# Repository: https://gitlab.com/quantify-os/quantify-core
# Licensed according to the LICENCE file on the main branch
"""Models and fit functions to be used with the lmfit fitting framework."""
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Tuple
import lmfit
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
def get_model_common_doc() -> str:
Returns a common docstring to be used with custom fitting
:class:`~lmfit.model.Model` s.
.. admonition:: Usage example for a custom fitting model
:class: dropdown, tip
See the usage example at the end of the :class:`~ResonatorModel` source-code:
.. literalinclude:: ../../../quantify_core/analysis/fitting_models.py
:pyobject: ResonatorModel
return (
":class:`Model`", ":class:`~lmfit.model.Model`"
.replace("\n ", "\n")
.replace(" : str", " : :obj:`str`")
.replace("['x']", ":code:`['x']`")
.replace(", optional", "")
.replace(" optional", "")
.replace("{'raise', 'propagate', 'omit'}", "")
def get_guess_common_doc() -> str:
Returns a common docstring to be used for the :meth:`~lmfit.model.Model.guess`
method of custom fitting :class:`~lmfit.model.Model` s.
.. admonition:: Usage example for a custom fitting model
:class: dropdown, tip
See the usage example at the end of the :class:`~ResonatorModel` source-code:
.. literalinclude:: ../../../quantify_core/analysis/fitting_models.py
:pyobject: ResonatorModel
return (
" : Parameters", " : :class:`~lmfit.parameter.Parameters`"
.replace("\n ", "\n")
.replace(" optional", "")
.replace(" : array_like", " : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`")
def mk_seealso(
function_name: str,
role: str = "func",
prefix: str = "\n\n",
module_location: str = ".",
) -> str:
Returns a sphinx `seealso` pointing to a function.
Intended to be used for building custom fitting model docstrings.
.. admonition:: Usage example for a custom fitting model
:class: dropdown, tip
See the usage example at the end of the :class:`~ResonatorModel` source-code:
.. literalinclude:: ../../../quantify_core/analysis/fitting_models.py
:pyobject: ResonatorModel
name of the function to point to
a sphinx role, e.g. :code:`"func"`
string preceding the `seealso`
can be used to indicate a function outside this module, e.g.,
:code:`my_module.submodule` which contains the function.
resulting string
return f"{prefix}.. seealso:: :{role}:`~{module_location}{function_name}`\n"
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def hanger_func_complex_SI(
f: float,
fr: float,
Ql: float,
Qe: float,
A: float,
theta: float,
phi_v: float,
phi_0: float,
alpha: float = 1,
) -> complex:
This is the complex function for a hanger (lambda/4 resonator).
resonance frequency
background transmission amplitude
loaded quality factor of the resonator
magnitude of extrinsic quality factor :code:`Qe = |Q_extrinsic|`
phase of extrinsic quality factor (in rad)
phase to account for propagation delay to sample
phase to account for propagation delay from sample
slope of signal around the resonance
complex valued transmission
See eq. S4 from Bruno et al. (2015)
`ArXiv:1502.04082 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.04082>`_.
.. math::
S_{21} = A \left(1+\alpha \frac{f-f_r}{f_r} \right)
\left(1- \frac{\frac{Q_l}{|Q_e|}e^{i\theta} }{1+2iQ_l \frac{f-f_r}{f_r}} \right)
e^{i (\phi_v f + \phi_0)}
The loaded and extrinsic quality factors are related to the internal and coupled Q
according to:
.. math::
\frac{1}{Q_l} = \frac{1}{Q_c}+\frac{1}{Q_i}
.. math::
\frac{1}{Q_c} = \mathrm{Re}\left(\frac{1}{|Q_e|e^{-i\theta}}\right)
slope_corr = 1 + alpha * (f - fr) / fr
hanger_contribution = 1 - Ql / Qe * np.exp(1j * theta) / (
1 + 2.0j * Ql * (f - fr) / fr
propagation_delay_corr = np.exp(1j * (phi_v * f + phi_0))
S21 = A * slope_corr * hanger_contribution * propagation_delay_corr
return S21
def cos_func(
x: float,
frequency: float,
amplitude: float,
offset: float,
phase: float = 0,
) -> float:
An oscillating cosine function:
:math:`y = \mathrm{amplitude} \times \cos(2 \pi \times \mathrm{frequency} \times x + \mathrm{phase}) + \mathrm{offset}`
The independent variable (time, for example)
A generalized frequency (in units of inverse x)
Amplitude of the oscillation
Output signal vertical offset
Phase offset / rad
Output signal magnitude
""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long
return amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequency * x + phase) + offset
def lorentzian_func(
x: float,
x0: float,
width: float,
a: float,
c: float,
) -> float:
A Lorentzian function.
