# --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: percent # format_version: '1.3' # jupytext_version: 1.14.5 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) # language: python # name: python3 # --- # %% [markdown] # # Multidimensional batched sweep # %% [markdown] # # Imports # %% import numpy as np from quantify_core.measurement import MeasurementControl from quantify_scheduler import Schedule from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.transmon_element import BasicTransmonElement from quantify_scheduler.gettables import ScheduleGettable from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.quantum_device import QuantumDevice from quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator import InstrumentCoordinator from quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.components.qblox import ClusterComponent from quantify_core.data import handling as dh from qblox_instruments import Cluster, ClusterType from qcodes.instrument.parameter import ManualParameter from quantify_scheduler.enums import BinMode from quantify_scheduler.operations.gate_library import Measure, Reset, Rxy from quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library import SoftSquarePulse # %% dh.set_datadir(dh.default_datadir()) # %% [markdown] # # Connect to hardware # %% dummy_cfg = { 2: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM_RF, 4: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM_RF, 10: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QRM_RF, 12: ClusterType.CLUSTER_QCM, } cluster = Cluster(name="cluster0", identifier=None, dummy_cfg=dummy_cfg) # %% ic = InstrumentCoordinator("ic") # %% qcm = cluster.module1 qrm = cluster.module2 qcm_rf = cluster.module3 qrm_rf = cluster.module4 # %% ic.add_component(ClusterComponent(cluster)) # %% meas_ctrl = MeasurementControl("mc") # %% quantum_device = QuantumDevice("my_device") # %% quantum_device.instr_instrument_coordinator(ic.name) quantum_device.instr_measurement_control(meas_ctrl.name) # %% [markdown] # ### Hardware Cfg # %% hardware_config = { "config_type": "quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend.QbloxHardwareCompilationConfig", "hardware_description": { "cluster0": { "instrument_type": "Cluster", "modules": { "2": {"instrument_type": "QCM_RF"}, "4": {"instrument_type": "QCM_RF"}, "10": {"instrument_type": "QRM_RF"}, "12": {"instrument_type": "QCM"}, }, "sequence_to_file": False, "ref": "internal", } }, "hardware_options": { "mixer_corrections": { "q1:mw-q1.01": { "dc_offset_i": -0.0024496, "dc_offset_q": -0.0109159, "amp_ratio": 0.9416, "phase_error": -17.36234, }, "q1:mw-q1.12": { "dc_offset_i": -0.0024496, "dc_offset_q": -0.0109159, "amp_ratio": 0.9416, "phase_error": -17.36234, }, "q2:mw-q2.01": { "dc_offset_i": -0.0024927, "dc_offset_q": -0.0051141, "amp_ratio": 0.9519, "phase_error": -19.85496, }, "q2:mw-q2.12": { "dc_offset_i": -0.0024927, "dc_offset_q": -0.0051141, "amp_ratio": 0.9519, "phase_error": -19.85496, }, "q1:res-q1.ro": { "dc_offset_i": -0.009068, "dc_offset_q": -0.0082944, "amp_ratio": 0.9973, "phase_error": 12.46307, }, "q2:res-q2.ro": { "dc_offset_i": -0.009068, "dc_offset_q": -0.0082944, "amp_ratio": 0.9973, "phase_error": 12.46307, }, }, "modulation_frequencies": { "q1:mw-q1.01": {"lo_freq": 4895200000.0}, "q1:mw-q1.12": {"lo_freq": 4895200000.0}, "q2:mw-q2.01": {"lo_freq": 4802000000.0}, "q2:mw-q2.12": {"lo_freq": 4802000000.0}, "q1:res-q1.ro": {"lo_freq": 7050000000.0}, "q2:res-q2.ro": {"lo_freq": 7050000000.0}, }, "output_att": { "q2:mw-q2.01": 0, "q2:mw-q2.12": 0, "q1:res-q1.ro": 24, "q2:res-q2.ro": 24, }, }, "connectivity": { "graph": [ ["cluster0.module2.complex_output_0", "q1:mw"], ["cluster0.module2.complex_output_0", "q1:mw"], ["cluster0.module4.complex_output_0", "q2:mw"], ["cluster0.module4.complex_output_0", "q2:mw"], ["cluster0.module10.complex_output_0", "q1:res"], ["cluster0.module10.complex_output_0", "q2:res"], ["cluster0.module12.real_output_0", "q2:fl"], ] }, } # %% quantum_device.hardware_config(hardware_config) # %% [markdown] # ### Device Cfg # %% [markdown] # Load device config and fill out information in the transmon element from the loaded file # %% q1 = BasicTransmonElement("q1") q2 = BasicTransmonElement("q2") # %% quantum_device.add_element(q1) quantum_device.add_element(q2) # %% q1.clock_freqs.f01(4815200000.0) q1.rxy.amp180(0.14) q1.rxy.duration(48e-9) q2.clock_freqs.f01(4729610000.0) q2.rxy.amp180(0.14) q2.rxy.duration(48e-9) q1.measure.acq_channel(0) q1.measure.acq_delay(40e-9) q1.measure.pulse_amp(0.125) q1.measure.pulse_duration(3e-6) q1.measure.integration_time(2800e-9) q1.clock_freqs.readout(6995499000) q2.measure.acq_channel(1) q2.measure.acq_delay(40e-9) q2.measure.pulse_amp(0.125) q2.measure.pulse_duration(3e-6) q2.measure.integration_time(2800e-9) q2.clock_freqs.readout(6849880000.0) # %% [markdown] jp-MarkdownHeadingCollapsed=true # ## Manually writing schedule # %% def coupler_conditional_oscillation_sched_phase_correction_ssro4( oscillation_qubit: str, spectator_qubit: str, flux_amplitude: float, flux_duration: float, rise_time: float, phases, phase_q1: float, qname_phase_q1: str, phase_q2: float, qname_phase_q2: str, spectator_rotations, repetition_param, separation_time: float = 100e-9, repetitions: int = 1, ) -> Schedule: """ Schedule for the conditional oscillation experiment. Schedule sequence:: Oscillation qubit: ----X90-------o--- Rxy(90,phi) ---- measure | Spectator qubit: --- (X180) ---o--- (X180) --------- measure (X180) means we either apply it or not, depending on the :code:`spectator_rotations` parameter. Parameters ---------- oscillation_qubit: The name of the oscillating qubit e.g., :code:`"q0"` spectator_qubit: The name of the spectator (e.g. on which the oscillation is conditioned) qubit e.g., :code:`"q1"` phases: The phase of the Rxy gate applied after the CZ gate spectator_rotations: The rotation of the X gate on the control qubit, typically either 0 or 180 deg separation_time: Time between the end of the first single qubit operations and the start of the second set of single qubit operations. repetitions: The number of times the schedule will be repeated Returns ------- : An experiment schedule """ schedule = Schedule("Conditional oscillation", repetitions) phases = np.asarray(phases) spectator_rotations = np.asarray(spectator_rotations) for i, (phase, spectator_rotation) in enumerate(zip(phases, spectator_rotations)): schedule.add(Reset(oscillation_qubit, spectator_qubit), label=f"Reset {i}") schedule.add( Rxy(qubit=oscillation_qubit, theta=90, phi=0), label=f"initial oscillation qubit pulse {i}", ) # An excitation is added or not added based on the spectator_rotation parameter schedule.add( Rxy(qubit=spectator_qubit, theta=spectator_rotation, phi=0), ref_pt="start", label=f"initial spectator qubit pulse {i}", ) schedule.add( SoftSquarePulse( duration=flux_duration, amp=flux_amplitude, port="q2:fl", clock="cl0.baseband", ) ) schedule.add( Rxy(qubit=oscillation_qubit, theta=90, phi=phase), label=f"final oscillation qubit pulse {i}", ref_op=f"initial oscillation qubit pulse {i}", rel_time=separation_time, ) schedule.add( Rxy(qubit=spectator_qubit, theta=spectator_rotation, phi=0), label=f"final spectator qubit pulse {i}", ref_pt="start", ) schedule.add( Measure( oscillation_qubit, spectator_qubit, acq_index=i, bin_mode=BinMode.APPEND ), label=f"Measure {i}", ) return schedule # %% [markdown] jp-MarkdownHeadingCollapsed=true # ## Meas Ctrl # %% phase = ManualParameter(name="phase", unit="s", label="Delay") phase.batched = True spec_rotation = ManualParameter(name="spectator_rotation", unit="s", label="Delay") spec_rotation.batched = True repetition_param = ManualParameter(name="repetition", unit="s", label="Repetition") repetition_param.batched = True repetitions = 200 schedule_kwargs = { "oscillation_qubit": q1.name, "spectator_qubit": q2.name, "flux_amplitude": 0.1, "flux_duration": 20e-9, "rise_time": 4e-9, "phases": phase, "phase_q1": np.pi, "qname_phase_q1": "phase_q1", "phase_q2": np.pi, "qname_phase_q2": "phase_q2", "spectator_rotations": spec_rotation, "repetition_param": repetition_param, } gettable = ScheduleGettable( quantum_device, schedule_function=coupler_conditional_oscillation_sched_phase_correction_ssro4, schedule_kwargs=schedule_kwargs, real_imag=False, batched=True, num_channels=2, ) quantum_device.cfg_sched_repetitions(1) meas_ctrl.settables([repetition_param, spec_rotation, phase]) meas_ctrl.setpoints_grid( [ np.arange(repetitions), np.linspace(1, 2 * np.pi, 2), np.linspace(1, 2 * np.pi, 40), ] ) meas_ctrl.gettables(gettable) # %% def run_experiment(): meas_ctrl.run()