

Breaking Changes#

Merged branches and closed issues#

0.7.6 (2024-07-04)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Requirements

    • Add scikit-learn as a dependency (!519)

    • Pin numpy<2.0.0 (!527)

  • MeasurementControl

    • In measurement_description, use np.asarray to convert the _setpoints to a numpy array before getting the shape. (!520)

  • Analysis

    • Use the current default colormap for all 2D heatmaps generated by the Basic2DAnalysis (!521)

    • Add the BaseAnalysis.adjust_cmap method to change the colormap of a matplotlib axis (!521)

    • Overload base_anysis.wrap_text with signatures that return str (None) when the passed text is of type str (None) (!523)

    • Add an html representation _repr_html_ to BaseAnalysis that shows .svg images generated by an analysis class (!526)

0.7.5 (2024-04-11)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • SI utilities

    • Cast large values for seconds to minutes or hours (!501)

    • Add option auto_scale to set_xlabel and set_ylabel (!512)

  • Documentation

    • Update copyright notice to 2024. (!506)

  • Analysis

    • Added analysis class for resonator flux spectroscopy. (!493)

    • Add analysis class for qubit flux spectroscopy. (!473)

    • Add analysis class for readout calibration. (!474)

    • Add analysis class for the CZ conditional oscillation experiment. (!472)

    • Fix units of Rabi analysis amplitudes. (!511)

    • Remove an xarray FutureWarning in to_gridded_dataset when retrieving the dataset dimension names. (!510)

    • Remove an xarray DeprecationWarning about argmin and argmax in the RabiAnalysis. (!513)

    • Remove a matplotlib MatplotlibDeprecationWarning in Basic2DAnalysis when plotting a heatmap. (!510)

  • GitLab

    • Make general Merge Request template the default. (!507)

    • Add documentation redirect instructions to Release merge request template. (!507)

  • Tests

    • Small refactor of tests to get rid of PytestRemovedIn8Warnings. (!508)

  • MeasurementControl

    • Fix overflow warning when running MeasurementControl.run_adaptive. (!515)

    • grid_setpoints now returns a list of M ndarrays, where M is the number of settables. Note that this is the transpose of the previous return type. The data type of the input setpoints is now preserved. (!505)

  • Linting

    • replaced deprecated numpy definitions with numpy2.0 compatible alternatives. (!517)

0.7.4 (2023-12-15)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Documentation

    • Improve documentation build time and enable sphinx-autobuild. (!471)

    • Fix missing images in Jupyter cell outputs in documentation deployed using Gitlab Pages. (!480)

    • Switch to pydata sphinx theme on (!479)

    • Add colored terminal output when building documentation. (!502)

  • Data

    • The long_name and name attributes of dataset coordinates now contain information about the root instrument and submodules in addition to the settable. (!478, !486)

  • Utilities

    • Add compare_snapshots utility function for comparing snapshots. (!485)

  • Analysis

    • Add TimeOfFlightAnalysis analysis class for a time of flight measurement. (!494)

  • Visualization

    • Fix plot_2d_grid plots so that the x and y axes are used in the correct order for both ascending and descending arrays. (!500, #369)

    • Handle nan values in SI_utilities.value_precision input, to improve plot monitor stability. (!487)

  • MeasurementControl

    • Improve progress bar for iterative and batch run with tqdm. (!477, #346)

    • Prevent numpy deprecation warning, by explicit handling of numpy.arrays when converting a dimensional array into scalar. (!476)

0.7.3 (2023-08-17)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Deprecation - Avoid deprecated code in validator.iter_errors (!475)

  • Analysis - Added analysis class for qubit spectroscopy (!463)

  • Deprecation - The @deprecated decorator now returns a function when decorating a function, instead of a class with a __call__ method (!462).