.. math::
y = \frac{a*\mathrm{width}}{\pi(\mathrm{width}^2 + (x - x_0)^2)} + c
independent variable
horizontal offset
Lorenztian linewidth
vertical offset
Lorentzian function
return a * width / (np.pi * ((x - x0) ** 2) + width**2) + c
def exp_decay_func(
t: float,
tau: float,
amplitude: float,
offset: float,
n_factor: float,
) -> float:
This is a general exponential decay function:
:math:`y = \mathrm{amplitude} \times \exp\left(-(t/\tau)^\mathrm{n\_factor}\right) + \mathrm{offset}`
decay time
amplitude of the exponential decay
asymptote of the exponential decay, the value at t=infinity
exponential decay factor
Output of exponential function as a float
""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long
return amplitude * np.exp(-((t / tau) ** n_factor)) + offset
def exp_damp_osc_func(
t: float,
tau: float,
n_factor: float,
frequency: float,
phase: float,
amplitude: float,
offset: float,
A sinusoidal oscillation with an exponentially decaying envelope function:
:math:`y = \mathrm{amplitude} \times \exp\left(-(t/\tau)^\mathrm{n\_factor}\right)(\cos(2\pi\mathrm{frequency}\times t + \mathrm{phase}) + \mathrm{oscillation_offset}) + \mathrm{exponential_offset}`
decay time
exponential decay factor
frequency of the oscillation
phase of the oscillation
initial amplitude of the oscillation
vertical offset of cosine oscillation relative to exponential asymptote
offset of exponential asymptote
Output of decaying cosine function as a float
""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long
oscillation = amplitude * (np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequency * t + phase))
exp_decay = np.exp(-((t / tau) ** n_factor))
osc_decay = oscillation * exp_decay + offset
return osc_decay
class LorentzianModel(lmfit.model.Model):
Model for data which follows a Lorentzian function.
Uses the function :func:`~lorentzian_func` as the
defining equation.
# pylint: disable=empty-docstring
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
# pass in the defining equation so the user doesn't have to later.
super().__init__(lorentzian_func, *args, **kwargs)
self.set_param_hint("x0", vary=True)
self.set_param_hint("a", vary=True)
self.set_param_hint("c", vary=True)
self.set_param_hint("width", vary=True)
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def guess(self, data: NDArray, **kws) -> lmfit.parameter.Parameters:
"""Guess some initial values for the model based on the data."""
x = kws.get("x")
if x is None:
return None # type: ignore
# Guess that the resonance is where the function takes its maximal
# value
x0_guess = x[np.argmax(data)]
self.set_param_hint("x0", value=x0_guess)
# assume the user isn't trying to fit just a small part of a resonance curve.
xmin = x.min()
xmax = x.max()
width_max = xmax - xmin
delta_x = np.diff(x) # assume f is sorted
min_delta_x = delta_x[delta_x > 0].min()
# assume data actually samples the resonance reasonably
width_min = min_delta_x
width_guess = np.sqrt(width_min * width_max) # geometric mean, why not?
self.set_param_hint("width", value=width_guess)
# The guess for the vertical offset is the mean absolute value of the data
c_guess = np.mean(data)
self.set_param_hint("c", value=c_guess)
# Calculate A_guess from difference between the peak and the backround level
a_guess = np.pi * width_guess * (np.max(data) - c_guess)
self.set_param_hint("a", value=a_guess)
params = self.make_params()
return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kws)
# This class is used a literal include in the docs so the pylint options are here
# pylint: disable=empty-docstring
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class CosineModel(lmfit.model.Model):
Exemplary lmfit model with a guess for a cosine.
.. note::
The :mod:`lmfit.models` module provides several fitting models that might fit
your needs out of the box.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# pass in the model's equation
super().__init__(cos_func, *args, **kwargs)
# configure constraints that are independent from the data to be fitted
self.set_param_hint("frequency", min=0, vary=True) # enforce positive frequency
self.set_param_hint("amplitude", min=0, vary=True) # enforce positive amplitude
self.set_param_hint("offset", vary=True)
"phase", vary=True, min=-np.pi, max=np.pi
) # enforce phase range
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def guess(self, data, x, **kws) -> lmfit.parameter.Parameters:
Guess parameters based on the data
data: np.ndarray
Data to fit to
x: np.ndarray
Independet variable
self.set_param_hint("offset", value=np.average(data))
self.set_param_hint("amplitude", value=(np.max(data) - np.min(data)) / 2)
# Guess frequency and phase using Fourier Transform
freq_guess, phase_guess = fft_freq_phase_guess(data, x)
phase_wrap = (phase_guess + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi
self.set_param_hint("frequency", value=freq_guess)
self.set_param_hint("phase", value=phase_wrap)
params = self.make_params()
return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kws)
