Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.analog

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Utilty classes for Qblox analog modules."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterator

from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox import (
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc import (
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.enums import (
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.exceptions import NcoOperationTimingError
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.acquisitions import (
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.factory_analog import (
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.virtual import (
from quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox import (
from quantify_scheduler.enums import BinMode
from quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library import SetClockFrequency

    from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.base import (
    from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.qasm_program import QASMProgram
    from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox_backend import (
    from quantify_scheduler.resources import Resource
    from quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule import AcquisitionMetadata

[docs] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class AnalogSequencerCompiler(SequencerCompiler): """ Class that performs the compilation steps on the sequencer level, for QCM and QRM-type modules. Parameters ---------- parent A reference to the module compiler this sequencer belongs to. index Index of the sequencer. static_hw_properties The static properties of the hardware. This effectively gathers all the differences between the different modules. sequencer_cfg The instrument compiler config associated to this device. """ def __init__( self, parent: AnalogModuleCompiler, index: int, static_hw_properties: StaticAnalogModuleProperties, sequencer_cfg: _SequencerCompilationConfig, ) -> None: super().__init__( parent=parent, index=index, static_hw_properties=static_hw_properties, sequencer_cfg=sequencer_cfg, )
[docs] self._settings: AnalogSequencerSettings = ( # type: ignore # (override type) AnalogSequencerSettings.initialize_from_compilation_config( sequencer_cfg=sequencer_cfg, connected_output_indices=static_hw_properties._get_connected_output_indices( sequencer_cfg.channel_name, ), connected_input_indices=static_hw_properties._get_connected_input_indices( sequencer_cfg.channel_name, sequencer_cfg.channel_name_measure, ), ) )
[docs] self.associated_ext_lo = sequencer_cfg.lo_name
[docs] self.downconverter_freq = ( sequencer_cfg.hardware_description.downconverter_freq if isinstance(sequencer_cfg.hardware_description, ComplexChannelDescription) else None )
[docs] self.mix_lo = ( sequencer_cfg.hardware_description.mix_lo if not isinstance(sequencer_cfg.hardware_description, DigitalChannelDescription) else None )
[docs] self._marker_debug_mode_enable = ( sequencer_cfg.hardware_description.marker_debug_mode_enable if not isinstance(sequencer_cfg.hardware_description, DigitalChannelDescription) else None )
[docs] self._default_marker = 0
if static_hw_properties.default_markers: self._default_marker = static_hw_properties.default_markers[sequencer_cfg.channel_name] @property
[docs] def settings(self) -> AnalogSequencerSettings: """ Gives the current settings. Overridden from the parent class for type hinting. Returns ------- : The settings set to this sequencer. """ return self._settings
[docs] def frequency(self) -> float | None: """ The frequency used for modulation of the pulses. Returns ------- : The frequency. """ return self._settings.modulation_freq
@frequency.setter def frequency(self, freq: float) -> None: """ Assigns a modulation frequency to the sequencer. Parameters ---------- freq The frequency to be used for modulation. Raises ------ ValueError Attempting to set the modulation frequency to a new value even though a different value has been previously assigned. """ if ( self._settings.modulation_freq is not None and not math.isnan(self._settings.modulation_freq) and not math.isclose(self._settings.modulation_freq, freq) ): raise ValueError( f"Attempting to set the modulation frequency of '{}' of " f"'{}' to {freq:e}, while it has previously been set " f"to {self._settings.modulation_freq:e}." ) self._settings.modulation_freq = freq
[docs] def get_operation_strategy( self, operation_info: OpInfo, ) -> IOperationStrategy: """ Determines and instantiates the correct strategy object. Parameters ---------- operation_info The operation we are building the strategy for. Returns ------- : The instantiated strategy object. """ return get_operation_strategy( operation_info, self.settings.channel_name, self.parent.instrument_cfg.hardware_description, )
