--- file_format: mystnb kernelspec: name: python3 --- ```{seealso} This notebook can be downloaded {nb-download}`here ` ``` (sec-connectivity-examples)= # Connectivity examples As described in the {ref}`sec-connectivity` in the User guide, the {class}`~.backends.types.common.Connectivity` datastructure indicates how ports on the quantum device are connected to the control hardware. Here we show examples of the different ways of specifying connections in the connectivity graph. ## One-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many connections ```{code-cell} ipython3 from quantify_scheduler.backends.types.common import Connectivity connectivity = Connectivity.model_validate( {"graph": [ # One-to-one ("instrument_0.port0", "q0:a"), # One-to-many ("instrument_0.port1", ["q0:b", "q0:c", "q0:d", "q0:e", "q0:f"]), # Many-to-one (["instrument_1.port0", "instrument_1.port1", "instrument_1.port2"], "q1:a"), # Many-to-many (["instrument_2.port0", "instrument_2.port1"], ["q2:a", "q2:b"]), ] } ) connectivity.draw() ```