Source code for quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.stack_pulses

# Repository: # Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch """Pulse stacking algorithm for Qblox backend.""" from __future__ import annotations import uuid from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from copy import deepcopy from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import numpy as np from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox import constants, helpers from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.helpers import is_square_pulse, to_grid_time from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox.operations.pulse_library import ( SimpleNumericalPulse, ) from quantify_scheduler.schedules import Schedulable, Schedule if TYPE_CHECKING: from quantify_scheduler.operations import Operation @dataclass
[docs] class PulseInterval: """Represents an interval of (possibly) overlapping pulses."""
[docs] start_time: float
[docs] end_time: float
[docs] pulse_keys: set[str]
[docs] class PulseParameters: """Represents information about a specific pulse. Used for calculating intervals."""
[docs] time: float
[docs] is_end: bool
[docs] schedulable_key: str
[docs] PortClock = namedtuple("PortClock", ["port", "clock"]) """ Named tuple for port and clock information."""
[docs] def stack_pulses(schedule: Schedule, config) -> Schedule: # noqa: D417, ARG001, ANN001 """ Processes a given schedule by identifying and stacking overlapping pulses. The function first defines intervals of overlapping pulses and then stacks the pulses within these intervals. Parameters ---------- schedule The schedule containing the pulses to stack. Returns ------- : The schedule with stacked pulses. """ pulses_by_port_clock = _construct_pulses_by_port_clock(schedule) for pulses in pulses_by_port_clock.values(): sorted_pulses = sorted(pulses, key=lambda pulse: (pulse.time, pulse.is_end)) pulses_by_interval = _construct_pulses_by_interval(sorted_pulses) if any(len(overlap.pulse_keys) > 1 for overlap in pulses_by_interval): schedule = _stack_pulses_by_interval(schedule, pulses_by_interval) return schedule
[docs] def _construct_pulses_by_port_clock( schedule: Schedule, ) -> defaultdict[str, list[PulseParameters]]: """Construct a dictionary of pulses by port and clock.""" pulses_by_port_clock = defaultdict(list) for schedulable_key, schedulable in schedule.schedulables.items(): op = schedule.operations[schedulable["operation_id"]] if isinstance(op, Schedule): schedule.operations[schedulable["operation_id"]] = stack_pulses(op, {}) continue elif not op.valid_pulse or not"pulse_info"): continue pulse_info = next(iter(["pulse_info"])) if not pulse_info.get("wf_func"): continue port_clock = PortClock(pulse_info["port"], pulse_info["clock"]) start_time = schedulable["abs_time"] + pulse_info["t0"] end_time = start_time + pulse_info["duration"] pulses_by_port_clock[port_clock].extend( [ PulseParameters( time=round(to_grid_time(start_time) * (1 / constants.SAMPLING_RATE), 9), is_end=False, schedulable_key=schedulable_key, ), PulseParameters( time=round(to_grid_time(end_time) * (1 / constants.SAMPLING_RATE), 9), is_end=True, schedulable_key=schedulable_key, ), ] ) return pulses_by_port_clock
[docs] def _construct_pulses_by_interval( sorted_pulses: list[PulseParameters], ) -> list[PulseInterval]: """ Constructs a list of `PulseInterval` objects representing time intervals and active pulses. Given a sorted list of `PulseParameters` objects, this function identifies distinct intervals where pulses are active. Each `PulseInterval` records the start time, end time, and the set of active pulses during that interval. Pulses are added to or removed from the set based on their `is_end` attribute, indicating whether the pulse is starting or ending at a given time. Example Input/Output: --------------------- If the input list has pulses with start and end times as: [PulseParameters(time=1, schedulable_key='A', is_end=False), PulseParameters(time=3, schedulable_key='A', is_end=True), PulseParameters(time=2, schedulable_key='B', is_end=False)] The output will be: [PulseInterval(start_time=1, end_time=2, active_pulses={'A'}), PulseInterval(start_time=2, end_time=3, active_pulses={'A', 'B'})] See for algo. """ pulses_by_interval = [] active_pulses = set() last_time = None for pulse in sorted_pulses: time, key, is_end = pulse.time, pulse.schedulable_key, pulse.is_end if last_time is None: last_time = time active_pulses.add(key) else: if time > last_time: if len(active_pulses): pulses_by_interval.append(PulseInterval(last_time, time, active_pulses.copy())) last_time = time if is_end: active_pulses.remove(key) else: active_pulses.add(key) return pulses_by_interval
[docs] def _stack_pulses_by_interval( schedule: Schedule, pulses_by_interval: list[PulseInterval] ) -> Schedule: old_schedulable_keys = set() for interval in pulses_by_interval: if not interval.pulse_keys: continue if all( is_square_pulse(schedule.operations[schedule.schedulables[key]["operation_id"]]) for key in interval.pulse_keys ): _stack_square_pulses(interval, schedule, old_schedulable_keys) else: _stack_arbitrary_pulses(interval, schedule, old_schedulable_keys) # Delete old schedulables for key in old_schedulable_keys: del schedule.schedulables[key] # Dellete timing constraints for key, schedulable in schedule.schedulables.items(): if "timing_constraints" in schedulable: del["timing_constraints"] return schedule
[docs] def _stack_arbitrary_pulses( interval: PulseInterval, schedule: Schedule, old_schedulable_keys: set[str], ) -> None: num_samples = round((interval.end_time - interval.start_time) * constants.SAMPLING_RATE) combined_waveform = np.zeros(num_samples) port, clock, pulse_info = None, None, None for key in interval.pulse_keys: pulse = schedule.operations[schedule.schedulables[key]["operation_id"]] for pulse_info in["pulse_info"]: schedulable = schedule.schedulables[key] old_schedulable_keys.add(key) waveform = helpers.generate_waveform_data( pulse_info, sampling_rate=constants.SAMPLING_RATE ) start_idx = round( (interval.start_time - schedulable["abs_time"] - pulse_info["t0"]) * constants.SAMPLING_RATE ) end_idx = start_idx + num_samples if end_idx == len(waveform) - 1: # Including the last sample makes waveform slice longer than combined_waveform; # append zero to combined_waveform to match lengths and prevent shape mismatch. end_idx += 1 combined_waveform = np.append(combined_waveform, 0) combined_waveform = np.add(combined_waveform, waveform[start_idx:end_idx]) if port is None and clock is None: port, clock = pulse_info.get("port"), pulse_info.get("clock") if port is None or clock is None: raise ValueError( f"pulse_info must contain non-None 'port' and 'clock' values. Pulse Info: {pulse_info}," f" Port: {port}, Clock: {clock}" ) numerical_pulse = SimpleNumericalPulse( samples=combined_waveform, port=port, clock=clock, ) _create_schedulable(schedule, interval.start_time, numerical_pulse)
[docs] def _stack_square_pulses( interval: PulseInterval, schedule: Schedule, old_schedulable_keys: set[str], ) -> None: combined_pulse = None for key in interval.pulse_keys: pulse = schedule.operations[schedule.schedulables[key]["operation_id"]] old_schedulable_keys.add(key) for pulse_info in["pulse_info"]: if combined_pulse is None: combined_pulse = deepcopy(pulse)["pulse_info"][0]["t0"] = 0["pulse_info"][0]["duration"] = round( to_grid_time(interval.end_time - interval.start_time) * (1 / constants.SAMPLING_RATE), 9, ) else:["pulse_info"][0]["amp"] += pulse_info["amp"] _create_schedulable(schedule, interval.start_time, combined_pulse)
[docs] def _create_schedulable( schedule: Schedule, start_time: float, pulse: Operation | Schedule | None ) -> None: if pulse is not None: new_schedulable_key = str(uuid.uuid4()) new_schedulable = Schedulable(name=new_schedulable_key, operation_id=pulse.hash) new_schedulable["abs_time"] = start_time schedule.schedulables[new_schedulable_key] = new_schedulable schedule.operations[pulse.hash] = pulse