[docs] def _prepare_acq_settings( self, acquisitions: list[IOperationStrategy], acq_metadata: AcquisitionMetadata, ) -> None: """ Sets sequencer settings that are specific to certain acquisitions. For example for a TTL acquisition strategy. Parameters ---------- acquisitions List of the acquisitions assigned to this sequencer. acq_metadata Acquisition metadata. """ def _verify_param_range( param_name: str, val: float | None, min_value: float, max_value: float, portclock: tuple[str, str], ) -> None: if val is None: return if val < min_value or val > max_value: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to configure {param_name} to {val} for the sequencer " f"specified with portclock '{portclock}' and while the " f"hardware requires it to be between {min_value} and {max_value}." ) acquisition_infos: list[OpInfo] = list(map(lambda acq: acq.operation_info, acquisitions)) if acq_metadata.acq_protocol in ("TriggerCount", "ThresholdedTriggerCount"): self._settings.ttl_acq_auto_bin_incr_en = acq_metadata.bin_mode == BinMode.DISTRIBUTION if len(self.connected_input_indices) == 1: self._settings.ttl_acq_input_select = self.connected_input_indices[0] elif len(self.connected_input_indices) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Please make sure you use a single real input for this " f"portclock combination. " f"Found: {len(self.connected_input_indices)} connected. " f"TTL acquisition does not support multiple inputs." f"Problem occurred for port {self.port} with" f"clock {self.clock}, which corresponds to {} of " f"{}." ) if acq_metadata.acq_protocol in ( "ThresholdedAcquisition", "ThresholdedTriggerCount", "WeightedThresholdedAcquisition", ): for info in acquisition_infos: if (address :="feedback_trigger_address")) is not None: self._settings.thresholded_acq_trigger_write_en = True self._settings.thresholded_acq_trigger_write_address = address if acq_metadata.acq_protocol == "ThresholdedAcquisition": acq_rotation = acquisition_infos[0].data.get("acq_rotation") _verify_param_range( param_name="acq_rotation", val=acq_rotation, min_value=constants.MIN_PHASE_ROTATION_ACQ, max_value=constants.MAX_PHASE_ROTATION_ACQ, portclock=self.portclock, ) self._settings.thresholded_acq_rotation = acq_rotation acq_threshold = acquisition_infos[0].data.get("acq_threshold", 0.0) _verify_param_range( param_name="acq_threshold", val=acq_threshold, min_value=constants.MIN_DISCRETIZATION_THRESHOLD_ACQ, max_value=constants.MAX_DISCRETIZATION_THRESHOLD_ACQ, portclock=self.portclock, ) integration_length = acquisition_infos[0].data.get("duration", 0.0) * 1e9 self._settings.thresholded_acq_threshold = acq_threshold * integration_length elif acq_metadata.acq_protocol == "ThresholdedTriggerCount": thresh_trg_cnt_metadata = self._get_thresholded_trigger_count_metadata_by_acq_channel( acquisitions ) for acq_channel, metadata in thresh_trg_cnt_metadata.items(): acq_ch_metadata = acq_metadata.acq_channel_metadata_by_acq_channel_name(acq_channel) acq_ch_metadata.thresholded_trigger_count = metadata self._settings.integration_length_acq = self._get_integration_length_from_acquisitions()
[docs] def _get_integration_length_from_acquisitions(self) -> int | None: """ Get the (validated) integration_length sequencer setting. Get the duration of all SSB integration acquisitions assigned to this sequencer and validate that they are all the same. """ integration_length = None for op_strat in self.op_strategies: if not isinstance(op_strat, (SquareAcquisitionStrategy, WeightedAcquisitionStrategy)): continue acq_duration_ns = round(op_strat.operation_info.duration * 1e9) if acq_duration_ns % constants.GRID_TIME != 0: raise ValueError( "Attempting to perform square acquisition with a duration of " f"{acq_duration_ns} ns. Please ensure the duration is a multiple " f"of {constants.GRID_TIME} ns.\n\nException caused by " f"{repr(op_strat)}." ) if integration_length is None: integration_length = acq_duration_ns elif integration_length != acq_duration_ns: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to set an integration_length of {acq_duration_ns} " f"ns, while this was previously determined to be " f"{integration_length}. Please check whether all square " "acquisitions in the schedule have the same duration." ) return integration_length
[docs] def prepare(self) -> None: """ Perform necessary operations on this sequencer's data before :meth:`~quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.compiler_abc.SequencerCompiler.compile` is called. """ self._update_set_clock_frequency_operations() if not self._settings.allow_off_grid_nco_ops: self._assert_nco_operation_timing_on_grid(self._get_ordered_operations()) super().prepare()
