Module containing the standard library of commonly used operations as well as the
Quantify scheduler can trivially be extended by creating custom operations. Take a look at e.g., the pulse library for examples on how to implement custom pulses.
Package Contents#
An operation representing data acquisition at the quantum-device abstraction layer. |
Thresholded trigger count protocol that uses two thresholds. |
Subclass of |
Subclass of |
Single sideband integration acquisition protocol with complex results. |
Acquisition protocol allowing to control rotation and threshold. |
Thresholded trigger counting acquisition protocol returning the comparison result with a |
Acquire a single timetag per acquisition index. |
The TimetagTrace acquisition protocol records timetags within an acquisition window. |
The Trace acquisition protocol measures a signal s(t). |
Trigger counting acquisition protocol returning an integer. |
Weighted integration acquisition protocol where two sets weights |
Subclass of |
Conditional over another operation. |
Control flow operation that can be used as an |
Control flow specification to be used at |
Loop over another operation predefined times. |
Conditional-NOT gate, a common entangling gate. |
Conditional-phase gate, a common entangling gate. |
A single qubit rotation of 90 degrees around the X-axis. |
A single qubit rotation of 90 degrees around the Y-axis. |
A single qubit rotation of 90 degrees around the Z-axis. |
A single qubit Hadamard gate. |
A projective measurement in the Z-basis. |
Reset a qubit to the \(|0\rangle\) state. |
A single qubit rotation around an axis in the equator of the Bloch sphere. |
A single qubit rotation about the Z-axis of the Bloch sphere. |
A single qubit rotation of 90 degrees around the Z-axis. |
A single qubit rotation of -90 degrees around the Z-axis. |
A single qubit rotation of 45 degrees around the Z-axis. |
A single qubit rotation of -45 degrees around the Z-axis. |
A single qubit rotation of 180 degrees around the X-axis. |
A single qubit rotation of 180 degrees around the Y-axis. |
A single qubit rotation of 180 degrees around the Z-axis. |
Prepare a NV to its negative charge state NV$^-$. |
Operate ionization and spin pump lasers for charge and resonance counting. |
A representation of quantum circuit operations. |
Apply pulse compensation to an operation or schedule. |
A linear chirp signal. A sinusoidal signal that ramps up in frequency. |
A Gaussian pulse with a derivative component added to the out-of-phase channel. |
The GaussPulse Operation is a real-valued pulse with the specified |
The IdlePulse Operation is a placeholder for a specified duration of time. |
Digital pulse that is HIGH for the specified duration. |
A pulse where the shape is determined by specifying an array of (complex) points. |
RampPulse Operation is a pulse that ramps from zero to a set amplitude over its duration. |
Dataclass defining a reference level for pulse amplitudes in units of 'V', 'dBm', or 'A'. |
An operation that resets the phase of a clock. |
Operation that sets updates the frequency of a clock. |
Operation that shifts the phase of a clock by a specified amount. |
Hermite pulse intended for single qubit gates in diamond based systems. |
A real valued square pulse convolved with a Hann window for smoothing. |
A real-valued pulse with the specified amplitude during the pulse. |
A real valued staircase pulse, which reaches it's final amplitude in discrete steps. |
A pulse that can be used to implement a conditional phase gate in transmon device elements. |
Operation that marks a time reference for timetags. |
Operation that represents setting a constant offset to the output voltage. |
The WindowOperation is an operation for visualization purposes. |
An example composite pulse to implement a CZ gate. |
Raise an error indicating that the requested gate or pulse is not implemented. |
Generate a microwave pulse for spectroscopy experiments. |
Generate a |
Generate a |
Generate a Gaussian drive with |
Generate a Hermite or Gaussian drive pulse for a specified rotation on the Bloch sphere. |
Device compilation of the spin init operation. |
- class Acquisition(name: str)[source]#
An operation representing data acquisition at the quantum-device abstraction layer.
An Acquisition must consist of (at least) an AcquisitionProtocol specifying how the acquired signal is to be processed, and an AcquisitionChannel and AcquisitionIndex specifying where the acquired data is to be stored in the RawDataset.
N.B. This class helps differentiate an acquisition operation from the regular operations. This enables us to use
to highlight acquisition pulses in the pulse diagrams.
- class DualThresholdedTriggerCount(port: str, clock: str, duration: float, threshold_low: int, threshold_high: int, *, label_low: str | None = None, label_mid: str | None = None, label_high: str | None = None, label_invalid: str | None = None, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Thresholded trigger count protocol that uses two thresholds.
Four outcomes are possible for this measurement, and each of those four can be assigned a label to use in a
:“low” if
counts < threshold_low
,“mid” if
threshold_low <= counts < threshold_high
,“high” if
counts >= threshold_high
,“invalid” if the counts are invalid (can occur in very rare cases, e.g. when the counter overflows).
The returned acquisition data is the raw number of counts.
The exact duration of this operation, and the possible bin modes may depend on the control hardware. Please consult your hardware vendor’s Reference guide for more information.
- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration – The duration of the operation in seconds.
threshold_low – The lower counts threshold of the ThresholdedTriggerCount acquisition.
threshold_high – The upper counts threshold of the ThresholdedTriggerCount acquisition.
label_low – The label that can be used to link a result of counts < threshold_low to a ConditionalOperation, by default None.
label_mid – The label that can be used to link a result of threshold_low <= counts < threshold_high to a ConditionalOperation, by default None.
label_high – The label that can be used to link a result of counts >= threshold_high to a ConditionalOperation, by default None.
label_invalid – The label that can be used to link an invalid counts result (e.g. a counter overflow) to a ConditionalOperation, by default None.
feedback_trigger_condition – The comparison condition (greater-equal, less-than) for the ThresholdedTriggerCount acquisition.
acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a qubit idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the count value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.APPEND.
t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
- class NumericalSeparatedWeightedIntegration(port: str, clock: str, weights_a: list[complex] | numpy.ndarray, weights_b: list[complex] | numpy.ndarray, weights_sampling_rate: float = 1000000000.0, interpolation: str = 'linear', acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, phase: float = 0, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Subclass of
with parameterized waveforms as weights.A WeightedIntegratedSeparated class using parameterized waveforms and interpolation as the integration weights.
