Source code for quantify_scheduler.schedules.timedomain_schedules

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
Module containing schedules for common time domain experiments such as a Rabi and
T1 measurement.
from typing import List, Union, Literal

import numpy as np

from quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule import Schedule
from quantify_scheduler.enums import BinMode
from quantify_scheduler.operations.acquisition_library import SSBIntegrationComplex
from quantify_scheduler.operations.control_flow_library import Loop
from quantify_scheduler.operations.gate_library import X90, Measure, Reset, Rxy, X, Y
from quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library import (
from quantify_scheduler.resources import ClockResource

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def rabi_sched( pulse_amp: Union[np.ndarray, float], pulse_duration: Union[np.ndarray, float], frequency: float, qubit: str, port: str = None, clock: str = None, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a schedule for performing a Rabi using a Gaussian pulse. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- DRAG -- Measure Parameters ---------- pulse_amp amplitude of the Rabi pulse in V. pulse_duration duration of the Gaussian shaped Rabi pulse. Corresponds to 4 sigma. frequency frequency of the qubit 01 transition. qubit the qubit on which to perform a Rabi experiment. port location on the chip where the Rabi pulse should be applied. if set to :code:`None`, will use the naming convention :code:`"<qubit>:mw"` to infer the port. clock name of the location in frequency space where to apply the Rabi pulse. if set to :code:`None`, will use the naming convention :code:`"<qubit>.01"` to infer the clock. repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. """ # ensure pulse_amplitude and pulse_duration are iterable. amps = np.asarray(pulse_amp) amps = amps.reshape(amps.shape or (1,)) durations = np.asarray(pulse_duration) durations = durations.reshape(durations.shape or (1,)) # either the shapes of the amp and duration must match or one of # them must be a constant floating point value. if len(amps) == 1: amps = np.ones(np.shape(durations)) * amps elif len(durations) == 1: durations = np.ones(np.shape(amps)) * durations elif len(durations) != len(amps): raise ValueError( f"Shapes of pulse_amplitude ({pulse_amp.shape}) and " f"pulse_duration ({pulse_duration.shape}) are incompatible." ) if port is None: port = f"{qubit}:mw" if clock is None: clock = f"{qubit}.01" schedule = Schedule("Rabi", repetitions) schedule.add_resource(ClockResource(name=clock, freq=frequency)) for i, (amp, duration) in enumerate(zip(amps, durations)): schedule.add(Reset(qubit), label=f"Reset {i}") schedule.add( DRAGPulse( duration=duration, G_amp=amp, D_amp=0, port=port, clock=clock, phase=0, ), label=f"Rabi_pulse {i}", ) # N.B. acq_channel is not specified schedule.add(Measure(qubit, acq_index=i), label=f"Measurement {i}") return schedule
[docs]def t1_sched( times: Union[np.ndarray, float], qubit: str, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a schedule for performing a :math:`T_1` experiment to measure the qubit relaxation time. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi -- Idle(tau) -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the :math:`T_1` experiment. Parameters ---------- times an array of wait times tau between the pi-pulse and the measurement. qubit the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the T1 experiment on. repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. Returns ------- : An experiment schedule. """ # ensure times is an iterable when passing floats. times = np.asarray(times) times = times.reshape(times.shape or (1,)) schedule = Schedule("T1", repetitions) for i, tau in enumerate(times): schedule.add(Reset(qubit), label=f"Reset {i}") schedule.add(X(qubit), label=f"pi {i}") schedule.add( Measure(qubit, acq_index=i), ref_pt="start", rel_time=tau, label=f"Measurement {i}", ) return schedule
[docs]def ramsey_sched( times: Union[np.ndarray, float], qubit: str, artificial_detuning: float = 0, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: r""" Generate a schedule for performing a Ramsey experiment to measure the dephasing time :math:`T_2^{\star}`. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi/2 -- Idle(tau) -- pi/2 -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the Ramsey experiment. Parameters ---------- times an array of wait times tau between the pi/2 pulses. artificial_detuning frequency in Hz of the software emulated, or `artificial` qubit detuning, which is implemented by changing the phase of the second pi/2 (recovery) pulse. The artificial detuning changes the observed frequency of the Ramsey oscillation, which can be useful to distinguish a slow oscillation due to a small physical detuning from the decay of the dephasing noise. qubit the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the Ramsey experiment on. repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. Returns ------- : An experiment schedule. """ # ensure times is an iterable when passing floats. times = np.asarray(times) times = times.reshape(times.shape or (1,)) schedule = Schedule("Ramsey", repetitions) if isinstance(times, float): times = [times] for i, tau in enumerate(times): schedule.add(Reset(qubit), label=f"Reset {i}") schedule.add(X90(qubit)) # the phase of the second pi/2 phase progresses to propagate recovery_phase = np.rad2deg(2 * np.pi * artificial_detuning * tau) schedule.add( Rxy(theta=90, phi=recovery_phase, qubit=qubit), ref_pt="start", rel_time=tau ) schedule.add(Measure(qubit, acq_index=i), label=f"Measurement {i}") return schedule
