Source code for quantify_core.measurement.types

# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Module containing the core types for use with the MeasurementControl."""
from typing import Any, Callable

from jsonschema import Draft7Validator
from jsonschema.validators import extend

from quantify_core.utilities.general import load_json_schema

[docs] class Settable: """ Defines the Settable concept, which is considered complete if the given type satisfies the following: This class does not wrap the passed in object but simply verifies and returns it. .. jsonschema:: schemas/Settable.json#/attrs .. jsonschema:: schemas/Settable.json#/methods """ __slots__ = () # avoid unnecessary overheads schema = load_json_schema(__file__, "Settable.json") def __new__(cls, obj: Any) -> Any: return _validate_schema(cls, obj)
[docs] class Gettable: """ Defines the Gettable concept, which is considered complete if the given type satisfies the following: This class does not wrap the passed in object but simply verifies and returns it. .. jsonschema:: schemas/Gettable.json#/attrs .. jsonschema:: schemas/Gettable.json#/methods """ __slots__ = () # avoid unnecessary overheads schema = load_json_schema(__file__, "Gettable.json") def __new__(cls, obj: Any) -> Any: return _validate_schema(cls, obj)
def _validate_schema(cls: Any, obj: Any) -> Any: for attr_type in ("attrs", "methods"): attr_names = cls.schema[attr_type]["properties"].keys() new_validator = validator.evolve(schema=cls.schema[attr_type]) new_validator.validate( # Only the relevant keys are selected, this is to avoid evaluating other # attributes that have been potentially added with an @property decorator. # We use `dir()` to avoid undesired evaluations as well. # `vars()` cannot be used because some attributes might have been injected # using the @property decorator and will not show up. # `callable()` cannot be used to find methods because it will evaluate # attributes that have been injected with @property decorator. {attr: getattr(obj, attr) for attr in dir(obj) if attr in attr_names} ) return obj
[docs] def is_object_or_function(checker: Callable, instance: Any) -> bool: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Checks if an instance is an object/function Returns ------- `True` if the `instance` is an object or a function, `False` otherwise """ return Draft7Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.is_type(instance, "object") or callable( instance )
type_checker = Draft7Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine("object", is_object_or_function) ObjectValidator = extend(Draft7Validator, type_checker=type_checker) validator = ObjectValidator(schema={"type": "number"})
[docs] def is_batched(obj: Any) -> bool: """ Returns ------- the `.batched` attribute of the settable/gettable `obj`, `False` if not present. """ return getattr(obj, "batched", False)