[docs] def _update_set_clock_frequency_operations(self) -> None: for op_strat in self.op_strategies: if == SetClockFrequency.__name__: { "interm_freq_old": self.frequency, } )
[docs] def _get_latency_correction_ns(self, latency_correction: float) -> int: # NCO grid alignment for NCO operations, _without_ latency corrections, is # already checked in `_assert_nco_operation_timing_on_grid`. Therefore here we # only check the latency corrections. Method overridden from superclass because # only QRM/QCM modules have NCO operations. latency_correction = super()._get_latency_correction_ns(latency_correction) if not self._settings.allow_off_grid_nco_ops: try: helpers.to_grid_time(latency_correction * 1e-9, constants.NCO_TIME_GRID) except ValueError as e: raise NcoOperationTimingError( f"The latency correction value of {latency_correction} ns for " f"{self.port}-{self.clock} does not align with the grid time of " f"{constants.NCO_TIME_GRID} ns for NCO operations. The latency " "corrections must adhere to this grid time to ensure proper " "alignment of all later operations in the schedule." ) from e return latency_correction
[docs] def _assert_nco_operation_timing_on_grid( ordered_op_strategies: list[IOperationStrategy], ) -> None: """Check whether this sequencer's operation adhere to NCO timing restrictions.""" last_freq_upd_time = -constants.NCO_SET_FREQ_WAIT last_phase_upd_time = -constants.NCO_SET_PH_DELTA_WAIT for op in ordered_op_strategies: timing = round(op.operation_info.timing * 1e9) if isinstance(op, NcoSetClockFrequencyStrategy): if (diff := timing - last_freq_upd_time) < constants.NCO_SET_FREQ_WAIT: raise NcoOperationTimingError( f"Operation {op.operation_info} occurred {diff} ns after the " "previous frequency update. The minimum time between frequency " f"updates must be {constants.NCO_SET_FREQ_WAIT} ns." ) else: last_freq_upd_time = timing if isinstance(op, (NcoPhaseShiftStrategy, NcoResetClockPhaseStrategy)): timing = round(op.operation_info.timing * 1e9) if (diff := timing - last_phase_upd_time) < constants.NCO_SET_PH_DELTA_WAIT: raise NcoOperationTimingError( f"Operation {op.operation_info} occurred {diff} ns after the " "previous phase update. The minimum time between phase " f"updates must be {constants.NCO_SET_PH_DELTA_WAIT} ns." ) else: last_phase_upd_time = timing if isinstance( op, ( NcoSetClockFrequencyStrategy, NcoPhaseShiftStrategy, NcoResetClockPhaseStrategy, ), ): try: helpers.to_grid_time(timing * 1e-9, constants.NCO_TIME_GRID) except ValueError as e: raise NcoOperationTimingError( f"NCO related operation {op.operation_info} must be on " f"{constants.NCO_TIME_GRID} ns time grid" ) from e
[docs] def _assert_total_play_time_on_nco_grid(self) -> None: if self._settings.allow_off_grid_nco_ops: return try: helpers.to_grid_time(self.parent.total_play_time, constants.NCO_TIME_GRID) except ValueError as e: raise NcoOperationTimingError( "The schedule is repeated with a duration of " f"{round(self.parent.total_play_time * 1e9)} ns per iteration, " "which does not align with the grid time of " f"{constants.NCO_TIME_GRID} ns for NCO operations. The duration " "must adhere to this grid time to ensure proper alignment of NCO " "operations for each iteration." ) from e
[docs] def _write_pre_wait_sync_instructions(self, qasm: QASMProgram) -> None: """ Write instructions to the QASM program that must come before the first wait_sync. The duration must be equal for all module types. """ default_marker = 0 module_options = self.parent.instrument_cfg.hardware_description if ( module_options and isinstance(module_options, RFDescription) and module_options.rf_output_on and isinstance(qasm.static_hw_properties, StaticAnalogModuleProperties) and qasm.static_hw_properties.default_markers and self.settings.channel_name in qasm.static_hw_properties.default_markers ): default_marker = qasm.static_hw_properties.default_markers[self.settings.channel_name] qasm.emit( q1asm_instructions.SET_MARKER, default_marker, comment=f"set markers to {default_marker} (init)", )
[docs] def _write_repetition_loop_header(self, qasm: QASMProgram) -> None: """ Write the Q1ASM that should appear at the start of the repetition loop. The duration must be equal for all module types. """ qasm.emit(q1asm_instructions.RESET_PHASE) qasm.emit( q1asm_instructions.UPDATE_PARAMETERS, constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, )
