# Repository: https://gitlab.com/quantify-os/quantify-scheduler
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
from __future__ import annotations
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, List
from numpy import isclose
from quantify_scheduler.backends.qblox import constants as qblox_constants
from quantify_scheduler.operations.operation import Operation
from quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library import VoltageOffset
[docs]class StitchedPulse(Operation):
A pulse composed of multiple operations that together constitute a waveform.
This class can be used to construct arbitrarily long
waveforms by stitching together pulses with optional changes in offset in
def __init__(
pulse_info: List[Any] | None = None,
) -> None:
pulse_info : List[Any] or None, optional
A list containing the pulses that are part of the StitchedPulse. By default
pulse_info = pulse_info or []
self.data["pulse_info"] = pulse_info
def __str__(self) -> str:
pulse_info = self.data["pulse_info"]
return f"StitchedPulse(pulse_info={pulse_info}) "
[docs] def add_pulse(self, pulse_operation: Operation) -> None:
Adds pulse_info of pulse_operation Operation to this Operation.
pulse_operation : Operation
an operation containing pulse_info.
When the operation's port and/or clock do not match those of the previously
added SitchedPulse components.
if not self._pulse_and_clock_match(pulse_operation["pulse_info"]):
raise ValueError(
"All ports and clocks of a StitchedPulse's components must be equal."
[docs] def _pulse_and_clock_match(self, operation_info: List[dict[str, Any]]) -> bool:
Check if the port and clock of an operation match the ports and clocks of the
operations already present in the StitchedPulse. Returns True if the
StitchedPulse is still empty.
if len(self.data["pulse_info"]) == 0:
return True
port = self["pulse_info"][0]["port"]
clock = self["pulse_info"][0]["clock"]
for pulse_info in operation_info:
if pulse_info["port"] != port or pulse_info["clock"] != clock:
return False
return True
[docs]class _VoltageOffsetInfo:
[docs] duration: float | None = None
[docs]class StitchedPulseBuilder:
The StitchedPulseBuilder can be used to create a StitchedPulse incrementally by
adding pulse and offset operations.
def __init__(
self, port: str | None = None, clock: str | None = None, t0: float = 0.0
) -> None:
port : str or None, optional
Port of the stitched pulse. This can also be added later through
:meth:`~.set_port`. By default None.
clock : str or None, optional
Clock used to modulate the stitched pulse. This can also be added later
through :meth:`~.set_clock`. By default None.
t0 : float, optional
Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time
of the Operation in the Schedule. This can also be added later through
:meth:`~.set_t0`. By default None.
self._port = port
self._clock = clock
self._t0 = t0
self._pulses: List[Operation] = []
self._offsets: List[_VoltageOffsetInfo] = []
[docs] def set_port(self, port: str) -> StitchedPulseBuilder:
Set the port for all parts of the StitchedPulse.
port : str
Port of the stitched pulse.
self._port = port
return self
[docs] def set_clock(self, clock: str) -> StitchedPulseBuilder:
Set the clock for all parts of the StitchedPulse.
clock : str
Clock used to modulate the stitched pulse.
self._clock = clock
return self
[docs] def set_t0(self, t0: float) -> StitchedPulseBuilder:
Set the start time of the whole StitchedPulse.
t0 : float
Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time
of the Operation in the Schedule.
self._t0 = t0
return self
[docs] def add_pulse(
pulse: Operation,
append: bool = True,
) -> StitchedPulseBuilder:
Add an Operation to the StitchedPulse that is a valid pulse.
pulse : Operation
The Operation to add.
append : bool, optional
Specifies whether to append the operation to the end of the StitchedPulse,
or to insert it at a time relative to the start of the StitchedPulse,
specified by the pulse's t0 attribute. By default True.
If the Operation is not a pulse.
if pulse.valid_acquisition:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot add acquisition to StitchedPulse. Please add it directly to "
"the schedule instead."
if pulse.valid_gate:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot add gate to StitchedPulse. Please add it directly to the "
"schedule instead."
if len(pulse["logic_info"]) > 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot add logic element to StitchedPulse. Please add it directly to "
"the schedule instead."
if pulse.has_voltage_offset:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot use this method to add a voltage offset. Please use "
"`add_voltage_offset` instead."
pulse = deepcopy(pulse) # we will modify it
if append:
for pulse_info in pulse["pulse_info"]:
pulse_info["t0"] += self.operation_end
return self
[docs] def add_voltage_offset(
path_0: float,
path_1: float,
duration: float | None = None,
rel_time: float = 0.0,
append: bool = True,
min_duration: float = qblox_constants.GRID_TIME * 1e-9,
) -> StitchedPulseBuilder:
Add a DC voltage offset to the StitchedPulse.