  • Documentation - Add install instructions for macOS users (!464)

  • Documentation - Update broken urls in documentation (!458)

  • Documentation - Remove jupyter-sphinx extension and port snippets formerly served by it into a How-To section in the documentation. (!460)

  • Documentation - Fix broken xarray display in docs and resolve sphinx warnings (!470)

  • Linting - Minor changes to data/ to make it ruff compliant (!457)

  • MeasurementControl - Add get_idn() method, without it will generate warnings in using recent versions of QCoDeS (!459)

  • Replace usage of the deprecated qcodes.plots with qcodes_loop.plots in the remote plot monitor (!465)

  • Visualization - Minor refactor to make visualization module compatible with scipy>=1.11 (!466)

0.7.2 (2023-05-02)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Analysis - Allow adding additional arguments to create_figures() method of classes that inherit from BaseAnalysis (#364, !454)

  • Git - Change back to default merge strategy for (!449)

  • Linting - minor changes to satisfy pyright (!445)

  • QCoDeS - Add qcodes-loop as dependency to ensure InstrumentMonitor runs correctly (!452)

  • Utilities - Fix bug and clean up code in load_settings_onto_instrument by only trying to get and set parameters in _try_to_set_par_safe (!447, #360)

  • Visualization - set_xlabel, set_ylabel and set_cbarlabel now add an offset to the values displayed on the tick labels, if that is needed to properly display small ranges with a large offset (!450, #165)

0.7.1 (2023-03-09)#

Breaking changes#

  • Requirements - quantify-core requires qcodes>=0.37 (!439)

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Documentation - mk_trace_for_iq_shot now renders nicely in documentation (!429)

  • Utilities - Fix bug where calling without to remove a key from a dict that did not have that key in the first place raises a KeyError (!438)

  • Visualization - If provided, InstrumentMonitor displays instrument label (!369)

0.7.0 (2023-02-03)#

Breaking changes#

  • Requirements - quantify-core requires qcodes>=0.35 now. (!427)

  • Installation - Instead of requirements.txt and requirements_dev.txt quantify-core uses optional requirements. Use pip install quantify-core[dev] to install all of them. (!386)

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Documentation - Remove dependency on directory-tree (!431)

  • Documentation - Sphinx build now compatible with qcodes==0.36.0 (!416, counterpart of quantify-scheduler!552)

  • Analysis - Make all analysis classes available from quantify_core.analysis (!418)

  • Data - Improve set_datadir and test style and readability (!419)

  • Added AttributeError to the exceptions explictly handled in loading of datasets for the remote plotmon (#352, !442)

  • Added exception handling for SI_utilities.value_precision (#350, !442)

  • Installation - Refactor of setup configuration (!386, !433)

  • Utilities - Remove quantify_core.utilities.examples_support.mk_surface7_sched() function that was used only for generating one non-essential figure in documentation, but caused dependency on quantify-scheduler to build it. This function is inlined in the documentation as an example. (!434)

  • Utilities - Improved error handling for quantify_core.utilities.experiment_helpers.load_settings_onto_instrument (#351, #348, !425)

0.6.5 (2022-12-13)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Data - Allow concatenation of datasets with different names (!389)

  • Data - Allow concatenation of processed datasets (!394)

  • Data - Update OS environment to disable HDF5 file locking (!404, !405)

  • Documentation - Building sphinx documentation will now raise an error if one of the code cells fails to run (!407)

  • Documentation - Fixed a typo in the figure text of the optimization analysis class. (!413)

  • Fit - Add functions to load and save lmfit fit results from file (!286)

  • Git - Changed git merge strategy to “union” for and to reduce amount of merge conflicts (!399)

  • Measurement Control - Add experiments_data submodule to measurement control (!393)

  • Memory leak - Added ability to skip figure creation in analysis classes to prevent memory leaks in long-running nested experiments (!406)

  • Memory leak - Fix a memory leak due to BaseAnalysis lru_cache (!390)

  • QCoDeS - Create function quantify_core.utilities.experiment_helpers.get_all_parents to find all parents of QCoDeS submodule (!401)

