Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.zhinst.helpers

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Helpers for Zurich Instruments."""
from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from quantify_scheduler.helpers import time

    import numpy as np
    from zhinst import qcodes
    from zhinst.qcodes import base

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def get_value(instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, node: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Gets the value of a ZI node. Parameters ---------- instrument : node : Returns ------- : The node value. """ if not node.startswith(f"/{instrument._serial}"): node = f"/{instrument._serial}/{node}" logger.debug(node) return instrument._controller._get(node)
[docs] def set_value( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, node: str, value: object, ) -> None: """ Sets the value of a ZI node. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. path : The node path. value : The new node value. """ if not node.startswith(f"/{instrument._serial}"): node = f"/{instrument._serial}/{node}" logger.debug(node) instrument._controller._set(node, value)
[docs] def set_values( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, value: list[tuple[str, Any]], ) -> None: """ Sets the value of a ZI node. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. value : The dictionary with nodes and values. """ logger.debug(value) instrument._controller._set(value)
[docs] def set_vector( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, node: str, value: list | str, ) -> None: """ Sets the vector value of a ZI node. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. awg_index : The awg to configure. node : The node path. value : The new node vector value. """ if not node.startswith(f"/{instrument._serial}"): node = f"/{instrument._serial}/{node}" logger.debug(node) instrument._controller._controller._connection._daq.setVector(node, value)
[docs] def set_awg_value( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, awg_index: int, node: str, value: int | str, ) -> None: """ Sets the value of a AWG module node. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. awg_index : The awg to configure. node : The node path. value : The new node value. """ logger.debug(node) awgs = [instrument.awg] if not hasattr(instrument, "awgs") else instrument.awgs awgs[awg_index]._awg._module.update(index=awg_index) # Hotfix #260 awgs[awg_index]._awg._module.set(node, value)
[docs] def set_and_compile_awg_seqc( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, awg_index: int, node: str, value: str, ) -> None: """ Uploads and compiles the AWG sequencer program. Parameters ---------- instrument : The ZI instrument object. awg_index : The awg to configure. node : The node path. value : The seqc program. waveforms_dict: The new waveforms for comparison. """ awgs = [instrument.awg] if not hasattr(instrument, "awgs") else instrument.awgs awg = awgs[awg_index] # Set the new 'compiler/sourcestring' value set_awg_value(instrument, awg_index, node, value) awg_module = awg._awg._module status: int = -1 while status == -1: time.sleep(0.1) status = awg_module.get_int("compiler/status") if status == 1: status_str = awg_module.get_string("compiler/statusstring") raise Exception(f"Upload failed: \n{status_str}") if status == 2: status_str = awg_module.get_string("compiler/statusstring") logger.warning(f"Compiled with warning: \n{status_str}") if status == 0: print(f"{}: Compilation successful") tik = time.get_time() progress: float = awg_module.get_double("progress") status: int = awg_module.get_int("/elf/status") while (progress < 1.0) and (status != 1): time.sleep(0.1) if time.get_time() - tik >= 100: # 100s timeout raise Exception("Program upload timed out!") progress: float = awg_module.get_double("progress") status: int = awg_module.get_int("/elf/status") sequencer_status = "ELF file uploaded" if status == 0 else "FAILED!!" print(f"{}: Compilation status: {sequencer_status}")
[docs] def set_wave_vector( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, awg_index: int, wave_index: int, vector: list | str, ) -> None: """ Sets the command table wave vector for an awg of an instrument. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument. awg_index : The index of an AWG wave_index : The wave index. vector : The vector value. """ path: str = f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/waveform/waves/{wave_index:d}" set_vector(instrument, path, vector)
[docs] def set_commandtable_data( instrument: base.ZIBaseInstrument, awg_index: int, json_data: dict[str, Any] | str, ) -> None: """ Sets the commandtable JSON for an AWG. Parameters ---------- instrument : The instrument awg_index : The awg index. json_data : The json data. """ if not isinstance(json_data, str): json_data = json.dumps(json_data) path = f"awgs/{awg_index:d}/commandtable/data" set_vector(instrument, path, str(json_data))
[docs] def get_directory(awg: qcodes.hdawg.AWG) -> Path: """ Returns the LabOne directory of an AWG. Parameters ---------- awg : The HDAWG AWG object. Returns ------- : The path of this directory. """ return Path(awg._awg._module.get_string("directory"))
[docs] def get_src_directory(awg: qcodes.hdawg.AWG) -> Path: """ Returns the source directory of an AWG. Parameters ---------- awg : The HDAWG AWG object. Returns ------- : The path to the source directory. """ return get_directory(awg).joinpath("awg", "src")
[docs] def get_waves_directory(awg: qcodes.hdawg.AWG) -> Path: """ Returns the waves directory of an AWG. Parameters ---------- awg : The HDAWG AWG object. Returns ------- : The path to the waves directory. """ return get_directory(awg).joinpath("awg", "waves")
[docs] def write_seqc_file(awg: qcodes.hdawg.AWG, contents: str, filename: str) -> Path: """ Writes the contents of to the source directory of LabOne. Parameters ---------- awg : The HDAWG AWG instance. contents : The content to write. filename : The name of the file. Returns ------- : Returns the path which was written. """ path = get_src_directory(awg).joinpath(filename) path.write_text(contents) return path
[docs] def get_waveform_table( pulse_ids: list[int], pulseid_pulseinfo_dict: dict[int, dict[str, Any]] ) -> dict[int, int]: """ Returns a dictionary that contains the locations of pulses in the AWG waveform table. Parameters ---------- pulse_ids : The list of pulse ids. pulseid_pulseinfo_dict : The info lookup dictionary. Returns ------- : The waveform table dictionary. """ waveform_table: dict[int, int] = dict() index = 0 for pulse_id in pulse_ids: if pulse_id in waveform_table: # Skip duplicate pulses. continue pulse_info = pulseid_pulseinfo_dict[pulse_id] if pulse_info["port"] is None: # Skip pulses without a port. Such as the IdlePulse. continue waveform_table[pulse_id] = index index += 1 return waveform_table
[docs] def get_readout_channel_bitmask(readout_channels_count: int) -> str: """ Returns a bitmask to enable readout channels. The bitmask can be used to turn on QA for induvidual channels in startQAResult. Parameters ---------- readout_channels_count : The amount of readout channels to enable. Maximum readout channels for UHFQA is 10. Returns ------- : The channel bitmask. """ assert readout_channels_count <= 10 mask: int = 0 for i in range(readout_channels_count): mask += 1 << i bitmask = format(mask, "b").zfill(10) return f"0b{bitmask}"
[docs] def get_sampling_rates(base_sampling_rate: float) -> dict[int, int]: """ Returns the allowed sampling rate values. See zhinst User manuals, section /DEV..../AWGS/n/TIME. Parameters ---------- base_sampling_rate : The Instruments base sampling rate. Returns ------- dict[int, int] The node value and corresponding sampling rate. e.g. {0: 2400000, 1:1200000, ...} for the HDAWG. """ return dict( map( lambda i: ( (i, int(base_sampling_rate)) if i == 0 else (i, int(base_sampling_rate / pow(2, i))) ), range(14), ) )