Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.q1asm_instructions

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
Module that holds all the string literals that are valid instructions that can be
executed by the sequencer in Qblox hardware.
# Control

[docs] ILLEGAL = "illegal"
[docs] STOP = "stop"
[docs] NOP = "nop"
[docs] NEW_LINE = ""
# Jumps
[docs] JUMP = "jmp"
[docs] LOOP = "loop"
[docs] JUMP_GREATER_EQUALS = "jge"
[docs] JUMP_LESS_THAN = "jlt"
# Arithmetic
[docs] MOVE = "move"
[docs] NOT = "not"
[docs] ADD = "add"
[docs] SUB = "sub"
[docs] AND = "and"
[docs] OR = "or"
[docs] XOR = "xor"
# Real-time pipeline instructions
[docs] SET_MARKER = "set_mrk"
[docs] PLAY = "play"
[docs] ACQUIRE = "acquire"
[docs] ACQUIRE_WEIGHED = "acquire_weighed"
[docs] ACQUIRE_TTL = "acquire_ttl"
[docs] WAIT = "wait"
[docs] WAIT_SYNC = "wait_sync"
[docs] WAIT_TRIGGER = "wait_trigger"
[docs] UPDATE_PARAMETERS = "upd_param"
[docs] SET_AWG_GAIN = "set_awg_gain"
[docs] SET_ACQ_GAIN = "set_acq_gain"
[docs] SET_AWG_OFFSET = "set_awg_offs"
[docs] SET_ACQ_OFFSET = "set_acq_offs"
[docs] RESET_PHASE = "reset_ph"
[docs] SET_NCO_PHASE_OFFSET = "set_ph"
[docs] INCR_NCO_PHASE_OFFSET = "set_ph_delta"
[docs] SET_FREQUENCY = "set_freq"
[docs] FEEDBACK_SET_COND = "set_cond"
[docs] FEEDBACK_TRIGGER_EN = "set_latch_en"
[docs] FEEDBACK_TRIGGERS_RST = "latch_rst"