  • QCoDeS - Quantify now supports qcodes>=0.34.0 (!382)

  • QuantifyFix - Bug in QuantifyExperiment when tuid is None (!396)

  • Snapshots - Enable loading of settings of individual QCoDeS submodules and parameters from the saved snapshot (!384)

  • Warnings - Deprecation warnings are now shown to end-users by default (by changing to FutureWarning) (!411)

0.6.4 (2022-10-13)#

Breaking changes#

  • MeasurementControl - Raise a ValueError exception if there are no setpoints (!370)

  • Utilities - make_hash and import_python_object_from_string were removed, because they are not used in quantify-core. Use their counterparts from quantify-scheduler. (!371, quantify-os/quantify-scheduler!357)

  • Docs - notebook_to_jupyter_sphinx sphinx extension has been removed (!378)

  • Removed BaseAnalysis.run_from() and BaseAnalysis.run_until() functionality, which is almost unused by an average user. (!379)

  • function will return analysis object even if analysis has failed. Exceptions raised by analysis will be logged and not raised. (!379)

  • The order of the arguments of set_xlabel and set_ylabel has been modified so that the ax is now optional argument (!376)

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Add functions to load and save lmfit fit results from file (!286)

  • Remove various old temp requirement pins (counterpart of quantify-scheduler!447) (!368)

  • Added support to SI_prefix_and_scale_factor for scaled units such as ns or GHz (!365, !373)

  • InstrumentMonitor - Restore initial_value of update_interval param (removed in !324) (!375)

  • Analysis - Use long_name instead of name XArray attribute as default for axis labels and plot messages (!380)

  • Reduce quantify-core import time (!366)

0.6.3 (2022-08-05)#

Breaking changes#

  • MeasurementControl - Fix print_progress for 0 progress and do not raise when no setpoints (!363)

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Changes to InstrumentMonitor and PlotMonitor to fix errors due to racing conditions. (!358)

  • Can save metadata with QuantifyExperiment (!355)

  • Contribution guidelines updated, added: Versioning, Backward Compatibility and Deprecation Policy (!282)

0.6.2 (2022-06-30)#

  • Sanitize Markdown for proper display on PyPi.

  • Data Handling - New function to extract parameters from snapshot, including submodules (!360)

0.6.1 (2022-06-30)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Require lmfit >= 1.0.3 due to a typo within lmfit for the guess_from_peak2d function. (!346)

  • Fixed calling super().create_figures() when inheriting analysis classes (issue was introduced by merge request !337). (#313)

  • PlotMonitor - Fix crash in secondary plotmon when data is one-dimensional. (!349)

  • Documentation sources are converted from restructured text format to MyST markdown. (!350)

0.6.0 (2022-05-25)#

Breaking changes#

  • Supported Python versions are now 3.8-3.10. Python 3.7 support is dropped. (!328)

  • MeasurementControl - Removed the instrument_monitor (InstrumentRefParameter) from the MeasurementControl class. There is no need to couple the instrument monitor object with the MeasurementControl anymore. (!324)

  • InstrumentMonitor - Made the update method private (renamed to _update). Also removed the force argument in the method. (!324)

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • InstrumentMonitor - Display parameter values with non-number type nicely. Only for parameters without unit. (!336)

  • Data Handling - Setting datadir to None now correctly sets datadir to default directory (~/quantify-data/). (!338)

  • Data Handling - Added a DecodeToNumpy decoder class and function argument list_to_ndarray to the function load_snapshot, which enables load_settings_onto_instrument to support loading numpy arrays parameters from json lists. (!342, !343, #309)

  • Data handling - Add API to save custom text files as experiment data. (!325)

  • Data handling - Fix attributes handling when converting datasets with to_gridded() method. (!277, !302)

  • Experiment helpers - Loading settings from snapshot now supports Instrument submodules. (#307, !338)

  • Plotmon - Suppress warning about all-NaN datasets during plotting. (!314)

