Plotting functions used in the visualization backend of the sequencer.
Module Contents#
Identifer for end of a control-flow scope. |
A box for a single gate containing a label. |
Adds a visual indicator for a Baseband pulse to the matplotlib.axes.Axis |
Adds a visual indicator for a Modulated pulse to the matplotlib.axes.Axis |
A simple meter to depict a measurement. |
Variation of the meter to depict a acquisition. |
Same as acq_meter, but also displays text. |
Markers to denote a CNOT gate between two device_elements. |
Markers to denote a CZ gate between two device_elements. |
A broken line to denote device_element initialization. |
Check if the operation is an acquisition/measure gate with a feedback trigger label. |
- gate_box(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
A box for a single gate containing a label.
- Parameters:
ax – The matplotlib Axes.
time – The time of the gate.
device_element_idxs – The device_element indices.
text – The gate name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the gate box.
- pulse_baseband(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
Adds a visual indicator for a Baseband pulse to the matplotlib.axes.Axis instance.
- Parameters:
ax – The matplotlib Axes.
time – The time of the pulse.
device_element_idxs – The device_element indices.
text – The pulse name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the pulse.
- pulse_modulated(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
Adds a visual indicator for a Modulated pulse to the matplotlib.axes.Axis instance.
- Parameters:
ax – The matplotlib Axes.
time – The time of the pulse.
device_element_idxs – The device_element indices.
text – The pulse name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the pulse.
- meter(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
A simple meter to depict a measurement.
- Parameters:
ax – The matplotlib Axes.
time – The time of the measurement.
device_element_idxs – The device_element indices.
text – The measurement name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the meter.
- acq_meter(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
Variation of the meter to depict a acquisition.
- Parameters:
ax – The matplotlib Axes.
time – The time of the measurement.
device_element_idxs – The device_element indices.
text – The measurement name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the acq meter.
- acq_meter_text(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
Same as acq_meter, but also displays text.
- Parameters:
ax – The matplotlib Axes.
time – The time of the measurement.
device_element_idxs – The device_element indices.
text – The measurement name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the acq meter.
- cnot(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
Markers to denote a CNOT gate between two device_elements.
- Parameters:
ax – The matplotlib Axes.
time – The time of the CNOT.
device_element_idxs – The device_element indices.
text – The CNOT name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the CNOT.
- cz(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
Markers to denote a CZ gate between two device_elements.
- Parameters:
ax – The matplotlib Axes.
time – The time of the CZ.
device_element_idxs – The device_element indices.
text – The CZ name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the CZ.
- reset(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: float, device_element_idxs: list[int], text: str, **kw) None [source]#
A broken line to denote device_element initialization.
- Parameters:
ax – matplotlib axis object.
time – x position to draw the reset on
device_element_idxs – indices of the device_elements that the reset is performed on.
text – The reset name.
kw – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to drawing the reset.
- _walk_schedule(sched_or_op: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule | quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation, time_offset: int = 0) Iterator[tuple[int, quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule | _ControlFlowEnd]] [source]#
- _walk_schedule_only_operations(sched_or_op: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule | quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation) Iterator[quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation] [source]#
- _draw_operation(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation, device_element_map: dict[str, int], port_map: dict[str, int], ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time: int, schedule_resources: dict[str, quantify_scheduler.resources.Resource]) None [source]#
- _get_indices(sched_or_op: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule | quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation, device_element_map: dict[str, int], port_map: dict[str, int]) set[int] [source]#
- _draw_loop(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, device_element_map: dict[str, int], port_map: dict[str, int], operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.control_flow_library.LoopOperation, start_time: int, end_time: int, x_offset: float = 0.35, y_offset: float = 0.3, fraction: float = 0.2) None [source]#
- _draw_conditional(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, measure_time: int, measure_device_element_idx: int, body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule, body_start: int, body_end: int, device_element_map: dict[str, int], port_map: dict[str, int]) None [source]#
- _get_device_element_and_port_map_from_schedule(schedule: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule) tuple[dict[str, int], dict[str, int]] [source]#
- _get_feedback_label_and_device_element_idx(operation: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation, port_map: dict[str, int], device_element_map: dict[str, int]) tuple[str, int] | None [source]#
Check if the operation is an acquisition/measure gate with a feedback trigger label.
- circuit_diagram_matplotlib(schedule: quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule, figsize: tuple[int, int] | None = None, ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes | None = None) tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure | None, matplotlib.axes.Axes] [source]#