
A module containing factory functions for measurements on the quantum-device layer.

These factories are used to take a parametrized representation of on a operation and use that to create an instance of the operation itself.

Module Contents#



Generator function for a standard dispersive measurement.


Creates a dispersive measurement schedule for a transmon qubit.


Creates a dispersive measurement schedule for a spin qubit.

optical_measurement(→ quantify_scheduler.Operation)

Generator function for an optical measurement with multiple excitation pulses.

_dispersive_measurement(pulse_amp: float, pulse_duration: float, port: str, gate_pulse_amp: float | None, gate_port: str | None, clock: str, acq_duration: float, acq_delay: float, acq_channel: Hashable, acq_channel_override: Hashable | None, acq_index: int, acq_protocol: str | None, pulse_type: Literal['SquarePulse'], bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | None, acq_protocol_default: str, reset_clock_phase: bool, reference_magnitude: quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None, acq_weights_a: List[complex] | numpy.ndarray | None, acq_weights_b: List[complex] | numpy.ndarray | None, acq_weights_sampling_rate: float | None, feedback_trigger_label: str | None, acq_rotation: float | None, acq_threshold: float | None, num_points: float | None, freq: float | None) quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule[source]#

Generator function for a standard dispersive measurement.

A dispersive measurement (typically) consists of a pulse being applied to the device followed by an acquisition protocol to interpret the signal coming back from the device.

  • pulse_amp – The amplitude of the pulse.

  • pulse_duration – The duration of the pulse.

  • port – The port for the pulse.

  • gate_pulse_amp – Optional amplitude for the gate pulse.

  • gate_port – Optional port for the gate pulse.

  • clock – The clock for the pulse.

  • acq_duration – The duration of the acquisition.

  • acq_delay – The delay before the acquisition starts.

  • acq_channel – The acquisition channel.

  • acq_channel_override – An optional override for the acquisition channel.

  • acq_index – The index of the acquisition.

  • acq_protocol – The acquisition protocol to use.

  • pulse_type – The type of pulse to use. Default is “SquarePulse”.

  • bin_mode – The binning mode for the acquisition. Default is BinMode.AVERAGE.

  • acq_protocol_default – The default acquisition protocol to use. Default is “SSBIntegrationComplex”.

  • reset_clock_phase – Whether to reset the clock phase. Default is True.

  • reference_magnitude – An optional reference magnitude.

  • acq_weights_a – Optional acquisition weights A.

  • acq_weights_b – Optional acquisition weights B.

  • acq_weights_sampling_rate – The sampling rate for the acquisition weights.

  • feedback_trigger_label – Optional feedback trigger label.

  • acq_rotation – Optional acquisition rotation.

  • acq_threshold – Optional acquisition threshold.

  • num_points – Optional number of points for the acquisition.

  • freq – Optional frequency to override clock for this operation.


The resulting schedule for the dispersive measurement.

dispersive_measurement_transmon(pulse_amp: float, pulse_duration: float, port: str, clock: str, acq_duration: float, acq_delay: float, acq_channel: Hashable, acq_channel_override: Hashable | None, acq_index: int, acq_protocol: str | None, pulse_type: Literal['SquarePulse'] = 'SquarePulse', bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | None = BinMode.AVERAGE, acq_protocol_default: str = 'SSBIntegrationComplex', reset_clock_phase: bool = True, reference_magnitude: quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, acq_weights_a: List[complex] | numpy.ndarray | None = None, acq_weights_b: List[complex] | numpy.ndarray | None = None, acq_weights_sampling_rate: float | None = None, feedback_trigger_label: str | None = None, acq_rotation: float | None = None, acq_threshold: float | None = None, num_points: float | None = None, freq: float | None = None) quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule[source]#

Creates a dispersive measurement schedule for a transmon qubit.

  • pulse_amp – The amplitude of the pulse.

  • pulse_duration – The duration of the pulse.

  • port – The port for the pulse.

  • clock – The clock for the pulse.

  • acq_duration – The duration of the acquisition.

  • acq_delay – The delay before the acquisition starts.

  • acq_channel – The acquisition channel.

  • acq_channel_override – An optional override for the acquisition channel.

  • acq_index – The index of the acquisition.

  • acq_protocol – The acquisition protocol to use.

  • pulse_type – The type of pulse to use. Default is “SquarePulse”.

  • bin_mode – The binning mode for the acquisition. Default is BinMode.AVERAGE.

  • acq_protocol_default – The default acquisition protocol to use. Default is “SSBIntegrationComplex”.

  • reset_clock_phase – Whether to reset the clock phase. Default is True.

  • reference_magnitude – An optional reference magnitude.

  • acq_weights_a – Optional acquisition weights A.

  • acq_weights_b – Optional acquisition weights B.

  • acq_weights_sampling_rate – The sampling rate for the acquisition weights.

  • feedback_trigger_label – Optional feedback trigger label.

  • acq_rotation – Optional acquisition rotation.

  • acq_threshold – Optional acquisition threshold.

  • num_points – Optional number of points for the acquisition.

  • freq – Optional frequency to override clock for this operation.


