arrays of different length are only equal if all frequencies in the device config are nan. If the clocks are inconsistent, a warning message is emitted. :param clock: Name of the clock found in the device config and schedule :param device_cfg: Device config containing the ``clock`` :param schedule: Schedule containing the ``clock`` :returns: True if the clock frequencies are consistent. .. py:function:: _assert_operation_valid_device_level(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation) -> None Verifies that the operation has been compiled to device level. :param operation: Quantify operation .. py:function:: _compile_multiplexed(operation, qubits, operation_type, device_cfg) .. py:function:: _compile_single_qubit(operation, qubit, operation_type, device_cfg) .. py:function:: _compile_two_qubits(operation, qubits, operation_type, device_cfg) .. py:function:: _add_device_repr_from_cfg(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation, operation_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.OperationCompilationConfig) .. py:function:: _add_device_repr_from_cfg_multiplexed(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation, operation_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.graph_compilation.OperationCompilationConfig, mux_idx: int) .. py:exception:: ConfigKeyError(kind, missing, allowed) Bases: :py:obj:`KeyError` Custom exception for when a key is missing in a configuration file. Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. .. py:exception:: MultipleKeysError(operation, matches) Bases: :py:obj:`KeyError` Custom exception for when symmetric keys are found in a configuration file. Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.