Plotting functions used in the visualization backend of the sequencer.
Module Contents#
A box for a single gate containing a label. |
Adds a visual indicator for a Baseband pulse to the matplotlib.axes.Axis |
Adds a visual indicator for a Modulated pulse to the matplotlib.axes.Axis |
A simple meter to depict a measurement. |
Variation of the meter to depict a acquisition. |
Same as acq_meter, but also displays text. |
Markers to denote a CNOT gate between two qubits. |
Markers to denote a CZ gate between two qubits. |
A broken line to denote qubit initialization. |
Returns the name of a qubit in a pulse address. |
Creates a circuit diagram visualization of a schedule using matplotlib. |
- gate_box(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
A box for a single gate containing a label.
- Parameters
ax –
time –
qubit_idxs –
text –
- pulse_baseband(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
Adds a visual indicator for a Baseband pulse to the matplotlib.axes.Axis instance.
- Parameters
ax –
time –
qubit_idxs –
text –
- pulse_modulated(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
Adds a visual indicator for a Modulated pulse to the matplotlib.axes.Axis instance.
- Parameters
ax –
time –
qubit_idxs –
text –
- meter(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
A simple meter to depict a measurement.
- Parameters
ax –
time –
qubit_idxs –
text –
- acq_meter(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
Variation of the meter to depict a acquisition.
- Parameters
ax –
time –
qubit_idxs –
text –
- acq_meter_text(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
Same as acq_meter, but also displays text.
- Parameters
ax –
time –
qubit_idxs –
text –
- cnot(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
Markers to denote a CNOT gate between two qubits.
- Parameters
ax –
time –
qubit_idxs –
text –
- cz(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
Markers to denote a CZ gate between two qubits.
- Parameters
ax –
time –
qubit_idxs –
text –
- reset(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, qubit_idxs: List[int], text: str, **kw)[source]#
A broken line to denote qubit initialization.
- Parameters
ax – matplotlib axis object.
time – x position to draw the reset on
qubit_idxs – indices of the qubits that the reset is performed on.
text –
- _locate_qubit_in_address(qubit_map, address)[source]#
Returns the name of a qubit in a pulse address.
- circuit_diagram_matplotlib(schedule: quantify_scheduler.Schedule, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = None, ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None) Tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, Union[matplotlib.axes.Axes, List[matplotlib.axes.Axes]]] [source]#
Creates a circuit diagram visualization of a schedule using matplotlib.
- Parameters
schedule – the schedule to render.
figsize – matplotlib figsize.
ax – Axis handle to use for plotting.
- Returns
fig – matplotlib figure object.
ax – matplotlib axis object.