# Same design patter is used in lmfit.models to inherit common docstrings.
# We adjust these common docstrings to our docs build pipeline
__init__.__doc__ = get_model_common_doc() + mk_seealso("cos_func")
guess.__doc__ = get_guess_common_doc()
class ResonatorModel(lmfit.model.Model):
Resonator model
Implementation and design patterns inspired by the
`complex resonator model example <https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/examples/example_complex_resonator_model.html>`_
(`lmfit` documentation).
""" # pylint: disable=line-too-long
# pylint: disable=empty-docstring
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# pass in the defining equation so the user doesn't have to later.
super().__init__(hanger_func_complex_SI, *args, **kwargs)
self.set_param_hint("Ql", min=0) # Enforce Q is positive
self.set_param_hint("Qe", min=0) # Enforce Q is positive
# Internal and coupled quality factor can be derived from fitted params
self.set_param_hint("Qi", expr="1./(1./Ql-1./Qe*cos(theta))", vary=False)
self.set_param_hint("Qc", expr="Qe/cos(theta)", vary=False)
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def guess(self, data, **kws) -> lmfit.parameter.Parameters:
f = kws.get("f")
if f is None:
return None
argmin_s21 = np.abs(data).argmin()
fmin = f.min()
fmax = f.max()
# guess that the resonance is the lowest point
fr_guess = f[argmin_s21]
# assume the user isn't trying to fit just a small part of a resonance curve.
Q_min = 0.1 * (fr_guess / (fmax - fmin))
delta_f = np.diff(f) # assume f is sorted
min_delta_f = delta_f[delta_f > 0].min()
Q_max = (
fr_guess / min_delta_f
) # assume data actually samples the resonance reasonably
Q_guess = np.sqrt(Q_min * Q_max) # geometric mean, why not?
(phi_0_guess, phi_v_guess) = resonator_phase_guess(
data, f
) # Come up with a guess for phase velocity
self.set_param_hint("fr", value=fr_guess, min=fmin, max=fmax)
self.set_param_hint("Ql", value=Q_guess * 1.01, min=Q_min, max=Q_max)
self.set_param_hint("Qe", value=Q_guess * 0.99, min=0)
self.set_param_hint("A", value=np.mean(abs(data)), min=0)
# The parameters below need a proper guess.
self.set_param_hint("theta", value=0, min=-np.pi / 2, max=np.pi / 2)
self.set_param_hint("phi_0", value=phi_0_guess)
self.set_param_hint("phi_v", value=phi_v_guess)
self.set_param_hint("alpha", value=0, min=-1, max=1)
params = self.make_params()
return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kws)
# Same design patter is used in lmfit.models
__init__.__doc__ = get_model_common_doc() + mk_seealso("hanger_func_complex_SI")
guess.__doc__ = get_guess_common_doc()
class ExpDecayModel(lmfit.model.Model):
Model for an exponential decay, such as a qubit T1 measurement.
# pylint: disable=empty-docstring
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# pass in the defining equation so the user doesn't have to later.
super().__init__(exp_decay_func, *args, **kwargs)
self.set_param_hint("tau", min=0) # Enforce T1 is positive
self.set_param_hint("amplitude", vary=True)
self.set_param_hint("offset", vary=True)
self.set_param_hint("n_factor", expr="1", vary=False)
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def guess(self, data, **kws) -> lmfit.parameter.Parameters:
delay = kws.get("delay")
if delay is None:
return None
# To guess the upper amplitude and offset,
# use the first and last values of the data
self.set_param_hint("offset", value=data[-1])
self.set_param_hint("amplitude", value=data[0] - data[-1])
# The guess for tau is somewhere in the middle of the time range
tau = np.median(delay)
self.set_param_hint("tau", value=tau, min=0)
params = self.make_params()
return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kws)
# Same design patter is used in lmfit.models
__init__.__doc__ = get_model_common_doc() + mk_seealso("exp_decay_func")
guess.__doc__ = get_guess_common_doc()
class RabiModel(lmfit.model.Model):
Model for a Rabi oscillation as a function of the microwave drive amplitude.
Phase of oscillation is fixed at :math:`\pi` in order to ensure that the oscillation
is at a minimum when the drive amplitude is 0.