  • Visualization - Added kwarg dicts to plot_fit to pass matplotlib keyword arguments and plot_fit returns list of matplotlib Line2D objects. (!334, !331 (closed))

  • Analysis - CosineModel now guesses a frequency based on a Fourier transform of the data. (!335)

  • Analysis - We do not store all Matplotlib figures and axes for all analysis objects in memory anymore. This fixes out-of-memory error for long measurement runs, when a lot of figures are created. (#298, !337, !345)

  • MeasurementControl - Performance improvement in MeasurementControl data construction. (!333)

  • Bugfix - Fix QHullError occurring in RemotePlotmon when supplying two uniformly spaced settables to MeasurementControl.setpoints(). (#305, !323)

  • Packaging and distribution - Added support for PEP 561. (!322)

0.5.3 (2022-02-25)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Analysis - Changed the metric of the AllXY analysis to use the mean of the absolute deviations. (!300)

  • MeasurementControl - Added a measurement_description function in the MeasurementControl to return a serializable description of the latest measurement. (!279)

  • MeasurementControl - Add option to run an experiment without saving data (!308)

  • Infrastructure - Added utilities to support deprecation (!281)

  • Bugfix - Fix qcodes 0.32.0 incompatibility by replacing all references of qcodes.Instrument._all_instruments. (!295)

0.5.2 (2021-12-08)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Data - Introduced a QuantifyExperiment class within the data.experiment module to separate data handling responsibilities from MeasurementControl. (!273, !274)

  • Docs - Added quantify logo to the documentation. (!263)

  • Infrastructure - Fixes the latest tests. (Except for Sphinx issues) (!275)

  • Infrastructure - Fixes the tests temporarily by pinning matplotlib 3.4.3 (!269)

  • Infrastructure - Added prospector config file for mypy in codacy. (copy from quantify-scheduler) (!259)

  • Bugfix - Fix a bug in adjust_axeslabels_SI. (!272)

0.5.1 (2021-11-01)#

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Analysis - Automatically rotate Rabi data to the axis with the best SNR (#249, !223)

  • Analysis - Added support for calibration points to rotate and scale data to a calibrated axis for single-qubit timedomain experiments (T1, Echo, Ramsey and AllXY) (#227, !219)

  • Analysis - Added extra constraints to fits for T1, Echo and Ramsey when using a calibrated axis (T1, Echo, Ramsey) (#236, !219)

  • Analysis - Removed requirement for data on which to perform timedomain analysis to be acquired in radial coordinates (#227, !213).

  • Analysis - Removed positive amplitude constraint from Rabi analysis (!213).

  • Analysis - Detect calibration points automatically for single qubit time-domain experiments (!234)

  • Docs - Added bibliography with sphinxcontrib-bibtex extension (!207).

  • Docs - Added notebook_to_jupyter_sphinx sphinx extension converter for tutorials writing (!220).

  • Docs - Add qcodes parameters docs to sphinx build (!255)

  • Docs - Adds a notebook to jupyter sphinx converter for tutorials writing. (!220)

  • MeasurementControl - Added representation with summary of settables, gettables and setpoints (!222).

  • MeasurementControl - Added lazy_set functionality to avoid setting settables to same value (#261, !233).

  • InstrumentMonitor - Extended Instrument Monitor to handle submodules and channels (#213, !226).

  • Data - Adopted new specification for dataset v2.0 format. (!224)

  • Infrastructure - Adds additional pre-commit and pre-push hooks (!254)

  • Infrastructure - Ensure line endings are always committed with unix-like style (!227)

  • Visualization - Factor out plotmon refresh from MeasurementControl (!248)

  • Bugfix - Solved a bug where a fit would fail for a Ramsey experiment with negative values (#246, !219)

  • Bugfix - Rabi analysis for negative signal amplitudes can now converge. (!213)

  • Bugfix - Fixed divide by 0 warning in resonator spectroscopy analysis (!216).