Weights are applied as:
\[\widetilde{A} = \int \mathrm{Re}(S(t)\cdot W_A(t) \mathrm{d}t\]\[\widetilde{B} = \int \mathrm{Im}(S(t))\cdot W_B(t) \mathrm{d}t\]- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
weights_a – The list of complex values used as weights \(A(t)\) on the incoming complex signal.
weights_b – The list of complex values used as weights \(B(t)\) on the incoming complex signal.
weights_sampling_rate – The rate with which the weights have been sampled, in Hz. By default equal to 1 GHz. Note that during hardware compilation, the weights will be resampled with the sampling rate supported by the target hardware.
interpolation – The type of interpolation to use, by default “linear”. This argument is passed to
.acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the weighted average value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.APPEND.
phase – The phase of the pulse and acquisition in degrees, by default 0.
t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
- class NumericalWeightedIntegration(port: str, clock: str, weights_a: list[complex] | numpy.ndarray, weights_b: list[complex] | numpy.ndarray, weights_sampling_rate: float = 1000000000.0, interpolation: str = 'linear', acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, phase: float = 0, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Subclass of
returning a complex number.- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
weights_a – The list of complex values used as weights \(A(t)\) on the incoming complex signal.
weights_b – The list of complex values used as weights \(B(t)\) on the incoming complex signal.
weights_sampling_rate – The rate with which the weights have been sampled, in Hz. By default equal to 1 GHz. Note that during hardware compilation, the weights will be resampled with the sampling rate supported by the target hardware.
t – The time values of each weight. This parameter is deprecated in favor of
. If a value is provided fort
, theweights_sampling_rate
parameter will be ignored.interpolation – The type of interpolation to use, by default “linear”. This argument is passed to
.acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the weighted average value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.APPEND.
phase – The phase of the pulse and acquisition in degrees, by default 0.
t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
- class SSBIntegrationComplex(port: str, clock: str, duration: float, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.AVERAGE, phase: float = 0, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Single sideband integration acquisition protocol with complex results.
A weighted integrated acquisition on a complex signal using a square window for the acquisition weights.
The signal is demodulated using the specified clock, and the square window then effectively specifies an integration window.
- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration – The acquisition duration in seconds.
acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the weighted average value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.AVERAGE.
phase – The phase of the pulse and acquisition in degrees, by default 0.
t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
- class ThresholdedAcquisition(port: str, clock: str, duration: float, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.AVERAGE, feedback_trigger_label: str | None = None, phase: float = 0, t0: float = 0, acq_rotation: float = 0, acq_threshold: float = 0)[source]#
Acquisition protocol allowing to control rotation and threshold.
This acquisition protocol is similar to the
acquisition protocol, but the complex result is now rotated and thresholded to produce a “0” or a “1”, as controlled by the parameters for rotation angle <device_element>.measure.acq_rotation and threshold value <device_element>.measure.acq_threshold in the device configuration (see example below).The rotation angle and threshold value for each qubit can be set through the device configuration.
Thresholded acquisition is currently only supported by the Qblox backend.
from quantify_scheduler import Schedule from quantify_scheduler.device_under_test.transmon_element import BasicTransmonElement from quantify_scheduler.operations.acquisition_library import ThresholdedAcquisition # set up qubit device_element = BasicTransmonElement("q0") device_element.clock_freqs.readout(8.0e9) # set rotation and threshold value rotation, threshold = 20, -0.1 device_element.measure.acq_rotation(rotation) device_element.measure.acq_threshold(threshold) # basic schedule schedule = Schedule("thresholded acquisition") schedule.add(ThresholdedAcquisition(port="q0:res", clock="q0.ro", duration=1e-6))
{'name': '823cb7c1-89e7-4e66-a33c-f29e589dba09', 'operation_id': '-2266549346567896683', 'timing_constraints': [{'rel_time': 0, 'ref_schedulable': None, 'ref_pt_new': None, 'ref_pt': None}], 'label': '823cb7c1-89e7-4e66-a33c-f29e589dba09'}
- Parameters:
port (str) – The acquisition port.
clock (str) – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration (float) – The acquisition duration in seconds.
acq_channel (int) – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index (int) – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode (BinMode or str) – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the weighted average value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.AVERAGE.
feedback_trigger_label (str) – The label corresponding to the feedback trigger, which is mapped by the compiler to a feedback trigger address on hardware, by default None.
phase (float) – The phase of the pulse and acquisition in degrees, by default 0.
t0 (float) – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
- class ThresholdedTriggerCount(port: str, clock: str, duration: float, threshold: int, *, feedback_trigger_label: str | None = None, feedback_trigger_condition: str | quantify_scheduler.enums.TriggerCondition = TriggerCondition.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Thresholded trigger counting acquisition protocol returning the comparison result with a threshold.
If the number of triggers counted is less than the threshold, a 0 is returned, otherwise a 1.
The analog threshold for registering a single count is set in the hardware configuration.
The exact duration of this operation, and the possible bin modes may depend on the control hardware. Please consult your hardware vendor’s Reference guide for more information.
- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration – The duration of the operation in seconds.
threshold – The threshold of the ThresholdedTriggerCount acquisition.
feedback_trigger_label – The label corresponding to the feedback trigger, which is mapped by the compiler to a feedback trigger address on hardware, by default None. Note: this label is merely used to link this acquisition together with a ConditionalOperation. It does not affect the acquisition result.
feedback_trigger_condition – The comparison condition (greater-equal, less-than) for the ThresholdedTriggerCount acquisition.
acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a qubit idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the count value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.APPEND.
t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
- class Timetag(duration: float, port: str, clock: str = DigitalClockResource.IDENTITY, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, time_source: quantify_scheduler.enums.TimeSource | str = TimeSource.FIRST, time_ref: quantify_scheduler.enums.TimeRef | str = TimeRef.START, time_ref_port: str | None = None, t0: float = 0, fine_start_delay: float = 0, fine_end_delay: float = 0)[source]#
Acquire a single timetag per acquisition index.
The exact duration of this operation, and the possible bin modes may depend on the control hardware. Please consult your hardware vendor’s Reference guide for more information.
- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration – The acquisition duration in seconds.
acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the weighted average value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.APPEND.
time_source –
Selects the timetag data source for this acquisition type. String enumeration, one of:
(default): record the first timetag in the window.second
: record the second timetag in the window. Can be used to measure pulse distance when combined with first as reference.last
: record the last timetag in the window.
time_ref –
Selects the time reference that the timetag is recorded in relation to. String enumeration, one of:
(default): record relative to the start of the window.end
: record relative to the end of the window. Note that this always yields a negative timetag.first
: record relative to the first timetag in the window.timestamp
: record relative to the timestamp marked using theTimestamp
: record relative to the timetag measured on another port. If this option is used, thetime_ref_port
argument must be specified as well. The acquisition operation that is measuring the timetag on the other port must end before or at the same time as this acquisition operation.
time_ref_port – If the
time reference is used,time_ref_port
specifies the port on which the other acquisition is executed.t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
fine_start_delay – Delays the start of the acquisition by the given amount in seconds. Does not delay the start time of the operation in the schedule. If the hardware supports it, this parameter can be used to shift the acquisition window by a small amount of time, independent of the hardware instruction timing grid. Currently only implemented for Qblox QTM modules, which allow only positive values for this parameter. By default 0.
fine_end_delay – Delays the end of the pulse by the given amount. Does not delay the end time of the operation in the schedule. If the hardware supports it, this parameter can be used to shift the acquisition window by a small amount of time, independent of the hardware instruction timing grid. Currently only implemented for Qblox QTM modules, which allow only positive values for this parameter. By default 0.
