utility ======= .. py:module:: quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.utility .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Utility functions for the instrument coordinator and components. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.utility.search_settable_param quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.utility.lazy_set quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.utility.check_already_existing_acquisition Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.utility.logger .. py:data:: logger .. py:function:: search_settable_param(instrument: qcodes.instrument.base.InstrumentBase, nested_parameter_name: str) -> qcodes.instrument.Parameter Searches for a settable parameter of an instrument when it is in a nested hierarchical form such as instrument.submodule_1.channel_1.parameter :param instrument: The root QCoDeS instrument where the parameter resides. :param nested_parameter_name: Hierarchical nested parameter name. :rtype: Parameter .. py:function:: lazy_set(instrument: qcodes.instrument.base.InstrumentBase, parameter_name: str, val: Any) -> None Sets the value of a QCoDeS parameter only if it is different from the value in cache. :param instrument: The QCoDeS instrument to set the parameter on. :param parameter_name: Name of the parameter to set. :param val: Value to set it to. .. py:function:: check_already_existing_acquisition(new_dataset: xarray.Dataset, current_dataset: xarray.Dataset) Checks whether there is any data which is at the same coordinate in `new_dataset` and `current_dataset`. If there is, it will raise an error. :param new_dataset: New dataset. :param current_dataset: Current dataset.