Source code for

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
"""Utilities for handling data."""
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import json
import os
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List
from uuid import uuid4

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from dateutil.parser import parse
from qcodes.instrument import (

import as da
from import TUID
from quantify_core.utilities.general import delete_keys_from_dict, get_subclasses

    from import Iterable

    from qcodes.parameters import ParameterBase

    from quantify_core.measurement.types import Gettable, Settable

# this is a pointer to the module object instance itself.
this = sys.modules[__name__]
this._datadir = None

# FIXME: This environment variable is needed to avoid locking when loading a dataset.
# Remove when dataset v2 gets implemented and merged!
os.environ["HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING"] = "FALSE"

DATASET_NAME = "dataset.hdf5"
QUANTITIES_OF_INTEREST_NAME = "quantities_of_interest.json"
PROCESSED_DATASET_NAME = "dataset_processed.hdf5"

# pylint: disable=keyword-arg-before-vararg
[docs] class DecodeToNumpy(json.JSONDecoder): """Decodes a JSON object to Python/Numpy objects."""
[docs] def __init__(self, list_to_ndarray: bool = False, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Decodes a JSON object to Python/Numpy objects. Example ------- json.loads(json_string, cls=DecodeToNumpy, list_to_numpy=True) Parameters ---------- list_to_ndarray If True, will try to convert python lists to a numpy array. args Additional args to be passed to :class:`json.JSONDecoder`. kwargs Additional kwargs to be passed to :class:`json.JSONDecoder`. """ self.list_to_ndarray = list_to_ndarray json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self._object_hook, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _object_hook(self, obj: dict) -> dict: """Custom deserialization hook that converts lists to np.arrays.""" for key, val in obj.items(): if self.list_to_ndarray and isinstance(val, list): obj[key] = np.array(val) return obj
[docs] def default_datadir(verbose: bool = True) -> Path: """Returns (and optionally print) a default datadir path. Intended for fast prototyping, tutorials, examples, etc.. Parameters ---------- verbose If ``True`` prints the returned datadir. Returns ------- : The ``Path.home() / "quantify-data"`` path. """ datadir = (Path.home() / "quantify-data").resolve() if verbose: print(f"Data will be saved in:\n{datadir}") return datadir
[docs] def gen_tuid(time_stamp: datetime.datetime | None = None) -> TUID: """Generates a :class:`` based on current time. Parameters ---------- time_stamp Optional, can be passed to ensure the tuid is based on a specific time. Returns ------- : Timestamp based uid. """ if time_stamp is None: time_stamp = # time_stamp gives microseconds by default (date_time, micro) = time_stamp.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-.%f").split(".") # this ensures the string is formatted correctly as some systems return 0 for micro date_time = f"{date_time}{int(int(micro) / 1000):03d}-" # the tuid is composed of the timestamp and a 6 character uuid. tuid = TUID(date_time + str(uuid4())[:6]) return tuid
[docs] def get_datadir() -> str: """Returns the current data directory. The data directory can be changed using :func:``. Returns ------- : The current data directory. """ set_datadir_import = "from " + this.__name__ + " import set_datadir" if this._datadir is None or not os.path.isdir(this._datadir): raise NotADirectoryError( "The datadir is not valid. Please set the datadir after importing Quantify." "\nWe recommend to settle for a single common data directory for all \n" "notebooks/experiments within your measurement setup/PC.\n" "E.g. '~/quantify-data' (unix), or 'D:\\Data\\quantify-data' (Windows).\n" "The datadir can be changed as follows:\n\n" f" {set_datadir_import}\n" " set_datadir('path_to_datadir')", ) return this._datadir
[docs] def set_datadir(datadir: Path | str | None = None) -> None: """Sets the data directory. Parameters ---------- datadir Path of the data directory. If set to ``None``, resets the datadir to the default datadir (``<top_level>/data``). """ if datadir is None: datadir = default_datadir() if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.mkdir(datadir) this._datadir = datadir