The resulting schedule for the dispersive measurement.

dispersive_measurement_spin(pulse_amp: float, pulse_duration: float, port: str, gate_pulse_amp: float | None, gate_port: str | None, clock: str, acq_duration: float, acq_delay: float, acq_channel: Hashable, acq_channel_override: Hashable | None, acq_index: int, acq_protocol: str | None, pulse_type: Literal['SquarePulse'] = 'SquarePulse', bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | None = BinMode.AVERAGE, acq_protocol_default: str = 'SSBIntegrationComplex', reset_clock_phase: bool = True, reference_magnitude: quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, acq_weights_a: List[complex] | numpy.ndarray | None = None, acq_weights_b: List[complex] | numpy.ndarray | None = None, acq_weights_sampling_rate: float | None = None, feedback_trigger_label: str | None = None, acq_rotation: float | None = None, acq_threshold: float | None = None, num_points: float | None = None, freq: float | None = None) quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule[source]#

Creates a dispersive measurement schedule for a spin qubit.

  • pulse_amp – The amplitude of the pulse.

  • pulse_duration – The duration of the pulse.

  • port – The port for the pulse.

  • clock – The clock for the pulse.

  • acq_duration – The duration of the acquisition.

  • acq_delay – The delay before the acquisition starts.

  • acq_channel – The acquisition channel.

  • acq_channel_override – An optional override for the acquisition channel.

  • acq_index – The index of the acquisition.

  • acq_protocol – The acquisition protocol to use.

  • pulse_type – The type of pulse to use. Default is “SquarePulse”.

  • bin_mode – The binning mode for the acquisition. Default is BinMode.AVERAGE.

  • acq_protocol_default – The default acquisition protocol to use. Default is “SSBIntegrationComplex”.

  • reset_clock_phase – Whether to reset the clock phase. Default is True.

  • reference_magnitude – An optional reference magnitude.

  • acq_weights_a – Optional acquisition weights A.

  • acq_weights_b – Optional acquisition weights B.

  • acq_weights_sampling_rate – The sampling rate for the acquisition weights.

  • feedback_trigger_label – Optional feedback trigger label.

  • acq_rotation – Optional acquisition rotation.

  • acq_threshold – Optional acquisition threshold.

  • num_points – Optional number of points for the acquisition.

  • gate_pulse_amp – Optional amplitude for the gate pulse.

  • gate_port – Optional port for the gate pulse.

  • freq – Optional frequency to override clock for this operation.


The resulting schedule for the dispersive measurement.

optical_measurement(pulse_amplitudes: List[float], pulse_durations: List[float], pulse_ports: List[str], pulse_clocks: List[str], acq_duration: float, acq_delay: float, acq_port: str, acq_clock: str, acq_channel: Hashable, acq_channel_override: Hashable | None, acq_index: int, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | None, acq_protocol: Literal['Trace', 'TriggerCount', 'Timetag', 'TimetagTrace'] | None, acq_protocol_default: Literal['Trace', 'TriggerCount'], pulse_type: Literal['SquarePulse'], acq_time_source: quantify_scheduler.enums.TimeSource | None = None, acq_time_ref: quantify_scheduler.enums.TimeRef | None = None) quantify_scheduler.Operation[source]#

Generator function for an optical measurement with multiple excitation pulses.

An optical measurement generates a square pulse in the optical range and uses either the Trace acquisition to return the output of a photon detector as a function of time or the TriggerCount acquisition to return the number of photons that are collected.

All pulses can have different amplitudes, durations, ports and clocks. All pulses start simultaneously. The acquisition can have an acq_delay with respect to the pulses. A negative acq_delay causes the acquisition to be scheduled at time 0 and the pulses at the positive time -acq_delay.

  • pulse_amplitudes – list of amplitudes of the corresponding pulses

  • pulse_durations – list of durations of the corresponding pulses

  • pulse_ports – Port names, where the corresponding pulses are applied

  • pulse_clocks – Clock names of the corresponding pulses

  • acq_duration – Duration of the acquisition

  • acq_delay – Delay between the start of the readout pulse and the start of the acquisition: acq_delay = t0_pulse - t0_acquisition.

  • acq_port – Port name of the acquisition

  • acq_clock – Clock name of the acquisition

  • acq_channel – Default acquisition channel of the device element

  • acq_channel_override – Acquisition channel of the operation

  • acq_index – Acquisition index as defined in the Schedule

  • bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list. “average” which stores the count value of the new result and the old register value is not currently implemented. None internally resolves to BinMode.APPEND.

  • acq_protocol – Acquisition protocol. “Trace” returns a time trace of the collected signal. “TriggerCount” returns the number of times the trigger threshold is surpassed.

  • acq_protocol_default – Acquisition protocol if acq_protocol is None

  • pulse_type – Shape of the pulse to be generated

  • acq_time_source – Selects the timetag data source for this acquisition type.

  • acq_time_ref – Selects the time reference that the timetag is recorded in relation to.


Operation with the generated pulses and acquisition

  • ValueError – If first four function arguments do not have the same length.

  • NotImplementedError – If an unknown pulse_type or acq_protocol are used.