[docs] def _insert_qasm(self, op_strategy: IOperationStrategy, qasm_program: QASMProgram) -> None: """ Get Q1ASM instruction(s) from ``op_strategy`` and insert them into ``qasm_program``. Optionally wrap pulses and acquisitions in marker pulses depending on the ``marker_debug_mode_enable`` setting. """ if self._marker_debug_mode_enable and ( op_strategy.operation_info.is_acquisition or"wf_func") is not None ): marker = self._decide_markers(op_strategy) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.SET_MARKER, marker, comment=f"set markers to {marker} (debug = True)", ) op_strategy.insert_qasm(qasm_program) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.SET_MARKER, self._default_marker, comment=f"set markers to {self._default_marker} (default, debug = True).", ) qasm_program.emit( q1asm_instructions.UPDATE_PARAMETERS, constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS, ) qasm_program.elapsed_time += constants.MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_OPERATIONS else: op_strategy.insert_qasm(qasm_program)
[docs] def _decide_markers(self, operation: IOperationStrategy) -> int: """ Helper method to decide what markers should be pulled high when enable_marker is set to True. Checks what module and operation are being processed, then builds a bit string accordingly. Note that with the current quantify structure a sequencer cannot have connected inputs and outputs simultaneously. Therefore, the QRM baseband module pulls both input or output markers high when doing an operation, as it is impossible during compile time to find out what physical port is being used. Parameters ---------- operation The operation currently being processed by the sequence. Returns ------- A bit string passed on to the set_mrk function of the Q1ASM object. """ instrument_type = self.static_hw_properties.instrument_type if instrument_type == "QCM": marker_bit = 0 for output in self.connected_output_indices: marker_bit |= 1 << output return marker_bit elif instrument_type == "QRM": return 0b1100 if operation.operation_info.is_acquisition else 0b0011 # For RF modules, the first two indices correspond to path enable/disable. # Therefore, the index of the output is shifted by 2. elif instrument_type == "QCM_RF": # connected outputs are either 0,1 or 2,3 corresponding to # marker bitstrings 0b0100 and 0b1000 respectively output = self.connected_output_indices[0] // 2 return 1 << (output + 2) | self._default_marker elif instrument_type == "QRM_RF": return 0b1010 if operation.operation_info.is_acquisition else 0b0110 raise ValueError(f"Unknown instrument type {instrument_type}")
[docs] class AnalogModuleCompiler(ClusterModuleCompiler, ABC): """ Base class for QCM and QRM-type modules. This class is defined as an abstract base class since the distinctions between the different devices are defined in subclasses. Effectively, this base class contains the functionality shared by all Qblox devices and serves to avoid repeated code between them. Parameters ---------- name Name of the `QCoDeS` instrument this compiler object corresponds to. total_play_time Total time execution of the schedule should go on for. This parameter is used to ensure that the different devices, potentially with different clock rates, can work in a synchronized way when performing multiple executions of the schedule. instrument_cfg The instrument compiler config referring to this device. """
[docs] _settings: AnalogModuleSettings # type: ignore
[docs] static_hw_properties: StaticAnalogModuleProperties # type: ignore
def __init__( self, name: str, total_play_time: float, instrument_cfg: _ClusterModuleCompilationConfig, ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, total_play_time=total_play_time, instrument_cfg=instrument_cfg, )
[docs] self.sequencers: dict[str, AnalogSequencerCompiler] = {}
[docs] def _construct_sequencer_compiler( self, index: int, sequencer_cfg: _SequencerCompilationConfig ) -> AnalogSequencerCompiler: """Create an instance of :class:`AnalogSequencerCompiler`.""" return AnalogSequencerCompiler( parent=self, index=index, static_hw_properties=self.static_hw_properties, sequencer_cfg=sequencer_cfg, )
[docs] def assign_frequencies( self, sequencer: AnalogSequencerCompiler, external_lo: instrument_compilers.LocalOscillatorCompiler | None, clock_frequency: float, ) -> None: """ An abstract method that should be overridden. Meant to assign an IF frequency to each sequencer, and an LO frequency to each output (if applicable). Parameters ---------- sequencer Sequencer compiler object whose NCO frequency will be determined and set. external_lo Optional LO compiler object representing an external LO, whose LO frequency will be determined and set. clock_frequency Clock frequency of the clock assigned to the sequencer compiler. """
[docs] def assign_attenuation(self) -> None: """ An abstract method that should be overridden. Meant to assign attenuation settings from the hardware configuration if there is any. """