[docs] def locate_experiment_container(tuid: TUID, datadir: Path | str | None = None) -> str: """Returns the path to the experiment container of the specified tuid. Parameters ---------- tuid A :class:`` string. It is also possible to specify only the first part of a tuid. datadir Path of the data directory. If ``None``, uses :meth:`~get_datadir` to determine the data directory. Returns ------- : The path to the experiment container Raises ------ FileNotFoundError Experiment container not found. """ if datadir is None: datadir = get_datadir() daydir = os.path.join(datadir, tuid[:8]) # This will raise a file not found error if no data exists on the specified date exp_folders = list(filter(lambda x: tuid in x, os.listdir(daydir))) if len(exp_folders) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f"File with tuid: {tuid} was not found.") # We assume that the length is 1 as tuid is assumed to be unique exp_folder = exp_folders[0] return os.path.join(daydir, exp_folder)
def _locate_experiment_file( tuid: TUID, datadir: Path | str | None = None, name: str = DATASET_NAME, ) -> str: exp_container = locate_experiment_container(tuid=tuid, datadir=datadir) return os.path.join(exp_container, name)
[docs] def load_dataset( tuid: TUID, datadir: Path | str | None = None, name: str = DATASET_NAME, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Loads a dataset specified by a tuid. .. tip:: This method also works when specifying only the first part of a :class:``. .. note:: This method uses :func:`~.load_dataset` to ensure the file is closed after loading as datasets are intended to be immutable after performing the initial experiment. Parameters ---------- tuid A :class:`` string. It is also possible to specify only the first part of a tuid. datadir Path of the data directory. If ``None``, uses :meth:`~get_datadir` to determine the data directory. name Name of the dataset. Returns ------- : The dataset. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError No data found for specified date. """ return load_dataset_from_path(_locate_experiment_file(tuid, datadir, name))
[docs] def load_dataset_from_path(path: Path | str) -> xr.Dataset: """Loads a :class:`~xarray.Dataset` with a specific engine preference. Before returning the dataset :meth:`AdapterH5NetCDF.recover() <>` is applied. This function tries to load the dataset until success with the following engine preference: - ``"h5netcdf"`` - ``"netcdf4"`` - No engine specified (:func:`~xarray.load_dataset` default) Parameters ---------- path Path to the dataset. Returns ------- : The loaded dataset. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long exceptions = [] engines = ["h5netcdf", "netcdf4", None] for engine in engines: try: dataset = xr.load_dataset(path, engine=engine) except Exception as exception: exceptions.append(exception) else: # Only quantify_dataset_version=>2.0.0 requires the adapter if "quantify_dataset_version" in dataset.attrs: dataset = da.AdapterH5NetCDF.recover(dataset) return dataset # Do not let exceptions pass silently for exception, engine in zip(exceptions, engines[: engines.index(engine)]): print( f"Failed loading dataset with '{engine}' engine. " f"Raised '{exception.__class__.__name__}':\n {exception}", ) # raise the last exception raise exception
[docs] def load_quantities_of_interest(tuid: TUID, analysis_name: str) -> dict: """Given an experiment TUID and the name of an analysis previously run on it, retrieves the corresponding "quantities of interest" data. Parameters ---------- tuid TUID of the experiment. analysis_name Name of the Analysis from which to load the data. Returns ------- : A dictionary containing the loaded quantities of interest. """ # Get Analysis directory from TUID exp_folder = Path(locate_experiment_container(tuid, get_datadir())) analysis_dir = exp_folder / f"analysis_{analysis_name}" if not analysis_dir.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError("Analysis not found in current experiment.") # Load JSON file and return with open( os.path.join(analysis_dir, QUANTITIES_OF_INTEREST_NAME), encoding="utf-8", ) as file: quantities_of_interest = json.load(file) return quantities_of_interest
[docs] def load_processed_dataset(tuid: TUID, analysis_name: str) -> xr.Dataset: """Given an experiment TUID and the name of an analysis previously run on it, retrieves the processed dataset resulting from that analysis. Parameters ---------- tuid TUID of the experiment from which to load the data. analysis_name Name of the Analysis from which to load the data. Returns ------- : A dataset containing the results of the analysis. """ # Get Analysis directory from TUID exp_folder = Path(locate_experiment_container(tuid, get_datadir())) analysis_dir = exp_folder / f"analysis_{analysis_name}" if not analysis_dir.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError("Analysis not found in current experiment.") # Load dataset and return return load_dataset_from_path(analysis_dir / PROCESSED_DATASET_NAME)