  • Bugfix - Fixed snapshot failing for qcodes instruments with dead weakrefs (!221).

  • Bugfix - load_settings_onto_instrument does not try to set parameters to None if they are already None (#232, !225)

  • Bugfix - replace OrderedDict with dict (!237)

  • Bugfix - Fixes to utilities.general and function rename (!232)

  • Bugfix - Fixes temporarily the funcparserlib failing rtd. (!249)

  • Bugfix - alpha settings_overwrite[“mpl_transparent_background”] = False (!236)

  • Bugfix - Ramsey analysis cal points (!235)

  • Bugfix - Ensures MeasurementControl representation works even when instruments are closed/freshly instantiated. (follow up from !226) (!229)

  • Bugfix - fix snapshot for dead instruments (!221)

  • Bugfix - The load_settings_onto_instrument function no longer attempts to set a QCoDeS parameter to None in certain cases. (!225)

  • Bugfix - Fix filelock logging (!238)

  • Bugfix - Fix divide by 0 which gives warning in resonator analysis (!216)

  • Bugfix - Fix a bug in adjust_axeslabels_SI where it would update a label if no unit was provided (!272)

0.5.0 (2021-08-06)#

Breaking changes#

  • Change of namespace from quantify.* to quantify_core.*

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Change namespace. (!195)

  • Support xarray >0.18.0. (!198, #223)

  • Unpinned pyqt5 version in setup to fix bug on macOS big sur. (!203)

  • Added an example stopwatch gettable. (!187)

  • Added new utility class quantify_core.utilities.inspect_utils. (!190, !192)

  • Delete print(list) statement from locate_experiment_container. (!194)

  • Allow for unit-aware printing of floats and other values with no error. (!167, #193)

  • Plotmon: support non-linear (e.g., logarithmic space) for x and y coordinates. (!201)

  • Consistency of naming conventions in analysis code. (!188)

  • Ramsey analysis. (!166)

  • Echo analysis. (!176)

  • AllXY analysis. (!177)

  • Interpolated 2D analysis and ND optimization analysis. (!180)

  • Quantities of interest saving to JSON now supports more types, including uncertainties.ufloats. (!164, #152)

0.4.0 (2021-05-10)#

  • Release of the analysis framework including basic analyses, example classes and documentation on how to make a custom analysis class.

  • Various bug fixes.

  • First beta-release of quantify-core.

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Defined how to pass optional arguments for analysis subclasses. (#184, !158)

  • Added warning when an analysis class returns a bad fit and improve UX. (!163)

  • Renamed analysis variables .dataset and .dataset_raw for consistency. (#197, !171)

  • add support for ufloat in format_value_string (!151)

  • Provide methods for loading quantities of interest and processed dataset. (#191, !165)

  • Added Rabi analysis subclass. (!159)

  • fix for the multiple kwargs keys being passed into ax.text (!154)

  • log the pip packages in the CI (same as in scheduler) (!168)

  • UX improvements over current analysis flow control interrupt_before interface. (#183, !158)

  • Allow providing an xarray dataset as input for analysis (#181, !156)

  • Adds pytest fixture tmpdir_factory whenever possible. (!162)

  • Fixes a bug with range-casting in the plot_fit function in the mpl_plotting module (!142)

  • Utility function to handle the None edge case when converting lmfit pars to ufloat (#186, !160)

  • T1 analysis (!137)

  • Fixed a bug with loading settings onto an instrument (#166, !139)

  • Storing quantities of interest in spectroscopy analysis simplified (!152)

  • fix warning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated (!147)

  • simplified header for all python files (#92, !146)

  • Drop MeasurementControl soft_avg parameter in favor of (!144)

  • Better displaying of lmfit parameters and standard errors (!133)

  • Plot duplicate setpoints in a 1D dataset (#173, !134)

  • Downgrade and pin pyqt5 version (#170, !134)

  • Sphinx autodoc function parameters and output types based on type hints!113

  • Implemented numpy.bool_ patch for xarray 0.17.0 (temp fix for #161, !131)

Breaking changes#

  • Analysis steps execution refactored and added optional arguments through .run (#184, !158)

    • Any analysis class now requires explicit execution of the steps with .run().