- class TimetagTrace(duration: float, port: str, clock: str = DigitalClockResource.IDENTITY, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, time_ref: quantify_scheduler.enums.TimeRef | str = TimeRef.START, time_ref_port: str | None = None, t0: float = 0, fine_start_delay: float = 0, fine_end_delay: float = 0)[source]#
The TimetagTrace acquisition protocol records timetags within an acquisition window.
The exact duration of this operation, and the possible bin modes may depend on the control hardware. Please consult your hardware vendor’s Reference guide for more information.
- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration – The acquisition duration in seconds.
acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, is by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Only “BinMode.APPEND” is available at the moment; this option concatenates timetag results with the same acquisition channel and index.
time_ref –
Selects the time reference that the timetag is recorded in relation to. String enumeration, one of:
start (default): record relative to the start of the window.
end: record relative to the end of the window. Note that this always yields a negative timetag.
first: syntactic sugar for first#, where # is the current channel.
timestamp: record relative to the timestamp marked using the
: record relative to the timetag measured on another port. If this option is used, thetime_ref_port
argument must be specified as well. The acquisition operation that is measuring the timetag on the other port must end before or at the same time as this acquisition operation.
time_ref_port – If the
time reference is used,time_ref_port
specifies the port on which the other acquisition is executed.t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
fine_start_delay – Delays the start of the acquisition by the given amount in seconds. Does not delay the start time of the operation in the schedule. If the hardware supports it, this parameter can be used to shift the acquisition window by a small amount of time, independent of the hardware instruction timing grid. Currently only implemented for Qblox QTM modules, which allow only positive values for this parameter. By default 0.
fine_end_delay – Delays the end of the pulse by the given amount in seconds. Does not delay the end time of the operation in the schedule. If the hardware supports it, this parameter can be used to shift the acquisition window by a small amount of time, independent of the hardware instruction timing grid. Currently only implemented for Qblox QTM modules, which allow only positive values for this parameter. By default 0.
- class Trace(duration: float, port: str, clock: str, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.AVERAGE, t0: float = 0)[source]#
The Trace acquisition protocol measures a signal s(t).
Only processing performed is rescaling and adding units based on a calibrated scale. Values are returned as a raw trace (numpy array of float datatype). Length of this array depends on the sampling rate of the acquisition device.
The exact duration of this operation, and the possible bin modes may depend on the control hardware. Please consult your hardware vendor’s Reference guide for more information.
- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration – The acquisition duration in seconds.
acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, is by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a memory location that already contains values. Which bin mode can be used for Trace acquisitions may depend on the hardware.
, the default, works on most hardware. This bin mode stores the weighted average value of the new result and the old values.BinMode.FIRST
is used for hardware where only the result of the first acquisition in a Schedule is stored, e.g. for a Trace acquisition with Qblox QTM modules.t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
- class TriggerCount(port: str, clock: str, duration: float, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, t0: float = 0, fine_start_delay: float = 0, fine_end_delay: float = 0)[source]#
Trigger counting acquisition protocol returning an integer.
The trigger acquisition mode is used to measure how many times the trigger level is surpassed. The level is set in the hardware configuration.
The exact duration of this operation, and the possible bin modes may depend on the control hardware. Please consult your hardware vendor’s Reference guide for more information.
- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration – The duration of the operation in seconds.
acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “distribution” which stores the count value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.APPEND.
t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
fine_start_delay – Delays the start of the acquisition by the given amount in seconds. Does not delay the start time of the operation in the schedule. If the hardware supports it, this parameter can be used to shift the acquisition window by a small amount of time, independent of the hardware instruction timing grid. Currently only implemented for Qblox QTM modules, which allow only positive values for this parameter. By default 0.
fine_end_delay – Delays the end of the pulse by the given amount in seconds. Does not delay the end time of the operation in the schedule. If the hardware supports it, this parameter can be used to shift the acquisition window by a small amount of time, independent of the hardware instruction timing grid. Currently only implemented for Qblox QTM modules, which allow only positive values for this parameter. By default 0.
- class WeightedIntegratedSeparated(waveform_a: dict[str, Any], waveform_b: dict[str, Any], port: str, clock: str, duration: float, acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, phase: float = 0, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Weighted integration acquisition protocol where two sets weights are applied separately to the real and imaginary parts of the signal.
Weights are applied as:
\[\widetilde{A} = \int \mathrm{Re}(S(t))\cdot W_A(t) \mathrm{d}t\]\[\widetilde{B} = \int \mathrm{Im}(S(t))\cdot W_B(t) \mathrm{d}t\]- Parameters:
waveform_a – The complex waveform used as integration weights \(W_A(t)\).
waveform_b – The complex waveform used as integration weights \(W_B(t)\).
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
duration – The acquisition duration in seconds.
acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a device element idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the weighted average value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.APPEND.
phase – The phase of the pulse and acquisition in degrees, by default 0.
t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
- Raises:
- class WeightedThresholdedAcquisition(port: str, clock: str, weights_a: list[complex] | numpy.ndarray, weights_b: list[complex] | numpy.ndarray, weights_sampling_rate: float = 1000000000.0, interpolation: str = 'linear', acq_channel: int = 0, acq_index: int = 0, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str = BinMode.APPEND, phase: float = 0, t0: float = 0, feedback_trigger_label: str | None = None, acq_rotation: float = 0, acq_threshold: float = 0)[source]#
Subclass of
but Thresholded.Acquisition protocol allowing to control rotation and threshold.
This acquisition protocol is similar to the
acquisition protocol, but the complex result is now rotated and thresholded to produce a “0” or a “1”, as controlled by the parameters for rotation angle <qubit>.measure.acq_rotation and threshold value <qubit>.measure.acq_threshold in the device configuration (see example below).The rotation angle and threshold value for each qubit can be set through the device configuration.
Thresholded acquisition is currently only supported by the Qblox backend.
