Source code for quantify_scheduler.schedules.trace_schedules

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Contains various examples of trace schedules."""
from quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule import Schedule
from quantify_scheduler.operations.acquisition_library import Trace
from quantify_scheduler.operations.gate_library import Measure
from quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library import IdlePulse, SquarePulse
from quantify_scheduler.resources import ClockResource

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def trace_schedule( pulse_amp: float, pulse_duration: float, pulse_delay: float, frequency: float, acquisition_delay: float, integration_time: float, port: str, clock: str, init_duration: int = 200e-6, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a schedule to perform raw trace acquisition. Parameters ---------- pulse_amp : The amplitude of the pulse in Volt. pulse_duration The duration of the pulse in seconds. pulse_delay The pulse delay in seconds. frequency The frequency of the pulse and of the data acquisition in Hertz. acquisition_delay The start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the pulse in seconds. integration_time The time in seconds to integrate. port The location on the device where the pulse should be applied. clock The reference clock used to track the pulse frequency. init_duration The relaxation time or dead time. repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. Returns ------- : The Raw Trace acquisition Schedule. """ schedule = Schedule("Raw trace acquisition", repetitions) schedule.add_resource(ClockResource(name=clock, freq=frequency)) schedule.add(IdlePulse(duration=init_duration), label="Dead time") pulse = schedule.add( SquarePulse( duration=pulse_duration, amp=pulse_amp, port=port, clock=clock, ), label="trace_pulse", rel_time=pulse_delay, ) schedule.add( Trace( duration=integration_time, port=port, clock=clock, acq_index=0, acq_channel=0, ), ref_op=pulse, ref_pt="start", rel_time=acquisition_delay, label="acquisition", ) return schedule
[docs] def trace_schedule_circuit_layer( qubit_name: str, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a simple schedule at circuit layer to perform raw trace acquisition. Parameters ---------- qubit_name Name of a device element. repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. Returns ------- : The Raw Trace acquisition Schedule. """ schedule = Schedule("Raw trace acquisition", repetitions) schedule.add(Measure(qubit_name, acq_protocol="Trace")) return schedule
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs] def two_tone_trace_schedule( qubit_pulse_amp: float, qubit_pulse_duration: float, qubit_pulse_frequency: float, qubit_pulse_port: str, qubit_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_amp: float, ro_pulse_duration: float, ro_pulse_delay: float, ro_pulse_port: str, ro_pulse_clock: str, ro_pulse_frequency: float, ro_acquisition_delay: float, ro_integration_time: float, init_duration: float = 200e-6, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Generate a schedule for performing a two-tone raw trace acquisition. Parameters ---------- qubit_pulse_amp The amplitude of the pulse in Volt. qubit_pulse_duration The duration of the pulse in seconds. qubit_pulse_frequency The pulse frequency in Hertz. qubit_pulse_port The location on the device where the qubit pulse should be applied. qubit_pulse_clock The reference clock used to track the pulse frequency. ro_pulse_amp The amplitude of the readout pulse in Volt. ro_pulse_duration The duration of the readout pulse in seconds. ro_pulse_delay The time between the end of the pulse and the start of the readout pulse. ro_pulse_port The location on the device where the readout pulse should be applied. ro_pulse_clock The reference clock used to track the readout pulse frequency. ro_pulse_frequency The readout pulse frequency in Hertz. ro_acquisition_delay The start of the data acquisition with respect to the start of the pulse in seconds. ro_integration_time The integration time of the data acquisition in seconds. init_duration : The relaxation time or dead time. repetitions The amount of times the Schedule will be repeated. Returns ------- : The Two-tone Trace acquisition Schedule. """ schedule = Schedule("Two-tone Trace acquisition", repetitions) schedule.add_resource( ClockResource(name=qubit_pulse_clock, freq=qubit_pulse_frequency) ) schedule.add_resource(ClockResource(name=ro_pulse_clock, freq=ro_pulse_frequency)) schedule.add( IdlePulse(duration=init_duration), label="Reset", ) schedule.add( SquarePulse( duration=qubit_pulse_duration, amp=qubit_pulse_amp, port=qubit_pulse_port, clock=qubit_pulse_clock, ), label="qubit_pulse", ) ro_pulse = schedule.add( SquarePulse( duration=ro_pulse_duration, amp=ro_pulse_amp, port=ro_pulse_port, clock=ro_pulse_clock, ), label="readout_pulse", rel_time=ro_pulse_delay, ) schedule.add( Trace( duration=ro_integration_time, port=ro_pulse_port, clock=ro_pulse_clock, acq_index=0, acq_channel=0, ), ref_op=ro_pulse, ref_pt="start", rel_time=ro_acquisition_delay, label="acquisition", ) return schedule