path_0 : float
The offset on path 0 of the sequencer.
path_1 : float
The offset on path 1 of the sequencer.
duration : float or None, optional
Specifies how long to maintain the offset. If set to None, the offset
voltage offset will hold until the end of the StitchedPulse. By default None.
rel_time : float, optional
Specifies when to set the offset, relative to the current end of the
StitchedPulse (if ``append = True``), or to the start of the StitchedPulse
(if ``append = False``). By default 0.0.
append : bool, optional
Specifies whether to append the operation to the end of the StitchedPulse,
or to insert it at a time relative to the start of the StitchedPulse,
specified by the the rel_time argument. By default True.
min_duration : float, optional
The minimal duration of the voltage offset. By default equal to the grid
time of Qblox modules.
If the duration is not at least ``min_duration``.
If the offset overlaps in time with a previously added offset.
if append:
rel_time += self.operation_end
if duration is not None and duration < min_duration:
raise ValueError(
f"Minimum duration of a voltage offset is {min_duration} ns"
offset = _VoltageOffsetInfo(
path_0=path_0, path_1=path_1, t0=rel_time, duration=duration
if self._overlaps_with_existing_offsets(offset):
raise RuntimeError(
"Tried to add offset that overlaps with existing offsets in the "
return self
[docs] def operation_end(self) -> float:
max_from_pulses = (
if len(self._pulses) == 0
else max(
pulse_info["t0"] + pulse_info["duration"]
for op in self._pulses
for pulse_info in op.data["pulse_info"]
max_from_offsets = (
if len(self._offsets) == 0
else max(offs.t0 + (offs.duration or 0.0) for offs in self._offsets)
return max(max_from_pulses, max_from_offsets)
[docs] def _distribute_port_clock(self) -> None:
if self._port is None:
raise RuntimeError("No port is defined.")
if self._clock is None:
raise RuntimeError("No clock is defined.")
for op in self._pulses:
for pulse_info in op.data["pulse_info"]:
pulse_info["port"] = self._port
pulse_info["clock"] = self._clock
[docs] def _distribute_t0(self) -> None:
for op in self._pulses:
for pulse_info in op.data["pulse_info"]:
pulse_info["t0"] += self._t0
[docs] def _build_voltage_offset_operations(self) -> List[VoltageOffset]:
Add offset instructions that reset any offset that had a specified duration.
If an offset was added without a duration, it is assumed that its duration
should be until the end of the StitchedPulse, and any following offsets that
_do_ have a duration will be reset to this value. Otherwise, offsets with a
duration will be reset to 0.
At the end of the StitchedPulse, the offset will be reset to 0.
An offset does not need to be reset, if at the end of its duration, another
offset instruction starts.
if len(self._offsets) == 0:
return []
def create_operation_from_info(info: _VoltageOffsetInfo) -> VoltageOffset:
return VoltageOffset(
duration=info.duration or 0.0,
offset_ops: List[VoltageOffset] = []
offset_infos = sorted(
key=lambda op: op.t0,
background = (0.0, 0.0)
for i, offset_info in enumerate(offset_infos):
if offset_info.duration is None:
# If no duration was specified, this offset should hold until the end of
# the StitchedPulse.
background = (
this_end = offset_info.t0 + (offset_info.duration or 0.0)
if isclose(this_end, self.operation_end):
background = (0.0, 0.0)
# Reset if the next offset's start does not overlap with the current
# offset's end, or if the current offset is the last one
if i + 1 >= len(self._offsets) or not isclose(
self._offsets[i + 1].t0, this_end
_VoltageOffsetInfo(background[0], background[1], t0=this_end)
# If this wasn't done yet, add a reset to 0 at the end of the StitchedPulse
if not (isclose(background[0], 0) and isclose(background[1], 0)):
_VoltageOffsetInfo(0.0, 0.0, t0=self.operation_end)
return offset_ops
[docs] def _overlaps_with_existing_offsets(self, offset: _VoltageOffsetInfo) -> bool:
offsets = self._offsets[:]
offsets.sort(key=lambda op: op.t0)
for i, offs in enumerate(offsets[:-1]):
next_start = offsets[i + 1].t0
this_end = offs.t0 + (offs.duration or 0.0)
if next_start < this_end:
return True
return False
[docs] def build(self) -> StitchedPulse:
Build the StitchedPulse.
offsets = self._build_voltage_offset_operations()
stitched_pulse = StitchedPulse()
for op in self._pulses + offsets:
return stitched_pulse