q1asm_instructions# Module that holds all the string literals that are valid instructions that can be executed by the sequencer in Qblox hardware. Module Contents# ILLEGAL = 'illegal'[source]# STOP = 'stop'[source]# NOP = 'nop'[source]# NEW_LINE = ''[source]# JUMP = 'jmp'[source]# LOOP = 'loop'[source]# JUMP_GREATER_EQUALS = 'jge'[source]# JUMP_LESS_EQUALS = 'jle'[source]# MOVE = 'move'[source]# NOT = 'not'[source]# ADD = 'add'[source]# SUB = 'sub'[source]# AND = 'and'[source]# OR = 'or'[source]# XOR = 'xor'[source]# ARITHMETIC_SHIFT_LEFT = 'asl'[source]# ARITHMETIC_SHIFT_RIGHT = 'asr'[source]# SET_MARKER = 'set_mrk'[source]# PLAY = 'play'[source]# ACQUIRE = 'acquire'[source]# ACQUIRE_WEIGHED = 'acquire_weighed'[source]# ACQUIRE_TTL = 'acquire_ttl'[source]# WAIT = 'wait'[source]# WAIT_SYNC = 'wait_sync'[source]# WAIT_TRIGGER = 'wait_trigger'[source]# UPDATE_PARAMETERS = 'upd_param'[source]# SET_AWG_GAIN = 'set_awg_gain'[source]# SET_ACQ_GAIN = 'set_acq_gain'[source]# SET_AWG_OFFSET = 'set_awg_offs'[source]# SET_ACQ_OFFSET = 'set_acq_offs'[source]# RESET_PHASE = 'reset_ph'[source]# SET_NCO_PHASE_OFFSET = 'set_ph'[source]# INCR_NCO_PHASE_OFFSET = 'set_ph_delta'[source]# SET_FREQUENCY = 'set_freq'[source]#