[docs] def _xarray_numpy_bool_patch(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> None: """Converts any attribute of :obj:`~numpy.bool_` type to a :obj:`~bool`. This is a patch to a bug in xarray 0.17.0. .. seealso:: See issue #161 in quantify-core. Our (accepted) pull request Version >0.17.0 will fix the problem but will have breaking changes, for now we use this patch. Parameters ---------- dataset The dataset to be patched in-place. """ def bool_cast_attributes(attrs: dict) -> None: for attr_name, attr_val in attrs.items(): if isinstance(attr_val, np.bool_): # cast to bool to avoid xarray 0.17.0 type exception # for engine="h5netcdf" attrs[attr_name] = bool(attr_val) for data_array in dataset.variables.values(): bool_cast_attributes(data_array.attrs) bool_cast_attributes(dataset.attrs)
[docs] def write_dataset(path: Path | str, dataset: xr.Dataset) -> None: """Writes a :class:`~xarray.Dataset` to a file with the `h5netcdf` engine. Before writing the :meth:`` is applied. To accommodate for complex-type numbers and arrays ``invalid_netcdf=True`` is used. Parameters ---------- path Path to the file including filename and extension dataset The :class:`~xarray.Dataset` to be written to file. """ # pylint: disable=line-too-long _xarray_numpy_bool_patch(dataset) # See issue #161 in quantify-core # Only quantify_dataset_version=>2.0.0 requires the adapter if "quantify_dataset_version" in dataset.attrs: dataset = da.AdapterH5NetCDF.adapt(dataset) dataset.to_netcdf(path, engine="h5netcdf", invalid_netcdf=True)
[docs] def load_snapshot( tuid: TUID, datadir: Path | str | None = None, list_to_ndarray: bool = False, file: str = "snapshot.json", ) -> dict: """Loads a snapshot specified by a tuid. Parameters ---------- tuid A :class:`` string. It is also possible to specify only the first part of a tuid. datadir Path of the data directory. If ``None``, uses :meth:`~get_datadir` to determine the data directory. list_to_ndarray Uses an internal DecodeToNumpy decoder which allows a user to automatically convert a list to numpy array during deserialization of the snapshot. file Filename to load. Returns ------- : The snapshot. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError No data found for specified date. """ with open(_locate_experiment_file(tuid, datadir, file)) as snap: return json.load(snap, cls=DecodeToNumpy, list_to_ndarray=list_to_ndarray)
[docs] def create_exp_folder( tuid: TUID, name: str | None = None, datadir: Path | str | None = None, ) -> str: """Creates an empty folder to store an experiment container. If the folder already exists, simply returns the experiment folder corresponding to the :class:``. Parameters ---------- tuid A timestamp based human-readable unique identifier. name Optional name to identify the folder. datadir path of the data directory. If ``None``, uses :meth:`~get_datadir` to determine the data directory. Returns ------- : Full path of the experiment folder following format: ``/datadir/YYYYmmDD/YYYYmmDD-HHMMSS-sss-******-name/``. """ TUID.is_valid(tuid) if datadir is None: datadir = get_datadir() exp_folder = os.path.join(datadir, tuid[:8], tuid) if name: exp_folder += "-" + name os.makedirs(exp_folder, exist_ok=True) return exp_folder
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs] def initialize_dataset( settable_pars: Iterable, setpoints: list[np.ndarray], gettable_pars: Iterable, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Initialize an empty dataset based on settable_pars, setpoints and gettable_pars. Parameters ---------- settable_pars A list of M settables. setpoints An (M*N) array. gettable_pars A list of gettables. Returns ------- : The dataset. """ darrs = [] coords = [] for i, setpar in enumerate(settable_pars): attrs = { "name": _generate_name(setpar), "long_name": _generate_long_name(setpar), "units": setpar.unit, "batched": _is_batched(setpar), } if attrs["batched"] and hasattr(setpar, "batch_size"): attrs["batch_size"] = setpar.batch_size coords.append(f"x{i}") darrs.append(xr.DataArray(data=setpoints[i], name=coords[-1], attrs=attrs)) numpoints = len(setpoints[0]) j = 0 for getpar in gettable_pars: # it's possible for one Gettable to return multiple axes. to handle this, zip # the axis info together # so we can iterate through when defining the axis in the dataset if not isinstance(, list): itrbl = zip([], [getpar.label], [getpar.unit]) else: itrbl = zip(, getpar.label, getpar.unit) count = 0 for idx, info in enumerate(itrbl): attrs = { "name": info[0], "long_name": info[1], "units": info[2], "batched": _is_batched(getpar), } if attrs["batched"] and hasattr(getpar, "batch_size"): attrs["batch_size"] = getpar.batch_size empty_arr = np.empty(numpoints) empty_arr[:] = np.nan darrs.append( xr.DataArray( data=empty_arr, name=f"y{j + idx}", attrs=attrs, ), ) count += 1 j += count dataset = xr.merge(darrs) dataset = dataset.set_coords(coords) # xarray>=0.18.0 tries to combine attrs which we do not want at all dataset.attrs = {} dataset.attrs["tuid"] = gen_tuid() return dataset