[docs] def prepare( self, external_los: dict[str, instrument_compilers.LocalOscillatorCompiler] | None = None, schedule_resources: dict[str, Resource] | None = None, **kwargs, # noqa: ARG002 (unused arg necessary to fit signature) ) -> None: """ Performs the logic needed before being able to start the compilation. In effect, this means assigning the pulses and acquisitions to the sequencers and calculating the relevant frequencies in case an external local oscillator is used. Parameters ---------- external_los Optional LO compiler objects representing external LOs, whose LO frequency will be determined and set. schedule_resources Mapping from clock name to clock resource, which contains the clock frequency. kwargs: Potential keyword arguments for other compiler classes. """ self._configure_input_gains() self._configure_mixer_offsets() self._configure_hardware_distortion_corrections() self._construct_all_sequencer_compilers() for seq in self.sequencers.values(): if ( schedule_resources is not None and seq.clock in schedule_resources and ChannelMode.DIGITAL not in seq.settings.channel_name ): if seq.associated_ext_lo is None or external_los is None: external_lo = None else: external_lo = external_los[seq.associated_ext_lo] self.assign_frequencies( seq, external_lo, schedule_resources[seq.clock]["freq"], ) self.distribute_data() for seq in self.sequencers.values(): seq.prepare() self._ensure_single_scope_mode_acquisition_sequencer() self.assign_attenuation()
[docs] def _configure_input_gains(self) -> None: """ Configures input gain of module settings. Loops through all valid channel names and checks for gain values in hw config. """ in0_gain, in1_gain = None, None # These variables are for checking if gain is being overwritten init_in0_gain, init_in1_gain = None, None init_portclock = None for portclock, path in self.portclock_to_path.items(): if self.instrument_cfg.hardware_options is None: continue input_gains = self.instrument_cfg.hardware_options.input_gain if input_gains is None: continue if portclock in input_gains: input_gain = input_gains[portclock] if isinstance(input_gain, ComplexInputGain): in0_gain = input_gain.gain_I in1_gain = input_gain.gain_Q elif isinstance(input_gain, RealInputGain): if int(path.channel_name[-1]) == 0: in0_gain = input_gain elif int(path.channel_name[-1]) == 1: in1_gain = input_gain if init_portclock and ( ( in0_gain is not None and init_in0_gain is not None and in0_gain != init_in0_gain ) or ( in1_gain is not None and init_in1_gain is not None and in1_gain != init_in1_gain ) ): raise ValueError( f"Found non-unique input gains on module {}. " f"Please ensure that all `input_gain` values on the input `I` channel are " f"the same, and all `input_gain` values on the input `Q` channel are the " f"same in the hardware options for all port clock combinations with this " f"module. \n\n" f"For more information, please visit " f"" ) init_in0_gain = in0_gain init_in1_gain = in1_gain init_portclock = deepcopy(portclock) self._settings.in0_gain = in0_gain self._settings.in1_gain = in1_gain
[docs] def _configure_mixer_offsets(self) -> None: """ Configures offset of input, uses calc_from_units_volt found in helper file. Raises an exception if a value outside the accepted voltage range is given. """ supported_outputs = ("complex_output_0", "complex_output_1") for output_idx, output_label in enumerate(supported_outputs): for portclock, path in self.portclock_to_path.items(): if output_label == path.channel_name: if self.instrument_cfg.hardware_options.mixer_corrections is not None: mixer_corrections = ( self.instrument_cfg.hardware_options.mixer_corrections.get( portclock, None ) if output_label == path.channel_name else None ) else: mixer_corrections = None if mixer_corrections: offset_i = mixer_corrections.dc_offset_i offset_q = mixer_corrections.dc_offset_q voltage_range = self.static_hw_properties.mixer_dc_offset_range if output_idx == 0: self._settings.offset_ch0_path_I = helpers.calc_from_units_volt( voltage_range,, "dc_mixer_offset_I", offset_i, ) self._settings.offset_ch0_path_Q = helpers.calc_from_units_volt( voltage_range,, "dc_mixer_offset_Q", offset_q, ) self._settings.out0_lo_freq_cal_type_default = ( mixer_corrections.auto_lo_cal ) else: self._settings.offset_ch1_path_I = helpers.calc_from_units_volt( voltage_range,, "dc_mixer_offset_I", offset_i, ) self._settings.offset_ch1_path_Q = helpers.calc_from_units_volt( voltage_range,, "dc_mixer_offset_Q", offset_q, ) self._settings.out1_lo_freq_cal_type_default = ( mixer_corrections.auto_lo_cal )