- Parameters:
port – The acquisition port.
clock – The clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
weights_a – The list of complex values used as weights \(A(t)\) on the incoming complex signal.
weights_b – The list of complex values used as weights \(B(t)\) on the incoming complex signal.
weights_sampling_rate – The rate with which the weights have been sampled, in Hz. By default equal to 1 GHz. Note that during hardware compilation, the weights will be resampled with the sampling rate supported by the target hardware.
t – The time values of each weight. This parameter is deprecated in favor of
. If a value is provided fort
, theweights_sampling_rate
parameter will be ignored.interpolation – The type of interpolation to use, by default “linear”. This argument is passed to
.acq_channel – The data channel in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “where” information of the measurement, which typically corresponds to a qubit idx.
acq_index – The data register in which the acquisition is stored, by default 0. Describes the “when” information of the measurement, used to label or tag individual measurements in a large circuit. Typically corresponds to the setpoints of a schedule (e.g., tau in a T1 experiment).
bin_mode – Describes what is done when data is written to a register that already contains a value. Options are “append” which appends the result to the list or “average” which stores the weighted average value of the new result and the old register value, by default BinMode.APPEND.
phase – The phase of the pulse and acquisition in degrees, by default 0.
t0 – The acquisition start time in seconds, by default 0.
feedback_trigger_label (str) – The label corresponding to the feedback trigger, which is mapped by the compiler to a feedback trigger address on hardware, by default None.
- class ConditionalOperation(body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule, qubit_name: str, t0: float = 0.0, hardware_buffer_time: float = 0.0)[source]#
Conditional over another operation.
If a preceding thresholded acquisition on
results in a “1”, the body will be executed, otherwise it will generate a wait time that is equal to the time of the subschedule, to ensure the absolute timing of later operations remains consistent.- Parameters:
body – Operation to be conditionally played
qubit_name – Name of the device element on which the body will be conditioned
t0 – Time offset, by default 0
hardware_buffer_time – Time buffer, by default 0
A conditional reset can be implemented as follows:
# relevant imports from quantify_scheduler import Schedule from quantify_scheduler.operations import ConditionalOperation, Measure, X # define conditional reset as a Schedule conditional_reset = Schedule("conditional reset") conditional_reset.add(Measure("q0", feedback_trigger_label="q0")) conditional_reset.add( ConditionalOperation(body=X("q0"), qubit_name="q0"), rel_time=364e-9, )
{'name': 'ed8c84e9-6bed-484c-9ee2-6c8a9bdec42c', 'operation_id': '8917797872331930729', 'timing_constraints': [{'rel_time': 3.64e-07, 'ref_schedulable': None, 'ref_pt_new': None, 'ref_pt': None}], 'label': 'ed8c84e9-6bed-484c-9ee2-6c8a9bdec42c'}
Added in version 0.22.0: For some hardware specific implementations, a
might be required to ensure the correct timing of the operations. This will be added to the duration of thebody
to prevent overlap with other operations.- property body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule#
Body of a control flow.
- class ControlFlowOperation(name: str)[source]#
Control flow operation that can be used as an
.This is an abstract class. Each concrete implementation of the control flow operation decides how and when their
operation is executed.- property body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule#
- Abstractmethod:
Body of a control flow.
- class ControlFlowSpec[source]#
Control flow specification to be used at
.The users can specify any concrete control flow with the
argument toSchedule.add
. TheControlFlowSpec
is only a type which by itself cannot be used for thecontrol_flow
argument, use any concrete control flow derived from it.- abstract create_operation(body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule) quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule [source]#
Transform the control flow specification to an operation or schedule.
- class LoopOperation(body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule, repetitions: int, t0: float = 0.0)[source]#
Loop over another operation predefined times.
Repeats the operation defined in
times. The actual implementation depends on the backend.- Parameters:
body – Operation to be repeated
repetitions – Number of repetitions
t0 – Time offset, by default 0
- property body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule#
Body of a control flow.
- class CNOT(qC: str, qT: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
Conditional-NOT gate, a common entangling gate.
Performs an X gate on the target qubit qT conditional on the state of the control qubit qC.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}\mathrm{CNOT} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qC – The control device element.
qT – The target device element
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class CZ(qC: str, qT: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
Conditional-phase gate, a common entangling gate.
Performs a Z gate on the target device element qT conditional on the state of the control device element qC.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}\mathrm{CZ} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qC – The control device element.
qT – The target device element
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class X90(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of 90 degrees around the X-axis.
It is identical to the Rxy gate with theta=90 and phi=0
Defined by the unitary:
\[\begin{split}X90 = R_{X90} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & -i \\ -i & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class Y90(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of 90 degrees around the Y-axis.
It is identical to the Rxy gate with theta=90 and phi=90
Defined by the unitary:
\[\begin{split}Y90 = R_{Y90} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & -1 \\ 1 & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class Z90(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of 90 degrees around the Z-axis.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}Z90 = R_{Z90} = e^{-\frac{\pi/2}{2}}S = e^{-\frac{\pi/2}{2}}\sqrt{Z} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix} 1-i & 0 \\ 0 & 1+i \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class H(*qubits: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit Hadamard gate.
Note that the gate uses \(R_z(\pi) = -iZ\), adding a global phase of \(-\pi/2\). This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}H = Y90 \cdot Z = \frac{-i}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & -1 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class Measure(*qubits: str, acq_channel: collections.abc.Hashable | None = None, acq_index: tuple[int, Ellipsis] | int | None = None, acq_protocol: Literal['SSBIntegrationComplex', 'Timetag', 'TimetagTrace', 'Trace', 'TriggerCount', 'ThresholdedTriggerCount', 'NumericalSeparatedWeightedIntegration', 'NumericalWeightedIntegration', 'ThresholdedAcquisition'] | None = None, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | str | None = None, feedback_trigger_label: str | None = None, **device_overrides)[source]#
A projective measurement in the Z-basis.
The measurement is compiled according to the type of acquisition specified in the device configuration.
Strictly speaking this is not a gate as it can not be described by a unitary.
- Parameters:
qubits – The device elements you want to measure.
acq_channel – Only for special use cases. By default (if None): the acquisition channel specified in the device element is used. If set, this acquisition channel is used for this measurement.
acq_index – Index of the register where the measurement is stored. If None specified, this defaults to writing the result of all device elements to acq_index 0. By default None.
acq_protocol ("SSBIntegrationComplex" | "Trace" | "TriggerCount" | "NumericalSeparatedWeightedIntegration" | "NumericalWeightedIntegration" | None, optional) – Acquisition protocols that are supported. If
is specified, the default protocol is chosen based on the device and backend configuration. By default None.bin_mode – The binning mode that is to be used. If not None, it will overwrite the binning mode used for Measurements in the circuit-to-device compilation step. By default None.
feedback_trigger_label (str) – The label corresponding to the feedback trigger, which is mapped by the compiler to a feedback trigger address on hardware, by default None.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class Reset(*qubits: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
Reset a qubit to the \(|0\rangle\) state.
The Reset gate is an idle operation that is used to initialize one or more qubits.
Strictly speaking this is not a gate as it can not be described by a unitary.