[docs] def grow_dataset(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Resizes the dataset by doubling the current length of all arrays. Parameters ---------- dataset The dataset to resize. Returns ------- : The resized dataset. """ darrs = [] # coords will also be grown for vname in dataset.variables: data = dataset[vname].values darrs.append( xr.DataArray( name=dataset[vname].name, data=np.pad(data, (0, len(data)), "constant", constant_values=np.nan), attrs=dataset[vname].attrs, ), ) coords = tuple(dataset.coords.keys()) dataset = dataset.drop_dims(["dim_0"]) merged_data_arrays = xr.merge(darrs) merged_data_arrays.attrs = {} # xarray>=0.18.0 tries to merge attrs dataset = dataset.merge(merged_data_arrays) dataset = dataset.set_coords(coords) return dataset
[docs] def trim_dataset(dataset: xr.Dataset) -> xr.Dataset: """Trim NaNs from a dataset, useful in the case of a dynamically resized dataset (e.g. adaptive loops). Parameters ---------- dataset The dataset to trim. Returns ------- : The dataset, trimmed and resized if necessary or unchanged. """ coords = tuple(dataset.coords.keys()) for i, val in enumerate(reversed(dataset["y0"].values)): if not np.isnan(val): finish_idx = len(dataset["y0"].values) - i darrs = [] # coords will also be trimmed for vname in dataset.variables: data = dataset[vname].values[:finish_idx] darrs.append( xr.DataArray( name=dataset[vname].name, data=data, attrs=dataset[vname].attrs, ), ) dataset = dataset.drop_dims(["dim_0"]) merged_data_arrays = xr.merge(darrs) merged_data_arrays.attrs = {} # xarray>=0.18.0 tries to merge attrs dataset = dataset.merge(merged_data_arrays) dataset = dataset.set_coords(coords) break return dataset
[docs] def concat_dataset( tuids: list[TUID], dim: str = "dim_0", name: str = None, analysis_name: str = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Takes in a list of TUIDs and concatenates the corresponding datasets. It adds the TUIDs as a coordinate in the new dataset. By default, we will extract the unprocessed dataset from each directory, but if analysis_name is specified, we will extract the processed dataset for that analysis. Parameters ---------- tuids: List of TUIDs. dim: Dimension along which to concatenate the datasets. analysis_name: In the case that we want to extract the processed dataset for give analysis, this is the name of the analysis. name: The name of the concatenated dataset. If None, use the name of the first dataset in the list. Returns ------- : Concatenated dataset with new TUID and references to the old TUIDs. """ if not isinstance(tuids, List): raise TypeError(f"type(tuids)={type(tuids)} should be a list of TUIDs") dataset_list = [] extended_tuids = [] # loop over the TUIDs to get all dataset. Reversed so the extended tuid list can # be made for i, tuid in enumerate(tuids): if analysis_name: dataset = load_processed_dataset(tuid, analysis_name=analysis_name) else: dataset = load_dataset(tuid) # Ensure dataset names are consistent if i == 0 and not name: name = dataset.attrs.get("name") dataset.attrs["name"] = name # Set dataset attribute 'tuid' to None to resolve conflicting tuids between # the loaded datasets dataset.attrs["tuid"] = None dataset_list.append(dataset) extended_tuids += [TUID.datetime(tuid)] * len(dataset[dim]) new_dataset = xr.concat(dataset_list, dim=dim, combine_attrs="no_conflicts") new_coord = { "ref_tuids": ( dim, extended_tuids, { "is_main_coord": True, "long_name": "reference_tuids", "is_dataset_ref": True, "uniformly_spaced": False, }, ), } new_dataset = new_dataset.assign_coords(new_coord) new_dataset.attrs["tuid"] = gen_tuid() return new_dataset
[docs] def get_varying_parameter_values( tuids: list[TUID], parameter: str, ) -> np.ndarray: """A function that gets a parameter which varies over multiple experiments and puts it in a ndarray. Parameters ---------- tuids: The list of TUIDs from which to get the varying parameter. parameter: The name and address of the QCoDeS parameter from which to get the value, including the instrument name and all submodules. For example :code:`"current_source.module0.dac0.current"`. Returns ------- : The values of the varying parameter. """ value = [] if not isinstance(tuids, List): TypeError( # noqa :PLW0133 f"type(tuids)={type(tuids)} should be a list of TUIDs" ) for tuid in tuids: try: _tuid = TUID(tuid) _snapshot = load_snapshot(_tuid) value.append(extract_parameter_from_snapshot(_snapshot, parameter)["value"]) except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: raise FileNotFoundError(fnf_error) from fnf_error except ValueError as vl_error: raise ValueError(vl_error) from vl_error except KeyError as key_error: raise KeyError( f"Check the varying parameter you put in.\n {key_error}", ) from key_error values = np.array(value) return values
