Source code for quantify_core.analysis.calibration
# Repository:
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Module containing analysis utilities for calibration procedures.
In particular, manipulation of data and calibration points for qubit readout
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
def rotate_to_calibrated_axis(
data: np.ndarray, ref_val_0: complex, ref_val_1: complex
) -> np.ndarray:
Rotates, normalizes and offsets complex valued data based on calibration points.
An array of complex valued data points.
The reference value corresponding to the 0 state.
The reference value corresponding to the 1 state.
Calibrated array of complex data points.
rotation_anle = np.angle(ref_val_1 - ref_val_0)
norm = np.abs(ref_val_1 - ref_val_0)
offset = ref_val_0 * np.exp(-1j * rotation_anle) / norm
corrected_data = data * np.exp(-1j * rotation_anle) / norm - offset
return corrected_data
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
def has_calibration_points(
s21: np.ndarray, indices_state_0: tuple = (-2,), indices_state_1: tuple = (-1,)
) -> bool:
Determine if dataset with S21 data has calibration points for 0 and 1 states.
Three pieces of information are used to infer the presence of calibration points:
- The angle of the calibration points with respect to the average of the datapoints,
- The distance between the calibration points, and
- The average distance to the line defined be the calibration points.
The detection is made robust by averaging 3 datapoints for each extremity of
the "segment" described by the data on the IQ-plane.
.. seealso:: :ref:`howto-analysis-has-calibration-points`
Array of complex datapoints corresponding to the experiment on the IQ plane.
Indices in the ``s21`` array that correspond to the ground state.
Indices in the ``s21`` array that correspond to the first excited state.
The inferred presence of calibration points.
indices_state_0 = np.asarray(indices_state_0)
indices_state_1 = np.asarray(indices_state_1)
def _arg_min_n(array: np.ndarray, num: int):
return np.argpartition(array, num)[:num]
def _arg_max_n(array: np.ndarray, num: int):
return np.argpartition(array, -num)[-num:]
not_cal: np.ndarray = np.ones(s21.shape, dtype=bool)
not_cal[indices_state_0] = False
not_cal[indices_state_1] = False
# do not include the potential calibration points since that can significantly
# affect if the most of the data is far away from one of the calibration points
magnitude_no_cal: np.ndarray = np.abs(s21[not_cal])
# Use the 3 points with maximum magnitude for resilience against noise and
# outliers
arg_max_no_cal: list = list(_arg_max_n(magnitude_no_cal, 3))
# Move one side of the "segment" described by the data on the IQ-plane to the
# center of the IQ plane. This is necessary for the arg_max and arg_min of the
# magnitude to correspond to the "segment" extremities.
s21_shifted: np.ndarray = s21 - s21[arg_max_no_cal].mean()
maybe_cal_pnts_0: np.ndarray = s21_shifted[indices_state_0].mean()
maybe_cal_pnts_1: np.ndarray = s21_shifted[indices_state_1].mean()
magnitude: float = np.abs(s21_shifted)
arg_max: list = list(_arg_max_n(magnitude, 3))
arg_min: list = list(_arg_min_n(magnitude, 3))
center: complex = s21_shifted[arg_min + arg_max].mean() # center of the "segment"
maybe_cal_pnts: np.ndarray = np.array((maybe_cal_pnts_0, maybe_cal_pnts_1))
angles: np.ndarray = np.angle(maybe_cal_pnts - center, deg=True)
angles_diff: float = angles.max() - angles.min()
avg_max: complex = s21_shifted[arg_max].mean()
avg_min: complex = s21_shifted[arg_min].mean()
segment_len: float = np.abs(avg_max - avg_min)
cal_dist: float = np.abs(maybe_cal_pnts_0 - maybe_cal_pnts_1)
far_enough: bool = cal_dist > 0.5 * segment_len
def _cross_prod_on_plane(num_a: complex, num_b: complex):
return num_a.real * num_b.imag - num_b.real * num_a.imag
def _dist_to_line(point_a: complex, point_b: complex, point_c: complex):
vec_a = point_b - point_a
vec_b = point_c - point_a
return np.abs(_cross_prod_on_plane(vec_a, vec_b)) / np.abs(vec_a)
# to exclude some false positives confirm that most of the data is withing a circle
# with radius equal to half the distance between the calibration points
dist_to_line: np.ndarray = _dist_to_line(
maybe_cal_pnts_0, maybe_cal_pnts_1, s21_shifted
data_close_enough_to_line: bool = dist_to_line.mean() < cal_dist / 4
good_angle: bool = angles_diff > 90
has_cal_pnts: bool = far_enough and good_angle and data_close_enough_to_line
return has_cal_pnts