# pylint: disable=empty-docstring
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# pass in the defining equation so the user doesn't have to later.
super().__init__(cos_func, *args, **kwargs)
# Enforce oscillation frequency is positive
self.set_param_hint("frequency", min=0)
# Fix the phase at pi so that the ouput is at a minimum when x=0
self.set_param_hint("phase", expr="3.141592653589793", vary=False)
# Pi-pulse amplitude can be derived from the oscillation frequency
self.set_param_hint("amp180", expr="1/(2*frequency)", vary=False)
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def guess(self, data, **kws) -> lmfit.parameter.Parameters:
drive_amp = kws.get("drive_amp")
if drive_amp is None:
return None
amp_guess = abs(max(data) - min(data)) / 2 # amp is positive by convention
offs_guess = np.mean(data)
(freq_guess, _) = fft_freq_phase_guess(data, drive_amp)
self.set_param_hint("frequency", value=freq_guess, min=0)
self.set_param_hint("amplitude", value=amp_guess, min=0)
self.set_param_hint("offset", value=offs_guess)
params = self.make_params()
return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kws)
# Same design patter is used in lmfit.models
__init__.__doc__ = get_model_common_doc() + mk_seealso("cos_func")
guess.__doc__ = get_guess_common_doc()
class DecayOscillationModel(lmfit.model.Model):
Model for a decaying oscillation which decays to a point with 0 offset from
the centre of the of the oscillation (as in a Ramsey experiment, for example).
# pylint: disable=empty-docstring
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
# pass in the defining equation so the user doesn't have to later.
super().__init__(exp_damp_osc_func, *args, **kwargs)
# Enforce oscillation frequency is positive
self.set_param_hint("frequency", min=0)
# Enforce amplitude is positive
self.set_param_hint("amplitude", min=0)
# Enforce decay time is positive
self.set_param_hint("tau", min=0)
# Fix the n_factor at 1
self.set_param_hint("n_factor", expr="1", vary=False)
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
def guess(self, data, **kws) -> lmfit.parameter.Parameters:
t = kws.get("t")
if t is None:
raise ValueError(
'Time variable "t" must be specified in order to guess parameters'
return None
amp_guess = abs(max(data) - min(data)) / 2 # amp is positive by convention
exp_offs_guess = np.mean(data)
tau_guess = 2 / 3 * np.max(t)
(freq_guess, phase_guess) = fft_freq_phase_guess(data, t)
self.set_param_hint("frequency", value=freq_guess, min=0)
self.set_param_hint("amplitude", value=amp_guess, min=0)
self.set_param_hint("offset", value=exp_offs_guess)
self.set_param_hint("phase", value=phase_guess)
self.set_param_hint("tau", value=tau_guess, min=0)
params = self.make_params()
return lmfit.models.update_param_vals(params, self.prefix, **kws)
# Same design patter is used in lmfit.models
__init__.__doc__ = get_model_common_doc() + mk_seealso("exp_damp_osc_func")
guess.__doc__ = get_guess_common_doc()
def resonator_phase_guess(s21: np.ndarray, freq: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Guesses the phase velocity in resonator spectroscopy,
based on the median of all the differences between consecutive phases.
Resonator S21 data
Frequency of the spectroscopy pulse
Guess for the phase offset
Guess for the phase velocity
phase = np.angle(s21)
med_diff = np.median(np.diff(phase))
freq_step = np.median(np.diff(freq))
phi_v = med_diff / freq_step
phi_0 = phase[0] - phi_v * freq[0]
return phi_0, phi_v
def fft_freq_phase_guess(data: np.ndarray, t: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[float, float]:
Guess for a cosine fit using FFT, only works for evenly spaced points.
Input data to FFT
Independent variable (e.g. time)
Guess for the frequency of the cosine function
Guess for the phase of the cosine function
# Only first half of array is used, because the second half contains the
# negative frequecy components, and we want a positive frequency.
power = np.fft.fft(data)[: len(data) // 2]
freq = np.fft.fftfreq(len(data), t[1] - t[0])[: len(power)]
power[0] = 0 # Removes DC component from fourier transform
# Use absolute value of complex valued spectrum
abs_power = np.abs(power)
freq_guess = abs(freq[abs_power == max(abs_power)][0])
# the condition data == max(data) can have several solutions
# (for example when discretization is visible)
# to prevent errors we pick the first solution
ph_guess = 2 * np.pi - (2 * np.pi * t[data == max(data)] * freq_guess)[0]
return freq_guess, ph_guess