Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operation_handling.bin_mode_compat

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Functionality to determine if the bin mode is compatible with the acquisition protocol."""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from quantify_scheduler.enums import BinMode

    from quantify_scheduler.backends.types.qblox import OpInfo

[docs] QRM_COMPATIBLE_BIN_MODES = { "SSBIntegrationComplex": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.AVERAGE}, "Trace": {BinMode.AVERAGE}, "ThresholdedAcquisition": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.AVERAGE}, "WeightedThresholdedAcquisition": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.AVERAGE}, "TriggerCount": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.SUM, BinMode.DISTRIBUTION}, "ThresholdedTriggerCount": {BinMode.APPEND}, "WeightedIntegratedSeparated": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.AVERAGE}, "NumericalSeparatedWeightedIntegration": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.AVERAGE}, "NumericalWeightedIntegration": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.AVERAGE}, }
[docs] QTM_COMPATIBLE_BIN_MODES = { "TriggerCount": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.SUM}, "ThresholdedTriggerCount": {BinMode.APPEND}, "Timetag": {BinMode.APPEND, BinMode.AVERAGE}, "Trace": {BinMode.FIRST}, "TimetagTrace": {BinMode.APPEND}, }
[docs] class IncompatibleBinModeError(Exception): """ Compiler exception to be raised when a bin mode is incomatible with the acquisition protocol for the module type. """ def __init__( self, module_type: str, protocol: str, bin_mode: BinMode, operation_info: OpInfo | None = None, ) -> None: err_msg = ( f"{protocol} acquisition on the {module_type} does not support bin mode {bin_mode}." ) if operation_info: err_msg += f"\n\n{repr(operation_info)} caused this exception to occur." super().__init__(err_msg)