The operation can be used in several ways:
from quantify_scheduler.operations.gate_library import Reset reset_1 = Reset("q0") reset_2 = Reset("q1", "q2") reset_3 = Reset(*[f"q{i}" for i in range(3, 6)])
- Parameters:
qubits – The device element(s) to reset. NB one or more device element can be specified, e.g.,
,Reset("q0", "q1", "q2")
, etc..device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class Rxy(theta: float, phi: float, qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation around an axis in the equator of the Bloch sphere.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary as defined in https://doi.org/10.1109/TQE.2020.2965810:
\[\begin{split}\mathsf {R}_{xy} \left(\theta, \varphi\right) = \begin{bmatrix} \textrm {cos}(\theta /2) & -ie^{-i\varphi }\textrm {sin}(\theta /2) \\ -ie^{i\varphi }\textrm {sin}(\theta /2) & \textrm {cos}(\theta /2) \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
theta – Rotation angle in degrees, will be casted to the [-180, 180) domain.
phi – Phase of the rotation axis, will be casted to the [0, 360) domain.
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class Rz(theta: float, qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation about the Z-axis of the Bloch sphere.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary as defined in https://www.quantum-inspire.com/kbase/rz-gate/:
\[\begin{split}\mathsf {R}_{z} \left(\theta\right) = \begin{bmatrix} e^{-i\theta/2} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i\theta/2} \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
theta – Rotation angle in degrees, will be cast to the [-180, 180) domain.
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class S(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of 90 degrees around the Z-axis.
This implements an \(S\) gate up to a global phase. Therefore, this operation is a direct alias of the Z90 operations
This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}R_{Z90} = e^{-i\frac{\pi}{4}}S = e^{-i\frac{\pi}{4}}\sqrt{Z} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix} 1-i & 0 \\ 0 & 1+i \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class SDagger(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of -90 degrees around the Z-axis.
Implements \(S^\dagger\) up to a global phase.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}R_{Z270} = e^{\frac{\pi}{4}}S^\dagger = e^{\frac{\pi}{4}}\sqrt{Z}^\dagger = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix} 1+i & 0 \\ 0 & 1-i \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class T(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of 45 degrees around the Z-axis.
Implements \(T\) up to a global phase.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}R_{Z45} = e^{-\frac{\pi}{8}}T = e^{-\frac{\pi}{8}}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{1+i}{\sqrt{2}} \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class TDagger(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of -45 degrees around the Z-axis.
Implements \(T^\dagger\) up to a global phase.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}R_{Z315} = e^{\frac{\pi}{8}}T^\dagger = e^{\frac{\pi}{8}}\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{1-i}{\sqrt{2}} \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class X(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of 180 degrees around the X-axis.
This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}X180 = R_{X180} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i \\ -i & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class Y(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of 180 degrees around the Y-axis.
It is identical to the Rxy gate with theta=180 and phi=90
Defined by the unitary:
\[\begin{split}Y180 = R_{Y180} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -1 \\ 1 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class Z(qubit: str, **device_overrides)[source]#
A single qubit rotation of 180 degrees around the Z-axis.
Note that the gate implements \(R_z(\pi) = -iZ\), adding a global phase of \(-\pi/2\). This operation can be represented by the following unitary:
\[\begin{split}Z180 = R_{Z180} = -iZ = e^{-\frac{\pi}{2}}Z = \begin{bmatrix} -i & 0 \\ 0 & i \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]- Parameters:
qubit – The target device element.
device_overrides – Device level parameters that override device configuration values when compiling from circuit to device level.
- class ChargeReset(*qubits: str)[source]#
Prepare a NV to its negative charge state NV$^-$.
Create a new instance of ChargeReset operation that is used to initialize the charge state of an NV center.
- Parameters:
qubit – The qubit to charge-reset. NB one or more qubits can be specified, e.g.,
,ChargeReset("qe0", "qe1", "qe2")
, etc..
- class CRCount(*qubits: str, acq_channel: collections.abc.Hashable | None = None, acq_index: tuple[int, Ellipsis] | int | None = None, acq_protocol: Literal['Trace', 'TriggerCount', None] = None, bin_mode: quantify_scheduler.enums.BinMode | None = None)[source]#
Operate ionization and spin pump lasers for charge and resonance counting.
Gate level description for an optical CR count measurement.
The measurement is compiled according to the type of acquisition specified in the device configuration.
- Parameters:
qubits – The qubits you want to measure
acq_channel – Only for special use cases. By default (if None): the acquisition channel specified in the device element is used. If set, this acquisition channel is used for this measurement.
acq_index – Index of the register where the measurement is stored. If None specified, it will default to a list of zeros of len(qubits)
acq_protocol – Acquisition protocol (currently
) are supported. IfNone
is specified, the default protocol is chosen based on the device and backend configuration.bin_mode – The binning mode that is to be used. If not None, it will overwrite the binning mode used for Measurements in the quantum-circuit to quantum-device compilation step.
- class Operation(name: str)[source]#
A representation of quantum circuit operations.
class is a JSON-compatible data structure that contains information on how to represent the operation on the quantum-circuit and/or the quantum-device layer. It also contains information on where the operation should be applied: theResource
s used.An operation always has the following attributes:
duration (float): duration of the operation in seconds (can be 0).
hash (str): an auto generated unique identifier.
name (str): a readable identifier, does not have to be unique.
An Operation can contain information on several levels of abstraction. This information is used when different representations are required. Note that when initializing an operation not all of this information needs to be available as operations are typically modified during the compilation steps.
comes with agate_library
and apulse_library
, both containing common operations.JSON schema of a valid Operation
JSON schema for a quantify sequencer operation.
A unitary matrix describing the operation.
Defines what class of operations this gate refers to (e.g. Rxy, CZ etc.).
Deprecated. A list of strings indicating the qubits the gate acts on. Valid qubits are strings that appear in the device_config.json file.
A list of strings indicating the device_elements the gate acts on. Valid device_elements are strings that appear in the device_config.json file.
A boolean to indicate whether a two device elements is symmetric. This is used in the device config compilation stage. By default, it is set as False
latex snippet for plotting
reference to a function for plotting this operation. If not specified, defaults to using
string / null
A list containing the pulses that are part of the operation
Info to generate an individual pulse.
A string specifying the port used by the pulse.
string / null
A string specifying the clock used to modulate the pulse.
reference to a function to generate the pulse of this operation.
string / null
Starting time of the pulse with respect to the start of the operation in seconds.
The duration of the pulse in seconds.
A list containing the acquisitions that are part of the operation
Info to generate an individual acquisition.
A string specifying the port used by the acquisition.
A string specifying the clock used to demodulate the acquisition.
Starting time of the pulse with respect to the start of the operation in seconds.
The duration of the acquisition in seconds.
The acquisition channel to use.
The acquisition index where to store the result of the acquisition protocol.
Describes the return type of an acquisition performed using this protocol.
Not Implemented.
Two different Operations containing the same information generate the same hash and are considered identical.
- schema_filename = 'operation.json'#
- _class_signature = None#
- property duration: float#
Determine operation duration from pulse_info.
If the operation contains no pulse info, it is assumed to be ideal and have zero duration.