    • One-liner still available a_obj = MyAnalysisClass().run()

  • Analysis dataset variables and filename changed for consistency (!171):

    • BaseAnalysis.dataset_raw renamed to BaseAnalysis.dataset

    • BaseAnalysis.dataset renamed to BaseAnalysis.dataset_processed

    • “processed_dataset.hdf5” renamed to “dataset_processed.hdf5”

  • The MeasurementControl soft_avg parameter has been removed. The same fucntionality is now available through (!144)

0.3.2 (2021-03-17)#

  • Analysis framework beta version (limited documentation).

  • Measurement control supports an inner loop in batched mode with outer iterative loops.

  • Improvements to the dataset format (potentially breaking changes, see notes below).

    • Support of complex numbers and arrays in the dataset storage through h5netcdf engine.

    • Proper use of the coordinate property of xarray in quantify datasets.

  • New data handling utilities: load_dataset_from_path, locate_experiment_container, write_dataset.

  • Keyboard interrupt and Jupyter kernel interrupts are handled safely in MeasurementControl.

  • Improved and more extensive documentation.

  • Various bug fixes.

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Dataset format changed to use Xarray Coordinates [no Dimensions] (!98)

  • Added batched mode with outer iterative loops (!98)

  • Switched default dataset engine to support complex numbers #150 (!114)

  • Analysis class, framework, subclass examples #63 (!89, !122, !123)

  • Cyclic colormaps auto-detect in 2D analysis (!118, !122)

  • Safely handle Keyboard interrupt or Jupyter kernel interrupts (!125, !127)

Potentially breaking changes#

Please see merge request !98 for a python snippet that will make all previous datasets compliant with this change! Note that this is only required if you want to load old datasets in quantify.visualization.pyqt_plotmon.PlotMonitor_pyqt.

  • Dataset format is updated to use Xarray Coordinates [no Dimensions] (!98)

  • The TUID class is only a validator now to avoid issues with h5netcdf

0.3.1 (2021-02-15)#

  • Added function to load settings from previous experiments onto instruments (load_settings_onto_instrument).

  • Added support for @property as attributes of Settables/Gettables.

  • Migrated code style to black.

  • Fixed support for python3.9.

  • Significant improvements to general documentation.

  • Improved installation instructions for windows and MacOS.

  • Changed the dataset .unit attribute to .units to adopt xarray default (Breaking change!).

  • Various minor bugfixes.

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Windows install instr (!79)

  • Load instrument settings (!29)

  • Docs/general fixes (!82)

  • updated copyright years (!84)

  • Hotfix makefile docs (!83)

  • Hot fix tuids max num (!85)

  • added reqs for scipy, fixes #133 (!87)

  • Added link on cross-fork collaboration (!90)

  • Allow easy access to the tests datadir from a simple import (!95)

  • Add custom css for rtd (!27)

  • Dset units attr, closes #147 (!101)

  • Add setGeometry method to instrument monitor and plotmon (!88)

  • Enforce a datadir choice to avoid potential data loss (!86)

  • Migrated code style to black (!93)

  • Fixed support for python3.9 (!94)

  • Added support for dynamic change of datadir for plotmon (!97)

  • Added support for @property as attributes of Settables/Gettables (!100)

  • “unit” attr of xarray variables in dataset changed to “units” for compatibility with xarray utilities. (!101)

  • Updated numpy requirement (!104)

  • Updated installation intructions for MacOS #142 (!99)

  • Bugfix for get tuids containing method (!106)

Breaking changes#

Please see merge request !101 for a python snippet that will make all previous datasets compliant with this breaking change!