[docs]def echo_sched( times: Union[np.ndarray, float], qubit: str, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a schedule for performing an Echo experiment to measure the qubit echo-dephasing time :math:`T_2^{E}`. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi/2 -- Idle(tau/2) -- pi -- Idle(tau/2) -- pi/2 -- Measure See section III.B.2. of :cite:t:`krantz_quantum_2019` for an explanation of the Bloch-Redfield model of decoherence and the echo experiment. Parameters ---------- qubit the name of the qubit e.g., "q0" to perform the echo experiment on. times an array of wait times between the repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. Returns ------- : An experiment schedule. """ # ensure times is an iterable when passing floats. times = np.asarray(times) times = times.reshape(times.shape or (1,)) schedule = Schedule("Echo", repetitions) for i, tau in enumerate(times): schedule.add(Reset(qubit), label=f"Reset {i}") schedule.add(X90(qubit)) schedule.add(X(qubit), ref_pt="start", rel_time=tau / 2) schedule.add(X90(qubit), ref_pt="start", rel_time=tau / 2) schedule.add(Measure(qubit, acq_index=i), label=f"Measurement {i}") return schedule
[docs]def cpmg_sched( n_gates: int, times: Union[np.ndarray, float], qubit: str, variant: Literal["X", "Y", "XY"] = "X", repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a schedule for performing a CPMG (n gates) experiment to measure the qubit dephasing time :math:`T_2^{CPMG}` with dynamical decoupling. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- pi/2 -- [Idle(tau/(2n)) -- pi -- Idle(tau/2n)]*n -- pi/2 -- Measure .. Idle time includes the pi pulse duration! Parameters ---------- n_gates Number of CPMG Gates. Note that `n_gates=1` corresponds to an Echo experiment (:func:`~.echo_sched`). qubit The name of the qubit, e.g., "q0", to perform the echo experiment on. times An array of wait times between the pi/2 pulses. The wait times are subdivided into multiple IdlePulse(time/(2n)) operations. Be aware that time/(2n) must be an integer multiple of your hardware backend grid time. variant CPMG using either pi_x ("X"), pi_y ("Y") or interleaved pi_x/pi_y ("XY") gates, default is "X". repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated, default is 1. Returns ------- : An experiment schedule. """ if variant not in ["X", "Y", "XY"]: raise ValueError( f"Unknown variant '{variant}'. Variant must be one of ('X', 'Y', 'XY')." ) # ensure times is an iterable when passing floats. times = np.asarray(times) times = times.reshape(times.shape or (1,)) if np.log2(n_gates) % 1 != 0: raise ValueError(f"{n_gates=} is not a power of 2.") schedule = Schedule("CPMG", repetitions) for i, tau in enumerate(times): idle_time = tau / (2 * n_gates) schedule.add(Reset(qubit), label=f"Reset {i}") schedule.add(X90(qubit)) inner = Schedule("inner") if variant != "XY": inner.add(IdlePulse(duration=idle_time)) if variant == "X": echo_gate = X(qubit) elif variant == "Y": echo_gate = Y(qubit) inner.add(echo_gate, label=f"pi {i}") inner.add(IdlePulse(duration=idle_time), ref_pt="start") n_reps = n_gates else: if n_gates < 2: raise ValueError( f"{n_gates=}, but the minimum number of gates " "for an XY interleaved schedule is 2." ) inner.add(IdlePulse(duration=idle_time)) inner.add(X(qubit), label=f"pi_x {i}") inner.add(IdlePulse(duration=2 * idle_time), ref_pt="start") inner.add(Y(qubit), label=f"pi_y {i}") inner.add(IdlePulse(duration=idle_time), ref_pt="start") n_reps = int(n_gates / 2) schedule.add( inner, control_flow=Loop(n_reps), label=f"loop {i}", ref_pt="start", # 4ns has to be added to not include the first X90 in the inner_loop, # otherwise inner schedule and X90 would begin at the same time. rel_time=4e-9, ) schedule.add(X90(qubit)) schedule.add(Measure(qubit, acq_index=i), label=f"Measurement {i}") return schedule
[docs]def allxy_sched( qubit: str, element_select_idx: Union[np.ndarray, int] = np.arange(21), repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a schedule for performing an AllXY experiment. Schedule sequence .. centered:: Reset -- Rxy[0] -- Rxy[1] -- Measure for a specific set of combinations of x90, x180, y90, y180 and idle rotations. See section 2.3.2 of :cite:t:`reed_entanglement_2013` for an explanation of the AllXY experiment and it's applications in diagnosing errors in single-qubit control pulses. Parameters ---------- qubit the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the experiment on. element_select_idx the index of the particular element of the AllXY experiment to exectute. repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. Returns ------- : An experiment schedule. """ element_idxs = np.asarray(element_select_idx) element_idxs = element_idxs.reshape(element_idxs.shape or (1,)) # all combinations of Idle, X90, Y90, X180 and Y180 gates that are part of # the AllXY experiment allxy_combinations = [ [(0, 0), (0, 0)], [(180, 0), (180, 0)], [(180, 90), (180, 90)], [(180, 0), (180, 90)], [(180, 90), (180, 0)], [(90, 0), (0, 0)], [(90, 90), (0, 0)], [(90, 0), (90, 90)], [(90, 90), (90, 0)], [(90, 0), (180, 90)], [(90, 90), (180, 0)], [(180, 0), (90, 90)], [(180, 90), (90, 0)], [(90, 0), (180, 0)], [(180, 0), (90, 0)], [(90, 90), (180, 90)], [(180, 90), (90, 90)], [(180, 0), (0, 0)], [(180, 90), (0, 0)], [(90, 0), (90, 0)], [(90, 90), (90, 90)], ] schedule = Schedule("AllXY", repetitions) for i, elt_idx in enumerate(element_idxs): # check index valid if elt_idx > len(allxy_combinations) or elt_idx < 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid index selected: {elt_idx}. " "Index must be in range 0 to 21 inclusive." ) ((th0, phi0), (th1, phi1)) = allxy_combinations[elt_idx] schedule.add(Reset(qubit), label=f"Reset {i}") schedule.add(Rxy(qubit=qubit, theta=th0, phi=phi0)) schedule.add(Rxy(qubit=qubit, theta=th1, phi=phi1)) schedule.add(Measure(qubit, acq_index=i), label=f"Measurement {i}") return schedule
[docs]def readout_calibration_sched( qubit: str, prepared_states: List[int], repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ A schedule for readout calibration. Prepares a state and immediately performs a measurement. Parameters ---------- qubit the name of the qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` to perform the experiment on. prepared_states the states to prepare the qubit in before measuring as in integer corresponding to the ground (0), first-excited (1) or second-excited (2) state. repetitions The number of shots to acquire, sets the number of times the schedule will be repeated. Returns ------- : An experiment schedule. Raises ------ ValueError If the prepared state is not either 0, 1, or 2. NotImplementedError If the prepared state is 2. """ schedule = Schedule(f"Readout calibration {qubit}, {prepared_states}", repetitions) for i, prep_state in enumerate(prepared_states): schedule.add(Reset(qubit), label=f"Reset {i}") if prep_state == 0: pass elif prep_state == 1: schedule.add(Rxy(qubit=qubit, theta=180, phi=0)) elif prep_state == 2: raise NotImplementedError( "Preparing the qubit in the second excited (2) " "state is not supported yet." ) else: raise ValueError(f"Prepared state ({prep_state}) must be either 0, 1 or 2.") schedule.add( Measure(qubit, acq_index=i, bin_mode=BinMode.APPEND), label=f"Measurement {i}", ) return schedule
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]def rabi_pulse_sched( mw_G_amp: float, mw_D_amp: float, mw_frequency: float, mw_clock: str, mw_port: str, mw_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_amp: float, ro_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_delay: float, ro_pulse_port: str, ro_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_frequency: float, ro_acquisition_delay: float, ro_integration_time: float, init_duration: float, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a schedule for performing a Rabi experiment using a :func:`quantify_scheduler.waveforms.drag` pulse. .. note:: This function allows specifying a Rabi experiment directly using the pulse-level abstraction. For most applications we recommend using :func:`rabi_sched` instead. Parameters ---------- mw_G_amp amplitude of the gaussian component of a DRAG pulse. mw_D_amp amplitude of the derivative-of-gaussian component of a DRAG pulse. mw_frequency frequency of the DRAG pulse. mw_clock reference clock used to track the qubit 01 transition. mw_port location on the device where the pulse should be applied. mw_pulse_duration duration of the DRAG pulse. Corresponds to 4 sigma. ro_pulse_amp amplitude of the readout pulse in Volt. ro_pulse_duration duration of the readout pulse in seconds. ro_pulse_delay time between the end of the spectroscopy pulse and the start of the readout pulse. ro_pulse_port location on the device where the readout pulse should be applied. ro_pulse_clock reference clock used to track the readout frequency. ro_pulse_frequency frequency of the spectroscopy pulse and of the data acquisition in Hertz. ro_acquisition_delay start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the readout pulse in seconds. ro_integration_time integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. init_duration : The relaxation time or dead time. repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. """ schedule = Schedule("Rabi schedule (pulse)", repetitions) schedule.add_resource(ClockResource(name=mw_clock, freq=mw_frequency)) schedule.add_resource(ClockResource(name=ro_pulse_clock, freq=ro_pulse_frequency)) schedule.add(IdlePulse(duration=init_duration), label="qubit reset") schedule.add( DRAGPulse( duration=mw_pulse_duration, G_amp=mw_G_amp, D_amp=mw_D_amp, port=mw_port, clock=mw_clock, phase=0, ), label="Rabi_pulse", ref_pt="end", ) ro_pulse = schedule.add( SquarePulse( duration=ro_pulse_duration, amp=ro_pulse_amp, port=ro_pulse_port, clock=ro_pulse_clock, ), label="readout_pulse", rel_time=ro_pulse_delay, ) schedule.add( SSBIntegrationComplex( duration=ro_integration_time, port=ro_pulse_port, clock=ro_pulse_clock, acq_index=0, acq_channel=0, ), ref_op=ro_pulse, ref_pt="start", rel_time=ro_acquisition_delay, label="acquisition", ) return schedule