Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.zhinst.helpers

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Helpers for Zurich Instruments."""
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from zhinst import qcodes
from zhinst.qcodes import base

from quantify_scheduler.helpers import time

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def get_value(instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, node: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the value of a ZI node. Parameters ---------- instrument : node : Returns ------- : The node value. """ if not node.startswith(f"/{instrument._serial}"): node = f"/{instrument._serial}/{node}" logger.debug(node) return instrument._controller._get(node)
[docs] def set_value( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, node: str, value, ) -> None: """ Sets the value of a ZI node. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. path : The node path. value : The new node value. """ if not node.startswith(f"/{instrument._serial}"): node = f"/{instrument._serial}/{node}" logger.debug(node) instrument._controller._set(node, value)
[docs] def set_values( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, value: List[Tuple[str, Any]], ) -> None: """ Sets the value of a ZI node. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. value : The dictionary with nodes and values. """ logger.debug(value) instrument._controller._set(value)
[docs] def set_vector( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, node: str, value: Union[List, str], ) -> None: """ Sets the vector value of a ZI node. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. awg_index : The awg to configure. node : The node path. value : The new node vector value. """ if not node.startswith(f"/{instrument._serial}"): node = f"/{instrument._serial}/{node}" logger.debug(node) instrument._controller._controller._connection._daq.setVector(node, value)
[docs] def set_awg_value( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, awg_index: int, node: str, value: Union[int, str], ) -> None: """ Sets the value of a AWG module node. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. awg_index : The awg to configure. node : The node path. value : The new node value. """ logger.debug(node) awgs = [instrument.awg] if not hasattr(instrument, "awgs") else instrument.awgs awgs[awg_index]._awg._module.update(index=awg_index) # Hotfix #260 awgs[awg_index]._awg._module.set(node, value)
[docs] def set_and_compile_awg_seqc( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, awg_index: int, node: str, value: str, ): """ Uploads and compiles the AWG sequencer program. Parameters ---------- instrument : The ZI instrument object. awg_index : The awg to configure. node : The node path. value : The seqc program. waveforms_dict: The new waveforms for comparison. """ awgs = [instrument.awg] if not hasattr(instrument, "awgs") else instrument.awgs awg = awgs[awg_index] # Set the new 'compiler/sourcestring' value set_awg_value(instrument, awg_index, node, value) awg_module = awg._awg._module status: int = -1 while status == -1: time.sleep(0.1) status = awg_module.get_int("compiler/status") if status == 1: status_str = awg_module.get_string("compiler/statusstring") raise Exception(f"Upload failed: \n{status_str}") if status == 2: status_str = awg_module.get_string("compiler/statusstring") logger.warning(f"Compiled with warning: \n{status_str}") if status == 0: print(f"{}: Compilation successful") tik = time.get_time() progress: float = awg_module.get_double("progress") status: int = awg_module.get_int("/elf/status") while (progress < 1.0) and (status != 1): time.sleep(0.1) if time.get_time() - tik >= 100: # 100s timeout raise Exception("Program upload timed out!") progress: float = awg_module.get_double("progress") status: int = awg_module.get_int("/elf/status") sequencer_status = "ELF file uploaded" if status == 0 else "FAILED!!" print(f"{}: Compilation status: {sequencer_status}")
[docs] def set_wave_vector( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, awg_index: int, wave_index: int, vector: Union[List, str], ) -> None: """ Sets the command table wave vector for an awg of an instrument. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. awg_index : The index of an AWG wave_index : The wave index. vector : The vector value. """ path: str = f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/waveform/waves/{wave_index:d}" set_vector(instrument, path, vector)
[docs] def set_commandtable_data( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, awg_index: int, json_data: Union[Dict[str, Any], str], ) -> None: """ Sets the commandtable JSON for an AWG. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument awg_index : The awg index. json_data : The json data. """ if not isinstance(json_data, str): json_data = json.dumps(json_data) path = f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/commandtable/data" set_vector(instrument, path, str(json_data))
[docs] def get_directory(awg: qcodes.hdawg.AWG) -> Path: """ Returns the LabOne directory of an AWG. Parameters ---------- awg : The HDAWG AWG object. Returns ------- : The path of this directory. """ return Path(awg._awg._module.get_string("directory"))
[docs] def get_src_directory(awg: qcodes.hdawg.AWG) -> Path: """ Returns the source directory of an AWG. Parameters ---------- awg : The HDAWG AWG object. Returns ------- : The path to the source directory. """ return get_directory(awg).joinpath("awg", "src")
[docs] def get_waves_directory(awg: qcodes.hdawg.AWG) -> Path: """ Returns the waves directory of an AWG. Parameters ---------- awg : The HDAWG AWG object. Returns ------- : The path to the waves directory. """ return get_directory(awg).joinpath("awg", "waves")
[docs] def write_seqc_file(awg: qcodes.hdawg.AWG, contents: str, filename: str) -> Path: """ Writes the contents of to the source directory of LabOne. Parameters ---------- awg : The HDAWG AWG instance. contents : The content to write. filename : The name of the file. Returns ------- : Returns the path which was written. """ path = get_src_directory(awg).joinpath(filename) path.write_text(contents) return path
[docs] def get_waveform_table( pulse_ids: List[int], pulseid_pulseinfo_dict: Dict[int, Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Dict[int, int]: """ Returns a dictionary that contains the locations of pulses in the AWG waveform table. Parameters ---------- pulse_ids : The list of pulse ids. pulseid_pulseinfo_dict : The info lookup dictionary. Returns ------- : The waveform table dictionary. """ waveform_table: Dict[int, int] = dict() index = 0 for pulse_id in pulse_ids: if pulse_id in waveform_table: # Skip duplicate pulses. continue pulse_info = pulseid_pulseinfo_dict[pulse_id] if pulse_info["port"] is None: # Skip pulses without a port. Such as the IdlePulse. continue waveform_table[pulse_id] = index index += 1 return waveform_table
[docs] def get_readout_channel_bitmask(readout_channels_count: int) -> str: """ Returns a bitmask to enable readout channels. The bitmask can be used to turn on QA for induvidual channels in startQAResult. Parameters ---------- readout_channels_count : The amount of readout channels to enable. Maximum readout channels for UHFQA is 10. Returns ------- : The channel bitmask. """ assert readout_channels_count <= 10 mask: int = 0 for i in range(readout_channels_count): mask += 1 << i bitmask = format(mask, "b").zfill(10) return f"0b{bitmask}"
[docs] def get_sampling_rates(base_sampling_rate: float) -> Dict[int, int]: """ Returns the allowed sampling rate values. See zhinst User manuals, section /DEV..../AWGS/n/TIME. Parameters ---------- base_sampling_rate : The Instruments base sampling rate. Returns ------- Dict[int, int] The node value and corresponding sampling rate. e.g. {0: 2400000, 1:1200000, ...} for the HDAWG. """ return dict( map( lambda i: ( (i, int(base_sampling_rate)) if i == 0 else (i, int(base_sampling_rate / pow(2, i))) ), range(14), ) )