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
[docs] def extract_parameter_from_snapshot( snapshot: dict[str, Any], parameter: str, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """A function which takes a parameter and extracts it from a snapshot, including in the case where the parameter is part of a nested submodule within a QCoDeS instrument. Parameters ---------- snapshot: The snapshot parameter: The full address of the QCoDeS parameter as a string, in the format :code:`"instrument.submodule.submodule.parameter"` (an arbitrary number of nested submodules is a allowed). Returns ------- : The dict specifying the parameter properties which was extracted from the snapshot """ parameter_address = parameter.split(".") if len(parameter_address) < 2: raise ValueError( "parameter must be a string of the form 'instrument.submodule.parameter'", ) sub_snapshot = deepcopy(snapshot) try: sub_snapshot = sub_snapshot["instruments"][parameter_address[0]] for submodule in parameter_address[1:-1]: sub_snapshot = sub_snapshot["submodules"][submodule] parameter_dict = sub_snapshot["parameters"][parameter_address[-1]] except KeyError as key_error: raise KeyError( f"Parameter {parameter} not found in snapshot. {key_error} not found.", ) from key_error return parameter_dict
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def multi_experiment_data_extractor( experiment: str, parameter: str, *, new_name: str | None = None, t_start: str | None = None, t_stop: str | None = None, analysis_name: str | None = None, dimension: str | None = "dim_0", ) -> xr.Dataset: """A data extraction function which loops through multiple quantify data directories and extracts the selected varying parameter value and corresponding datasets, then compiles this data into a single dataset for further analysis. By default, we will extract the unprocessed dataset from each directory, but if analysis_name is specified, we will extract the processed dataset for that analysis. Parameters ---------- experiment: The experiment to be included in the new dataset. For example "Pulsed spectroscopy" parameter: The name and address of the QCoDeS parameter from which to get the value, including the instrument name and all submodules. For example :code:`"current_source.module0.dac0.current"`. new_name: The name of the new multifile dataset. If no new name is given, it will create a new name as `experiment` vs `instrument`. t_start: Datetime to search from, inclusive. If a string is specified, it will be converted to a datetime object using :obj:`~dateutil.parser.parse`. If no value is specified, will use the year 1 as a reference t_start. t_stop: Datetime to search until, exclusive. If a string is specified, it will be converted to a datetime object using :obj:`~dateutil.parser.parse`. If no value is specified, will use the current time as a reference t_stop. analysis_name: In the case that we want to extract the processed dataset for give analysis, this is the name of the analysis. dimension: The name of the dataset dimension to concatenate over Returns ------- : The compiled quantify dataset. """ # Get the tuids of the relevant experiments if not isinstance(experiment, str): raise TypeError( f"experiment variable should be a string. {experiment} is not a string", ) tuids = get_tuids_containing(experiment, t_start=t_start, t_stop=t_stop) if new_name is None: new_name = f"{experiment} vs {parameter}" # Necessary to correctly extend the varying_parameter_values tuids.sort() # Get the new dataset containing all selected experiments new_dataset = concat_dataset(tuids, analysis_name=analysis_name, dim=dimension) # Get the varying parameter from the snapshot.json file varying_parameter_values = get_varying_parameter_values(tuids, parameter) # This counts the number of unique tuids to extend the varying parameter with. This # assumes the ref_tuids are sorted. _, counts = np.unique(new_dataset.ref_tuids.values, return_counts=True) # Extend the varying parameter such that the dimensions line up with the new dataset varying_parameter_values_extended = np.repeat( varying_parameter_values, repeats=counts, ) _snapshot = load_snapshot(tuids[0]) _parameter_dict = extract_parameter_from_snapshot(_snapshot, parameter) # Set the varying parameter as a new coordinate nr_existing_coords = len(new_dataset.coords) coords = { f"x{nr_existing_coords - 1}": ( "dim_0", varying_parameter_values_extended, { "is_main_coord": True, "long_name": _parameter_dict["label"], "units": _parameter_dict["unit"], "uniformly_spaced": _is_uniformly_spaced_array( varying_parameter_values, ), }, ), } new_dataset = new_dataset.assign_coords(coords) # Set new attributes such as name and TUID new_attrs = { "grid_2d": True, "name": f"{new_name}", "tuid": f"{gen_tuid()}", "xlen": len(new_dataset.dim_0) // len(tuids), "ylen": len(tuids), } new_dataset = new_dataset.assign_attrs(new_attrs) return new_dataset
