Source code for quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.components.generic

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Module containing a Generic InstrumentCoordinator Component."""
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

from qcodes.instrument.base import InstrumentBase

import quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.utility as util
from quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.components import base
from quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule import CompiledSchedule

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]DEFAULT_NAME = "generic"
[docs]class GenericInstrumentCoordinatorComponent( # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors base.InstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase ): """ A Generic class which can be used for interaction with the InstrumentCoordinator. The GenericInstrumentCoordinatorComponent should be able to accept any type of qcodes instrument. The component is meant to serve as an interface for simple access to instruments such as the local oscillator, or current source which needs to only set parameters. For now this component is not being used in any of the hardware backends' compilation step. This will be fixed in the next official release. """ # NB `_instances` also used by `Instrument` class
[docs] _no_gc_instances: Dict[str, base.InstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase] = dict()
def __new__( cls, instrument_reference: Union[str, InstrumentBase] = DEFAULT_NAME ) -> base.InstrumentCoordinatorComponentBase: """Keeps track of the instances of this class. NB This is done intentionally to prevent the instances from being garbage collected. """ if isinstance(instrument_reference, InstrumentBase): instrument = instrument_reference else: instrument = InstrumentBase(name=instrument_reference) instance = super().__new__(cls, instrument) cls._no_gc_instances[] = instance return instance def __init__( self, instrument_reference: Union[str, InstrumentBase] = DEFAULT_NAME ) -> None: if isinstance(instrument_reference, InstrumentBase): instrument = instrument_reference else: instrument = InstrumentBase(name=instrument_reference) super().__init__(instrument) @property
[docs] def instrument(self): """ Overwrite the instrument method. There is no instrument for the GenericInstrumentCoordinatorComponent class. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def is_running(self) -> bool: """ The is_running state refers to a state whether an instrument is capable of running in a program. Not to be confused with the on/off state of an instrument. """ return True
[docs] def start(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: pass
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def prepare(self, params_config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ params_config has keys which should correspond to parameter names of the instrument and the corresponding values to be set. Always ensure that the key to the params_config is in the format 'instrument_name.parameter_name' For example, .. code-block:: python params_config = { "lo_mw_q0.frequency": 6e9, "lo_mw_q0.power": 13, "lo_mw_q0.status": True, "lo_ro_q0.frequency": 8.3e9, "lo_ro_q0.power": 16, "lo_ro_q0.status": True, "lo_spec_q0.status": False, } """ self._set_params_to_devices(params_config=params_config)
[docs] def _set_params_to_devices(self, params_config) -> None: """ This function sets the parameters in the params_config dict to the generic devices set in the hardware_config. The bool force_set_parameters is used to change the lazy_set behaviour. """ for key, value in params_config.items(): if "." not in key: error_msg = f"Key [{key}] is not valid in the params_config." hint_msg = ( "Ensure that it is in the format " + "'instrument_name.parameter_name'" ) raise KeyError(error_msg + hint_msg) instrument_name, parameter_name = key.split(".", maxsplit=1) instrument = self.find_instrument(instrument_name) try: if self.force_set_parameters(): param_to_set = util.search_settable_param( instrument=instrument, nested_parameter_name=parameter_name ) param_to_set.set(value=value) else: util.lazy_set( instrument=instrument, parameter_name=parameter_name, val=value ) except ValueError as e: set_function = getattr(instrument, parameter_name) if callable(set_function): set_function(value) else: raise RuntimeError( f"{key} is neither a parameter nor a callable function" ) from e
[docs] def retrieve_acquisition(self) -> Any: pass
[docs] def get_hardware_log( self, compiled_schedule: CompiledSchedule, ) -> dict | None: return None
[docs] def wait_done(self, timeout_sec: int = 10) -> None: _ = timeout_sec # Unused argument