- property hash: str#
A hash based on the contents of the Operation.
Needs to be a str for easy compatibility with json.
- classmethod _get_signature(parameters: dict) str [source]#
Returns the constructor call signature of this instance for serialization.
The string constructor representation can be used to recreate the object using eval(signature).
- Parameters:
parameters (dict) – The current data dictionary.
- Returns:
- add_gate_info(gate_operation: Operation) None [source]#
Updates self.data[‘gate_info’] with contents of gate_operation.
- Parameters:
gate_operation – an operation containing gate_info.
- add_device_representation(device_operation: Operation) None [source]#
Adds device-level representation details to the current operation.
- Parameters:
device_operation – an operation containing the pulse_info and/or acquisition info describing how to represent the current operation at the quantum-device layer.
- add_pulse(pulse_operation: Operation) None [source]#
Adds pulse_info of pulse_operation Operation to this Operation.
- Parameters:
pulse_operation – an operation containing pulse_info.
- add_acquisition(acquisition_operation: Operation) None [source]#
Adds acquisition_info of acquisition_operation Operation to this Operation.
- Parameters:
acquisition_operation – an operation containing acquisition_info.
- get_used_port_clocks() set[tuple[str, str]] [source]#
Extracts which port-clock combinations are used in this operation.
- Returns:
: All (port, clock) combinations this operation uses.
- classmethod is_valid(object_to_be_validated: Operation) bool [source]#
Validates the object’s contents against the schema.
Additionally, checks if the hash property of the object evaluates correctly.
- property valid_gate: bool#
An operation is a valid gate if it has gate-level representation details.
- property valid_pulse: bool#
An operation is a valid pulse if it has pulse-level representation details.
- property valid_acquisition: bool#
An operation is a valid acquisition if it has pulse-level acquisition representation details.
- property is_conditional_acquisition: bool#
An operation is conditional if one of the following holds,
is an an acquisition with afeedback_trigger_label
assigned to it.
- class PulseCompensation(body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule, qubits: str | collections.abc.Iterable[str] | None = None, max_compensation_amp: dict[Port, float] | None = None, time_grid: float | None = None, sampling_rate: float | None = None)[source]#
Apply pulse compensation to an operation or schedule.
Inserts a pulse at the end of the operation or schedule set in
for each port. The compensation pulses are calculated so that the integral of all pulses (including the compensation pulses) are zero for each port. Moreover, the compensating pulses are square pulses, and start just after the last pulse on each port individually, and their maximum amplitude is the one specified in themax_compensation_amp
. Their duration is divisible byduration_grid
. The clock is assumed to be the baseband clock; any other clock is not allowed.- Parameters:
body – Operation to be pulse-compensated
qubits – For circuit-level operations, this is a list of device element names.
max_compensation_amp – Dictionary for each port the maximum allowed amplitude for the compensation pulse.
time_grid – Grid time of the duration of the compensation pulse.
sampling_rate – Sampling rate for pulse integration calculation.
- property body: quantify_scheduler.operations.operation.Operation | quantify_scheduler.schedules.schedule.Schedule#
Body of a pulse compensation.
- composite_square_pulse(square_amp: float, square_duration: float, square_port: str, square_clock: str, virt_z_parent_qubit_phase: float, virt_z_parent_qubit_clock: str, virt_z_child_qubit_phase: float, virt_z_child_qubit_clock: str, reference_magnitude: quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, t0: float = 0) quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.SquarePulse [source]#
An example composite pulse to implement a CZ gate.
It applies the square pulse and then corrects for the phase shifts on both the device elements.
- Parameters:
square_amp – Amplitude of the square envelope.
square_duration – The square pulse duration in seconds.
square_port – Port of the pulse, must be capable of playing a complex waveform.
square_clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse.
virt_z_parent_qubit_phase – The phase shift in degrees applied to the parent qubit.
virt_z_parent_qubit_clock – The clock of which to shift the phase applied to the parent qubit.
virt_z_child_qubit_phase – The phase shift in degrees applied to the child qubit.
virt_z_child_qubit_clock – The clock of which to shift the phase applied to the child qubit.
reference_magnitude (
,) – Optional scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
- Returns:
: SquarePulse operation.
- non_implemented_pulse(**kwargs) quantify_scheduler.schedules.Schedule [source]#
Raise an error indicating that the requested gate or pulse is not implemented.
- nv_spec_pulse_mw(duration: float, amplitude: float, clock: str, port: str, pulse_shape: Literal['SquarePulse', 'SkewedHermitePulse', 'GaussPulse'], reference_magnitude: quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None = None) quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.SquarePulse | quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.SkewedHermitePulse | quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.GaussPulse [source]#
Generate a microwave pulse for spectroscopy experiments.
The pulse can take one of three shapes: Square, Skewed Hermite, or Gaussian, based on the specified pulse_shape. This function supports frequency-modulated pulses for spectroscopy applications.
- Parameters:
duration (float) – Duration of the pulse, in seconds.
amplitude (float) – Amplitude of the pulse.
clock (str) – Name of the clock used for frequency modulation.
port (str) – Name of the port where the pulse is applied.
pulse_shape (Literal["SquarePulse", "SkewedHermitePulse", "GaussPulse"]) – Shape of the pulse. The default is “SquarePulse”.
reference_magnitude (pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None, optional) – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. If not provided, settings from the hardware configuration are used.
- Returns:
pulse_library.SquarePulse | pulse_library.SkewedHermitePulse | pulse_library.GaussPulse The generated pulse operation based on the specified shape and parameters.
- phase_shift(theta: float, clock: str) quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ShiftClockPhase [source]#
Generate a
that shifts the phase of theclock
by an angle theta.- Parameters:
theta – Angle to shift the clock by, in degrees.
clock – Name of the clock to shift.
- Returns:
: ShiftClockPhase operation.
- rxy_drag_pulse(amp180: float, motzoi: float, theta: float, phi: float, port: str, duration: float, clock: str, reference_magnitude: quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None = None) quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.DRAGPulse [source]#
Generate a
that achieves the right rotation angletheta
based on a calibrated pi-pulse amplitude and motzoi parameter based on linear interpolation of the pulse amplitudes.- Parameters:
amp180 – Unitless amplitude of excitation pulse to get the maximum 180 degree theta.
motzoi – Unitless amplitude of the derivative component, the DRAG-pulse parameter.
theta – Angle in degrees to rotate around an equatorial axis on the Bloch sphere.
phi – Phase of the pulse in degrees.
port – Name of the port where the pulse is played.
duration – Duration of the pulse in seconds.
clock – Name of the clock used to modulate the pulse.
reference_magnitude (
,) – Optional scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
- Returns:
: DRAGPulse operation.