[docs] def to_gridded_dataset( quantify_dataset: xr.Dataset, dimension: str = "dim_0", coords_names: Iterable | None = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Converts a flattened (a.k.a. "stacked") dataset as the one generated by the :func:`~initialize_dataset` to a dataset in which the measured values are mapped onto a grid in the `xarray` format. This will be meaningful only if the data itself corresponds to a gridded measurement. .. note:: Each individual :code:`(x0[i], x1[i], x2[i], ...)` setpoint must be unique. Conversions applied: - The names :code:`"x0", "x1", ...` will correspond to the names of the Dimensions. - The unique values for each of the :code:`x0, x1, ...` Variables are converted to Coordinates. - The :code:`y0, y1, ...` Variables are reshaped into a (multi-)dimensional grid and associated to the Coordinates. .. seealso:: - :ref:`howto-data-handling-to-gridded` - :meth:`.MeasurementControl.setpoints_grid` Parameters ---------- quantify_dataset Input dataset in the format generated by the :class:`~initialize_dataset`. dimension The flattened xarray Dimension. coords_names Optionally specify explicitly which Variables correspond to orthogonal coordinates, e.g. datasets holds values for :code:`("x0", "x1")` but only "x0" is independent: :code:`to_gridded_dataset(dset, coords_names=["x0"])`. Returns ------- : The new dataset. """ if dimension not in (dims := tuple(quantify_dataset.dims)): raise ValueError(f"Dimension {dimension} not in dims {dims}.") if coords_names is None: # for compatibility with older datasets we use `variables` instead of `coords` coords_names = sorted( v for v in quantify_dataset.variables if v.startswith("x") ) else: for coord in coords_names: vars_ = tuple(quantify_dataset.variables.keys()) if coord not in vars_: raise ValueError(f"Coordinate {coord} not in coordinates {vars_}.") # Because xarray in general creates new objects and # due to # the attributes need to be saved and restored in the new object attrs_coords = tuple(quantify_dataset[name].attrs for name in coords_names) # Convert "xi" variables to Coordinates dataset = quantify_dataset.set_coords(coords_names) # Convert to a gridded xarray dataset format if len(coords_names) == 1: # No unstacking needed just swap the dimension for var in quantify_dataset.data_vars: if dimension in dataset[var].dims: dataset = dataset.update( {var: dataset[var].swap_dims({dimension: coords_names[0]})}, ) else: # Make the Dimension `dimension` a MultiIndex(x0, x1, ...) dataset = dataset.set_index({dimension: coords_names}) # See also: dataset = dataset.unstack(dim=dimension) for name, attrs in zip(coords_names, attrs_coords): dataset[name].attrs = attrs if "grid_2d" in dataset.attrs: dataset.attrs["grid_2d"] = False return dataset
# ######################################################################
[docs] def get_latest_tuid(contains: str = "") -> TUID: """Returns the most recent tuid. .. tip:: This function is similar to :func:`~get_tuids_containing` but is preferred if one is only interested in the most recent :class:`` for performance reasons. Parameters ---------- contains An optional string contained in the experiment name. Returns ------- : The latest TUID. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError No data found. """ # `max_results=1, reverse=True` makes sure the tuid is found efficiently asap return get_tuids_containing(contains, max_results=1, reverse=True)[0]
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs] def get_tuids_containing( contains: str = "", t_start: datetime.datetime | str | None = None, t_stop: datetime.datetime | str | None = None, max_results: int = sys.maxsize, reverse: bool = False, ) -> list[TUID]: """Returns a list of tuids containing a specific label. .. tip:: If one is only interested in the most recent :class:``, :func:`~get_latest_tuid` is preferred for performance reasons. Parameters ---------- contains A string contained in the experiment name. t_start datetime to search from, inclusive. If a string is specified, it will be converted to a datetime object using :obj:`~dateutil.parser.parse`. If no value is specified, will use the year 1 as a reference t_start. t_stop datetime to search until, exclusive. If a string is specified, it will be converted to a datetime object using :obj:`~dateutil.parser.parse`. If no value is specified, will use the current time as a reference t_stop. max_results Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to unlimited. reverse If False, sorts tuids chronologically, if True sorts by most recent. Returns ------- list A list of :class:``: objects. