Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.acquisitions

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Classes for handling acquisitions."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox import constants, helpers, q1asm_instructions
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base import IOperationStrategy
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.qasm_program import QASMProgram
from quantify_scheduler.backends.types import qblox as types
from quantify_scheduler.enums import BinMode

[docs] class AcquisitionStrategyPartial(IOperationStrategy): """ Contains the logic shared between all the acquisitions. Parameters ---------- operation_info The operation info that corresponds to this operation. """ def __init__(self, operation_info: types.OpInfo):
[docs] self._acq_info: types.OpInfo = operation_info
[docs] self.bin_mode: BinMode =["bin_mode"]
[docs] self.acq_channel =["acq_channel"]
[docs] self.bin_idx_register: Optional[str] = None
"""The register used to keep track of the bin index, only not None for append mode acquisitions."""
[docs] def insert_qasm(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Add the assembly instructions for the Q1 sequence processor that corresponds to this acquisition. This function calls the appropriate method to generate assembly, depending on the bin mode. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ if qasm_program.time_last_acquisition_triggered is not None: if ( qasm_program.elapsed_time - qasm_program.time_last_acquisition_triggered < constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_ACQUISITIONS ): raise ValueError( f"Attempting to start an acquisition at t=" f"{qasm_program.elapsed_time} ns, while the last acquisition was " f"started at t={qasm_program.time_last_acquisition_triggered} ns. " f"Please ensure a minimum interval of " f"{constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_ACQUISITIONS} ns between " f"acquisitions.\n\nError caused by acquisition:\n" f"{repr(self.operation_info)}." ) qasm_program.time_last_acquisition_triggered = qasm_program.elapsed_time if self.bin_mode in (BinMode.AVERAGE, BinMode.FIRST): if self.bin_idx_register is not None: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to add acquisition with binmode {self.bin_mode}. " "bin_idx_register must be None." ) self._acquire_with_immediate_bin_index(qasm_program) elif self.bin_mode == BinMode.APPEND: if self.bin_idx_register is None: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to add acquisition with binmode {self.bin_mode}. " "bin_idx_register cannot be None." ) self._acquire_with_register_bin_index(qasm_program) else: raise RuntimeError( f"Attempting to process an acquisition with unknown bin " f"mode {self.bin_mode}." )
[docs] def _acquire_with_immediate_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with an immediate value for the bin index. """
[docs] def _acquire_with_register_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with a register value for the bin index, and assembly for incrementing the bin index by 1. """
[docs] def operation_info(self) -> types.OpInfo: """Property for retrieving the operation info.""" return self._acq_info
[docs] class SquareAcquisitionStrategy(AcquisitionStrategyPartial): """Performs a square acquisition (i.e. without acquisition weights)."""
[docs] def generate_data(self, wf_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Returns None as no waveform is needed.""" return None
[docs] def _acquire_with_immediate_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with an immediate value for the bin index. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ bin_idx =["acq_index"] self._acquire_square(qasm_program, bin_idx)
[docs] def _acquire_with_register_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with a register value for the bin index, and assembly for incrementing the bin index by 1. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ # Already checked in insert_qasm, but this helps the type checker assert self.bin_idx_register is not None qasm_program.emit(q1asm_instructions.NEW_LINE) self._acquire_square(qasm_program, self.bin_idx_register) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ADD, self.bin_idx_register, 1, self.bin_idx_register, comment=f"Increment bin_idx for ch{self.acq_channel}", ) qasm_program.emit(q1asm_instructions.NEW_LINE)
[docs] def _acquire_square( self, qasm_program: QASMProgram, bin_idx: Union[int, str] ) -> None: """ Adds the instruction for performing acquisitions without weights playback. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The qasm program to add the acquisition to. bin_idx The bin_idx to store the result in, can be either an int (for immediates) or a str (for registers). """ qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE, self.acq_channel, bin_idx, constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS
[docs] class WeightedAcquisitionStrategy(AcquisitionStrategyPartial): """ Performs a weighted acquisition. Parameters ---------- operation_info The operation info that corresponds to this acquisition. """ def __init__(self, operation_info: types.OpInfo): super().__init__(operation_info)
[docs] self.waveform_index0: Optional[int] = None
[docs] self.waveform_index1: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def generate_data(self, wf_dict: Dict[str, Any]): """ Generates the waveform data for both acquisition weights. Parameters ---------- wf_dict The dictionary to add the waveform to. N.B. the dictionary is modified in function. """ waveform_indices = [] for idx, parameterized_waveform in enumerate(["waveforms"] ): if idx > 1: raise ValueError( f"Too many waveforms (" f"{len(['waveforms'])}) " f"specified as acquisition weights. Qblox hardware " f"only supports 2 real valued arrays as acquisition " f"weights.\n\nException caused by " f"{repr(self.operation_info)}." ) if "duration" in parameterized_waveform: duration = parameterized_waveform["duration"] elif "duration" in duration =["duration"] else: raise KeyError( "'duration' is not present in either '' " "or in the waveform dictionaries of " "'[\"waveforms\"]'" ) if "interpolated" in parameterized_waveform["wf_func"]: weights_sampling_rate = ( len(parameterized_waveform["t_samples"]) / duration ) if weights_sampling_rate > constants.SAMPLING_RATE: raise ValueError( f"Qblox hardware supports a sampling rate up to " f"{constants.SAMPLING_RATE * 1e-9:0.1e} GHz, but a sampling " f"rate of {weights_sampling_rate * 1e-9:0.1e} GHz was provided " f"to WeightedAcquisitionStrategy. Please check the device " f"configuration." ) waveform_data = helpers.generate_waveform_data( data_dict=parameterized_waveform, sampling_rate=constants.SAMPLING_RATE, duration=duration, ) if abs(max(waveform_data)) > 1: first_bad_idx, bad_value = next( (i, x) for i, x in enumerate(waveform_data) if x > 1 ) total = sum(np.abs(waveform_data) > 1) raise ValueError( f"Acquisition weights with an amplitude greater than 1 are not " f"supported by hardware. Acquisition weights array {idx} contains " f"{total} values out of range. The first out-of-range value is " f"{bad_value} at position {first_bad_idx}." ) if not np.isrealobj(waveform_data): raise ValueError( f"Complex weights not supported by hardware. Please use two 1d " f"real-valued weights.\n\nException was triggered because of " f"{repr(self.operation_info)}." ) waveform_index = helpers.add_to_wf_dict_if_unique( wf_dict=wf_dict, waveform=waveform_data ) waveform_indices.append(waveform_index) self.waveform_index0, self.waveform_index1 = waveform_indices
[docs] def _acquire_with_immediate_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with an immediate value for the bin index. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ bin_idx =["acq_index"] qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_WEIGHED, self.acq_channel, bin_idx, self.waveform_index0, self.waveform_index1, constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Store acq in acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, bin_idx:{bin_idx}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS
[docs] def _acquire_with_register_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with a register value for the bin index, and assembly for incrementing the bin index by 1. Registers will be used for the weight indexes and the bin index. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ acq_bin_idx_reg = self.bin_idx_register with qasm_program.temp_registers(2) as (acq_idx0_reg, acq_idx1_reg): qasm_program.emit(q1asm_instructions.NEW_LINE) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.MOVE, self.waveform_index0, acq_idx0_reg, comment=f"Store idx of acq I wave in {acq_idx0_reg}", ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.MOVE, self.waveform_index1, acq_idx1_reg, comment=f"Store idx of acq Q wave in {acq_idx1_reg}.", ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_WEIGHED, self.acq_channel, acq_bin_idx_reg, acq_idx0_reg, acq_idx1_reg, constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Store acq in acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"bin_idx:{acq_bin_idx_reg}", ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ADD, acq_bin_idx_reg, 1, acq_bin_idx_reg, comment=f"Increment bin_idx for ch{self.acq_channel}", ) qasm_program.emit(q1asm_instructions.NEW_LINE) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS
[docs] class TriggerCountAcquisitionStrategy(AcquisitionStrategyPartial): """Performs a trigger count acquisition."""