- rxy_gauss_pulse(amp180: float, theta: float, phi: float, port: str, duration: float, clock: str, reference_magnitude: quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None = None) quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.GaussPulse [source]#
Generate a Gaussian drive with
that achieves the right rotation angletheta
based on a calibrated pi-pulse amplitude.- Parameters:
amp180 – Unitless amplitude of excitation pulse to get the maximum 180 degree theta.
theta – Angle in degrees to rotate around an equatorial axis on the Bloch sphere.
phi – Phase of the pulse in degrees.
port – Name of the port where the pulse is played.
duration – Duration of the pulse in seconds.
clock – Name of the clock used to modulate the pulse.
reference_magnitude (
,) – Optional scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
- Returns:
: GaussPulse operation.
- rxy_pulse(amp180: float, skewness: float, theta: float, phi: float, port: str, duration: float, clock: str, pulse_shape: Literal['SkewedHermitePulse', 'GaussPulse'], reference_magnitude: quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None = None) quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.SkewedHermitePulse | quantify_scheduler.operations.pulse_library.GaussPulse [source]#
Generate a Hermite or Gaussian drive pulse for a specified rotation on the Bloch sphere.
The pulse achieves the desired rotation angle
using a calibrated pi-pulse amplitudeamp180
. The shape of the pulse can be either a skewed Hermite pulse or a Gaussian pulse, depending on the specified pulse_shape.- Parameters:
amp180 (float) – Unitless amplitude of the excitation pulse for a 180-degree rotation.
skewness (float) – Amplitude correction for the Hermite pulse. A value of 0 results in a standard Hermite pulse.
theta (float) – Rotation angle around an equatorial axis on the Bloch sphere, in degrees.
phi (float) – Phase of the pulse, in degrees.
port (str) – Name of the port where the pulse will be played.
duration (float) – Duration of the pulse, in seconds.
clock (str) – Name of the clock used to modulate the pulse.
pulse_shape (Literal["SkewedHermitePulse", "GaussPulse"]) – Shape of the pulse to be generated.
reference_magnitude (pulse_library.ReferenceMagnitude | None, optional) – Reference magnitude for hardware configuration. If not provided, defaults to None.
- Returns:
pulse_library.SkewedHermitePulse | pulse_library.GaussPulse The generated pulse operation based on the specified shape and parameters.
- spin_init_pulse(square_duration: float, ramp_diff: float, parent_port: str, parent_clock: str, parent_square_amp: float, parent_ramp_amp: float, parent_ramp_rate: float, child_port: str, child_clock: str, child_square_amp: float, child_ramp_amp: float, child_ramp_rate: float) quantify_scheduler.schedules.Schedule [source]#
Device compilation of the spin init operation.
- class ChirpPulse(amp: float, duration: float, port: str, clock: str, start_freq: float, end_freq: float, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
A linear chirp signal. A sinusoidal signal that ramps up in frequency.
- Parameters:
amp – Unitless amplitude of the envelope.
duration – Duration of the pulse.
port – The port of the pulse.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse.
start_freq – Start frequency of the Chirp. Note that this is the frequency at which the waveform is calculated, this may differ from the clock frequency.
end_freq – End frequency of the Chirp.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
t0 – Shift of the start time with respect to the start of the operation.
- class DRAGPulse(G_amp: float, D_amp: float, phase: float, duration: float, port: str, clock: str, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, sigma: float | None = None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
A Gaussian pulse with a derivative component added to the out-of-phase channel. It uses the specified amplitude and sigma. If sigma is not specified it is set to 1/4 of the duration.
The DRAG pulse is intended for single qubit gates in transmon based systems. It can be calibrated to reduce unwanted excitations of the \(|1\rangle - |2\rangle\) transition (Motzoi et al. [MGRW09] and Gambetta et al. [GMMW11]).
The waveform is generated using
.- Parameters:
G_amp – Unitless amplitude of the Gaussian envelope.
D_amp – Unitless amplitude of the derivative component, the DRAG-pulse parameter.
duration – The pulse duration in seconds.
phase – Phase of the pulse in degrees.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse.
port – Port of the pulse, must be capable of carrying a complex waveform.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
sigma – Width of the Gaussian envelope in seconds. If not provided, the sigma is set to 1/4 of the duration.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
- class GaussPulse(G_amp: float, phase: float, duration: float, port: str, clock: str = BasebandClockResource.IDENTITY, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, sigma: float | None = None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
The GaussPulse Operation is a real-valued pulse with the specified amplitude and sigma. If sigma is not specified it is set to 1/4 of the duration.
The waveform is generated using
with a D_amp set to zero, corresponding to a Gaussian pulse.- Parameters:
G_amp – Unitless amplitude of the Gaussian envelope.
duration – The pulse duration in seconds.
phase – Phase of the pulse in degrees.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse. By default the baseband clock.
port – Port of the pulse, must be capable of carrying a complex waveform.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
sigma – Width of the Gaussian envelope in seconds. If not provided, the sigma is set to 1/4 of the duration.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
- class IdlePulse(duration: float)[source]#
The IdlePulse Operation is a placeholder for a specified duration of time.
- Parameters:
duration – The duration of idle time in seconds.
- class MarkerPulse(duration: float, port: str, t0: float = 0, clock: str = DigitalClockResource.IDENTITY, fine_start_delay: float = 0, fine_end_delay: float = 0)[source]#
Digital pulse that is HIGH for the specified duration.
Marker pulse is played on marker output. Currently only implemented for Qblox backend.
- Parameters:
duration – Duration of the HIGH signal.
port – Name of the associated port.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
clock – Name of the associated clock. By default
. This only needs to be specified if a custom clock name is used for a digital channel (for example, when a port-clock combination of a device element is used with a digital channel).fine_start_delay – Delays the start of the pulse by the given amount in seconds. Does not delay the start time of the operation in the schedule. If the hardware supports it, this parameter can be used to shift the pulse by a small amount of time, independent of the hardware instruction timing grid. Currently only implemented for Qblox QTM modules, which allow only positive values for this parameter. By default 0.
fine_end_delay – Delays the end of the pulse by the given amount in seconds. Does not delay the end time of the operation in the schedule. If the hardware supports it, this parameter can be used to shift the pulse by a small amount of time, independent of the hardware instruction timing grid. Currently only implemented for Qblox QTM modules, which allow only positive values for this parameter. By default 0.
- class NumericalPulse(samples: numpy.ndarray | list, t_samples: numpy.ndarray | list, port: str, clock: str = BasebandClockResource.IDENTITY, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, t0: float = 0, interpolation: str = 'linear')[source]#
A pulse where the shape is determined by specifying an array of (complex) points.
If points are required between the specified samples (such as could be required by the sampling rate of the hardware), meaning \(t[n] < t' < t[n+1]\), scipy.interpolate.interp1d will be used to interpolate between the two points and determine the value.