[docs] def _configure_distortion_correction_latency_compensations( self, distortion_configs: dict[int, Any] | None = None ) -> None: channel_names = [path.channel_name for path in self.portclock_to_path.values()] hardware_description = self.instrument_cfg.hardware_description for description in hardware_description.model_fields_set: channel_name = "" channel_description = None if description in channel_names: channel_name = description channel_description = getattr(hardware_description, description) if channel_description is None: continue dc_comp = channel_description.distortion_correction_latency_compensation output_indices = self.static_hw_properties._get_connected_output_indices(channel_name) if output_indices is None: output_indices = () for output in output_indices: if ChannelMode.DIGITAL in channel_name: self._configure_dc_latency_comp_for_marker(output, dc_comp) else: if channel_description.marker_debug_mode_enable: if f"digital_output_{output}" in channel_names: raise ValueError( f"digital_output_{output} cannot be used along with " "marker_debug_mode_enable on the same digital output." ) distortion_configs = distortion_configs or {} if output in distortion_configs: distortion_configs[output]["marker_debug_mode_enable"] = True marker_output = output if channel_name in self.static_hw_properties.channel_name_to_digital_marker: marker_output = ( self.static_hw_properties.channel_name_to_digital_marker[ channel_name ] + 1 ) % 2 self._configure_dc_latency_comp_for_marker(marker_output, dc_comp) self._configure_dc_latency_comp_for_output(output, dc_comp)
[docs] def _configure_dc_latency_comp_for_output(self, output: int, dc_comp: int) -> None: self._settings.distortion_corrections[output].bt.config = ( QbloxFilterConfig.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.BT else QbloxFilterConfig.BYPASSED ) for i, mask in enumerate( [ DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP0, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP1, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP2, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP3, ] ): getattr(self._settings.distortion_corrections[output], f"exp{i}").config = ( QbloxFilterConfig.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & mask else QbloxFilterConfig.BYPASSED ) self._settings.distortion_corrections[output].fir.config = ( QbloxFilterConfig.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.FIR else QbloxFilterConfig.BYPASSED )
[docs] def _configure_dc_latency_comp_for_marker(self, output: int, dc_comp: int) -> None: self._settings.distortion_corrections[output].bt.marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.BT else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED ) for i, mask in enumerate( [ DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP0, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP1, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP2, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP3, ] ): getattr(self._settings.distortion_corrections[output], f"exp{i}").marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & mask else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED ) self._settings.distortion_corrections[output].fir.marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.FIR else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED )
[docs] def _configure_hardware_distortion_corrections(self) -> None: """Assign distortion corrections to settings of instrument compiler.""" self._configure_distortion_correction_latency_compensations()
[docs] def _ensure_single_scope_mode_acquisition_sequencer(self) -> None: """ Raises an error if multiple sequencers use scope mode acquisition, because that's not supported by the hardware. Also, see :func:`~quantify_scheduler.instrument_coordinator.components.qblox._QRMComponent._determine_scope_mode_acquisition_sequencer_and_qblox_acq_index` which also ensures the program that gets uploaded to the hardware satisfies this requirement. Raises ------ ValueError Multiple sequencers have to perform trace acquisition. This is not supported by the hardware. """ # noqa: E501 line too long def is_scope_acquisition(acquisition: OpInfo) -> bool: return["protocol"] == "Trace" scope_acq_seq = None for seq in self.sequencers.values(): op_infos = [ op.operation_info for op in seq.op_strategies if op.operation_info.is_acquisition ] has_scope = any(map(is_scope_acquisition, op_infos)) if has_scope: if scope_acq_seq is not None: helpers.single_scope_mode_acquisition_raise( sequencer_0=scope_acq_seq, sequencer_1=seq.index,, ) scope_acq_seq = seq.index
[docs] class BasebandModuleCompiler(AnalogModuleCompiler, ABC): """ Abstract class with all the shared functionality between the QRM and QCM baseband modules. """
[docs] _settings_type = BasebandModuleSettings # To be overwritten by subclasses
def __init__( self, name: str, total_play_time: float, instrument_cfg: _ClusterModuleCompilationConfig, ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, total_play_time=total_play_time, instrument_cfg=instrument_cfg, )
[docs] self._settings = self._settings_type.extract_settings_from_mapping(instrument_cfg)