[docs] def generate_data(self, wf_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Returns None as no waveform is needed.""" return None
[docs] def _acquire_with_immediate_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with an immediate value for the bin index. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ bin_idx =["acq_index"] qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_TTL, self.acq_channel, bin_idx, 1, # enable ttl acquisition constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Enable TTL acquisition of acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"bin_mode:{BinMode.AVERAGE}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS qasm_program.auto_wait( wait_time=( helpers.to_grid_time(self.operation_info.duration) - 2 * constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS ) ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_TTL, self.acq_channel, bin_idx, 0, # disable ttl acquisition constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Disable TTL acquisition of acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"bin_mode:{BinMode.AVERAGE}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS
[docs] def _acquire_with_register_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with a register value for the bin index, and assembly for incrementing the bin index by 1. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ acq_bin_idx_reg = self.bin_idx_register qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_TTL, self.acq_channel, acq_bin_idx_reg, 1, # enable ttl acquisition constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Enable TTL acquisition of acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"store in bin:{acq_bin_idx_reg}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS qasm_program.auto_wait( wait_time=( helpers.to_grid_time(self.operation_info.duration) - 2 * constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS ) ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_TTL, self.acq_channel, acq_bin_idx_reg, 0, # disable ttl acquisition constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Disable TTL acquisition of acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"store in bin:{acq_bin_idx_reg}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ADD, acq_bin_idx_reg, 1, # increment acq_bin_idx_reg, comment=f"Increment bin_idx for ch{self.acq_channel} by 1", )
[docs] class TimetagAcquisitionStrategy(AcquisitionStrategyPartial): """Performs a timetag acquisition."""
[docs] def generate_data(self, wf_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Returns None as no waveform is needed.""" return None
[docs] def _acquire_with_immediate_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with an immediate value for the bin index. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ bin_idx =["acq_index"] qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_TIMETAGS, self.acq_channel, bin_idx, 1, # enable timetags acquisition 0, # fine delay hardcoded to 0 constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Enable timetag acquisition of acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"bin_mode:{BinMode.AVERAGE}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS qasm_program.auto_wait( wait_time=( helpers.to_grid_time(self.operation_info.duration) - 2 * constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS ) ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_TIMETAGS, self.acq_channel, bin_idx, 0, # disable timetags acquisition 0, # fine delay hardcoded to 0 constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Disable timetag acquisition of acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"bin_mode:{BinMode.AVERAGE}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS
[docs] def _acquire_with_register_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with a register value for the bin index, and assembly for incrementing the bin index by 1. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ acq_bin_idx_reg = self.bin_idx_register # Allocated because the Q1ASM operation signature requires it. Not used yet. See # also SE-423. fine_delay_reg = qasm_program.register_manager.allocate_register() qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.MOVE, 0, fine_delay_reg, ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_TIMETAGS, self.acq_channel, acq_bin_idx_reg, 1, # enable ttl acquisition fine_delay_reg, constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Enable timetag acquisition of acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"store in bin:{acq_bin_idx_reg}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS qasm_program.auto_wait( wait_time=( helpers.to_grid_time(self.operation_info.duration) - 2 * constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS ) ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ACQUIRE_TIMETAGS, self.acq_channel, acq_bin_idx_reg, 0, # disable ttl acquisition fine_delay_reg, constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, comment=f"Disable timetag acquisition of acq_channel:{self.acq_channel}, " f"store in bin:{acq_bin_idx_reg}", ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS qasm_program.register_manager.free_register(fine_delay_reg) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.ADD, acq_bin_idx_reg, 1, # increment acq_bin_idx_reg, comment=f"Increment bin_idx for ch{self.acq_channel} by 1", )
[docs] class ScopedTimetagAcquisitionStrategy(TimetagAcquisitionStrategy): """ An acquisition strategy that wraps the emitted Q1ASM of ``TimetagAcquisitionStrategy`` in ``set_scope_en`` instructions. """
[docs] def _acquire_with_immediate_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with an immediate value for the bin index. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ qasm_program.emit(q1asm_instructions.SET_SCOPE_EN, 1) super()._acquire_with_immediate_bin_index(qasm_program) qasm_program.emit(q1asm_instructions.SET_SCOPE_EN, 0)
[docs] def _acquire_with_register_bin_index(self, qasm_program: QASMProgram): """ Adds the assembly to the program for an acquisition with a register value for the bin index, and assembly for incrementing the bin index by 1. Parameters ---------- qasm_program The QASMProgram to add the assembly instructions to. """ qasm_program.emit(q1asm_instructions.SET_SCOPE_EN, 1) super()._acquire_with_register_bin_index(qasm_program) qasm_program.emit(q1asm_instructions.SET_SCOPE_EN, 0)