- Parameters:
samples – An array of (possibly complex) values specifying the shape of the pulse.
t_samples – An array of values specifying the corresponding times at which the
are evaluated.port – The port that the pulse should be played on.
clock – Clock used to (de)modulate the pulse. By default the baseband clock.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless samples. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
interpolation – Specifies the type of interpolation used. This is passed as the “kind” argument to scipy.interpolate.interp1d.
- class RampPulse(amp: float, duration: float, port: str, clock: str = BasebandClockResource.IDENTITY, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, offset: float = 0, t0: float = 0)[source]#
RampPulse Operation is a pulse that ramps from zero to a set amplitude over its duration.
The pulse is given as a function of time \(t\) and the parameters offset and amplitude by
\[P(t) = \mathrm{offset} + t \times \mathrm{amp}.\]- Parameters:
amp – Unitless amplitude of the ramp envelope function.
duration – The pulse duration in seconds.
offset – Starting point of the ramp pulse
port – Port of the pulse.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse. By default the baseband clock.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
- class ReferenceMagnitude[source]#
Dataclass defining a reference level for pulse amplitudes in units of ‘V’, ‘dBm’, or ‘A’.
- unit: Literal['V', 'dBm', 'A']#
- classmethod from_parameter(parameter: qcodes.InstrumentChannel) ReferenceMagnitude | None [source]#
Initialize from ReferenceMagnitude QCoDeS InstrumentChannel values.
- class ResetClockPhase(clock: str, t0: float = 0)[source]#
An operation that resets the phase of a clock.
- Parameters:
clock – The clock of which to reset the phase.
- class SetClockFrequency(clock: str, clock_freq_new: float | None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Operation that sets updates the frequency of a clock.
This is a low-level operation and therefore depends on the backend.
Currently only implemented for Qblox backend, refer to
for more details.- Parameters:
clock – The clock for which a new frequency is to be set.
clock_freq_new – The new frequency in Hz. If None, it will reset to the clock frequency set by the configuration or resource.
t0 – Time in seconds when to execute the command relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
duration – (deprecated) The duration of the operation in seconds.
- class ShiftClockPhase(phase_shift: float, clock: str, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Operation that shifts the phase of a clock by a specified amount.
This is a low-level operation and therefore depends on the backend.
Currently only implemented for Qblox backend, refer to
for more details.- Parameters:
phase_shift – The phase shift in degrees.
clock – The clock of which to shift the phase.
t0 – Time in seconds when to execute the command relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
duration – (deprecated) The duration of the operation in seconds.
- class SkewedHermitePulse(duration: float, amplitude: float, skewness: float, phase: float, port: str, clock: str, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
Hermite pulse intended for single qubit gates in diamond based systems.
The waveform is generated using
.- Parameters:
duration – The pulse duration in seconds.
amplitude – Unitless amplitude of the hermite pulse.
skewness – Skewness in the frequency space.
phase – Phase of the pulse in degrees.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse.
port – Port of the pulse, must be capable of carrying a complex waveform.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule. By default 0.
- class SoftSquarePulse(amp: float, duration: float, port: str, clock: str = BasebandClockResource.IDENTITY, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
A real valued square pulse convolved with a Hann window for smoothing.
- Parameters:
amp – Unitless amplitude of the envelope.
duration – The pulse duration in seconds.
port – Port of the pulse, must be capable of playing a complex waveform.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse. By default the baseband clock.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
- class SquarePulse(amp: complex, duration: float, port: str, clock: str = BasebandClockResource.IDENTITY, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
A real-valued pulse with the specified amplitude during the pulse.
- Parameters:
amp – Unitless complex valued amplitude of the envelope.
duration – The pulse duration in seconds.
port – Port of the pulse, must be capable of playing a complex waveform.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse. By default the baseband clock.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
- class StaircasePulse(start_amp: float, final_amp: float, num_steps: int, duration: float, port: str, clock: str = BasebandClockResource.IDENTITY, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
A real valued staircase pulse, which reaches it’s final amplitude in discrete steps.
In between it will maintain a plateau.
- Parameters:
start_amp – Starting unitless amplitude of the staircase envelope function.
final_amp – Final unitless amplitude of the staircase envelope function.
num_steps – The number of plateaus.
duration – Duration of the pulse in seconds.
port – Port of the pulse.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse. By default the baseband clock.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
- class SuddenNetZeroPulse(amp_A: float, amp_B: float, net_zero_A_scale: float, t_pulse: float, t_phi: float, t_integral_correction: float, port: str, clock: str = BasebandClockResource.IDENTITY, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None, t0: float = 0)[source]#
A pulse that can be used to implement a conditional phase gate in transmon device elements.
The sudden net-zero (SNZ) pulse is defined in Negîrneac et al. [NAM+21].
- Parameters:
amp_A – Unitless amplitude of the main square pulse.
amp_B – Unitless scaling correction for the final sample of the first square and first sample of the second square pulse.
net_zero_A_scale – Amplitude scaling correction factor of the negative arm of the net-zero pulse.
t_pulse – The total duration of the two half square pulses
t_phi – The idling duration between the two half pulses
t_integral_correction – The duration in which any non-zero pulse amplitude needs to be corrected.
port – Port of the pulse, must be capable of playing a complex waveform.
clock – Clock used to modulate the pulse. By default the baseband clock.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
t0 – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
- class Timestamp(port: str, t0: float = 0, clock: str = DigitalClockResource.IDENTITY)[source]#
Operation that marks a time reference for timetags.
Specifically, all timetags in
are measured relative to the timing of this operation, if they have a matching port and clock, and iftime_ref=TimeRef.TIMESTAMP
is given as an argument.- Parameters:
port – The same port that the timetag acquisition is defined on.
clock – The same clock that the timetag acquisition is defined on.
t0 – Time offset (in seconds) of this Operation, relative to the start time in the Schedule. By default 0.
- class VoltageOffset(offset_path_I: float, offset_path_Q: float, port: str, clock: str = BasebandClockResource.IDENTITY, t0: float = 0, reference_magnitude: ReferenceMagnitude | None = None)[source]#
Operation that represents setting a constant offset to the output voltage.
Please refer to Voltage offsets in the reference guide for more details.
- Parameters:
offset_path_I (float) – Offset of path I.
offset_path_Q (float) – Offset of path Q.
port (str) – Port of the voltage offset.
clock (str, optional) – Clock used to modulate the voltage offset. By default the baseband clock.
duration (float, optional) – (deprecated) The time to hold the offset for (in seconds).
t0 (float, optional) – Time in seconds when to start the pulses relative to the start time of the Operation in the Schedule.
reference_magnitude – Scaling value and unit for the unitless amplitude. Uses settings in hardware config if not provided.
- class WindowOperation(window_name: str, duration: float, t0: float = 0.0)[source]#
The WindowOperation is an operation for visualization purposes.
has a starting time and duration.