[docs] def assign_frequencies( self, sequencer: AnalogSequencerCompiler, external_lo: instrument_compilers.LocalOscillatorCompiler | None, clock_frequency: float, ) -> None: """ Determines LO/IF frequencies and assigns them, for baseband modules. In case of **no** external local oscillator, the NCO is given the same frequency as the clock -- unless NCO was permanently disabled via `"interm_freq": 0` in the hardware config. In case of **an** external local oscillator and `sequencer.mix_lo` is ``False``, the LO is given the same frequency as the clock (via :func:`.helpers.determine_clock_lo_interm_freqs`). Parameters ---------- sequencer Sequencer compiler object whose NCO frequency will be determined and set. external_lo Optional LO compiler object representing an external LO, whose LO frequency will be determined and set. clock_frequency Clock frequency of the clock assigned to the sequencer compiler. Raises ------ ValueError If the NCO and/or LO frequencies cannot be determined, are invalid, or are inconsistent with the clock frequency. """ if external_lo is None: if sequencer.settings.nco_en: sequencer.frequency = clock_frequency # Early return: we do not validate further since there is no way we could # retrieve an NCO frequency if it was not already set, and if it was not set # then nco_en was set to False. return # In using external local oscillator, determine clock and LO/IF freqs, # and then set LO/IF freqs, and enable NCO (via setter) try: freqs = helpers.determine_clock_lo_interm_freqs( freqs=helpers.Frequencies( clock=clock_frequency, LO=external_lo.frequency, IF=sequencer.frequency, ), downconverter_freq=sequencer.downconverter_freq, mix_lo=sequencer.mix_lo, ) except Exception as error: # Adding sequencer info to exception message raise error.__class__( f"{error} (for '{}' of '{}' " f"with port '{sequencer.port}' and clock '{sequencer.clock}')" ) external_lo.frequency = freqs.LO sequencer.frequency = freqs.IF
[docs] def assign_attenuation(self) -> None: """ Meant to assign attenuation settings from the hardware configuration, if there is any. For baseband modules there is no attenuation parameters currently. """
[docs] def _configure_dc_latency_comp_for_marker(self, output: int, dc_comp: int) -> None: self._settings.distortion_corrections[output].bt.marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.BT else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED ) for i, mask in enumerate( [ DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP0, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP1, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP2, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP3, ] ): getattr(self._settings.distortion_corrections[output], f"exp{i}").marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & mask else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED ) self._settings.distortion_corrections[output].fir.marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.FIR else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED )
[docs] class RFModuleCompiler(AnalogModuleCompiler, ABC): """ Abstract class with all the shared functionality between the QRM-RF and QCM-RF modules. """ def __init__( self, name: str, total_play_time: float, instrument_cfg: _ClusterModuleCompilationConfig, ) -> None: super().__init__( name=name, total_play_time=total_play_time, instrument_cfg=instrument_cfg, )
[docs] self._settings: RFModuleSettings = ( # type: ignore RFModuleSettings.extract_settings_from_mapping(instrument_cfg) )
[docs] def assign_frequencies( self, sequencer: AnalogSequencerCompiler, external_lo: instrument_compilers.LocalOscillatorCompiler | None, # noqa: ARG002 clock_frequency: float, ) -> None: """ Determines LO/IF frequencies and assigns them for RF modules. Parameters ---------- sequencer Sequencer compiler object whose NCO frequency will be determined and set. external_lo Optional LO compiler object representing an external LO. Not used for RF modules, since they use the LO frequency in the module settings. clock_frequency Clock frequency of the clock assigned to the sequencer compiler. Raises ------ ValueError If the NCO and/or LO frequencies cannot be determined, are invalid, or are inconsistent with the clock frequency. """ for lo_idx in RFModuleCompiler._get_connected_lo_indices(sequencer): try: freqs = helpers.determine_clock_lo_interm_freqs( freqs=helpers.Frequencies( clock=clock_frequency, LO=self._get_lo_frequency(lo_idx), IF=sequencer.frequency, ), downconverter_freq=sequencer.downconverter_freq, mix_lo=True, ) except Exception as error: # Adding sequencer info to exception message raise error.__class__( f"{error} (for '{}' of '{}' " f"with port '{sequencer.port}' and clock '{sequencer.clock}')" ) self._set_lo_frequency(lo_idx, freqs.LO) # Calling the frequency setter inside the for-loop helps catch bugs where # two different frequencies could accidentally be set on the same sequencer. sequencer.frequency = freqs.IF