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError No data found. """ datadir = get_datadir() if isinstance(t_start, str): t_start = parse(t_start) elif t_start is None: t_start = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1) if isinstance(t_stop, str): t_stop = parse(t_stop) elif t_stop is None: t_stop = # date range filters, define here to make the next line more readable d_start = t_start.strftime("%Y%m%d") d_stop = t_stop.strftime("%Y%m%d") def lower_bound(dir_name: str) -> bool: return dir_name >= d_start if d_start else True def upper_bound(dir_name: str) -> bool: return dir_name <= d_stop if d_stop else True daydirs = list( filter( lambda x: ( x.isdigit() and len(x) == 8 and lower_bound(x) and upper_bound(x) ), os.listdir(datadir), ), ) daydirs.sort(reverse=reverse) if len(daydirs) == 0: err_msg = f"There are no valid day directories in the data folder '{datadir}'" if t_start or t_stop: err_msg += f", for the range {t_start or ''} to {t_stop or ''}" raise FileNotFoundError(err_msg) tuids = [] for daydir in daydirs: expdirs = list( filter( lambda x: ( len(x) > 25 and (contains in x) # label is part of exp_name and TUID.is_valid(x[:26]) # tuid is valid and (t_start <= TUID.datetime_seconds(x) < t_stop) ), os.listdir(os.path.join(datadir, daydir)), ), ) expdirs.sort(reverse=reverse) for expname in expdirs: # Check for inconsistent folder structure for datasets portability if daydir != expname[:8]: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Experiment container '{expname}' is in wrong day directory " f"'{daydir}'", ) tuids.append(TUID(expname[:26])) if len(tuids) == max_results: return tuids if len(tuids) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No experiment found containing '{contains}'") return tuids
[docs] def snapshot(update: bool = False, clean: bool = True) -> dict: """State of all instruments setup as a JSON-compatible dictionary (everything that the custom JSON encoder class :class:`~qcodes.utils.NumpyJSONEncoder` supports). Parameters ---------- update If True, first gets all values before filling the snapshot. clean If True, removes certain keys from the snapshot to create a more readable and compact snapshot. """ snap = {"instruments": {}, "parameters": {}} # Instances of Instrument subclasses are recorded inside their subclasses for instrument_class in get_subclasses(Instrument, include_base=True): for ( instrument ) in ( instrument_class.instances() ): # qcodes.Instrument.instances() returns valid objects only snap["instruments"][] = instrument.snapshot(update=update) if clean: exclude_keys = { "inter_delay", "post_delay", "vals", "instrument", "functions", "__class__", "raw_value", "instrument_name", "full_name", "val_mapping", } snap = delete_keys_from_dict(snap, exclude_keys) return snap
# ###################################################################### # Private utilities # ######################################################################
[docs] def _xi_and_yi_match(dsets: Iterable) -> bool: """Checks if all xi and yi data variables in `dsets` match. Returns `True` only when all these conditions are met: - Same number of xi's - Same number of yi's - Same attributes for xi's across `dsets` - Same attributes for yi's across `dsets` - Same order of the xi's across `dsets` - Same order of the yi's across `dsets` Otherwise returns `False`. """ return _vars_match(dsets, var_type="x") and _vars_match(dsets, var_type="y")
[docs] def _vars_match(dsets: Iterable, var_type: str = "x") -> bool: """Checks if all the datasets have matching xi or yi.""" def get_xi_attrs(dset: xr.Dataset) -> tuple[str, ...]: # Hash is used in order to ensure everything matches: # name, long_name, unit, number of xi return tuple(dset[xi].attrs for xi in _get_parnames(dset, var_type)) iterator = map(get_xi_attrs, dsets) # We can compare to the first one always tup0 = next(iterator, None) return all(tup == tup0 for tup in iterator)
def _get_parnames(dset: xr.Dataset, par_type: str) -> Iterable: attr = "coords" if par_type == "x" else "data_vars" return sorted(key for key in getattr(dset, attr) if key.startswith(par_type))
[docs] def _is_batched(obj: Settable | Gettable) -> bool: """N.B. This function cannot be imported from quantify_core.measurement.type due to some circular dependencies that it would create in the quantify_core.measurement.__init__. Parameters ---------- obj : Settable or Gettable settable or gettable to be checked. Returns ------- : The `.batched` attribute of the settable/gettable `obj`, `False` if not present. """ return getattr(obj, "batched", False)
