
Pulse and acquisition corrections for hardware compilation.

Module Contents#


determine_relative_latency_corrections(→ dict[str, float])

Generates the latency configuration dict for all port-clock combinations that are present in


Sample pulse and apply filter function to the sample to distortion correct it.

_is_distortion_correctable(→ bool)

Checks whether distortion corrections can be applied to the given operation.


Apply distortion corrections to operations in the schedule.


determine_relative_latency_corrections(hardware_cfg: quantify_scheduler.backends.types.common.HardwareCompilationConfig | dict[str, Any], schedule: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule | None = None) dict[str, float][source]#

Generates the latency configuration dict for all port-clock combinations that are present in the schedule (or in the hardware config, if an old-style zhinst config is passed). This is done by first setting unspecified latency corrections to zero, and then subtracting the minimum latency from all latency corrections.

distortion_correct_pulse(pulse_data: dict[str, Any], distortion_correction: quantify_scheduler.backends.types.common.SoftwareDistortionCorrection) quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.NumericalPulse[source]#

Sample pulse and apply filter function to the sample to distortion correct it.

  • pulse_data – Definition of the pulse.

  • distortion_correction – The distortion_correction configuration for this pulse.


The sampled, distortion corrected pulse wrapped in a NumericalPulse.

_is_distortion_correctable(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation) bool[source]#

Checks whether distortion corrections can be applied to the given operation.

apply_software_distortion_corrections(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation, distortion_corrections: dict) quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | None[source]#
apply_software_distortion_corrections(operation: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule, distortion_corrections: dict) None

Apply distortion corrections to operations in the schedule.

Defined via the hardware configuration file, example:

"distortion_corrections": {
    "q0:fl-cl0.baseband": {
        "filter_func": "scipy.signal.lfilter",
        "input_var_name": "x",
        "kwargs": {
            "b": [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
            "a": [1]
        "clipping_values": [-2.5, 2.5]

Clipping values are the boundaries to which the corrected pulses will be clipped, upon exceeding, these are optional to supply.

For pulses in need of correcting (indicated by their port-clock combination) we are only replacing the dict in "pulse_info" associated to that specific pulse. This means that we can have a combination of corrected (i.e., pre-sampled) and uncorrected pulses in the same operation.

Note that we are not updating the "operation_id" key, used to reference the operation from schedulables.

  • operation – The operation that contains operations that are to be distortion corrected. Note, this function updates the operation.

  • distortion_corrections – The distortion_corrections configuration of the setup.


The new operation with distortion corrected operations, if it needs to be replaced. If it doesn’t need to be replaced in the schedule or control flow, it returns None.


RuntimeWarning – If distortion correction can not be applied to the type of Operation in the schedule.

  • KeyError – when elements are missing in distortion correction config for a port-clock combination.

  • KeyError – when clipping values are supplied but not two values exactly, min and max.