gettables_profiled ================== .. py:module:: quantify_scheduler.gettables_profiled .. autoapi-nested-parse:: This module represents the Q-Profile quantum control electronics profiler. Profiling of the control electronics is enabled by using the :class:`ProfiledScheduleGettable` in place of :class:`~.ScheduleGettable`. .. note:: The :class:`ProfiledScheduleGettable` is currently only tested to support Qblox hardware. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.gettables_profiled.ProfiledInstrumentCoordinator quantify_scheduler.gettables_profiled.ProfiledScheduleGettable Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: quantify_scheduler.gettables_profiled.profiler .. py:function:: profiler(func) Decorator that reports the execution time of the decorated function and stores this in ``ProfiledInstrumentCoordinator.profile``. :param func: Target function to be profiled. :type func: Callable .. py:class:: ProfiledInstrumentCoordinator(name: str, parent_ic: quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.instrument_coordinator.InstrumentCoordinator) Bases: :py:obj:`quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.instrument_coordinator.InstrumentCoordinator` Subclass of :class:`~.InstrumentCoordinator` that implements a profiling tool to log timing results. Time results are stored in ``ProfiledInstrumentCoordinator.profile``. :class:`ProfiledInstrumentCoordinator` is set up to be used when using :class:`ProfiledScheduleGettable`, code example: .. code-block:: python ic = InstrumentCoordinator(name="instrument_coordinator") quantum_device = QuantumDevice(name="quantum_device") quantum_device.instr_instrument_coordinator( profiled_gettable = ProfiledScheduleGettable( quantum_device=quantum_device, schedule_function=..., schedule_kwargs=..., ) profiled_gettable.initialize() profiled_ic = ( profiled_gettable.quantum_device.instr_instrument_coordinator.get_instr() ) :param name: Name of :class:`ProfiledInstrumentCoordinator` instance. :type name: str :param parent_ic: Original :class:`~.InstrumentCoordinator`. :type parent_ic: InstrumentCoordinator .. py:method:: add_component(component) -> None Adds a component to the components collection. :param component: The component to add. :raises ValueError: If a component with a duplicated name is added to the collection. :raises TypeError: If :code:`component` is not an instance of the base component. .. py:method:: prepare(compiled_schedule) -> None Prepares each component for execution of a schedule. It attempts to configure all instrument coordinator components for which compiled instructions, typically consisting of a combination of sequence programs, waveforms and other instrument settings, are available in the compiled schedule. :param compiled_schedule: A schedule containing the information required to execute the program. :raises KeyError: If the compiled schedule contains instructions for a component absent in the instrument coordinator. :raises TypeError: If the schedule provided is not a valid :class:`.CompiledSchedule`. .. py:method:: start() Start all of the components that appear in the compiled instructions. The instruments will be started in the order in which they were added to the instrument coordinator. .. py:method:: stop(allow_failure=False) Stops all components. The components are stopped in the order in which they were added. :param allow_failure: By default it is set to `False`. When set to `True`, the AttributeErrors raised by a component are demoted to warnings to allow other components to stop. .. py:method:: retrieve_acquisition() Retrieves the latest acquisition results of the components with acquisition capabilities. :returns: The acquisition data in an :code:`xarray.Dataset`. For each acquisition channel it contains an :code:`xarray.DataArray`. .. py:method:: wait_done(timeout_sec: int = 10) Awaits each component until it is done. The timeout in seconds specifies the allowed amount of time to run before it times out. :param timeout_sec: The maximum amount of time in seconds before a timeout. .. py:class:: ProfiledScheduleGettable(*args, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`quantify_scheduler.gettables.ScheduleGettable` To be used in place of :class:`~.ScheduleGettable` to enable profiling of the compilation. Logged execution times can be read from ``self.profile``, and plotted via :func:`plot_profile`. .. py:method:: _compile(sched) Overwrite compile step for profiling. .. py:method:: close() Cleanup new profiling instruments to avoid future conflicts. .. py:method:: log_profile(obj=None, path='profiling_logs', filename=None, indent: int = 4, separators=None) Store profiling logs to json file. .. py:method:: plot_profile(path=None, filename='average_runtimes.pdf') Create barplot of accumulated profiling data.