[docs] def _is_uniformly_spaced_array( points: np.ndarray, rel_tolerance: float = 0.001, ) -> bool: """Determines if the points in the array are spaced uniformly. Intended mainly for `plotmon` to detect if it needs to interpolate the data first, otherwise `pyqtgraph` cannot handle the non-uniform case. Usually the points have been generated with `numpy.linspace()` or `numpy.arange`. This function is intended to be detect cases such as adaptively sampled datasets, logspace, etc.. Parameters ---------- points A 1-dimensional array of points (usually the setpoints in an experiment). rel_tolerance Maximum relative tolerance with respect to the size of a segment that would be generated by a :code:`numpy.linspace(min(points), max(points), len(points) - 1). The function returns :code:`False` if any segment in `points` violates this tolerance. Returns ------- : Whether the array is uniformly spaced and monotonously increasing or decreasing. Examples -------- This function assumes unique values. This means that if there are duplicates in `points` this function will return `False`. E.g., >>> import as dh ... dh._is_uniformly_spaced_array([1, 2, 2, 3, 4]) False Additionally, assumes monotonously increasing or decreasing values. """ points = np.asarray(points) assert len(np.shape(points)) == 1, "Points must be 1-dimensional." # at least 3 points required if len(points) <= 2: return True max_, min_ = np.max(points), np.min(points) abs_tolerance = (max_ - min_) / (len(points) - 1) * rel_tolerance # Very likely by looking at the first and last segment we already know if it # is not uniform and the check is cheap to evaluate first_segment = np.abs(points[1] - points[0]) last_segment = np.abs(points[-2] - points[-1]) diff_first_last = np.abs(last_segment - first_segment) if diff_first_last > abs_tolerance: return False linspace = np.linspace(points[0], points[-1], len(points)) diff_square = np.square(linspace[1:-1] - points[1:-1]) if np.any(diff_square > np.square(abs_tolerance)): # noqa: SIM103 return False return True
[docs] def _instrument_submodules_settable( settable: Settable, ) -> list[ParameterBase | InstrumentBase]: """ Returns a list containing the root instrument, submodules and settable (typically a :class:`Parameter`). For example, when passing :code:`current_source.module1.output3`, this function will return :code:`[current_source, module1, output3]`. Parameters ---------- settable The settable for which to get the instrument and ancestors. Returns ------- : A list with the root instrument, all submodules and the settable. """ def _recursive_add_submodules( modules: list, root: InstrumentBase | InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple, parameter: ParameterBase, ) -> bool: # Special case for ChannelTuples if isinstance(root, ChannelTuple): for channel in root: in_channel = _recursive_add_submodules( modules=modules, root=channel, parameter=parameter ) if in_channel: modules.append(root) return True return False # InstrumentBase and InstrumentModule behave similarly if parameter in root.parameters.values(): modules.append(root) return True if len(root.submodules) == 0: return False for submodule in root.submodules.values(): in_submodule = _recursive_add_submodules( modules=modules, root=submodule, parameter=parameter ) if in_submodule: modules.append(root) return True return False try: root = settable.root_instrument except AttributeError: root = None if root is None: return [settable] modules_list = [] _recursive_add_submodules(modules_list, root, settable) # Since the recursive function adds the last submodule first to the list, we insert # the settable at place zero and return the reversed list. modules_list.insert(0, settable) return modules_list[::-1]
[docs] def _generate_long_name(settable: Settable) -> str: """ Generate the :code:`long_name` entry for a dataset coordinate for a settable. The long name is based on the label of root instrument and all relevant submodules leading to the settable, including the settable. If no label is specified, the :code:`name` attribute is used. """ path = _instrument_submodules_settable(settable) sublabels = [] for x in path: if hasattr(x, "label"): sublabels.append(x.label) elif hasattr(x, "short_name"): sublabels.append(x.short_name) else: sublabels.append( return " ".join(sublabels)
[docs] def _generate_name(settable: Settable) -> str: """ Generate the :code:`name` entry for a dataset coordinate for a settable. The long name is based on the :code:`name` of root instrument and all relevant submodules leading to the settable, including the settable. """ path = _instrument_submodules_settable(settable) subnames = [] for x in path: if hasattr(x, "short_name"): subnames.append(x.short_name) else: x_name = for preceding_name in subnames: x_name = x_name.replace(preceding_name + "_", "") subnames.append(x_name) return ".".join(subnames)