[docs] def _get_connected_lo_indices(sequencer: AnalogSequencerCompiler) -> Iterator[int]: """ Identify the LO the sequencer is outputting. Use the sequencer output to module output correspondence, and then use the fact that LOX is connected to module output X. """ for sequencer_output_index in sequencer.connected_output_indices: if sequencer_output_index % 2 != 0: # We will only use real output 0 and 2, as they are part of the same # complex outputs as real output 1 and 3 continue module_output_index = 0 if sequencer_output_index == 0 else 1 yield module_output_index
[docs] def _get_lo_frequency(self, lo_idx: int) -> float | None: """ Get the LO frequency from the settings. Parameters ---------- lo_idx : int The LO index. Returns ------- float | None The frequency, or None if it has not been determined yet. Raises ------ IndexError If the derived class instance does not contain an LO with that index. """ if lo_idx == 0: return self._settings.lo0_freq if lo_idx == 1 and self.static_hw_properties.instrument_type == "QCM_RF": return self._settings.lo1_freq raise IndexError( f"Module {} of type " f"{self.static_hw_properties.instrument_type} does not have an LO " f"index {lo_idx}." )
[docs] def _set_lo_frequency(self, lo_idx: int, frequency: float) -> None: """ Set the LO frequency from the settings. Parameters ---------- lo_idx : int The LO index. frequency : float The frequency. Raises ------ IndexError If the derived class instance does not contain an LO with that index. """ previous_lo_freq = self._get_lo_frequency(lo_idx) if ( previous_lo_freq is not None and not math.isnan(previous_lo_freq) and not math.isclose(frequency, previous_lo_freq) ): raise ValueError( f"Attempting to set 'lo{lo_idx}' to frequency " f"'{frequency:e}', while it has previously already been set to " f"'{previous_lo_freq:e}'!" ) if lo_idx == 0: self._settings.lo0_freq = frequency elif lo_idx == 1 and self.static_hw_properties.instrument_type == "QCM_RF": self._settings.lo1_freq = frequency else: raise IndexError( f"Module {} of type " f"{self.static_hw_properties.instrument_type} does not have an LO " f"index {lo_idx}." )
[docs] def assign_attenuation(self) -> None: """ Assigns attenuation settings from the hardware configuration. Floats that are a multiple of 1 are converted to ints. This is needed because the :func:`quantify_core.measurement.control.grid_setpoints` converts setpoints to floats when using an attenuation as settable. """ def _convert_to_int( value: InputAttenuation | OutputAttenuation | None, label: str ) -> int | None: if value is None: return None if not math.isclose(value % 1, 0): raise ValueError(f'Trying to set "{label}" to non-integer value {value}') return int(value) in0_att = out0_att = out1_att = None input_att_cfg = self.instrument_cfg.hardware_options.input_att output_att_cfg = self.instrument_cfg.hardware_options.output_att for ( portclock, path, ) in self.instrument_cfg.portclock_to_path.items(): if path.channel_name == "complex_input_0" and input_att_cfg is not None: in0_att = input_att_cfg.get(portclock) for ( portclock, path, ) in self.instrument_cfg.portclock_to_path.items(): if path.channel_name == "complex_output_0": if input_att_cfg is not None: in0_att_from_output = input_att_cfg.get(portclock) if in0_att_from_output is not None: if in0_att is not None: raise ValueError( f"'input_att' is defined for both 'complex_input_0' and " f"'complex_output_0' on module '{}', which is prohibited. " f"Make sure you define it at a single place." ) in0_att = in0_att_from_output if output_att_cfg is not None: out0_att = output_att_cfg.get(portclock) if path.channel_name == "complex_output_1" and output_att_cfg is not None: out1_att = output_att_cfg.get(portclock) self._settings.in0_att = _convert_to_int(in0_att, label="in0_att") self._settings.out0_att = _convert_to_int(out0_att, label="out0_att") self._settings.out1_att = _convert_to_int(out1_att, label="out1_att")
[docs] def _configure_dc_latency_comp_for_marker(self, output: int, dc_comp: int) -> None: output += 2 # In RF modules, the two marker indices are 2 & 3. self._settings.distortion_corrections[output].bt.marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.BT else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED ) for i, mask in enumerate( [ DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP0, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP1, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP2, DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.EXP3, ] ): getattr(self._settings.distortion_corrections[output], f"exp{i}").marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & mask else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED ) self._settings.distortion_corrections[output].fir.marker_delay = ( QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.DELAY_COMP if dc_comp & DistortionCorrectionLatencyEnum.FIR else QbloxFilterMarkerDelay.BYPASSED )