  • “unit” attr of xarray variables in dataset changed to “units” for compatibility with xarray utilities. (!101)

0.3.0 (2020-12-17)#

  • Persistence mode feature added to the plotting monitor responsible for visualization during experiments, see also tutorial 4 in the docs.

  • Instrument monitor feature added to support live snapshot monitoring during experiments.

  • Renaming of [soft, hard]-loops to [iterative, batched]-loops respectively.

  • Adds t_start and t_stop arguments to the function get_tuids_containing in

  • Various bug fixes and improvements to documentation.

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • Fix for pyqtgraph plotting and instrument monitor remote process sleeping !81.

  • Plotting monitor is now running in a completely detached process !78.

  • Persistence mode added to the plotting monitor !72.

  • Adds explicit numpy version number (==1.19.2) requirement for windows in the setup. (!74).

  • Improved documentation on how to set/get the datadirectory #100 (!71)

  • Batched refactor. Closes #113 (!69).

  • Instrument monitor feature added. Closes #62 (!65).

  • Hot-fix for exception handling of gettable/settable in MC. Closes #101 (!64).

  • Added t_start and t_stop arguments to get_tuids_containing function within Closes #69 (!57, !62).

  • Fix for the case when MC does not call finish on gettable. Closes #96 (!60).

0.2.0 (2020-10-16)#

  • Repository renamed to quantify-core.

  • Scheduler functionality factored out into quantify-scheduler repository.

Merged branches and closed issues#

  • !11 Advanced MC, closed #13.

  • First prototype of sequencer #16 (!13), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Documentation of sequencer datatypes #19 (!13), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Simplified settable gettable interface #32 (!15).

  • Keyboard interrupt handler for Measurement Control #20 (!12).

  • Documentation for gettable and settable #27 (!14).

  • Sequencer hardening and cleanup (!16), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • CZ doc updates and rudimentary CZ implementation (!18), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Pulsar asm backend (!17), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Minor fixes sequencer (!19), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Utility function to get_tuids_containing #48 (!22).

  • Enable modulation bugfix #42 (!23), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Added copyright notices to source files #36 (!25).

  • Custom readthedocs theme to change column width, fixes #28 (!27).

  • Amplitude limit on waveforms #41 (!24), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Pulse diagram autoscaling bufix #49 (!26), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Implementation of adaptive measurement loops in the measurement control #24 (!21)

  • Load instrument settings utility function #21, !29.

  • Support for data acquisition in sequencer (!28), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Documentation for data storage, experiment containers and dataset #7 (!20).

  • Function to create a plot monitor from historical data #56 (!32).

  • Bugfix for buffersize in dynamically resized dataset (!35).

  • Bugfix for adaptive experiments with n return variables (!34)

  • Exteneded sequencer.rst tutorial to include QRM examples (!33), moved to quantify-scheduler.

  • Refactor, Moved quantify-scheduler to new repository (!37).

  • Gettable return variables made consistent for multiple gettables #68 (!38).

  • Contribution guidelines updated #53 (!31).

  • Bugfix for unexpected behaviour in keyboard interrupt for measurements #73 (!39)

  • Documentation improvements #71 (!40).

  • Improvements to tutorial !41.

  • Removed visualization for scheduler !43.

  • Fix broken links in install and contributions !44.

  • Fixes bug in TUID validator #75 (42).

  • Standardize use of numpydoc accross repo #67 (!46).

  • Fix for online build on readthedocs !47.

  • CI hardening, base python version for tests is 3.7 (minimum version) !50.

  • New data folder structure (Breaking change!) #76 (!48).

  • Updated installation guide #77 (!49).

  • Minor changes to RTD displaying issues (!51).

  • Convert jupyter notebooks to .rst files with jupyter-execute (!52).

  • Cleanup before opening repo #86 and #82 (!53)

0.1.1 (2020-05-25)#

  • Hotfix to update package label and fix PyPI

0.1.0 (2020-05-21)#

  • First release on PyPI.

🗈 Note

  • # denotes a closed issue.

  • ! denotes a merge request.